Pen Rchive Oulouse Rchive Uverte : O A T A O Oatao
Pen Rchive Oulouse Rchive Uverte : O A T A O Oatao
Pen Rchive Oulouse Rchive Uverte : O A T A O Oatao
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To cite this version : Nesterenko, Alla and Alric, Isabelle and Silvestre,
Françoise and Durrieu, Vanessa Vegetable proteins in microencapsulation:
a review of recent interventions and their effectiveness. ( In Press: 2013)
Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 42 . pp. 469-479. ISSN 0926-6690
INRA, UMR 1010 CAI, F-31030 Toulouse, France
email :
Proteins from vegetable seeds are interesting for research at present because they are an
They are a renewable and biodegradable raw material with interesting functional and/or
forming material for a variety of active compounds. In most cases, two techniques of
microparticles from vegetable proteins. Proteins extracted from soy bean, pea and wheat have
already been studied as carrier materials for microparticles. These proteins could be suitable
shell or matrix materials and show good process efficiency. Some other plant proteins, such as
rice, oat or sunflower, with interesting functional properties could be investigated as potential
1. Introduction
3.3.1. Microencapsulation by coacervation
1. Introduction
Microencapsulation consists of the isolation of active substances (in the liquid, solid or gas
state), to obtain products with spherical form and micrometric size, in which the active
technique can be applied for different purposes: protecting sensitive substances from the
odor of the substances, dilution of core material when it must be used in very small amounts
creation of a physical barrier between the core and wall materials and the protection of
sensitive ingredients (flavors, antioxidants, polyunsaturated oils, vitamins, drugs…) from the
action. This technology has different applications in the food, biomedical, pharmaceutical and
cosmetic industries as well as in agriculture and catalysis (Dubey et al., 2009). The structure
layer of wall material; microspheres with the core dispersed in a continuous matrix network
(Figure 1). Various processes may be used to produce encapsulated ingredients (Augustin et
al., 2006; Benita, 2006; Dubey et al., 2009; Gouin, 2004; Munin and Edwards-Lévy, 2011;
properties of core and coating, the microparticles’ application, the proposed mechanism for
Wall material particularly affects the microparticles’ stability, the process efficiency
and the degree of protection of the active core. Materials commonly used as carriers in the
makeup of encapsulated ingredients, are synthetic polymers and co-polymers, and bio based
materials such as carbohydrates, fats, waxes, and animal and plant derived proteins.
Petroleum derived polymers commonly used in pharmacy and medicine as a matrix for
polymeric chains makes it possible to obtain microparticles with new properties, different
from those obtained with other wall materials, for example resistance to the action of
microencapsulation are starches (Jeon et al., 2003; Murúa-Pagola et al., 2009), maltodextrin
(Krishnan et al., 2005; Saénz et al., 2009; Semyonov et al., 2010), gum arabic (Kim et al.,
1996; Shaikh et al., 2006), pectin (Drusch, 2007; Gharsallaoui et al., 2010), chitosan
(Higuera-Ciapara et al., 2004; Pedro et al., 2009), and alginates (Yoo et al., 2006; Huang et
al., 2010; Wikstrom et al., 2008). The major advantages of these biopolymers are their good
solubility in water and low viscosity at high concentrations, compared to proteins. Often
carbohydrates are mixed with proteins (Augustin et al., 2006; Ducel et al., 2004b; Mendanha
et al., 2009; Pereira et al., 2009; Pierucci et al., 2006; Pierucci et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2007) to
interesting functional properties (Augustin et al., 2006; Rusli et al., 2006). Various lipophilic
substances such as glycerides, oils, phospholipids, carotenoids and waxes are also used as
carrier materials in microencapsulation (Eldem et al., 1991; Lee et al., 2003; McClements et
al., 2007; Muller et al., 2002; Patel et al., 2010). They permit barrier creation for the
protection of sensitive ingredients against moisture, plus their transport in aqueous media.
Proteins extracted from animal derived products (whey proteins, gelatin, casein) and
from vegetables (soy proteins, pea proteins, cereal proteins) are widely used for encapsulation
biodegradability, good amphiphilic and functional properties such as water solubility, and
emulsifying and foaming capacity. The use of vegetable proteins as wall-forming materials in
microencapsulation, reflects the present "green" trend in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and
food industries. In food applications, plant proteins are known to be less allergenic compared
to animal derived proteins (Jenkins et al., 2007; Li et al., 2012). For these reasons, over the
past few years, the development of new applications for plant products rich in proteins has
became an increasingly interesting area for research. For the last decade, the protein
ingredient industry has been turning towards plants as a preferred alternative to animal-based
sources, e.g. in vegetarian diets, due to increased consumer concerns over the safety of
animal-derived products (Jiménez-Yan et al., 2006; Sawashita et al., 2006; Choi et al., 2010).
Currently, the widespread presence of microparticles based on animal proteins, contrasts with
the very limited use of plant proteins in industry. This tendency should be reversed in coming
Vegetable proteins consist of several fractions: the major fraction is glutenin, soluble
in alkaline water solutions; the globulin fraction, soluble in salt solutions, followed by the
albumin and prolamin, fractions soluble in water and ethanol respectively (Osborne, 1909).
Among vegetable proteins used as a wall material in microencapsulation, we find mainly soy
protein isolate, pea protein isolate and cereal proteins. Soybean proteins have functional
properties suitable for microencapsulation, such as solubility, water and fat absorption,
emulsion stabilization, gelation, foaming, plus good film-forming and organoleptic properties
(Franzen and Kinsella, 1976). Soy glycinin and conglycinin are somewhat similar
(comparable molecular weights, amino acid composition, subunit structures) to pea legumin
and vicilin (Koyoro and Powers, 1987). The globulins of pea protein have all the functional
material. The proteins of cereals (oat, wheat, barley and corn) are more advantageous from
the nutritional standpoint, and they have attracted research and commercial attention for this
reason. Due to their interesting functional properties and potential food applications, these
proteins were also studied as wall material for microencapsulation (Ducel et al., 2005; Ducel
et al., 2004b; Wang et al., 2011b). Sunflower proteins have particularly interesting thermal
behavior, gelling properties and surface activity. Compared with other sources of vegetable
proteins, sunflower seeds have been reported to have a low content in anti-nutritional factors.
These proteins have often been compared to commercial soy proteins, extensively researched
This review presents the recent works dealing with the use of vegetable proteins in
is particularly discussed.
The two techniques mainly used for microencapsulation of active material by vegetable
proteins are spray-drying and coacervation. Both processes share the aspect of "green
chemistry" with vegetable proteins as renewable and biodegradable resources, plus, the two
techniques do not need the use of organic solvents. Other processes such as gelation or
solvent evaporation techniques can be also considered (Dubey et al., 2009; Gouin, 2004).
continuous matrix surrounding the active substances. The initial liquid (solution, emulsion or
suspension) containing wall and core materials is sprayed into a stream of heated air. The
solvent, almost always water, is evaporated to give instantaneous powder production. This
technology offers several advantages: it is simple, relatively inexpensive, rapid and thus
widely used in industry. The important factor for successful microencapsulation by spray-
drying is a high solubility of shell material in water (or other chosen solvent) and a low
viscosity at high solid content. Disadvantages of this technique are loss of a significant
amount of product (due to adhesion of the microparticles to the wall of the spray-dryer) and
materials around the active core under the effect of one of the following factors: change of pH
desolvation results in the formation of a polymeric network around the core. This shell of
Coacervation occurs either via a simple or complex method. Simple coacervation involves
only one colloidal solute and thus formation of a single polymer envelope. Complex
formation around an active core (Wilson and Shah, 2007). Finally, one of the factors that
limits the use of coacervates in encapsulation is their sensitivity to pH and ionic strength
The important point to consider for the use of proteins in encapsulation systems is
their instability in acid media. The isoelectric point of proteins means they are insoluble in
most acidic systems and sensitive to precipitation with pH values lower than 7, especially
when acidic core materials are used (e.g. ascorbic acid). For the majority of vegetable proteins
in aqueous solution, the isoelectric point is located in a pH range between 3 and 5. For this
reason these biopolymers are usually used in alkaline conditions in order to obtain good
Particle properties, such as morphology, size and releasing characteristics, can be very
different depending on the process chosen. Two forms are mainly obtained by the spray-
drying and coacervation method: microcapsules and microspheres (Figure 1). Particle size
Benoit, 2000) while size of particles obtained by the coacervation method can vary from
nanometers to several hundred microns (Merodio et al., 2001; Bayomi et al., 1998; Gan et al.,
These two processes give high values (up to 100%) of microencapsulation efficiency
(MEE). The latter is defined as the ratio between the percentage of active core encapsulated in
the powder and the percentage of active core in the initial liquid.
Soy bean seeds contain an important fraction (35-40%) of proteins mainly glycinin and
conglycin (50-90% of total proteins) (Ruiz-Henestrosa et al., 2007). The glycinin fraction
(11S globulin) has a molecular weight of about 350 kDa while conglycin (7S globulin
fraction) is about 70 kDa. Isolated and purified soy proteins show interesting physico-
properties (Gu et al., 2009). These protein characteristics and their solubility are strongly
dependent on pH, heat treatment, and the presence and concentration of salts or other
Soy protein isolate (SPI) use in microencapsulation has already been studied by
various authors (Table 1). SPI is generally used as an individual coating material, but can also
be mixed with polysaccharides (Augustin et al., 2006; Rusli et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2007). The
oxidative stability and drying properties (Augustin et al., 2006). Due to SPI hydrosolubility,
microparticles are mainly produced using the spray-drying technique (Augustin et al., 2006;
Charve and Reineccius, 2009; Favaro-Trindade et al., 2010; Kim et al., 1996; Ortiz et al.,
2009; Rascon et al., 2010; Rusli et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2007), but coacervation and gelation
have also been investigated (Chen and Subirade, 2009; Gan et al., 2008; Lazko et al., 2004a;
Table 1. Microencapsulation with SPI-based wall material.
Microencapsulation Wall material Core material Reference
Spray-drying SPI Orange oil Kim et al. (1996)
Spray-drying Mixture of proteins Fish oil Augustin et al.
and polysaccharides (2006)
Spray-drying SPI/glucose syrup Stearin, palme oil Rusli et al. (2006)
Spray-drying SPI/maltodextrin Phospholipide Yu et al. (2007)
Spray-drying SPI Flavors Chavre and
Reineccius (2009)
Spray-drying SPI Casein hydrolysate Ortiz et al. (2009)
Spray-drying SPI Paprika oleoresin Rascon et al. (2010)
Spray-drying SPI/gelatin Casein hydrolysate Favaro-Trindane et
al. (2010)
Spray-drying SPI α-tocopherol Nesterenko et al.
Simple coacervation SPI Fish oil Gan et al. (2008)
3.1.1. Microencapsulation by spray-drying
prepared before the encapsulation step (Augustin et al., 2006; Kim et al., 1996; Rascon et al.,
2010; Rusli et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2007; Nesterenko et al., 2012). These emulsions are often
carried out by high pressure homogenization because of its interesting results in terms of
homogenization pressure gives a slight decrease in oil droplet size (Rusli et al., 2006) and
emulsion viscosity (Yu et al., 2007). Rusli et al. (2006) also noted a slight improvement in
given in Table 2.
The intense mechanical forces undergone by globular proteins and oil droplets during
homogenization, promotes oil droplet dispersion and protein structure modification (Rampon
et al., 2003), such as unfolding of proteinic chains. This unfolding causes the exposure of
polar and non polar protein regions, and movement of charged amino acids to new local
environments and makes them more surface-active. The main changes are in the secondary
and tertiary structure that can modify the surface appearance of the amino acids. As proteins
are the most surface-active components in the emulsion they accumulate at the oil-water
interface, enwrapping the newly formed oil droplets. This can be explained by the tendency of
proteins to adsorb more extensively and less reversibly at hydrophobic surfaces than at
hydrophilic surfaces (Dickinson, 1999). The resulting stabilizing layer provides immediate
protection of the fine droplets against re-coalescence and thus gives physical stability to the
The solid level in the emulsion is also a key parameter influencing active core
retention (Charve and Reineccius, 2009), and it has been shown that the MEE is improved
with increasing solid content. This could be explained by the reduction of core molecule
mobility in wall material and of the time needed to form the protective shell, both induced by
a high solid content. On the other hand, past a critical concentration (generally 20% w/w solid
From the process point of view, it has been shown that drying inlet temperature also
affects the MEE. Indeed, a high drying temperature supports the formation of a rigid wall
material shell on the microparticle surface, limiting core molecule migration and release
volatile properties of active core material, e.g. a decrease of MEE for encapsulation of volatile
composites such as aromas compared to classic oils. Indeed, during the drying process, the
liquid preparations are subjected to high temperatures (150-180°C) and this provokes core
material evaporation, which explains the low efficiency of microencapsulation of citral (35%)
(Charve and Reineccius, 2009) compared to stearin (91%) (Rusli et al., 2006) by SPI.
In our recent study (Nesterenko et al., 2012), it has been shown that grafting of
hydrophobic fatty acid chain to soy proteins by acylation can enhance the retention of
Process efficiency was improved from 79.7% to 94.8% when soy proteins were acylated with
dodecanoyl chloride. Moreover, this increased retention efficiency after protein acylation was
observed for different core/wall ratios, demonstrating that soy proteins in native and modified
Soy proteins have also been studied in microencapsulation as wall materials using the
coacervation method, and several parameters influencing the coacervation MEE have been
found. Among them: the active core and wall material concentrations, the temperature and the
pH of the media. When active hydrophobic core concentration exceeds 50% w/w, a decrease
in process efficiency is generally observed (Lazko et al., 2004a; Mendanha et al., 2009; Rusli
et al., 2006; Jun-xia et al., 2011). This phenomenon is particularly well illustrated in the work
of Mendanha et al. (2009) where a change of wall/core ratio from 1/1 to 1/3 involved a
decrease of MEE from 92% to 79%. Jun-xia et al. (2011) attributed this tendency to
incomplete emulsification after addition of excessive oil in system. Unemulsified oil affected
the electrostatic interactions between soy proteins and gum arabic, and thus emulsion
The protein concentration (as wall material) during the emulsification step is strongly
related to the stability and size of coacervates. This could be explained by the specific surface
of oil droplets, which is inversely proportional to their mean diameter in emulsion (Lazko et
al., 2004a). Due to protein surfactant properties, increasing protein concentration would result
in an increase in oil droplet specific surface, improving the adsorption of proteins on the oil-
water interface and the droplets’ coalescence resistance, and thus a decrease in their mean
diameter (generally detected by light scattering). On the other hand, Lazko et al. (2004a) also
demonstrated that protein concentration does not seem to have a significant influence on the
Some authors (Lazko et al., 2004a) have noticed that microencapsulation by the
coacervation method is more effective under acidic pH and high temperature conditions (pH 2
and 55°C respectively). Acid mediums favor 11S globular protein denaturation, characterized
by deformation of their quaternary structure to secondary and tertiary structures. The overall
accessibility of hydrophobic protein sites inside the spherical formations can be improved by
this structure change (Magdassi, 1996; Wagner and Gueguen, 1995). At pH’s below the
isoelectric point, the protein COO- functions become uncharged COOH groups, and protein
hydrophilicity decreases. Thus, an acidic medium would favor the affinity between proteins
and the hydrophobic active core in the emulsions, which should result in improved MEE.
added at the end of the process, mainly to reinforce the microcapsule shells. This
supplementary step would not affect the efficiency of protein precipitation around oil
droplets, but would play an important role in emulsion stability, and consequently on
microcapsule size and dispersion, particularly with prolonged stirring. Without reticulation,
microcapsule average diameter (from 90 µm to more than 200 µm), whereas this coalescence
is absent when microcapsules were cross-linked (no change in microcapsule diameter was
observed) (Lazko et al., 2004a). Glutaraldehyde is the most commonly used cross-linking
agent, allowing stable microcapsule dispersion to be obtained over time (Lazko et al., 2004b),
plus better mechanical properties. But glutaraldehyde is a relatively toxic product, which
limits its use in applications such as the food industry (Leung, 2001).
In an effort to mask the bitter taste of some hydrophobic hydrolysates (e.g. casein
hydrolysate) and be able to incorporate them into food products, their microencapsulation by
soy proteins was investigated by spray-drying (Favaro-Trindade et al., 2010; Ortiz et al.,
2009) and coacervation (Mendanha et al., 2009) techniques. During encapsulation, the
hydrophobic interactions between casein hydrolysate and soy proteins lessen the undesirable
taste of casein. In both cases, the authors demonstrate the decrease in microencapsulation
efficiency and the increase in particle size with increasing active core concentration.
Chen and Subirade (2009) reported the preparation of soy protein based microspheres
by cold gelation method (initiated by glacial acetic acid in the presence of calcium carbonate)
had spherical morphology with the diameter about 15 µm. Active material was efficiently
using cross-linking reagents, which could be interesting for various food and pharmaceutical
Overall, numerous studies have shown the abilities of SPI as an encapsulating agent,
using both spray-drying and coacervation techniques. In both methods, specific parameters
affect microencapsulation efficiency and microparticle size, particularly the active core
concentration (Lazko et al., 2004a; Mendanha et al., 2009; Rusli et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2007),
but authors showed that high values of MEE could be attained in both cases, by using suitable
experimental conditions. The main differences between these two methods are the structure of
the microparticles obtained, and consequently the release of the active core, and the
microparticle sizes, usually higher with coacervation (less than 100 µm for spray dried
3.2. Pea proteins
Pea proteins are extracted from pea seeds where they represent a 20% to 30% fraction
including mainly globulins (65-80%) and two minority fractions, albumins and glutelins.
Globulins comprise three different proteins – legumin, vicilin and convicilin (Koyoro and
Powers, 1987). Pea legumin represents the 11S globulin fraction with a molar mass between
350 and 400 kDa, while vicilin and convicilin represent the 7S globulin fraction with a molar
Pea proteins extracted from grains possess interesting gel-forming (Akintayo et al.,
1999) and emulsifying (Raymundo et al., 2005) properties. However, in the literature for
microencapsulation uses, these proteins are generally associated with polysaccharides (Ducel
et al., 2004b; Gharsallaoui et al., 2010; Pereira et al., 2009; Pierucci et al., 2006; Pierucci et
al., 2007). Indeed, polysaccharide/protein interactions give new functions to pea proteins
properties (Liu et al., 2010). These interactions can also create stable emulsions and thus give
better particle size distribution and improve the efficiency of the microencapsulation process.
Table 3 shows various pea protein/polysaccharide pairs and the different processes used for
Table 3. Microencapsulation based on the complexes pea protein/polysaccharide as a wall
Microencapsulation Wall material Core material Reference
process Protein Polysaccharide
Complex coacervation Pea globulins Gum arabic Triglyceride Ducel et al.
Carboxy- (2004)
Sodium alginate
Spray-drying Pea proteins Maltodextrin Ascorbic acid Pierrucci et
al. (2006)
Spray-drying Pea proteins Maltodextrin α-tocopherol Pierrucci et
al. (2007)
Spray-drying Pea proteins Maltodextrin Ascorbic acid Pereira et al.
Spray-drying Pea proteins Pectin Triglyceride Gharsallaoui
(as additive) Maltodextrin et al. (2010)
Several studies deal with pea proteins as wall material for microencapsulation, using
the spray-drying technique. The main properties of the microparticles obtained are
possess low emulsification properties compared to proteins, and are usually used as wall
with proteins as the encapsulated matrix, gives increased emulsion stability and better
protection of active ingredients against oxidation (Young et al., 1993). Gharsallaoui et al.
(2010) noted that in protein/carbohydrate blends, proteins serve as an emulsifying and film-
forming agent, while polysaccharides act as a matrix forming material. The retention of the
active core observed in pea protein microparticles is similar to (or better than) in the particles
between proteins and encapsulated material (Pierucci et al., 2007). As stated in the literature,
the addition of maltodextrin to the pea protein wall material increases the particle size, in
particular for a hydrosoluble active material (Pierucci et al., 2006). The authors justified this
increase by the fact that maltodextrin can induce the rapid formation of a glassy surface which
would allow air expansion inside microparticles, giving an increase in particle diameter.
Table 4. The properties of microparticles produced by spray-drying with the pea proteins as a
wall material (wall/core ratio of 2/1 w/w).
Wall material Core material Microparticle MEE Core amount Reference
size (µm) (%) (g/100 g
Pea proteins α-tocopherol 2.2 86.8 28 Pierrucci
et al.
Pea proteins/ α-tocopherol 3.5 77.8 25 (2007)
maltodextrin (1/1,
Pea proteins Ascorbic acid 2.7 101.9 34.6 Pierrucci
et al.
Pea proteins/ Ascorbic acid (2006)
maltodextrin (1/1, 8.2 95.9 29
The results reported, demonstrate that pea proteins alone or in association with
acid (Pereira et al., 2009; Pierucci et al., 2006)) hydrophobic (α-tocopherol (Pierucci et al.,
2007), and triglyceride (Ducel et al., 2004b; Gharsallaoui et al., 2010)) active core materials.
3.2.2. Microencapsulation by coacervation
Ducel et al. (2004) examined the use of pea globulin (isoelectric point in a pH range
4.4-4.6) for triglyceride microencapsulation by complex coacervation (Table 3), plus the
influence of pH and polymer concentration on the microcapsule size. Increasing pea globulin/
gum arabic (50:50) blend concentration in the initial makeup, resulted in increased
(2004a) observed a decrease of coacervate size with an increase of soy protein concentration.
In fact, the mean diameter of microparticles obtained, decreased from 153 µm to 88 µm as the
protein concentration increased from 0.5 g/L to 5 g/L respectively. This discordance between
coacervation was used in the case of pea proteins, and particle agglomeration and coalescence
increased their size. The presence of polysaccharides in the initial preparation can also
influence coacervate agglomeration (Klassen and Nickerson, 2012). On the other hand, simple
coacervation was used for preparing soy protein microparticles. Higher concentrations of
surface active protein in the emulsion increased the coalescence resistant coacervates. In
addition, the two coacervation processes were not made under exactly the same conditions,
for example temperatures of 30°C and 55°C, pH values of 3.5 and 2.0, mechanical stirring at
500 rpm and magnetic stirring at 600 rpm, for pea proteins and soy proteins respectively.
proteins (legumin (Irache et al., 1995) or vicilin (Ezpeleta et al., 1997; Ezpeleta et al., 1996a))
without polysaccharide addition, and to coat an active material, and these studies involved
particle size distribution, the mean particle diameter varied from 200 to 700 nm. Finally, the
average sizes of microcapsules based on pea proteins obtained by coacervation, varied from
about 10, to hundreds of microns, while for spray-dried microspheres, the average size is
The emulsifying properties of pea proteins (Ducel et al., 2004a) make them potentially
material. Gharsallaoui et al. (2010) used a small amount of pea protein (0.5% w/w) as an
emulsifier to form oil-in-water emulsion containing small oil droplets. Then pectin and
maltodextrin were added, to produce an emulsion containing triglyceride droplets coated with
seemed to be less sensitive to pH variations, high ionic strengths and high temperatures, than
those with only proteins (Dickinson, 2003; McClements, 1999). In addition, the hydrophobic
adsorb at the oil-water interfaces, (for example pea globulin at acid pH) and thus to stabilize
emulsions (Gharsallaoui et al., 2010). These studies show that the use of small quantities of
To sum up, pea extracted proteins show convenient encapsulating properties and are
used for active material protection or for emulsion stabilization. Properties of the resulting
isolation from wheat flour. The latter is a complex material, composed of proteins and a small
polysaccharide fraction. Its two main components are gliadin and glutenin. Gliadin is
composed of single chain polypeptides, with an average molecular weight of 25-100 kDa,
linked by intramolecular disulfide bonds, and soluble in neutral 70% ethanol. Glutenin is a
bonds in large aggregates, with a molecular weight greater than 105 kDa (Bietz and Rothfus,
Gluten represents approximately 80% of wheat seed proteins, plays an important role
in wheat flour quality (Day et al., 2006), and is used essentially as a human and animal food
source. While its insoluble nature is an important property for traditional applications,
particularly in bread and baked products, this insolubility in water limits its use in many other
Wheat gluten is the cereal protein most studied in the microencapsulation field (Ducel
et al., 2005; Ducel et al., 2004b; Ezpeleta et al., 1996b; Iwami et al., 1987; Mauguet et al.,
2002; Yu and Lee, 1997). Its low water solubility and its viscoelasticity provide this plant
polymer with various interesting physico-chemical characteristics, such as gel- and film-
forming properties (Sun et al., 2009). Wheat proteins alone, or in combination with
polysaccharides are good for encapsulating active core materials using various techniques.
Some studies have also been made with other cereal proteins as a wall material: barley protein
or corn zein (Parris et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2011a; Wang et al., 2011b; Zhong et al., 2009;
Patel et al., 2012). Barley proteins, studied by Wang et al. (2011b), are composed of two
protein fractions: glutelin and hordein. Both these fractions show excellent film-forming and
emulsifying properties (Wang et al., 2011a). Corn extracted prolamin – zein is a protein
fraction soluble in hydro-alcoholic solutions and well-known for its good filmogenic
properties (Beck et al., 1996). Table 5 summarizes microencapsulation studies with these
Table 5. Cereal proteins in the microencapsulation
Microencapsulation Wall material Core material Reference
Spray-drying Wheat gliadin, corn zeine Linoleic acid Iwami et al. (1987)
Spray-drying Barley protein Fish oil Wang et al.
Simple coacervation Gluten/casein Pyrrolnitrin Yu and Lee (1997)
Simple coacervation Gliadin Hexadecane Mauguet et al.
Complex α-Gliadin/arabic gum Vaselin oil Ducel et al. (2004,
coacervation 2005)
Solvent evaporation Gliadin Retinoic acid Ezpeleta et al.
Solvent evaporation Gluten/poly(ethylen oxide) Diltiazem Andreani et al.
hydrochloride (2009)
Phase separation Corn zein Essential oils Parris et al. (2005)
Supercritical anti- Corn zein Lysozyme Zhong et al. (2009)
solvent process
Anti-solvent Corn zein Quercetin Patel et al. (2012)
precipitation method
Ducel et al. (2005) studied the encapsulation of vaseline oil with a gliadin/ gum arabic
microcapsule properties. They found that a decrease in medium pH (from 3.5 to 3) gave an
µm). The wall polymer distribution on the droplet surface was more homogeneous so particle
aggregation was reduced. Encapsulation conditions and efficiency were improved by the pH
decrease. Analogous behavior for a pea protein/ gum arabic encapsulating system, has been
observed (Ducel et al., 2004), and this result agrees with observations by Lazko et al. (2004a)
concerning complex coacervation microencapsulation using soy glycinin. The range of wheat
protein microcapsule size using coacervation (simple or complex) can vary from a few to two
hundred micrometers (Ducel et al., 2005; Mauguet et al., 2002; Yu et al., 2007). These values
are in line with those obtained from pea protein and soy protein microcapsules (Ducel et al.,
Only a few studies deal with wheat proteins for spray drying microencapsulation. Iwami et al.
(1987) reported the encapsulation of linoleic acid in a gliadin matrix to improve its stability
and digestibility, particularly for bread making applications. Wheat proteins were also used
as wall material for microencapsulation with the solvent evaporation method (Andreani et al.,
2009; Ezpeleta et al., 1996b), and proteins extracted from barley seeds were used as carrier
material for fish oil microencapsulation by Wang et al. (2011). The spray-drying method was
used for microparticle preparation with an inlet temperature of 150°C. The authors
demonstrated 97-100% encapsulation efficiency and high oil content in the powder – around
50%. The barley protein microparticles obtained have a spherical shape and porous inner
structure with diameters ranging from 1 to 5 µm. These proteins had a good capacity for
Andreani et al. (2009) worked on wheat gluten microspheres for the controlled release of a
model drug (diltiazem), and evaluated the effect of a small amount of poly(ethylene oxide) on
could be obtained, with mean particle diameters of between 10 and 20µm, and encapsulation
efficiency from 73% to 97%. They showed that the addition of 5% w/w of PEO to the gluten
matrix improved the MEE significantly. This is probably due to higher porosity of
microparticles with PEO, and therefore greater specific surface area favoring better
incorporation of the active core material. The effect of nature of solvent was studied by
between proteins and solvents. Antimicrobial chicken egg white lysozyme, was encapsulated
by zein protein using a supercritical anti-solvent process (Zhong et al., 2009), and
heterogeneously sized microparticles, ranging from a few to 50 µm and 46.5% MEE were
obtained. The active material release kinetics showed very promising microparticle properties
They perform well for microencapsulation of hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds alone,
Other proteins have properties making them possible contenders as wall material in
microencapsulation, and this is especially true for rice proteins, oat proteins and sunflower
proteins. Rice and oat proteins already have a large range of applications in the food sector.
studied, and this natural polymer has no major industrial uses, meaning that it would be
interesting to find new applications and develop high added-value products based on them.
Rice is among the most important cereal crops in the world. It is established as the basic
foodstuff for over half the world’s population. Containing from 12 to 20% proteins, rice bran,
mainly removed from the grain during the milling process to produce white rice, may be a
potential source of inexpensive high quality proteins (Hamada, 2000). Compared to rice bran,
the protein content in rice grains is slightly lower, varying from 6 to 15% (Bienvenido, 1994).
Rice proteins are generaly prepared by alkali extraction followed by isoelectric precipitation
(Kaewka et al., 2009; Pinciroli et al., 2009) and by subcritical water treatement (Hata et al.,
2008; Sereewatthanawut et al., 2008). In addition, rice has also been studied for the
production of starch, monosodium glutamate, pigments and rice wine; thus rice protein could
be an additional by-product to be exploited (Cao et al., 2009). After the sequential extraction
of rice protein fractions, the following distribution has been obtained: about 75% glutenin,
Chandi et al. (2007) analyzed the functional properties of rice protein concentrate
(55% of the protein fraction). They noticed the excellent foaming stability lasting several
days, the high emulsifying capacity in sugar based (5-15% w/w) solutions, and the good
Rice bran isolate containing approximately 92% protein is prepared from defatted rice
bran and its properties have been studied (Wang M et al., 1999). They showed that: the
foaming properties of rice protein are similar to those of albumin from egg white; the
emulsifying capacities of albumin from bovine serum (BSA) are significantly higher than
those of rice proteins; minimum protein solubility is close to the isoelectric point at pH 4 and
the maximum at pH 10; the main amino acid content of rice proteins is similar to that of
casein and soy proteins; the denaturation temperature of rice protein isolate is about 83.4°C.
Rice proteins also associate well with polysaccharides (alginate and carrageenan) to
form complex precipitates with possible new industrial applications (Fabian et al., 2010).
From these results, the physico-chemical properties of rice proteins could provide favorable
characteristics for wall material in microencapsulation. However overall, rice protein use
concerns the food industry, rather than potential low volume, high added value applications of
Oats is one of the most popular cereals for human and animal foods because of its high
protein and fatty acid content. Protein content in oat grain is one of the highest, varying from
12 to 24% (Chronakis et al., 2004). The average amino acid composition of oat proteins is
very attractive from a nutritional value point of view, and this is probably related to the higher
proportion of albumins and globulins compared to proteins from the other cereal grains.
Globulin represents the major part of oat proteins (around 70-80%). Oat protein concentrate
has poor solubility and functional properties. To improve these physico-chemical properties,
modifications such as enzymatic hydrolysis (Yao et al., 2007), acetylation and succinylation
(Mohamed et al., 2009) were carried out, and demonstrated that these chemical modifications
could improve the solubility, emulsifying activity and foaming capacity of oat proteins.
In conclusion, oat native proteins do not offer the required properties to be used in
wall materials.
Sunflowers are mainly cultivated for the production of oil extracted from their seeds, and they
are one of the major sources of edible oil. Proteins are the majority constituents in sunflower
oil cakes, valued essentially as animal feed. The defatted sunflower flour contains a high
quantity of proteins, around 27% in dry weight (Ordonez et al., 2001). The dehulled seed
consists of about 20-40% crude protein, this value being highly affected by sunflower variety
(Gonzalez-Perez and Vereijken, 2007). The quantity of proteins extracted from the sunflower,
also varies according to used solvent (mainly aqueous solutions) and the extraction conditions
(stirring mode, temperature, pH). In the sunflower oil cake, four fractions of proteins are
present (Linden, 1994): globulins constitute the main fraction ranging from 55 to 60%;
albumins account for about 17-23% of total proteins and two minor fractions glutelins and
the 11S globulins (also named helianthinin) and the 2S albumins. Helianthinin has been
kDa (Gonzalez-Perez and Vereijken, 2007), and this protein mainly exists in the 11S form
concentration, helianthinin may also occur in the 15-18S, 7S or 3S forms. In 11S sunflower
proteins, different subunits are traditionally processed to give an acidic and a basic
polypeptide linked by a single disulfide bond. These basic and acidic polypeptides range in
molecular weight from about 21 to 27 kDa and from about 32 to 44 kDa respectively. The
solubility of helianthinin with a minimum of 4-5.5 depends strongly on pH and ionic strength.
molecular weights ranging from 10 to 18 kDa, show good solubility in aqueous solutions,
independent of pH and ionic strength. Contrary to the majority fractions, the functional
properties of glutelins and prolamins from sunflower seeds have not been reported in the
The amino acid composition of soy proteins (Kovalenko et al., 2006) and sunflower
proteins (Conde et al., 2005) are shown in Figure 3. Some similarities in total amino acid
content for these vegetable proteins can be seen. The physico-chemical properties of
sunflower proteins have already been studied (Gonzalez-Perez et al., 2005; Molina et al.,
2004; Patino et al., 2007). Most authors showed that sunflower preparations have better (or at
least similar) emulsifying properties as those of soy protein preparations. The main results of
these studies showed that the highest emulsifying capacity is observed in the pH range of 7-8
and the minimum at the isoelectric pH of 4.3; the extraction method and solvent used for
protein extraction does not change the emulsifying ability of proteins; heating involving
protein denaturation, increases the stability of emulsions but reduces their emulsifying
capacities. This latter observation can be explained by the change of protein structure during
heating denaturation, favoring chain unfolding and increased conformational flexibility. Thus
the surface-active capacity of unfolded sunflower proteins becomes lower during emulsion
Fig. 3. Amino acid composition of soy (Kovalenko et al., 2006) and sunflower (Conde et al.,
2005) proteins, every amino acid fraction is presented in g/100g of protein isolate.
foam than soy proteins. Nevertheless, sunflower protein foams are stable over time at a basic
sunflower proteins could lead to an improvement in their functional properties and to new
interesting applications (Conde and Patino, 2007). The presence of phenolic compounds in
sunflower proteins, which cause the green-brown color of its powder, limits their
development as a source of food proteins for humans. Therefore, there could be very
interesting new openings for these proteins in non-food industrial sectors. Microencapsulation
Pea proteins show a good properties for their potential application, in particular for the
microencapsulation (De Graaf et al., 2001). However, these proteins are no suggested to be
used in technical applications. The functional properties of wheat proteins and corn zein also
suggest several potential applications for these natural polymers in the fields of adhesives,
(Shukla and Cheryan, 2001). For both of these proteins, there is still no actual industrial
Conversely, soy bean proteins are already used as wall forming materials in the food
industry, in particular to mask the undesirable taste of some nutritional additives (bioactive
compounds for athletes, such as casein hydrolysate) (Favaro-Trindade et al., 2010; Mendanha
et al., 2009; Ortiz et al., 2009; Sun-Waterhouse and Wadhwa, 2012) or to protect components
sensitive to oxidation and\or volatile aromas (orange oil) (Gharsallaoui et al., 2007; Kim et
5. Conclusions and future prospects
The use of vegetable proteins as a wall material for microencapsulation of various sensitive
materials, reflects the actual "green" tendency in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics
industries. The two main techniques used for microencapsulation of different core substances
by these natural polymers, are spray-drying and coacervation. Particle morphology is very
whereas microspheres are generally obtained with spray-drying. Vegetable proteins widely
used as encapsulants are pea protein isolate, soy protein isolate, wheat gliadins, corn zein and
barley protein. The various studies have proved the ability of proteins to efficiently protect
by different parameters, such as active core and wall material concentrations, temperature and
Other inexpensive proteins extracted from rice, oat or sunflower seeds are known for
their interesting functional properties and could be suitable microencapsulation wall forming
materials. These natural polymers show good solubility, emulsion forming ability and
foaming stability, giving them the appropriate characteristics for potential use as efficient
coating materials. Moreover, they can be associated with polysaccharides as is commonly the
case in microencapsulation. Thus, the good physico-chemical properties of all these vegetable
proteins open a new path for specific applications, the development of innovative delivery
Some limitations of vegetable protein use for making high added value products could
be the extraction cost to obtain high-quality proteins, low solubility of some proteins and
large polydispersity in the size of naturally occurring protein chains. Compared to other bio
animal-based proteins, plant extracted vegetable proteins represent a very promising source of
polymers with interesting functional properties. Their use as a wall material augurs well for
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