Research Article
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
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Background: Metabolic syndrome is the huddle of diseases for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD)
which arises due to excess of plasma glucose, cholesterol, fatty acids, blood pressure and obesity. The role of lipids
in the development of MetS had been extensively studied. Some non-lipid factors like hsCRP, uric acid and TSH
level also remain elevated in the serum of the MetS patients the correlation of the same with the MetS not fully
determined. Aim and Objectives: Hence in this study our aim and objectives was to assess the significance of non-
lipid risk factors in determining the severity of MetS with the association of type 2 diabetes and blood pressure
parameters. Methods: A total of 450 subjects (211 men and 239 women) aged ≥ 35 years attending the hospital
were divided based on the components of MetS as control (CS), Metabolic syndrome (MS) and severe (SMS) MetS
groups. Comparative study was done by one way ANOVA and variables with significant associations were
included in regression analysis to determine the future prediction with non-lipid risk factors hs-CRP, serum uric
acid and TSH as dependent variables. The cardiovascular and T2DM related parameters FPG, HbA1c, serum
fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, SBP, DBP, PR were independent variables in this study. Results: All the T2DM and
BP variables had highly significant relation (P<0.001) when compared MetS and severe Mets group with control
group. In this study, the value of participants HbA1C, PR, FPG, DBP and IR had significant Adjusted OR [3.03
P<0.001; 2.10 P 0.004; 1.86 P 0.033; 0.17, P <0.001 and 0.08, P <0.001 respectively] high positive correlation with
the hs-CRP values. It was found that HbA1c, SBP, DBP, FPG and PR had significant predictive AOR [5.829
P<0.001; 2.789 P 0.007; 0.098 P<0.001; 0.383 P 0.008 and 0.543 P 0.053 respectively] in association with Uric
acid values. Also, PR, FPG and DBP had significant AOR significance [1.96 P 0.001; 1.41 P <0.001; 1.37 P 0.026
respectively] in association with TSH values. Conclusion: It can be concluded that reducing the above T2DM and
cardiovascular variables by various lifestyles or other means can reduce the levels of non-lipid risk factors and
thereby arrest susceptibility of the development of MetS and severe MetS.
KEYWORDS: T2DM; HTN; Metabolic syndrome; Non-lipid risks; hs-CRP; Uric acid; TSH.
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Although in previous cross-sectional studies elevated is defined according to the 2009 harmonizing definition
high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels had set by a joint statement of the International Diabetes
significant association with individual modules of MetS Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention;
like adiposity, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American
hypertriglyceridemia, and low HDL cholesterol[11,12], but Heart Association; Word Heart Federation; International
not in relation to severity of MetS. MetS and Thyroid Atherosclerosis Society; and International Association
Disorders (TD) comparison and association is complex for the Study of Obesity, as the presence of three or more
and uncertain.[13] Studies showed a significant of the following five criteria.[25]
relationship of SCH (subclinical hypothyroidism) with 1) Waist circumference in South Asians >90 cm in men
components of MetS.[14,15] Shantha et al. study[16], and >80 cm in women.
showed the association of primary hypothyroidism in the 2) Serum triglycerides levels >150 mg/dl.
urban population with MetS. So, the design of TD in 3) Serum HDL cholesterol levels < 40 mg/dl in men and
MetS and its components differs in unlike studies. There < 50 mg/dl in women, under treatment is an alternate
is a evidence that many studies have concentrated on the indicator.
serum uric acid (SUA), MetS, and carotid atherosclerosis 4) Systolic blood pressure >130 mmHg and/or diastolic
relationship.[17-20] The atherosclerotic vascular disease blood pressure >85 mmHg) under treatment is an
and SUA is leftovers contradictory.[21] Some studies alternate indicator, and.
experiential that relationship between SUA and 5) Fasting serum glucose levels >100 mg/dL under
atherosclerotic vascular disease is assign to an indirect treatment.[26]
association of increased levels of SUA with
cardiovascular risk factors or constellation of these The same standard is also stated in the modified NECP
metabolic and hemodynamic risk factors, projected ATP III definition.[27]
The inclusion criteria for patients: Insulin resistance,
The elevated levels of the inflammatory markers like hs- hypertension, type II diabetes mellitus, increased BMI, is
CRP and serum uric acid levels are associated with ≥ 23, Increased waist circumference ≥ 36 inches (90cm)
increased risk for development of cardiovascular disease in males and ≥32 inches (80cm) in females and age limit
and diabetes mellitus. Adding hs-CRP values in the is ≥35. Exclusion criteria: Any recent infections, Active
diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome has shown to lifestyle, PCOD in women and fatty liver disease.
improve future prediction of development of these
diseases.[24] In present study, one step forward we tried to Baseline parameters
see the association between non lipid risk factors of •Blood pressure and anthropometric data including
MetS like hs-CRP, Uric acid and TSH and the Type 2 height, weight, waist circumference were measured using
DM, BP parameters in relation to severity of Metabolic standard techniques.
syndrome. •Blood Pressure was measured using a Mercury
Sphygmomanometer (Diamond, Mumbai, India) with the
Here is a significant evidence that type 2 diabetes and patients in a sitting position, legs uncrossed. After 5
cardiovascular parameters influences non-lipid risks in minutes of rest in the sitting position, BP was measured
MetS and severe MetS and by reducing levels of these on both arms and the higher of the two is taken into
factors by life style changes thus decrease susceptibility consideration. If the systolic and diastolic blood pressure
of MetS. Further, helps to decrease morbidity micro and were in different categories, the higher of the two was
macro vascular diseases of vital organs like brain, heart, used in the classification and on that visit; fasting blood
and kidneys and the metabolic diseases HTN and Type 2 samples was drawn from the subjects.
Diabetes Mellitus. •Biochemical analysis: Fasting blood samples were
obtained from the subjects and centrifuged at 2000×g for
AIM AND OBJECTIVES 10 min. Samples were analyzed for MetS component of
Our aim is to study of significance of non-lipid risk fasting plasma glucose, uric acid using by ERBA EM-
factors (hs-CRP, Uric acid and TSH) in severity of MetS 360 fully automated analyzer. Also MetS non-lipid risk
and the association of type 2 diabetes and blood pressure factors such as serum TSH, high sensitive C-reactive
parameters. protein (hs-CRP) and serum fasting Insulin were
assessed by Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay
MATERIALS AND METHODS (ELISA) method. HbA1c is assessed by High
A total of 450 participants (211 men and 239 women) performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and
aged ≥35 years attending our institute hospital from 2nd Homeostatic model for assessment of Insulin Resistance
December, 2015 to 4th August, 2017 were included in (IR) was calculated (HOMA- IR (µmol/L) = FI mIU/L X
this study. The study protocol was approved by the FPG (mmol/L) / 22.5 and conversion of FPG mg/dl to
Institutional Ethics Committee. All the participating mmol/L divided by 18 if mmol/L to mg/dl is multiply by
subjects in the study gave written informed consent. 18 and pulse rate is assessed by pulse meter.
Criteria for choosing the subjects: As per the guidelines
issued by the following international organizations: MetS
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Further the groups were divided into three groups (150 parameters FPG, HbA1c, serum fasting Insulin, HOMA-
participants in each group), according to the number of IR, SBP, DBP, PR are independent variables for all the
components of Metabolic syndrome risk factors participants used to investigate future predictive study of
mentioned above they acquired. our three non-lipid risks. Statistical significance was
considered if the P value is less than 0.05.
Group I: Subjects with less than any of the three
components of metabolic syndrome (Control group), RESULTS
Group II: Subjects with any three components of Analysis of the Results
metabolic syndrome (MS group), The results of the different parameters in there groups of
Group III: Subjects with more than three components of MS were represented in Figure.1 In this Type 2 Diabetes
metabolic syndrome (Severe MS group {SMS}) mellitus in the severity of MetS were compared between
the controls and MS and SMS and the statistical analysis
Statistical analysis: Data were entered on Excel and showed that the values of Insulin resistance [HOMA-IR]
imported for analysis on SPSS v 16. were significantly higher among MS (3.3±0.2) and SMS
(5.3±0.2) groups when compared to controls (1.9±0.1).
To find out the descriptive study of mean and standard The values of the following in control, MS and SMS
error was done by one way ANOVA analysis. MetS were respectively: mean fasting plasma glucose (6.8±0.2,
variables FPG, HOMA-IR, Hb A1c %, S F Insulin,, SBP, 8.9±0.3 and 4.5±0.1), glycosylated hemoglobin (6.4±0.1,
DBP, PR, hs-CRP and Uric acid were highly significant 7.4±0.1 and 5.9±0.1) and serum fasting insulin (9.6±0.5,
(P <0.001) and TSH was not significant. Regression 13.1±0.6 and 8.9±0.3) and the statistical analysis of these
analysis (Multiple) was done with non-lipid risk factors values showed that it was significantly higher (P <0.001)
hs-CRP, serum uric acid and TSH individually taken as in MS and SMS groups when compared with Controls
dependent variables. The cardiovascular and biochemical (8.9±0.3).
Figure.1: Comparison of mean and SE of Fasting plasma glucose (FPG), HOMA index of insulin resistance
(HOMA-IR), Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and Serum fasting insulin (SFI).
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Figure 2: Comparison of mean and SE of Systolic blood pressure (SBP-mmHg), Diastolic blood pressure (DBP-
mmHg) and Pulse rate (PR -min).
Group I: Control control group (1.5 ± 0.1) and Uric acid MS (5.0 ± 0.1)
Group II: MS group and SMS (5.2 ± 0.1) Controls (4.6 ± 0.1) were highly
Group III: Severe MS significant but only the values of TSH showed [MS (3.2
± 0.2) SMS (3.0 ± 0.2) and controls (2.6 ± 0.1)] not
Figure.3 shows non-lipid risk factors hs-CRP mean and significant P 0.66 among themselves.
SE of MS group (2.2 ± 0.2), SMS group (2.1 ± 0.1) and
Figure 3: Comparison of mean and SE of Non-lipid risk factors high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP-mg/L),
serum Uric acid (SUA-mg/dl) and TSH (mIU/L) in controls, MS and SMS group.
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