Innovative Design Concept For The New Bangkok International Airport, NBIA
Innovative Design Concept For The New Bangkok International Airport, NBIA
Innovative Design Concept For The New Bangkok International Airport, NBIA
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, TX, May 17-20, 2004
CONCEPT VERIFICATION BY SIMULATION To achieve a true model of such ESL-HH-04-05-28
a building, it is
The energy and ventilation concept developed by the crucial to create an accurate representation of the solar
project team was checked by simulation programs in radiation passing through the membrane roof and the
order to prove that the suggested solutions will work in fritted glass units and of the resulting heat transfer to the
reality. room. Another important aspect is the long-wave
radiative exchange between the warm inner surfaces of
A dynamic building simulation was carried out to
the enclosing walls and the floor surfaces cooled by
examine the thermal loads of the building and the change
mechanical cooling systems. The low-e layers on the
in temperature and humidity, to detect possible problems
inner side of the glass units and the membrane roof also
with condensation and to determine the expected cooling
need to be taken into account.
loads and the effects of the radiant floor cooling.
This is important for the evaluation of the heat
Furthermore, daylight simulations help evaluate
radiation entering the room, which is considerably
illuminance levels throughout the building resulting from
reduced by the layers, and of the thermal comfort,
daylight passing through the translucent / transparent
because the coolness of the floor surfaces is reflected and
building envelope, and can be used to detect problems
further lowers the mean temperature of the enclosing
with glare effects.
Stationary and transient fluid dynamic simulations
A dynamic finite element model of the radiant floor
(CFD) have examined the structure of the thermal
cooling was integrated into the building model so that the
stratification and the movement of humidity within the
time-dependend behaviour of the floor cooling system
building. The CFD simulations help specify ascending
can also be represented.
and descending air streams and identify the need to
separate some areas from one another with regard to air
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, TX, May 17-20, 2004
NBIA Concourse Case 1 Air (Conditioned Levels)
Air (Lower Unconditioned Zone) NBIA Concourse Case 1
East-West oriented, Fritted Glass 76% -> 0% Air (Higher Unconditioned Zone)
East-West oriented, Fritted Glass 76% -> 0% Total Sensible + Latent Load
constant temperature of 13°C for floor cooling Floor Cooling Inlet
225 Total Sensible Cooling Load
Floor Cooling Outlet constant inlet temperature of 13°C for floor cooling
46 realistic schedules for occupancy Surface of Cooled Floor Floor Cooling Fluid
Operative Temperature
realistic schedules for occupancy
44 Sensible Cooling Recirculating Air
42 Sensible Cooling Supply Air
Dehumidifcation Supply Air
40 175
Cooling Power in kW
Temperature in °C
18 50
14 25
10 0
2496 2520 2544 2496 2520 2544
Figure 7 Building and system temperatures of a typical Figure 8 Cooling load for a typical concourse segment
concourse segment in extreme ambient conditions in extreme ambient temperatures
With convection reduced to minimum by thermal Fig. 8 shows the cooling loads to be rejected from the
stratification, heat gains by air mixing to the conditioned system in a building segment measuring 45 m in width
areas are almost completely prevented. Therefore, and 27 m in length. The total of sensible and latent
thermal insulation of the facade is only of minor cooling loads is 165 kW for this building segment.
importance so that plain glazing with its rather poor Transferring this to the building’s total occupied surface
parameters in thermal insulation can be used instead of area of 1,593 m² the cooling load to be rejected amounts
expensive high-quality insulation glass. to 104 W/m².
The indoor climate is not defined by the air The maximum dehumidification capacity for the fresh
temperature only, but also by long-wave radiation within air required for reasons of hygiene is 35 kW. As most
the room. (Other factors such as humidity and air speed flights in international air traffic are scheduled for the
are assumed to be within the comfort range. Occupant night, maximum room occupancy also happens during the
activity and clothing levels are given.) For the occupants night hours so that only 20 kW add to the peak load at
in the room the building envelope heating up during the midday. The same applies to sensible cooling of the fresh
day has the same effect as a radiant ceiling heating air down to the supply air temperature.
running at a mean surface temperature of about 55 °C at
Cooling capacity of the radiant floor cooling is
day peak.
90 kW, which is equivalent to about 55 % of the
To achieve an acceptable quality of thermal comfort maximum cooling load in the concourse segment.
under these circumstances, long-wave radiation has to be Considering the coverage of the floor surface by chilled
minimized. To this end a pyrolytic low-e layer with an water pipes of 68 % the radiant floor cooling has a
emission coefficient of 0.17 is applied to the inner glazed specific cooling capacity of 83 W/m². This is a fairly high
surfaces. This reduces long-wave thermal radiation from value, which can be achieved with a temperature
the glazed surfaces by 80 %. Furthermore, a transparent difference of only 2 Kelvin compared to the ambient,
PET foil with a metallic low-e coating featuring which results from the fact that the radiation heat that hits
enhanced resistance to scratching is applied to the the floor directly is immediately absorbed by the building
membrane roof surfaces to serve the same purpose. component before it is transferred to the air.
The floor temperature in spaces with radiant floor The remaining sensible cooling load of 55 kW is
cooling ranges between 22 °C during the day and 19 °C covered by the return air share of the air displacement
at night, thus reducing the mean radiative temperature in system. In these areas the radiant floor cooling helps
the room. The floor temperature being reflected from the reduce the required cooling capacity of the ventilation
low-e layers in the roof construction back into the room, system to about half of the former value.
affects the mean temperature of the enclosing surfaces
If a translucent / transparent building envelope like
accordingly. Adding to this the direct and diffuse solar
this one was not optimized, there may be the risk of glare
radiation that hits the occupants, an operative (sensed)
effects and the overall illuminance level may be too high,
temperature is achieved, which can be used in evaluating
thus causing disturbance to the occupants.
the thermal comfort of the room.
The aim of optimizing the envelope was to improve
During the day the maximum operative temperature
its thermal parameters and to adjust daylight incidence
is slightly above 27 °C. At night the operative
into the the building in such a way that artificial lighting
temperature is slightly below ambient air temperature,
is not required during daytime even with overcast skies
because the envelope cools down to ambient temperature
and that at the same time the overall illuminance is
and the room is further cooled by the radiant floor
reduced so that no glare effects occur.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, TX, May 17-20, 2004
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, TX, May 17-20, 2004
respectively. With pre-cooling of aircrafts and jetbridges
added the maximum demand amounts to 50.5 MW.
Transferred to an air conditioned occupied surface area of
about 375,000 m², the specific cooling demand is
135 W/m².
Optimizing the building envelope and adjusting the
cooling system (base line: mixed air-only cooling
concept) helped reduce the total cooling demand of
77 MW or 205 W/m² in the starting situation by about
35 %. Although energy input was reduced, the thermal
comfort for the occupants of the airport was considerably
The annual energy demand for the cooling system
amounts to 191 GWh/a, which is equivalent to
Figure 11 Segmentation of concourses into typical zones
513 kWh/m²a for the occupied area. The share of heat
to determine the total cooling demand of the building
covered by the radiant floor cooling is about 40 %.
50 000
Cooling Load of Entire Airport NBIA
Energy demand is reduced by about 84 GWh/a
45 000 Optimized Concept compared to the starting situation, which is equivalent to
40 000
a reduction by about 30 %.
35 000 Radiant Floor [kW]
Recirculation Air [kW]
Load in kW
25 000
Total Cooling Load [kW]
20 000
To achieve thermal comfort in a transparent building
in the extreme climate of Thailand, the building envelope
15 000
needs to be perfectly optimized.
10 000
5 000
In cooperation with our partners in industry, the
findings from the simulation processes were used to
1 731 1461 2191 2921 3651 4381 5111 5841 6571 7301 8031 develop practical solutions to achieve the required optical
Hours and energetical parameters in the glass structure.
Figure 12 Annual change in cooling demand of the Fig. 13 shows the structure of optimized laminated
building for the optimized building concept glass. There is an 8 mm thick clear tempered safety glass
To determine the cooling demand for the whole pane with a double-fritt pattern of ceramic frit on the
airport, the whole building complex is segmented into inner surface with white dots to the outer and black dots
several representative zones. The terminal building was to the inner space in densities of 75 %, 65 %, 55 %, 37 %
segmented into its 6 occupied levels, and the concourses and 20 % down to zero. The ceramic frit layer is followed
were segmented into zones of typical cross-sectional by a highly selective and anti-reflective sun protection
structures and for different purposes, and all zones were coating and a 6 mm thick heat strengthened clear glass
processed in thermal simulation. pane with a pyrolytic low-e coating on the inner surface.
Fig. 11 shows the typical concourse segements that This structure shows transmission rates of 30 % in the
were examined and their occurrence in the building visible region and 15 % in the solar spectrum for glass
complex. Figures on a grey background show the sections without ceramic frit, although the light reflection
respective conditioned air volume. The total dynamic rate of such panes is not higher than that of uncoated
cooling demand of the airport was determined by glazing.
analysis of these results in the correct sequence in time.
Fig. 12 shows a graph of the annual change in
cooling demand for the whole airport as well as the share
for the radiant floor cooling, fresh air cooling and
dehumidification and the return air for the ventilation
system according to the optimized building concept. In
this diagram maximum passenger occupation of the
airport was moved to midday with maximum solar
radiation, to show that the concept will work even if
flight schedules are drastically changed.
The building has a maximum cooling demand of
44 MW, where a third is covered by radiant floor
cooling, fresh air conditioning and return air cooling Figure 13 Structure of optimized glazing
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, TX, May 17-20, 2004
The black frit pattern on the inner surface when ANALYSIS OF THERMAL STRATIFICATION ESL-HH-04-05-28
looked at from a certain distance in the building creates The crucial step in verifying if the energy concept is
an optical effect that is similar to that of wearing sun feasible in practice was to prove by experiment that the
glasses: there is a clear undisturbed view from inside to thermal stratification is really formed as predicted by
the outside, but the brightness is reduced. This effect is fluid simulations.
facilitated by the ability of the human eye to supply the
missing information in the image. Fig. 14 shows the
view through glazing with a high ceramic frit density in
a test building.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, TX, May 17-20, 2004
Fig. 16 shows that the smoke test proves the forming Total Annual Costs of Energy Concepts
of a stable stratification. 22
18.8 18.4
2.4 m on the one hand, and into the heated air volume
1.4 1.8 1.4
Mio US$/a
12 13.5
with stable stratification directly below the roof of the 10 3.2
3.0 12.1
Mio US$
comprises a chilled water network with system Figure 18 Total annual costs for several energy supply
temperatures of 6 / 12 °C and chilled water generation by concepts
an electrically powered compression chiller system.
The total annual costs including not only the
This concept was compared with a co-generation investment costs broken down to an annual value, but
concept using gas turbines on the one hand, and another also the energy and operational costs for the system show
concept using absorption chiller systems on the other that the integration of a storage tank reduces the
hand. For both concepts the effect of using a chilled investment costs because of a decrease in cooling demand
water storage tank with a capacity of 285 MWh to level and annual regular costs.
out the changes in cooling demand over the course of the
day was examined. It showed that the chilled water The co-generation concept in combination with a
storage is usefull to cut cooling peaks (investment cost) storage tank accounts for the least annual costs. It is
and reduce energy cost (due to lower off peak electricity remarkable that the thermal use of solar energy produces
cost) whereas the cooling energy demand is hardly less annual costs than the conventional concept.
To evaluate the different concepts under the aspect of
Furthermore, the use of highly efficient solar ecology, the concept using regenerative solar energy and
collectors covering a surface area of 35,000 m² in the approach for an efficient use of energy by co-
combination with an absorption chiller system and gas generation were compared to the conventional concept
heating as a back-up system was examined. Under using an electrically powered vapour compression chiller
climatic conditions as in Thailand with high solar system in combination with a storage tank.
radiation, high-efficiency evacuated tube collectors with
CPC reflectors can be used to generate a temperature of
190 °C required for the operation of a double-effect
absorption chiller system.
A concept using photovoltaic modules covering a
surface area of 55,000 m² for the immediate generation
of electric power in combination with an electrically
powered compression chiller system was compared to
other concepts under the aspect of economy. Fig. 17
shows the investment costs for severel different
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, TX, May 17-20, 2004
Annual CO2 Savings
60 000
55 000
Systems compared to Energy Storage System
Total Annual CO2 Emission: 217 634 t/a
Architects: Murphy / Jahn Architects,
50 000
CO2 Emission of Electricity Production : 0.629 t/MWhel
Annual CO2 Reduction in t/a Project Management: TAMS, Chicago
45 000
- 18.9 % - 18.9 %
40 000
35 000 Structural engineers: Werner Sobek Ingenieure,
30 000 Stuttgart
25 000
20 000
Energy, comfort: Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH,
15 000 Stuttgart
10 000
5 000
- 3.3 %
- 1.5 %
HVAC engineers: Flack+Kurtz Consulting Engineers
0 San Franscisco
Photovoltaic System Solar Thermal Cogeneration without Cogeneration System Acoustics: Laboratorium für Optik und
Collectors Storage
Dynamik, Dr. R. Blum, Leonberg
Figure 19 CO2 reduction potential for several energy SIMULATION PROGRAMS USED FOR ANALYSIS
supply concepts (1) TRNSYS 14.2, A Transient System Simulation
Program, Solar Energy Laboratory, University of
Cost of CO2 Savings Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A. 1996
Systems compared to Energy Storage System
425 413
CO2 Emission of Electricity Production : 0.629 t/MWhel
(2) SUPERLITE, Adeline 2.0 IEA Solar Heating and
Cooling Program ,Task 12
Cost in US $ per ton CO 2
325 306
(3) RADIANCE , Lighting Systems Research Group,
225 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
(4) FIDAP 7.52, Fluid Dynamics International,
75 Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A.
25 14
Photovoltaic System Solar Thermal Cogeneration without Cogeneration System
Collectors Storage
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, TX, May 17-20, 2004