Modulestrategic Management For Hospitality and Events
Modulestrategic Management For Hospitality and Events
Modulestrategic Management For Hospitality and Events
Credits: 5
Module Description: The dynamic and competitive nature of the tourism/leisure/hospitality/event industry requires a manager to
adopt both a professional and a strategic visionary approach to the management of their organisations. In
addition, managers require the necessary skills, strategic techniques and ethical standards to meet complex
global challenges. This module of strategic management comprises a key module for an ordinary degree
programme. Students taking this module will learn about strategic management in order to understand the
real challenges and constraints which managers face when planning and implementing strategies within
their organisation. This module integrates the application of individual key subject areas. It also develops
important conceptualisation skills, which facilitate strategic thinking and provide a comprehensive context for
implementation of strategic intent.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Evaluate an organisations strengths and weaknesses in light of market opportunities and threats,
2. Describe the major avenues to a competitive advantage based on differentiating an organisations product or service
offering from the offering of rivals.
3. Analyse the strategic options available to organisations in order to improve their market position.
4. Develop an understanding of the main strategic approaches for competing internationally.
5. Understand when and how business diversification can enhance shareholder value.
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EVNT B8Z03: Strategic
Management for Hospitality
and Events
Module Content & Assessment
Indicative Content
Crafting a Strategy
Strategies for competitive advantage: generic strategies and beyond. Strategies for changing the game: new ways of operating and altering
the scope of operations. Strategies for international growth. Corporate strategies: diversification and the multibusiness organisation
Assessment Breakdown %
Full Time
Course Work
No Project
No Practical
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome % of Marks Pass Assessment Date Duration
addressed total Out Of Marks
Reassessment Requirement
A repeat examination
Reassessment of this module will consist of a repeat examination. It is possible that there will also be a requirement to be reassessed in a
coursework element.
DKIT reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment
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EVNT B8Z03: Strategic
Management for Hospitality
and Events
Module Workload & Resources
Workload: Full Time
Lecture Through lectures and visiting speakers you will study the process 2.00 Every 2.00
of strategic decision making in organisations. You will be Week
encouraged to relate theory to current examples of strategy
making and to analyse and review case studies and articles on
real world strategic developments.
Tutorial Seminars based on international case studies and course 1.00 Every 1.00
resources drawn from a variety of international contexts. Students Week
taking this module should expect to become more global in
outlook and as a result enhance their employability in the
domestic and international hospitality industry.
Online Contact Online forums to facilitate formative assessments, to encourage 3.00 Every Third 1.00
self and peer evaluation, self-development and learning. Help Week
learners establish a network of experts, users, and other parties
of interest.
Independent Study Learners will be required to review material covered in lecturers 3.00 Every 3.00
and research the online environment Week
Directed Reading Readings as directed – to supplement lecture notes. 3.00 Every 3.00
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Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, Peteraf, Janes & Sutton 2013, Crafting and Executing -The Quest for Competitive Advantage,
European Ed., McGraw- Hill Higher Education Uk
Johnson, G., Scholes, K., and Whittingdon, R. 2008, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 8th Ed., Prentice Hall [ISBN: 978-0273711919]
Johnson, G., Scholes, K., and Whittingdon, R., 2011, Exploring Strategy: Text & Cases (9th Edition), (9th Edition) Ed., Prentice
Hall; 9 edition (July 31, 2011) [ISBN: 978-0273732020]
Campbell, David J., Edgar, David, Stonehouse, George 2011, Business strategy: an introduction, 3rd ed Ed., Palgrave Macmillan
3rd ed [ISBN: 9780230218581]
Olsen, Michael D., West, Joseph J., Tse, Eliza Ching-Yick 2008, Strategic management in the hospitality industry, 3rd Ed.,
Pearson Prentice Hall [ISBN: 9780131196629]
Enz, Cathy A., Harrison, Jeffrey S 2010, Hospitality strategic management: concepts and cases, 2nd Ed., Wiley [ISBN:
Other Resources
website: n/a
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