An Overview of 5G Technologies: Huu Quy Tran, Ca Van Phan and Quoc-Tuan Vien
An Overview of 5G Technologies: Huu Quy Tran, Ca Van Phan and Quoc-Tuan Vien
An Overview of 5G Technologies: Huu Quy Tran, Ca Van Phan and Quoc-Tuan Vien
1 Introduction
Intelligent devices are developing daily from personal and household equipment,
such as smartphones, washing machines, fridges, air-conditioners, etc., to bulky items
in factories. These devices are keeping changing to accommodate the upcoming fifth-
generation (5G) of cellular networks. The 5G networks can therefore be regarded as
an infrastructure to accelerate the process of social change and the industry.
The 5G networks are promising to meet the demands of various individual appli-
cations with a significant increase in size, content, and rate. It is also a platform for
innovation to deal with millions of applications. The 5G networks, however, raise
a number of issues that need to be tackled. For instance, how to guarantee that the
devices are interacting with each other with a latency of less than one millisecond?
Although such concern is not a critical requirement in general telecommunication
systems with only voice or data services, it is vital in some specific areas with par-
ticular services, such as healthcare, military, and disaster communications systems.
The applications of 5G cellular networks will spread across smart city infrastruc-
ture with high capacity storage, intelligent transportation, and smart communication
systems. The 5G evolution is being fueled by a number of factors such as the explosion
of mobile data traffic, the increasing demand for high data rates, and the growth in
connected and searchable devices for low-cost, energy-saving, and environmentally
friendly wireless communications.
This chapter is devoted to outlining various research directions for the 5G networks
that have been or are being studied and examined with new design challenges as well
as their relevant works will be provided.
Norway and Sweden in 2009. The 4G systems enable a very high data transmission
rate of up to 1–1.5 Gigabits per second (Gbps) for low-mobility communication,
such as pedestrians, stationary users, nomadic and local wireless access, and up to
100 Mbps for high-mobility communication, such as mobile access from trains and
cars. The 4G technologies were regarded as the future standard of wireless devices,
allowing users to download and transfer high-quality multimedia. There exist two
standard core technology of the 4G networks, including Worldwide Interoperability
for Microwave Access (WiMAX) and LTE using different frequency bands (see [5,
6] and references therein). The LTE has switched to LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) since
the fall of 2009 with many various LTE services started to launch in South Korea,
the United States, and the United Kingdom in 2012.
Beyond the current 4G systems with LTE-A standards, the fifth-generation (5G)
wireless systems have been proposed to be the next telecommunications standards
aiming at providing a higher capacity, a higher reliability, and a higher density
of mobile broadband users [7–9]. In order to address the high traffic growth and
increasing demand for high-bandwidth connectivity, the development of 5G networks
becomes crucial to support a massive number of connected devices with real-time
services and high-reliability communications in critical applications [10–13]. By pro-
viding wireless connectivity for a diversity of applications from wearable devices,
smartphones, tablets, and laptops to utilities within smart homes, transportation, and
industry, the 5G networks are promising to provide ubiquitous connectivity for any
kind of devices, enabling and accelerating the development of Internet of Things
Further than improving solely the maximum throughput, the 5G systems are
expected to provide lower power consumption dealing with battery issues, concurrent
data transfer paths, lower outage, and better coverage for cell-edge and high-mobility
users. Moreover, the 5G systems are required to be more secure, better cognitive func-
tionality via software-defined radio (SDR), and artificial intelligent (AI) capabilities.
With the employment of the SDR, a lower infrastructure cost could be favorably
achieved, which might help reduce the traffic fees while the users can experience
high-quality multimedia beyond 4G speeds. The evolution of mobile technologies
from 1G to 5G is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Despite some uncertainties, the 5G wireless systems have drawn attention to pub-
licity, generating a call for innovative designs and philosophies from researchers
in academia to mobile operators and communications service providers in indus-
try. Expected to be commercially deployed around 2020, the 5G systems are being
learnt with various proposed technologies to create more effective and financially
viable business models [14]. Some widely known use cases of the 5G systems can be
listed as in Fig. 2, which consist of broadband experience everywhere anytime, smart
62 H. Quy Tran et al.
as all the challenges could be overcome. In the following, specific trends, targets,
and requirements of the 5G networks will be briefly presented along with some of
emerging challenges and major technical issues to be confronted.
3.1 5G Trends
As one of the key new services in the 5G networks, the IoT will influence the num-
ber of connected devices that will enter the marketplace. Additionally, the IoT will
have a significant impact on 5G traffic patterns as well as their quality of service
(QoS) requirements, all of which will also affect backhaul requirements and speci-
fications. The aggregate data demand of the IoT should be very different from that
of smartphone-oriented experiences. Capacity demands will grow and more base
stations will have to be deployed to achieve the required QoS which are absolutely
necessary for the IoT to be successful.
There are five key trends of the underlying 5G networks as the IoT expands [14],
which can be listed as follows:
• More capacity per device: In order to meet the requirements of ultrahigh capacity
per end device, as the first trend of the 5G networks, either more spectrums for
improved spectrum efficiency or enhanced technologies are required.
• More devices of different types: The average number of devices per person is
anticipated to rapidly increase in both quantity and diversity with a variety of
device types for different services, such as smartphones, tablets, and wearable
devices like smart watches and glasses. The 5G systems are therefore required to
overhaul such exponential augmentation of devices.
• Higher capacity for denser networks: With the increased number of devices,
the 5G systems aim at increasing the site capacity by up to 1000 times of the
current networks. Although such task sounds feasible given numerous evolved
technologies, several challenges need to be addressed. For instance, the current
wireless backhaul links need to support a data rate of ten Gigabits per second
(Gbps) or higher and are also required to cover denser networks.
• Enhanced backhaul capability for critical applications: Many new service types
are developing in mission-critical networks for government, transportation, public
safety, healthcare systems and military services. For these critical applications, the
coverage, ultralow latency and strict security are dramatically the needs of wireless
backhaul infrastructure in the 5G systems to lessen the risks of communication
• Diverse virtual and cloud-based services: With cloud technology, it is promis-
ing that capital expenditure and operating expenses would be saved along with
the openings of potential markets for a variety of virtual and cloud-based ser-
vices. The 5G wireless systems will therefore give the operators and researchers
the opportunity of reviewing and adapting the current technologies to the cloud
64 H. Quy Tran et al.
3.2 5G Targets
The mobile data traffic is tremendously growing every year as per increasing users’
demands over a number of applications and services with different smart devices.
The present 4G networks, although have been shown to be satisfactory, may not be
able to cope with such rapid growth in future. So, will the 5G networks be able to
support a million connected devices per square kilometer with a download rate of up
to 10 Gbps and a latency of less than one millisecond? The 5G systems are full of
promise, incorporating a number of targets that require a lot of efforts. Some of the
5G targets are as follows:
• Enhanced user experiences: The 5G systems will not simply an enhanced 4G
systems as an evolution, but they will aim at bringing new network and service
capabilities given limited bandwidth and power resources. With novel design in the
5G networks, user experiences will be enriched guaranteeing that users can con-
tinuously access mobile broadband networks, especially in critical circumstances;
for instance, in high-mobility trains, airplanes, dense areas, etc.
• Platform for IoT: The 5G systems will be driven toward providing a platform for
IoT. A massive number of smart sensors will be connected to deliver various kinds
of service in our daily life given an inevitable fact that they have severely limited
power and short lifetime.
• Improved mission-critical services: The 5G systems will be destined for mission-
critical services, such as public safety, healthcare, disaster, and emergency services,
which require high-reliability communications with low latency and high coverage.
• Unified network infrastructure: The 5G systems will be tailored to meet the
requirements of various network infrastructures in order to bring them together in
a unified infrastructure. This integration will not only provide scope for optimizing
all networking, computing, and storage resources but also enable dynamic usage
of these resources along with convergence of services.
• Incorporated market for operators: The 5G systems will be directed to enable
operators to collaborate over a digital or virtual market by taking advantage of
cloud computing. Such market will make room for further development of the 5G
• Sustainable and scalable network: The 5G systems will be particularly focused
on energy consumption reduction and energy harvesting, targeting at compensating
the radical increase of energy usage. With automation integration and hardware
optimization, the operational cost will be expected to considerably reduce for
sustainable and scalable network model.
• Ecosystem for innovation: The 5G systems will be means for involving vertical
markets in different sectors and areas, such as energy, transportation, manufac-
turing, agriculture, health care, education, government, and so on. This will be
an excellent opportunity to encourage startups and innovations in these diverse
trading businesses.
An Overview of 5G Technologies 65
3.3 5G Requirements
Aiming at enabling new services as well as enhancing current services in the next
few years, there are a number of expected requirements for the 5G networks, which
are more diverse than those for the 4G networks. Specifically, the 5G networks need
to meet the following requirements:
• User experiences should be consistently and ubiquitously delivered in the 5G
systems at a high data rate and low latency with optional mobility support for
specific user demands of certain services.
• Networks/systems are required to support massive connected devices with high
traffic density, high spectrum efficiency, and high coverage.
• Devices/terminals are desired to be smarter allowing operator control capabilities
with programmability and configurability, supporting multiple frequency bands,
increasing battery life, and improving resource and signaling efficiency.
• Services are indispensable to provide connectivity transparency with seamless,
ubiquitous and high-reliability communications for mobile users, improve local-
ization with additional three-dimensional space attributes, protect users’ data from
possible cybersecurity attacks, as well as ensuring the availability and resilience
of mission-critical services.
• Network deployment, operational, and management are all needed to provide
the new enhanced services in a low cost and low energy consumption for ensuring
sustainability of the 5G and beyond networks, and also should facilitate the future
upgrade and innovation assuring flexibility and scalability.
3.4 5G Challenges
4 5G Enabling Technologies
Current mobile systems are all allocated in the microwave frequency bands of which
most operate in the bands below 3 GHz and share the scarce spectrum resources of
600 MHz divided among operators. In contrast, mmWave frequency bands ranging
from 3 to 300 GHz can offer multi-GHz of unlicensed bandwidth [18].
Some mmWave propagation measurements performed recently in both indoor
and outdoor environments have similar general characteristics to the microwave
propagation that reveals the great potential for small-cell communications [19]. Large
arrays of antennas can eliminate the frequency dependence of path loss significantly
compared with omnidirectional antennas. In addition, the narrow beams provided by
adaptive arrays of antennas are able to reduce the impact of interference. In addition,
the extremely short wavelength of the mmWave signals allows small antenna to direct
them in narrow beams with enough gain to overcome propagation losses [20]. So, it
is very likely to build a large number of antenna elements in a small area enough to
fit into the mobile phones. This is the most important feature that helps to realize the
massive MIMO at mmWave bands in realistic environments [21, 22].
mmWave massive MIMO has potential to provide ultra-large bandwidth and high
spectrum efficiency that may significantly improve the overall system throughput in
the future 5G cellular networks. An example of its deployment is illustrated in Fig. 6.
However, due to the special propagation features and hardware requirements of the
mmWave systems, there are several challenges when deploying the mmWave massive
MIMO at the physical and upper layers. Particularly, the network architecture and
protocols must be considered carefully in the network design to adapt signaling and
resource allocation, as well as to cope with severe channel attenuation, directionality,
and blockage [23].
In general cell site architecture deployed in the 3G systems, BS contains two sep-
arated sectors including remote radio head (RRH) or remote radio unit (RRU) and
baseband unit (BBU) or DATA UNIT (DU). The RRH performs radio frequency
(RF) processing, digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), analog-to-digital conversion
(ADC), and power amplification and filtering, while the BBU provides baseband-
processing functions. In contrast to the traditional radio access networks (RANs),
cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has recently emerged as a novel architecture
for the RAN in which the baseband processing is now centralized and based on cloud
computing technology [24–29].
In C-RAN architecture, all baseband computational resources are processed and
aggregated within a central pool, also known as a virtualized BBU Pool. The geo-
graphically distributed RRHs/antennas are connected to a cloud platform through
an optical transmission network. This model allows reducing the number of BBUs
while maintaining similar coverage and offering better services compared to the tra-
ditional RAN architecture [30–33]. In fact, several cell sites can effectively share the
computation resources, and thus help save a lot of operation and management cost
leading to a significantly reduced capital expenditure. In addition, the virtualization
in cloud computing has also the potential to achieve load balancing and scalability.
This means that it is able to allocate and utilize the resources more efficiently under
busty traffic conditions thus reducing waste of computation resources and power con-
sumption [34]. Moreover, the resource cloudification in the C-RAN allows network
operators to provide the RAN as a cloud service [35].
A comparison of C-RAN architecture and the traditional BS architecture is illus-
trated in Fig. 7. In Fig. 7a, the antenna module is located a few meters from the BS
and connected to the BS by using coaxial cables with high signal attenuation in the
traditional BS. Another configuration is shown in Fig. 7b where the BS with RRH
is separated into two parts including RRU and BBU, which are connected by fiber
optic cable, while the coaxial cable is only used to connect the RRH and the antenna.
Finally, the fully centralized C-RAN architecture, as shown in Fig. 7c, is character-
ized by a large number of the RRHs located at different antenna sites connected to a
BBU pool cloud located in a centralized cloud server through an optical transmission
In order to cope with the rapid growth of wireless traffic demands in 5G commu-
nications, the deployment of a large number of small cells (femtocell, picocell, and
microcell) has been shown to be a feasible solution to achieve high capacity, leading
to a heterogeneous network (HetNet). The HetNet is typically a multi-tier network
architecture consisting of multiple types of infrastructure elements including macro-
BSs, micro-BSs, pico-BSs, and femto-BSs with different transmission powers and
coverage sizes.
In the HetNet, the powerful macro-BSs with high-power transmission are
deployed in a planned way for covering large geographical areas whereas the small-
cell BSs serving small coverage areas is used to complement the traditional macro-
BSs. The range of a microcell or picocell is in the order of few hundred meters,
whereas femtocells are used to provide indoor coverage within the range of few
meters. A typical heterogeneous network is shown in Fig. 9 where the low-power
BSs served for microcells or picocells which are deployed to cover a small area with
heavy traffic such as a commercial center, airport, subway, and train station.
By deploying a variety of cells of different sizes, the HetNet architecture is highly
probable for increasing the radio capacity, improving throughput, and serving sev-
eral types of users with different QoS requirements in the next-generation cellular
networks [43]. In addition, the deployment of low-power small-cell BSs in dense
areas is one of the key solutions to enhance coverage and provide more capacity
by covering smaller area than macro-BSs as well as improve the spectral efficiency
of cellular networks. Moreover, the small cell integrated with macrocells provides
a potential opportunity to decouple the control plane and user plane in which low-
power small-cell BSs handle the control plane, while the overall control signaling
to all users and cell-specific reference signals of small-cell BSs can be delivered
to powerful high-power macro-BSs. Therefore, HetNets have advantages of serving
hotspot customers with high data rates and busty traffic [44–48].
72 H. Quy Tran et al.
Fig. 9 Heterogeneous
cellular network
Along with a number of advantages, the HetNet is facing a critical issue when too
dense low-power small-cell BSs underlaid with macro-BSs reusing the same spec-
tral resources could incur severe inter-tier interferences [45, 46]. Hence, advanced
signal processing techniques are vital to fully obtain the potential gains of Het-
Nets. Specifically, the advanced coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission and
reception techniques have been proposed to suppress both intra-tier and inter-tier
interference and improve the cell-edge user throughput [49, 50]. Another technique
for enhancing the performance of the HetNet is co-locating massive MIMO BS and
low-power small cell access in which the massive MIMO ensures outdoor mobile
coverage whereas the small cell access equipped with cognitive and cooperative
functionalities enables the HetNet to provide high capacity for indoors and outdoors
with low-mobility users [26].
Fig. 10 Distributed
antennas systems
elements, and thus a higher capacity gain can be achieved by exploiting both macro-
and micro-diversities.
Comparing with co-located-antenna systems, the DAS has been shown to achieve
a much higher sum capacity due to higher water-filling gain and multiuser diversity
gain. Moreover, DAS technique allows shortening considerably the radio transmis-
sion distance between the transmitter and receiver leading to support high data rate
transmission and achieve significant improvement in power efficiency [53, 54]. Par-
ticularly, fully distributed antennas also result in higher sum rates than having multi-
ple antennas at each RRU with the same number of antennas. Since all the RAUs in a
macrocell are connected to a CU remotely, spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing
can be exploited in the DAS in order to improve the system performance.
Demand for high-speed data traffic in the mobile and ubiquitous computing era has
been growing explosively and exponentially in recent years. For instance, in apart-
ments, enterprises, and hotspot environments where users with high traffic demand
are densely distributed. Deploying ultradense heterogeneous small cells has been
widely recognized as a promising technique to address such exponential traffic
growth with enhanced coverage especially in indoor and hotspot environments [55,
56]. The networks with a large number of densely distributed heterogeneous small
cells, also known as ultradense HetNets, are illustrated in Fig. 11.
In ultradense HetNet architecture, the low-power small-cell BSs are densely
deployed within the coverage area, which is served by the high-power macrocell
BS to enhance the spectrum efficiency and thus increase the network capacity. The
ultradense HetNet has also been regarded as a network in which inter-site com-
munications occur at very short distances with low interferences. In particular, the
distances between the access nodes in the newly envisioned small cells range from
a few meters for femtocells deployed in indoor up to 50 m for microcells or pico-
74 H. Quy Tran et al.
cells with outdoor deployment [57]. Over the short distances between the users and
the small-cell BSs, the received power of the desired signal at the user increases
considerably, promising to provide a significantly enhanced network capacity.
Although the deployment of ultradense HetNets has been well identified as a
feasible solution to manage the increasing traffic demands, the dense and random
deployment of the small cells and their uncoordinated operation also bring several
challenges in such multi-tier networks [58–61]. In this distributed network archi-
tecture, both backhaul and fronthaul traffics need to be relayed to the destination.
Hence, an efficient multi-hop routing algorithm becomes crucial for such scenario.
Since the coverage of the small cells in ultradense HetNet is less than that of the
macrocell in the conventional cellular networks, the frequent handover in small cells
causes a considerably increased redundant overhead and also reduces the user expe-
riences. In addition, the mmWave antennas with beamforming technique equipped in
the small-cell BS can provide strong directivity having the advantage of high-speed
transmission but revealing the disadvantage in supporting the high-speed mobile
the radio resource control (RRC) signals between the UE and AP/APG (KRRCenc
and KRRCint) is an effective way.
• The UE to the UUDHN core network security: In the UUDHN, the AP may pertain
to multiple APGs (in another APG-ID) at certain time at a local service center
(LSC). Obviously, there are threats that the APG or the AP may be counterfeited.
Then, the UE may be attacked to access the other the APG or the UUDHN core
networks by the counterfeited the AP. So as to prevent these threats, the mutual
authentication mechanism between the UE and the LSC (APG-ID defined therein)
needs to be considered to make sure the UE access security.
• Network access security: The set of security features providing users and entities
with secure access to services and which particularly protect against attacks on
the (radio) access link.
• Network domain security: The set of security features about the APG organization
security, including the APG initiating, APG-ID/master the AP selection, the APG
refreshing, the APG handover, and the AP security itself. They protect against
attacks from the counterfeited the APs/APG.
• The APG domain security: The set of security features enabling entities to securely
exchange signaling data and user data (among access network, serving network,
and within access network) and protect against attacks on the wireline network.
• User domain security: The set of security features securing access to mobile sta-
• Application domain security: The set of security features enabling applications in
the user and in the provider domain to securely exchange messages [64].
5 Conclusions
After nearly four decades since the birth of the first-generation networks, mobile
communications networks have been continuously evolved as an important infras-
tructure offering distinct types of services in our daily life and activities. This chapter
has sketched a picture for the evolution of the mobile technologies from 1G to 5G that
has attracted interests of a number of researchers and developers. The upcoming 5G
systems have indeed drawn their attention with a variety of trends, targets, require-
ments, and challenges to be tackled. Dealing with these challenges, this chapter
has outlined different enabling technologies, including massive MIMO, mmWave
massive MIMO, C-RAN, D2D, HetNet, DAS, and ultradense HetNet. These tech-
nologies have been shown to be promising candidates for the 5G wireless networks,
meeting the strict requirements of high spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency as
well as enhancing user experiences and services. With a number of evolved tech-
niques, we are completely hopeful and optimistic that the upcoming 5G systems are
going to fulfill the mobile users’ demands in ultrahigh data rates, very low latency,
high mobility, high coverage, long-life batteries, high reliability, and extraordinarily
enhanced services.
An Overview of 5G Technologies 77
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An Overview of 5G Technologies 79
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