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ACCT418 Data Modelling & Visualization: Instructor

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SMU Classification: Restricted

Data Modelling & Visualization


Clarence GOH

Course Prerequisites

ACCT 101 Financial Accounting

Course Description

Accountants regularly work with large amounts of financial and non-financial data. Data modelling is an
important means through which accountants can analyse such data for trends, patterns, relationships, and
other useful information for decision making. This course will introduce a variety of quantitative techniques
used in the development, implementation, and utilization of analytical data models that accountants
regularly use in decision making. It will cover techniques including regression analysis, trend analysis,
optimization, text analytics, and simulation.

Visualization provides an important means through which accountants can communicate insights obtained
via data modelling to their intended recipients. Well-designed visualisations can improve the memory,
comprehension, and decision making of intended recipients of this information. This course will introduce
students to key principles and techniques for data visualization. Students will create visuals including
dashboards and interactive visualisations for decision making in the accounting context.

Texts and Other Resources


Course notes and selected articles from various sources will be provided.

Other Resources:

MS Excel will be used extensively during the course. Students are to ensure that the following add-ins are
enabled in MS Excel:

1) Power Pivot - https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Start-the-Power-Pivot-in-Microsoft-Excel-

2) Power View - https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Turn-on-Power-View-in-Excel-2016-for-
3) Analysis ToolPak - https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Use-the-Analysis-ToolPak-to-perform-

Mac users may also have to install Bootcamp (from the IT Help Centre) in order to run the add-ins.

Other tools that will be used include Rapid Miner and Tableau.

ACCT418 Data Modelling and Visualization Page 1

SMU Classification: Restricted 


To pass this course, a student is required to obtain a total mark of 50% or better. The assessment
components for this course are:

Class participation 10%

Take home assignments 25%
Group project I 10%
Group project II 20%
Final Exam 35%
Total 100%

Lesson Plan

Class sessions are of three-hour duration per week. The following is a tentative lesson plan:

Week Topic
1 Introduction to data modelling and visualization
2 Data visualization I
3 Data visualization II
4 Preparing a dashboard
5 Regression analysis
6 Time series analysis
7 Optimization
9 Simulation
10 Text analytics
11 Forensic analytics
12 Project presentation
13 Course summary

The detailed course work plan will be announced in class. Note that this schedule is subject to
change. Alternative times or activities will be arranged should they become necessary.

Academic Integrity

All acts of academic dishonesty (including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication,
facilitation of acts of academic dishonesty by others, unauthorized possession of exam
questions, or tampering with the academic work of other students) are serious offences. All
work (whether oral or written) submitted for purposes of assessment must be the student’s
own work. Penalties for violation of the policy range from zero marks for the component
assessment to expulsion, depending on the nature of the offense. When in doubt, students
should consult the instructors of the course. Details on the SMU Code of Academic Integrity
may be accessed at http://www.smuscd.org/resources.html.

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SMU Classification: Restricted 


SMU strives to make learning experiences accessible for all. If you anticipate or experience
physical or academic barriers due to disability, please let me know immediately. You are also
welcome to contact the university's disability services team if you have questions or concerns
about academic provisions: included@smu.edu.sg. Please be aware that the accessible
tables in our seminar room should remain available for students who require them.

Emergency Preparedness for Teaching and Learning (EPTL)

As part of emergency preparedness, Instructors may conduct lessons online via the WebEx
platform during the term, to prepare students for online learning. During an actual emergency,
students will be notified to access the WebEx platform for their online lessons. The class
schedule will mirror the current face-to-face class timetable unless otherwise stated.

Prepared by: Clarence Goh, June 2018

Vetted by: Seow Poh Sun, 19 Jun 2018

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