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as per ISO 14025 and EN 15804

Owner of the Declaration ArcelorMittal Europe-Long Products

Programme holder Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU)
Publisher Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU)
Declaration number EPD-ARM-20160051-IBD3-EN
ECO EPD Ref. No. ECO-00000442
Issue date 20/09/2016
Valid to 19/09/2021

Reinforcing steel in bars


www.ibu-epd.com / https://epd-online.com

Umwelt Produktdeklaration Name des Herstellers – Name des Produkts

1. General Information

ArcelorMittal Reinforcing steel in bars

Programme holder Owner of the Declaration
IBU - Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. ArcelorMittal Europe-Long Products
Panoramastr. 1 66, rue de Luxembourg
10178 Berlin L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette
Germany Luxembourg

Declaration number Declared product / Declared unit

EPD-ARM-20160051-IBD3-EN 1 metric ton of reinforcing steel in bars
This Declaration is based on the Product Scope:
Category Rules: The declaration applies to 1 metric ton of reinforcing
Reinforcing Steel, 07.2014 bar produced by ArcelorMittal
(PCR tested and approved by the SVR) The Life Cycle Assessment is based on data collected
from the four ArcelorMittal plants producing rebar
Issue date (Ostrava in Czech Republic, Jorf Lasfar in Morocco,
20/09/2016 Warsaw in Poland, Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina).
It covers 100% of the annual production from 2015.The
owner of the declaration shall be liable for the
Valid to underlying information and evidence; the IBU shall not
19/09/2021 be liable with respect to manufacturer information, life
cycle assessment data and evidences.
The CEN Norm /EN 15804/ serves as the core PCR
Independent verification of the declaration
according to /ISO 14025/
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst J. Bossenmayer internally x externally
(President of Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.)

Dr. Burkhart Lehmann Dr. Frank Werner

(Managing Director IBU) (Independent verifier appointed by SVR)

2. Product
2.1 Product description / Product definition 305/2011/ applies.
Rebar (Reinforcing Steel in bars, including standard As no harmonized product standard exists, no
rebars, special rebars – Krybar®, rock bolt and tie bars Declaration of Performance and following to that no
- and threaded bars) covers carbon steel for CE-marking may be required.
geotechnical use and the reinforcement of concrete
according to EN10080 standard. The surface of rebars For the application and use of the products the
is patterned to form a better bond with soil and following standards apply: /EN 1992-1-1/, /EN 1992-1-
concrete; in addition the ribs on threaded bars, rock 2/, /EN 1992-2/, /EN 1992-3/.
bolts and tie bars allow for bolting. EN10080 is not yet
a harmonized standard and has to be considered as 2.2 Application
an open standard, i.e. with no steel grades. Therefore, Reinforcement bars are steel rods that are used as a
steel grade might be specified in some national tension device in concrete. Typical applications are in
standards or labels as for instance mentioned in the the construction of buildings, bridges, roads and other
following table. civil works (infrastructures, superstructures, etc.) as
well as mining.

2.3 Technical Data

Delivered product may contain many types of alloys,
depending on the intended performance and
characteristic of the steel product.

Constructional data
Name Value Unit
Tensile strength 483 - 1100 N/mm2
Type of steel (Bar, coil, welded Bar and
fabric, lattice grinders) coils
For the placing on the market in the EU/EFTA (with EAF and
Production route (EAF or BF) -
the exception of Switzerland), /Regulation (EU) No. BOF

2 Environmental Product Declaration ArcelorMittal – Rebar

Weldability <0,79 Ceq basic oxygen furnace (or in a tandem
Yield strength 460 - 900 N/mm2 furnace), blowing oxygen to lower carbon
Surface geometry (fR or PRA) - - content in the steel and obtaining liquid steel
Elongation (Agt) 2,5° - 7,5° % with the required characteristics.
Recycled content 69 %
Fatigue Test Requirements -
Stress level and cycle number - -  Electric arc furnace (EAF) route: Different
depend on local regulation steel scraps are melted in an electric arc
Density 7850 kg/m³ furnace to obtain liquid steel. This steel is
Modulus of elasticity 210000 N/mm² then refined in a ladle furnace with addition of
Coefficient of thermal expansion 12 10^-6K^-1 ferroalloys and metals to obtain the required
Thermal conductivity at 20°C λ 48 W/(mK) steel characteristics.
Melting point depending on the
1536 °C
alloy proportions up to
Bend and Re-bend test According The steel is then cast at a continuous caster to obtain
min. 90 ° semi-finished products as billet or blooms. The semis
to EN ISO 15630-1
are then rolled to the desired size. The rib profile is
rolled onto the bar in the last stand of the rolling
Product standards: /EN 10080/ completed by national process. They are two methods to achieve the required
standards and/or national certifications such as, e.g. mechanical properties in hot rolled bars, either through
National Certifications are provided by notified in-line heat treatment QST (Quenching and Self-
bodies such as /Dibt/ (G), /Ocab/ (B), /Afcab/ (F), Tempering) or by micro-alloying additions. At the end
/Kiwa/ (NL), /Empa/ (Ch), /Aenor/ (SP), /ZETOM/ and of the rolling operation, the rebar is cut to the required
/SIMPTEST/ (Poland), /SNIMA/ (Morocco), /GlobeCert length, generally bundled and labeled.
AB/ (Scandinavian market). for UK, /BS4449/ and
/CARES/, for Germany B500B according to /DIN 488/. 2.7 Environment and health during
2.4 Delivery status Environmental, occupational health, safety and quality
The dimensions of the declared products may vary management are in accordance with the following
according to the intended application (up to 24 m norms:
length).  /ISO 14001/
 /OHSAS 18001/.
2.5 Base materials / Ancillary materials
The base material of rebar products is iron. Alloying
elements are added on the form of ferroalloys or metal, 2.8 Product processing/Installation
the most common element are manganese, chromium Processing the material to its final shapes and length
and vanadium. Other elements like nitrogen or copper has to be done depending on the generally recognized
may be present in the steel. The composition of these rules of engineering and the manufacturer’s
elements depends on the steel designation/grade. recommendations. Standard /EN 1992/ (Eurocode
Substances listed on the /Candidate List of EC2) applies to the design of concrete structures and it
Substances of Very High Concern for Authorization/ by includes all performance requirements such as
the European Chemicals Agency are not contained in durability, bearing capacity, serviceability, fire
the steel in declarable quantities. resistance and so on.
Normal safety measure should be applied during
For reinforcement steel, typical material compositions handling and use of the product. Any instructions from
are given the table below (specific composition may the manufacturer concerning special operations (e.g.
vary). welding) have to be applied.
Residual steel scrap, should be collected as it is 100%

2.9 Packaging
Reinforcing bar is supplied in straight lengths or in
QST – Quenching and Self-Tempering bundles using plastic/steel strapping. The steel strips
CEV – Carbon equivalent value can be recycled after collection and sorting as steel

2.6 Manufacture 2.10 Condition of use

Fabrication standards: /EN 13670/ During use no changes in material composition shall
Quality control: /ISO 9001/ Monitoring according to occur. Maintenance requirement will depend on
the product standards and certifications. specific design and application.

Two different routes to produce steel are used:Blast 2.11 Environment and health during use
furnace (BF) route: Under normal conditions of use, rebar products do not
 In integrated steel production plants, iron ore cause any adverse health effects nor release VOCs to
is used as raw material to prepare sinter, indoor air.
which is later on used in a blast furnace No environmental impact to water, air or soil is
expected due to the extremely low metal release from
together with coke to produce pig iron.
steel and the low maintenance requirements.
Different ferro-alloys, metal alloys, and steel
scraps are added to the liquid pig iron in a

3 Environmental Product Declaration ArcelorMittal – Rebar

2.12 Reference service life Mechanical destruction
Rebar is used in soil or concrete to give additional In case of mechanical destruction, no risks are
mechanical resistance. The lifetime of rebar therefore expected to occur in terms of environment and human
will be limited by the service life of the construction health.
work. Under these circumstances, no RSL according to
the relevant ISO standards can be declared. 2.14 Re-use phase
Reinforcing bars are not reused at end of life but can
2.13 Extraordinary effects be easily separated from the soil/concrete and
recycled into similar steel products.
Recycling and Recovery
Fire protection Steel rebar is 100% recyclable and can be recycled to
Name Value the same (or higher/lower) quality of steel depending
Building material class acc. /EN upon the metallurgy and processing of the recycling
13501-1/ route. Recycling routes are well established and
Burning droplets NA recycling should be preferred as disposal route.
Smoke gas development NA
Unintended contact 2.15 Disposal
Building material class Steel rebar is a valuable resource and therefore should
with water
not be disposed.

Water The European Waste Index code for iron and steel
No environmental impact to water, air or soil is products is 17 04 05.
expected due to the extremely low metal release from
steel and the low maintenance requirements. In case 2.16 Further information
of flooding no impacts are to be expected. Additional information on rebar product can be found at

3. LCA: Calculation rules

3.1 Declared Unit This module takes into account the sorting and
The declaration refers to the functional unit of 1 metric shredding of after-use steel and as well the non-
ton of reinforcing steel bar as specified in Part B recovered scrap due to sorting efficiency which ends
requirements on the EPD for Reinforcing Steel. up in landfilling. Recycling should be understood as the
preferred way to treat the product after use.
Declared unit
Name Value Unit Module D refers to the benefit or burden of net scrap
Declared unit 1 t amount recycled at End-of-Life.
Density 7850 kg/m3
Conversion factor to 1 kg 0.001 - 3.3 Estimates and assumptions
For all input- and output material the actual transport
Reinforcing steel bars are produced by the following distances were applied or assumptions were taken.
four ArcelorMittal plants: Ostrava in Czech Republic,
Jorf Lasfar in Morocco, Warszawa in Poland, and 3.4 Cut-off criteria
Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina. All data reported All information from the data collection process has
are calculated astotal value per site averaged across been considered, covering all used and registered
all production sites based on production volume per materials, thermal energy, electrical energy and diesel
site. consumption. Measurement of onsite emissions took
place and those emissions were considered. The
3.2 System boundary specific emissions that are linked to the provision of
Type of the EPD: cradle-to-gate - with options. thermal and electrical energy were considered in the
Module A1-A3, Module C3 and module D were specific processes.
Data is collected through recommended templates
Modules A1-A3 of the structural steel production developed by worldsteel association and its experts for
include the following LCI purpose /Worldsteel LCA 2011 methodology
· The provision of resources, additives and energy report/. Data for different sites were cross-checked
· Transport of resources and additives to the with one another and with the previous years’ data to
production site identify potential data gaps. No processes, materials or
· Production processes on site including energy, emissions that are known to make a significant
production of additives, disposal of production contribution to the environmental impact of the
residues, and consideration of related emissions. products studied have been omitted. On this basis,
· Recycling of production/manufacturing scrap. Steel there is no evidence to suggest that input or outputs
scrap is assumed to reach the end-of-waste status contributing more than 1% to the overall mass or
once is shredded and sorted, thus becomes input to energy of the system or that are environmentally
the product system in the inventory. significant have been omitted. It can be assumed, that
all neglected processes contribute less than 5% to the
Module C3 impact assessment categories.

4 Environmental Product Declaration ArcelorMittal – Rebar

line with /EN 15804/. The methodology is based on
Note: The required machines for manufacturing and physical allocation and takes account of the manner in
other infrastructure are not considered in the LCA. which changes in inputs and outputs affect the
production of co-products. The method also takes
3.5 Background data account of material flows that carry specific inherent
For life cycle modeling of the considered products, the properties. This method is deemed to provide the most
GaBi 6 Software System for Life Cycle Engineering, representative partitioning of the processes involved.
developed by thinkstep AG, is used /GaBi 6 2015/. The Economic allocation was not considered, as slag is
GaBi-database contains consistent and documented considered a low-value co-product under /EN 15804/,
datasets which can viewed in the online GaBi- however, as neither hot metal nor slag are tradable
documentation /GaBi 6 2013D/. products upon leaving the blast furnace (BF) route,
To ensure comparability of results in the LCA, the economic allocation would most likely be based on
basic data of GaBi database were used for energy, estimates. Similarly blast furnace (BF) slag must
transportation and auxiliary materials. undergo processing before being used as a clinker or
cement substitute. Worldsteel and EUROFER also
3.6 Data quality highlight that companies purchasing and processing
All relevant background datasets are taken from the slag work on long-term contracts which do not follow
/GaBi 6/ software database. regular market dynamics of supply and demand.
Regarding foreground data, this study is based on high
quality of primary data, collected by ArcelorMittal for In some plants system expansion has been used to
the period of 2014. Data were delivered in form of allocate electricity and process steam produced by the
excel tables and manually integrated in the GaBi power plants, This is approach deviates from the
model with 2 iterations of data quality check: standard procedure in EN 15804 as it is not possible to
allocate using the economic basis. This is a
 First iteration is for raw manufacturing data conservative approach as, e.g., the GWP impact of the
 Second iteration is for the cradle-to-gate data electricity generated by the power plant is 10% to
and including End-of-Life recycling potential. 100% higher per kWh compared to the national
electricity grid mix GWP impact.

3.9 Comparability
3.7 Period under review Basically, a comparison or an evaluation of EPD data
The considered primary data for the input and output of is only possible if all the data sets to be compared
energy and materials where collected in the year 2014. were created according to /EN 15804/ and the building
context, respectively the product-specific
3.8 Allocation characteristics of performance, are taken into account.
The allocation method used here was developed by The used background database has to be mentioned.
the World Steel Association and EUROFER to be in

4. LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information

End of life (C3)

Name Value Unit
Landfilling or loss materials after
15 %

Reuse, recovery and/or recycling potentials (D),

relevant scenario information
Name Value Unit
Recycling 85 %

5 Environmental Product Declaration ArcelorMittal – Rebar

5. LCA: Results

Operational energy
Transport from the

Waste processing
Operational water

gate to the site


Raw material









A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
RESULTS OF THE LCA - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: 1 metric ton of reinforcing steel in bars
Parameter Unit A1-A3 C3 D

Global warming potential [kg CO2-Eq.] 1.23E+3 4.28E+0 -1.78E+1

Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer [kg CFC11-Eq.] 2.00E-8 1.24E-9 7.93E-11
Acidification potential of land and water [kg SO2-Eq.] 8.43E+0 1.98E-2 -6.81E-2
Eutrophication potential [kg (PO4)3--Eq.] 4.18E-1 2.53E-3 -5.37E-3
Formation potential of tropospheric ozone photochemical oxidants [kg ethene-Eq.] 5.73E-1 1.80E-3 -9.96E-3
Abiotic depletion potential for non-fossil resources [kg Sb-Eq.] 4.33E-3 1.40E-6 1.46E-6
Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources [MJ] 1.23E+3 4.28E+0 -1.78E+1
RESULTS OF THE LCA - RESOURCE USE: 1 metric ton of reinforcing steel in bars
Parameter Unit A1-A3 C3 D
Renewable primary energy as energy carrier [MJ] 8.37E+2 1.22E+1 8.71E+0
Renewable primary energy resources as material utilization [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Total use of renewable primary energy resources [MJ] 8.37E+2 1.22E+1 8.71E+0
Non-renewable primary energy as energy carrier [MJ] 1.34E+4 6.44E+1 -1.59E+2
Non-renewable primary energy as material utilization [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources [MJ] 1.34E+4 6.44E+1 -1.59E+2
Use of secondary material [kg] 8.39E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Use of renewable secondary fuels [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Use of non-renewable secondary fuels [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Use of net fresh water [m³] 3.21E+0 1.97E-2 -1.17E-2
1 metric ton of reinforcing steel in bars
Parameter Unit A1-A3 C3 D
Hazardous waste disposed [kg] 9.61E-6 1.03E-6 -2.25E-7
Non-hazardous waste disposed [kg] 8.31E+0 1.50E+2 -2.52E-1
Radioactive waste disposed [kg] 1.40E-1 4.97E-3 2.87E-3
Components for re-use [kg] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Materials for recycling [kg] 0.00E+0 8.50E+2 0.00E+0
Materials for energy recovery [kg] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Exported electrical energy [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Exported thermal energy [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0

6. LCA: Interpretation
Rebar is produced by ArcelorMittal using both EAF impact categories. As shown in the following mass flow
route (70%) and BF/BOF route (30%). Per ton of rebar diagram, the net amount of scrap is 850-840= 10 kg.
produced, 840 kg scrap is used. After use, 850 kg This means that the system has a net output of 10 kg
rebar is recycled and 150 kg is landfilled. scrap (which carries a potential credit), thus module D
shows an environmental benefit.
A potential environmental benefit is calculated for the
end-of-life stage (module D) for all the considered

6 Environmental Product Declaration ArcelorMittal – Rebar

The graph above shows the relative contribution of the resources, including extraction, refining and transport
Product stage (Module A1-A3), Waste treatment (C3) (A1).
and the Benefits and loads beyond the product system
boundary (Module D). For all the selected categories, Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) is
the results for product stage (A1-3) provide the largest also dominated by the production of ancillary
contribution to the results. materials/pre-products upstream materials (A1).

The most significant emissions Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) is mostly caused by
· for GWP are CO2 and CH4 emissions from the pre-chains of power generation
· for AP are SO2 and NOx; processes, in particular nuclear power generation (A1).
· for EP are NOx In the primary BF/BOF route hard coal is used as the
· for POCP are CO, SO2, NOx, and NMVOC. main energy carrier, whereas in the scrap-dominated
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) route electrical energy is
Global Warming Potential (GWP) is mostly caused by the main energy source. The EAF process used for
onsite emission (A3), with a secondary role played by calculating the potential benefit in the end-of-life stage
the production of ancillary materials/pre-products has high power consumption, including a proportion
upstream materials and the production of energy from nuclear power and this ultimately leads to a credit
needed in steelmaking (A1). in Module D.

Acidification Potential (AP) and Eutrophication Abiotic Depletion (elements) is dominated by the use
Potential (EP) are dominated by the extraction and of non-renewable elements in the production of
processing of raw materials and the generation of ancillary materials/pre-products e.g. copper and
electricity, steam and heat from primary energy

7 Environmental Product Declaration ArcelorMittal – Rebar

molybdenum (A1). In general, the main contribution to primary energy in
the BF/BOF route comes from the use of coal/coke as
Abiotic Depletion Potential (fossil) is strongly an energy and carbon source. For the EAF route, the
dominated by the extraction and processing of raw provision of electrical energy is the main contributor.
materials and the generation of electricity, steam and
heat from primary energy resources, including Secondary materials are used in both steel making
extraction, refining and transport (A1). routes, although the BF/BOF route is mostly primary
while scrap is the main input to the EAF route.
Total use of renewable primary energy carrier (PERT) Radioactive waste comes from the provision of
and total use of non-renewable primary energy electrical energy, especially from the share of nuclear
(PENRT) are dominated by the extraction and power in the grid mix. Non-hazardous wastes include
processing of raw materials and the generation of overburden and tailings. Hazardous waste for
electricity, steam and heat from primary energy deposition is produced in small amounts during
resources, including extraction, refining and transport production.

7. Requisite evidence
This EPD covers semi-finished structural steel of hot- If required, the surfaces of fabricated structural
rolled construction products. Further processing and components are usually protected with anticorrosion
fabrication depends on the intended application. material in order to prevent any direct contact with the
Therefore further documentation is not applicable. atmosphere. The weathering of this protection
depends on the used protection
7.1 Weathering performance system.
The rusting rate of unalloyed steel is depending on the
position of the component and the conditions of the
surrounding atmosphere (corrosively categories
according to /EN ISO 12944-2/.

8. References
PCR 2013, Part A
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Berlin (pub.): Product EN 10080
Category Rules for Construction Products from the EN 10080:2005, Steel for the reinforcement of
range of Environmental Product Declarations of Institut concrete - Weldable reinforcing steel -. General
Bauen und Umwelt (IBU), Part A: Calculation Rules for
the Life Cycle Assessment and Requirements on the EN 1992-1-1
Background Report. September 2013 www.bau- EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete
umwelt.de structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
PCR 2014, PART B
Requirements on the EPD for Reinforcing Steel, EN 1992-1-2
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Berlin (pub.): From the EN 1992-1-2:2005, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete
range of Environmental Product Declarations of structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
Institute Construction and Environment e.V. (IBU) 2014 buildings

GaBi ts Software EN 1992-2

GaBi ts. Software and Databasis for Life Cycle EN 1992-2:2006, Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete
Engineering. LBP, University of Stuttgart und PE structures - Concrete bridges - Design and detailing
International, 2013 rules

GaBi ts Documentation EN 1992-3

GaBi ts: Documentation of the GaBi datasets for Life EN 1992-3:2006, Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete
Cycle Engineering. LBP, University of Stuttgart and PE structures – Liquid retaining and containment
International, 2011 http://documentation.gabi- structures
EN 13670
Steel Recycling EN 13670:2011-03: Execution of concrete structures
Steel recycling rates at a glance, 2007 Steel recycling
rates; Steel Recycling Institute EN 488-1
EN 488-1:2009-08:: Reinforcing steels - Part 1:
ISO 14001 Grades, properties, marking
DIN EN ISO 14001:2015, Environmental management
systems - Requirements with guidance for use BS4449
BS4449:2005, Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement
ISO 9001 of concrete
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, Quality management systems
– Requirements OHSAS 18001

8 Environmental Product Declaration ArcelorMittal – Rebar

OHSAS 18001:2007, Occupational Health and Safety http://www.simptest.pl/
Assessment Series
EN 13501-1+A1:2010: Fire classification of SNIMA: (Institut Marocain de Normalisation) is the
construction products and building elements, Part 1: national standards body of Morocco and is responsible
Classification using data from reaction to fire tests for standardization in Morocco. www.imanor.ma

GlobeCert AB Institut Bauen und Umwelt

GlobeCert AB: accredited certification body in Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Berlin (pub.):
accordance to SS-EN ISO/IEC 17020 (A) for product Generation of Environmental Product Declarations
certification and SS-EN ISO/IEC 17065. The testing (EPDs);
operations naturally follow requirements in SS-EN
ISO/IEC 17025. http://www.globecert.se General principles
for the EPD range of Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.
CARES (IBU), 2013/04
CARES: Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels. www.bau-umwelt.de
UK Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels, ©
1998-2016 ISO 14025
DIN EN ISO 14025:2011-10: Environmental labels and
OCAB- OCBS declarations — Type III environmental declarations —
OCAB- OCBS: Organisation pour le controle des Principles and procedures
aciers pour beton (OCAB) - organisme voor de
controle van betonstaal (OCBS). BELAC - Belgian EN 15804
Accreditation Body. www.ocab-ocbs.com EN 15804:2012-04+A1 2013: Sustainability of
construction works — Environmental Product
AFCAB Declarations — Core rules for the product category of
AFCAB: Association Française de Certification des construction products
Armatures du Béton. http://www.afcab.org/
Worldsteel 2015
KIWA Worldsteel 2015: https://www.worldsteel.org/steel-by-
KIWA: Product certification. http://www.kiwa.nl topic/sustainable-steel/environmental/efficient-use.html

EMPA Institut Bauen und Umwelt

EMPA: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Berlin(pub.):
Science and Technology. Generation of Environmental Product Declarations
https://www.empa.ch/web/empa (EPDs);
AENOR: Asociación Española de Normalización y ISO 14025
Certificación. DIN EN ISO 14025:2011-10: Environmental labels and
http://www.aenor.es/aenor/inicio/home/home.asp declarations — Type III environmental declarations —
Principles and procedures
ZETOM-CERT: Nowelizacja Normy ISO 9001. EN 15804
http://zetom-cert.com.pl/ EN 15804:2012-04+A1 2013: Sustainability of
construction works — Environmental Product
SIMPTEST Declarations — Core rules for the product category of
SIMPTEST: Zespół Ośrodków Kwalifikacji Jakości construction products
Ośrodek Usług Inżynierskich Sp. z o.o.

9 Environmental Product Declaration ArcelorMittal – Rebar

Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Tel +49 (0)30 3087748- 0
Panoramastr. 1 Fax +49 (0)30 3087748- 29
10178 Berlin Mail info@ibu-epd.com
Germany Web www.ibu-epd.com

Programme holder
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Tel +49 (0)30 - 3087748- 0
Panoramastr 1 Fax +49 (0)30 – 3087748 - 29
10178 Berlin Mail info@ibu-epd.com
Germany Web www.ibu-epd.com

Author of the Life Cycle

Assessment Tel +49 711 34 18 17 0
Thinkstep AG Fax +49 711 34 18 17 25
Hauptstrasse 111 Mail info@thinkstep.com
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Web http://www.thinkstep.com/

Owner of the Declaration

ArcelorMittal Europe-Long Products Tel +352 5313 3457
Rue de Luxemburg 66 Fax .
4221 Esch-sur-Alzette Mail
Luxembourg sections.tecom@arcelormittal.c

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