Pride Well Control Manual
Pride Well Control Manual
Pride Well Control Manual
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Table of Contents
1.0 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 FUNDAMENTAL OPERATING PRINCIPLE............................................................................................ 4
3.0 IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS AND TIMELINE......................................................................... 4
4.0 SCOPE..................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Under-Balanced Drilling (UBD) & Managed-Pressure Drilling (MPD)......................................... 4
4.2 Governmental Regulations.......................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Client Requirements.................................................................................................................... 5
5.0 DEFINITIONS & REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Definitions.................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 References .................................................................................................................................. 5
6.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................ 6
6.1 Client & Pride’s Responsibilities.................................................................................................. 6
6.2 Pride’s Personnel General Responsibilities ................................................................................ 6
6.3 Senior Vice President, Operations, Responsibilities ................................................................... 6
6.4 Regional Vice President, Operations, Responsibilities ............................................................... 6
6.5 Asset Management & Engineering (AME) .................................................................................. 6
6.6 Country / Operations Manager .................................................................................................... 6
6.7 Rig Performance Manager Responsibilities ................................................................................ 7
6.8 Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) Responsibilities................................................................. 7
6.9 Drilling PIC Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 8
6.10 Senior Toolpusher Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 8
6.11 Driller Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 8
6.12 Technical Coordinator / Rig Maintenance Supervisor Responsibilities....................................... 9
6.13 Senior Subsea Engineer Responsibilities ................................................................................... 9
6.14 Marine PIC Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 9
6.15 Crane Operator & Deck Foreman Responsibilities ................................................................... 10
6.16 Control Room Operator Responsibilities ................................................................................... 10
6.17 Radio Operator Responsibilities................................................................................................ 10
6.18 Client Representative Responsibilities...................................................................................... 10
6.19 Cementer Responsibilities......................................................................................................... 10
6.20 Mud Engineer Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 10
6.21 Mud Logger Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 11
7.0 SUBSEA EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE............................................................................................... 11
7.1 Regional Vice President ............................................................................................................ 11
7.2 Country Manager....................................................................................................................... 11
7.3 Country Asset Manager............................................................................................................. 11
7.4 Rig Asset Manager .................................................................................................................... 11
7.5 Technical Coordinator ............................................................................................................... 11
7.6 Senior Subsea Engineer ........................................................................................................... 12
8.0 PREVENTION & PREPARATION GUIDELINES .................................................................................. 12
8.1 Pre-Spud Meeting...................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Well Formation Strength & Testing – MAASP, FIT & LOT........................................................ 12
8.3 BOP Testing .............................................................................................................................. 13
8.4 Choke & Kill Manifold, Diverter & Vacuum Degasser Testing .................................................. 14
8.5 Hang-Off Procedure / BOP Space-Out ..................................................................................... 15
8.6 Slow Circulating Rate (SCR) Pressure Recording .................................................................... 15
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Manual Title: Well Control Manual
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
17.12 Appendix 12: PRIDE-03-04-115 – Secondary Well Control – Kicks Off Bottom....................... 71
17.13 Appendix 13: PRIDE-03-04-116 – Secondary Well Control – Kick Control in Deviated and Tapered
String Wells ............................................................................................................................... 80
17.14 Appendix 14: PRIDE-03-04-117 – Secondary Well Control – Hydrates ................................... 84
17.15 Appendix 15: PRIDE-03-04-118 – Secondary Well Control – Problems during Well Kill Operations
................................................................................................................................................... 88
17.16 Appendix 16: PRIDE-03-04-119 – Secondary Well Control – Drilling Fluid Loss ..................... 94
17.17 Appendix 17: PRIDE-03-04-120 – Secondary Well Control – Underground Flow.................... 95
17.18 Appendix 18: Pride-03-04-123 – Secondary Well Control – Removing Trapped Gas From Subsea
Stack After Well Kill. ................................................................................................................ 101
17.19 Appendix 19: PRIDE-03-04-121 – Tertiary Well Control Procedure – Barite Plugs ............... 111
17.20 Appendix 20: PRIDE-03-04-122 - Tertiary Well Control Procedure – Cement Plugs ............. 115
17.21 Appendix 21: HPHT Wells Guidance ...................................................................................... 116
17.22 Appendix 22: Well Control Related Drills ................................................................................ 123
17.23 Appendix 23: Well Control Kick-Sheets – Field Units & Metric – Sample Spreadsheets ....... 126
17.24 Appendix 24: PRIDE-03-04-F003 - Well Control Worksheet .................................................. 128
17.25 Appendix 25: Hang-Off Space-Out Drawing with Tool-Joint Location on Rig Floor – Sample 132
17.26 Appendix 26: Trip Sheet Sample – Field Units & Metric ......................................................... 133
17.27 Appendix 27: Choke Manifold Valves Line-Up........................................................................ 135
17.28 Appendix 28: Well Control Events & Data Log-Sheet Sample................................................ 136
17.29 Appendix 29: Well Control Flow Charts – Sample 1 & 2......................................................... 138
17.30 Appendix 30: HPHT Well - Pre-job Physical Condition Audit.................................................. 142
17.31 Appendix 31: HPHT Well Control Procedure Check List ........................................................ 145
17.32 Appendix 32: Listing of Abbreviations ..................................................................................... 146
17.33 Appendix 33: Field Unit / Metric Unit Conversions.................................................................. 148
17.34 Appendix 34: Field Unit & Metric Formula for Well Control..................................................... 151
17.35 Appendix 35: Responsibilities Flow-Chart – Sample .............................................................. 160
17.36 Appendix 36: Well Control Emergency ................................................................................... 161
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The purpose of this document is to provide a minimum level of compliance regarding well control procedures to all
Pride units equipped with Subsea BOPs. Each Pride Asset must develop their respective QSMS Level 3 rig-specific
If a well is considered to have potential flow, maintenance of a two (2) barrier to flow systems shall always be in
effect. Barriers to flow include:
A. Drilling or workover fluid overbalance
B. Blowout preventers or safety valves
C. Mechanical plugs such as bridge plugs or wireline set plugs in tubing
D. Cement or barite plugs
Pride’s operation policy is to always maintain two well control barriers, one of which must always be a mechanical
This well control manual is required to be fully implemented on all Pride International Rigs no later than March 31,
2011. Each rig is responsible for developing a plan to ensure the appropriate level 3 procedures are put into place,
and that personnel are trained in accordance with this manual. Implementation plans must be approved by the
appropriate Country/Operations Manager for each rig no later than November 30, 2010. All rigs are required to be
in full compliance with this manual no later than July 1, 201. All new rigs or restarted rigs must have level 3
approval prior to the start of drilling operations..
Pride’s main objective is to maintain a safe and efficient drilling operation. Therefore the minimum level of
compliance set in this manual shall take precedence over any conflicting instructions.
Any deviation from the manual, except for BOP testing regime exemptions, requires the Senior Vice President,
Operations, approval and such approval shall be received before operations can begin.
BOP testing regime exemptions requires the relevant Regional Vice President, Operations, approval and such
approval shall be received before operations can continue past the regular test date.
These operations are not covered under this manual. Such operations require written approval of the Senior Vice
President, Operations, to be performed, and specific well-control procedures shall be developed before drilling
operation starts.
When applicable governmental regulations may be contrary to the requirements of this manual, governmental
regulations shall supersede Pride’s regulations.
The Rig Performance Manager will ensure all level of Rig and Shore Management, up to Regional Vice President,
Operations, are notified of the differences identified between local regulations and this manual. In that case, he will
prepare a bridging document highlighting the procedures to follow to meet local requirements and submit it for
approval to the Senior Vice President, Operations.
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Manual Title: Well Control Manual
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
When parties involved, such as the Client, have different well control approaches (well control method & shut-in
method as example) and this well control manual cannot be complied with in full, mutually agreed well control
procedures shall be prepared onboard, submitted to the Rig Performance Manager and to the Senior Vice
President, Operations for approval.
However, Client’s involvement is limited to supervision and direction and always subject to Contractor's right of
refusal (as an Independent Contractor) if Pride considers that Client's proposed operations will expose its
personnel, the rig, and/or the environment to unacceptable risks.
Until any of the above proposed procedures are approved, this manual’s procedures shall be enforced.
5.1 Definitions
5.2 References
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The applicable edition shall be, as a minimum, the edition that the equipment was built to. A hard copy of the above
applicable external references shall be available and maintained on board each Pride asset.
For ease of reference, responsibilities by positions involved in well-control situations are listed below. These lists,
non-exhaustive, are the minimum requirement. It is intended that the Level 3 plan shall contain detailed rig specific
responsibilities. Refer to Appendix 36: Well Control Emergency for further details when suspecting a Well Control
The Client has the responsibility to ensure drilling operations are conducted with due regards to safety and well
control. This does not reduce the responsibility for Pride’s OIM with regards to safety of the installation, the
environment, and of the personnel onboard. Should a conflict occur between the objectives of the well and the
safety of rig personnel or the installation, the OIM will have the final decision.
A responsibility flow-chart shall be posted onboard. Refer to Appendix 35: Responsibilities Flow-Chart – Sample.
Also refer to Appendix 36: Well Control Emergency for additional information.
Each Pride employee involved in or responsible for well control operations shall have access to this manual and
shall know, understand, and comply with its requirements as demonstrated by competency assessment.
Is accountable that the Pride assets in his region are complying with this manual.
Approves any extensions required to the BOP testing regime.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Is accountable to have the rig personnel develop the Level 3 procedures which comply with this manual and
are up to date for the respective rig.
Ensures that the Level 3 procedures are reviewed and approved in accordance with this manual.
Ensure that, in advance of any operations, a pre-spud meeting between all involved parties is conducted in
either Client’s or Pride’s offices.
Prior to spud, reviews well program with the OIM and Drilling PIC and ensures well control issues have been
addressed. This shall include blowout / underground blowout situation and contingency plans.
In the event of a disagreement regard the execution of well control procedures during an event, works with
Pride’s and Client’s shore base management to resolve the disagreement.
Ensures all applicable provisions of the Governmental regulations the installation has to follow are complied
with; or obtain written dispensation for these from Government. All remaining discrepancies identified between
local regulations and this manual's requirements should be covered with a bridging document. These
procedures must be communicated to all levels of rig and shore management.
Ensure all documents from 5.2 References are available for onboard personnel.
Ensures Client agrees to QSMS Level 3 well control procedures, or ensures mutually agreed operational
procedures are submitted to the Senior Vice President, Operations for approval, and such approval obtained
prior to start operations.
Is accountable that the Level 3 well control procedures onboard the Pride Asset are in compliance with this
Ensures safety of all personnel onboard the unit, and safety of the unit itself.
Ensures that, before starting any operation on the well, a pre-spud meeting between all parties involved is
conducted onboard the rig.
Once potential well kick is detected, cancels all non-essential activities and calls in all work permits and
ensures all hot work operations ceases.
Once potential well kick is shut-in, calls for and leads a meeting onboard to agree upon the well control kill
strategy and procedures to be followed. Meeting participants shall include:
o Drilling PIC
o Senior Toolpusher
o Client Representative
o And any other personnel the OIM deems relevant at that time
Ensures execution of the well control procedures by the Drilling PIC.
Arranges assistance as the situation may require.
Assigns someone to maintain a log of events (Refer to Appendix 28: Well Control Events & Data Log-Sheet
Sample for sample) in addition to the Radio Operator keeping communication log (Refer to last page of PRIDE-
03-04-F003 – Well Control Worksheet).
Informs all shore-based parties as required by the emergency response procedures. Refer to Manual PRIDE-
05-03 - Emergency Response.
Prepares the installation for evacuation in accordance with the 3 levels of alert as defined in procedure PRIDE-
05-03-707-Well Control Emergency in Appendix 35: Responsibilities Flow-Chart – Sample.
Keeps “non-essential” personnel updated on a regular basis with respect to well status.
If the OIM has the drilling department directly reporting to him (like on moored units), he will also have the
Drilling PIC responsibilities in terms of well control procedures. Refer to Drilling PIC responsibilities listed in
paragraph below.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Is accountable to execute the method to maintain the two well control barriers.
Has the immediate charge of the well and rig floor drilling activities in accordance to the Level 3 plan. As such
must be fully competent in operating the drill floor BOP control panel.
Ensures the personnel under his supervision are fully aware of and proficient in performing their specific well
control duties.
Maintains communication with all effected parties including Client and third parties potentially affecting well
control situations.
Records the distance from the rig floor to the pipe rams and posting it on the drill floor, for proper tool joint
space-out in the BOP.
Monitors true vertical depth as well as measured depth of well at all times.
Ensures at the start of each tour that the choke & kill manifold, diverter and dump valves are lined up correctly
for the operation being conducted.
Records Slow Circulating Rates (SCRs) and Choke Line Friction Losses (CLFLs) as required in Section 8.6
and 8.7.
Is responsible for monitoring the well all time, identifying when the well needs to be shut-in and acting to ensure
this done quickly & safely.
Has the authority in the event of a kick indication or kick suspicion to shut the well in without consultation.
Shuts-in the well quickly and safely when deemed required.
Must be able to verify if the well was shut-in completely, with no leaks.
Informs the Drilling PIC & Toolpusher once the well is shut-in.
Calls the Subsea Engineer to the drill floor once the well is shut-in.
Monitor the annular surface pressure and reports to the Toolpusher if the Maximum Allowable Annular Surface
Pressure (MAASP) is approached
Designates a crew member to record annular surface pressure during the kill operation.
Operates the mud pump during the kill operation.
Implements instructions from the Senior Toolpusher.
Ensures all well-control related pieces of equipment are in full working order at all times.
Ensures all well-control related pieces of equipment are all within calibration/certification window.
Makes himself and his maintenance team fully available if well control operations require.
Once potential well kick is detected, ensures maintenance crews isolate all grinders, drills air tools, and cease
use of steel hammers or other steel impact tools.
Accountable to report the operating condition of all well-control related pieces of equipment at all times to the
Technical Coordinator and highlighting any deficiencies.
Reports to the drill floor as soon as a well control incident is reported to check functions and operating
pressures on the BOP control panel.
Remains present at BOP control panel, as required, in case of equipment problems.
Assigns Subsea engineer to monitor the telescopic joint packer, moonpool hoses, HPU, etc.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Logs all communication, calls and faxes (Refer to last page of Appendix 24: PRIDE-03-04-F003 - Well Control
Keeps lines open for the OIM, Drilling PIC, Client Representative and any other personnel authorized by the
OIM to use the communications system.
Assists the OIM, Drilling PIC & and Client Representative in all communications matters.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Records and reviews all well & circulating system data (pressures, volumes, displacement, etc.) and report any
abnormalities to the Client Representative, Drilling PIC, Driller and Senior Toolpusher.
Reports to mud logging unit and continuously monitoring circulation and drilling systems during the entire well
control operation.
It is Pride’s policy to perform all maintenance requirements on all equipment, including all subsea equipment, as
schedule in the maintenance program. Responsibilities by positions involved in subsea equipment maintenance are
listed below.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Note: “Deferred Maintenance” is defined as any maintenance work order not performed by the required
completion date.
It is important to remember that Prevention is always safer, easier to plan and more financially viable than cure.
The BOP stack and consumables shall be appropriate for the well conditions anticipated, i.e. temperature, H2S
conditions, etc.
The Rig Performance Manager shall ensure in advance of any operations that a pre-spud meeting between all
involved parties is conducted in either Client’s or Pride’s offices.
The OIM shall ensure that before starting any operation on the well, a pre-spud meeting between all parties
involved is conducted onboard the rig.
8.2 Well Formation Strength & Testing – MAASP, FIT & LOT
MAASP is defined as the surface pressure which, when added to the hydrostatic pressure of the existing mud
column, results in formation breakdown at the weakest point in the well.
This value is normally based on formation testing, with the assumption that the formation at the shoe is the
weakest point in the open-hole section. This assumption should be reconsidered if losses to the formation are
sustained or weaker zones are encountered in subsequent drilling.
B. Formation Testing:
The formation test is designed to identify the strength of the formation and shall be conducted just below each
casing shoe after drilling 10 feet of new section. There are two common tests used, the Formation Integrity
Test (FIT) and the Leak Off Test (LOT). Early knowledge of the classification of the well (HP, HT, etc.) and its
anticipated well-bore formations will assist in selecting which test to use.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The FIT applies a pressure to the well equal to a predetermined equivalent mud weight. The test is also known
as an equivalent mud weight test. The test does not fracture or break down the formation. A FIT test is
acceptable on a development well where formation pressures in the hole section are known with good degree
of confidence. It is not appropriate for exploration wells.
The objective of a leak off test is to measure the pressure required to force drilling fluid into the formation
(formation intake pressure). Mud is pumped slowly into the closed well bore until the pressure ceases to
increase linearly indicating that mud is being forced into the formation. From the surface pressure being
applied, the following is calculated:
Maximum allowable mud weight
Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP)
Continuing to pump mud after the pressure deviates from a straight line shall be avoided as it can fracture the
formation, reducing the strength of the formation.
A leak off test is normal in an exploration well and where formation strengths are uncertain.
All testing of BOP and related well control equipment shall be in accordance with local regulations and tested as
per the rig specific Level 3 procedures. Refer toTech-07 Subsea Engineering Policies in PRIDE-01-08 manual for
further details.
BOP stack pressure tests conducted when the stack is on the surface shall be carried out as soon as the Between
Well Maintenance (BWM) is completed as per the relevant job plans. These tests are only influenced by the
manufacturer design (Maximum Working Pressure (MWP), generally 10K or 15K psi) and shall remain same
regardless of the well being drilled.
Surface pressure tests are, with the exception of annular preventers, to be to the Maximum Working Pressure
(MWP) of the equipment (usually 10K or 15K psi).
Annular preventers shall be tested by closing on drill pipe to 70% of MWP (usually 3.5K or 7K psi) provided that the
top cap has not been disturbed since the last MWP test. If it has been disturbed then a maximum working pressure
test should be conducted.
BOP stack pressure tests conducted when the stack is subsea shall be carried-out:
When the BOP is initially connected to the Subsea wellhead.
Before drilling into known abnormally high-pressure formations
After each string of casing.
No later than 21 days after the previous test, except in GOM where it should be no later than 14 days to
meet current local regulation requirements.
Exemption to the above rule shall be requested as described in 3.0 Implementation requirements and timelinE
This well control manual is required to be fully implemented on all Pride International Rigs no later than March 31,
2011. Each rig is responsible for developing a plan to ensure the appropriate level 3 procedures are put into place,
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
and that personnel are trained in accordance with this manual. Implementation plans must be approved by the
appropriate Country/Operations Manager for each rig no later than November 30, 2010. All rigs are required to be
in full compliance with this manual no later than July 1, 201. All new rigs or restarted rigs must have level 3
approval prior to the start of drilling operations..
Tests depends on the well being drilled and shall be conducted at maximum anticipated well-bore pressure.
Note: When a BOP is tested while subsea with mud in the C&K lines, the test pressure applied at surface should be
as follows:
(Required BOP test pressure) less (Drilling fluid hydrostatic pressure) plus (Seawater hydrostatic
An illustration is:
For a 15,000 psi BOP in 10,000 foot water depth with a 16 ppg mud, the maximum surface testing
pressure is 11,100 psi, which will provide a 15,000 psi testing pressure (with the mud/sea water
differential hydrostatic pressure) at BOP level.
Panel Test: These tests shall be carried out weekly, in line with API RP 53, from both the Toolpusher’s Control
Panel and the Driller’s Control Panel, using a different pod for each test.
Acoustic Controls Test: Acoustic controls shall also be function tested once a well, from both fixed and portable
control units, with the BOP stack Subsea.
ROV Function Tests: All ROV functions shall be function tested as part of the Between Well Maintenance, before
running the stack on each well.
If a function test coincides with a pressure test, one of the function tests can be combined with the
pressure test. The pressure test will be carried out using one pod and the function test on the other pod.
Times and volumes for all functions must be recorded on the stack test sheet and then filed with the
pressure charts.
Riser Choke & Kill lines shall be tested to MWP (generally 10M or 15M) when running the BOP. Refer to Pride
Riser Operation Manual for more details.
8.4 Choke & Kill Manifold, Diverter & Vacuum Degasser Testing
All testing of C&K manifold and related well control equipment shall be in accordance with local regulations.
C&K Manifold tests while drilling shall be carried-out at maximum anticipated well-bore pressure, at the same
frequency than the BOP tests.
C&K Manifold tests while BOP on surface shall be carried-out at MWP (generally 10K or 15K psi).
Diverter shall be function tested at the same frequency as the BOP function tests.
Vacuum degasser and mud gas separator monitoring system shall be function tested at the same frequency as
the BOP tests.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The hang-off procedure is an essential part of the well shut-in and kill procedure and one of its main objective is to
ensure tubular placed in the shear rams can be sheared at any time.
Rig hang-off procedure must be available on the rig floor and the Driller is to be familiar with it.
Dedicated hang-off rams must be clearly identified on the Driller’s Control Panel along with maximum hang-off
weights for each set of rams.
Distance from rotary table (formerly RKB - Rotary Kelly Bushing) to each set of rams shall be recorded
accurately. This includes the distance to the dedicated hang-off rams.
Consequently the height of a tubular tool-joint above the rotary table required to have a tool-joint located
adequately to perform hang-off must be known at all times. BOP space-out drawings, depending on tubular
sizes, showing the location on the rig floor to hang-off safely shall be posted at anytime in the drill floor cabin.
Refer to Appendix 25: Hang-Off Space-Out Drawing with Tool-Joint Location on Rig Floor – Sample.
Specifications of any equipment in the string shall be available in the drill floor cabin.
Slow circulating rates mud pump pressures should be recorded for each mud pumps. Two rates, as agreed
between Drilling PIC & Client representative, shall be used. Should the cement unit be an optional pump
considered for a well kill operations, SCRs shall also be taken with this pump.
At SCR, measure the mud pump pressure required to pump down the string and then up the riser. Pressure
readings should be recorded from the gauge(s) that will be used during a well kill operation.
All data shall be consigned in the IADC report. They shall be recorded at least:
Once each tour.
When drilling fluid properties have significant changes, and with mud weight increasing by +/- 0.2 ppg (+/-
0.024 specific gravity).
When 500 feet (+/- 150 meters) of new hole section have been drilled.
After bottoms-up for any trip
When a bit or BHA has been changed.
When pumping system components affecting the SCRs have been changed
The Choke & Kill line friction losses are the additional friction losses incurred while circulating through the reduced-
diameter choke line compared to the large-diameter riser. There are four recommended ways to record them:
A. By measuring the difference between:
a. The drill-pipe pressure required to circulate the well through a full open choke with the BOP closed.
b. And the drill-pipe pressure required to circulate the well through the marine riser with the BOP open.
B. By reading the Kill line pressure while circulating the well through a fully open choke with the BOP closed.
C. By reading the mud pump pressure required to circulate down the choke line and up the marine riser with the
BOP open.
D. By dividing by 2 the pressure required to circulate down the kill line taking returns through a fully open choke
(Well bore & riser isolated by closing the BOP).
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Using the choke manifold gauges readings (If using the pump pressure gauge, pressure losses between the
pump and the choke manifold would need to be considered).
It is mandatory to:
Have an accurate mud fluid density when records are taken
Displace choke and kill lines with new drilling fluid when its properties change.
Flush choke & kill lines, especially the failsafe, once every 24 hours with latest drilling fluid. It is generally done
in conjunction of taking SCRs.
Where gelling of drilling fluid is an issue, flush choke & kill lines more than once every 24 hours i.e. as often as
the Driller deems necessary.
Flow checks shall be conducted to monitor the well. These flow checks will be performed for a minimum of 15
minutes while operations are stopped. Trip tank level, with pumps on, must be monitored and hole level must be
checked visually. No deviations to this policy are allowed.
The Driller shall perform a flow check if there is any doubt of the well behavior or as soon as there are any
indication of a kick, influx, mud loss, or the well flowing, etc.
Flow checks must be done when required (Refer to 9.0 Operational Guidelines for detailed information based on
the ongoing operation).
Ensure safety valves with crossovers for each tubular size used (or circulating head for casing) are available use on
the drill floor with their operating handles and ready for immediate use.
Any time a trip is interrupted, a full opening safety valve must be installed (hand tight) on the string.
Valve OD should allow to be stripped through the BOP, wellhead and casing.
A solid float valve shall be used while drilling and hole-opening before setting the surface casing. When a float
valve is used in other circumstances, a ported float is acceptable.
The Drilling PIC shall ensure all equipment potentially involved in a well-control situation is in good working order.
This should include, but not limited to:
Mud pump & related system.
All drilling related pressure gauges, calibration-tested for accuracy and within certification window. This
includes the ones from mud pumps, choke manifold, driller’s console and other drilling parameter displays.
Pit Level Indicators - Raise and lower pit level floats to check alarm settings and alarm signal (Record on chart).
Kelly Valves - Open and close upper and lower kelly cocks ensuring that each valve opens and closes freely.
Drill String BOPs - Open and close ball-type and spring-type safety valves (inside BOPs). Check OD's of these
valves and crossovers to ensure that they can be stripped through the BOPs, wellhead and casing.
Degasser - Line up the degasser with the degasser centrifugal pump and check for correct operation. Record
test on IADC report.
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D. Frost
All electrical parts, with a special focus on explosion proof (EEX) related equipment.
BOP stack.
BOP control system.
Drilling risers.
Choke manifold.
All BOP emergency control systems shall be functional and operational at all times. This includes, but is not
limited to, dead-man systems, Electro-Hydraulic Back-Up systems (EHBS), auto-shear systems, acoustic
control systems, hot-line equipment and ROV intervention systems.
All accumulators, including emergency accumulators, must be sized according to API 16D 2nd Ed.
The following well control material shall be maintained on the rig at all times:
Bulk / chemical quantities sufficient to increase the mud weight of the active mud system by 1 ppg (0.12
specific gravity) or the amount stipulated on the approved drilling permit, whichever is greater.
Cement quantity sufficient to allow a 400-foot (122-meter) plug to be set.
The Drilling PIC shall suspend drilling operations any time these materials are not available, and shall not resume
drilling until they have been delivered to the facility.
To familiarize drill crew members with well control procedures and to minimize their reaction time in case of
emergency, drills shall be conducted. Such drills should take into consideration 3rd parties involved in decision
making (mud loggers for example) and include them in the drills.
Since there is only limited time to react to well control emergencies, Driller and crews must plan and practice
drills at least once per tour, if hole conditions permit, under the Senior Toolpusher supervision until he is
satisfied that every crew member is familiar with the entire operation.
Once satisfactory standards have been achieved, well-control drills shall be carried out as operation allows,
with a minimum of conducting each of them at least once a week. Different type of drills, as listed below, should
be conducted at unscheduled in times.
All rig floor crews returning from a field break should perform these drills as soon as possible after returning to
rig duty.
Senior Subsea engineer and/or Subsea engineer on duty shall be present for all well control drills.
Time & place shall be prepared by Senior Toolpusher, and approved by Drilling PIC and Client Representative.
Any fall in standards should be immediately rectified by an increase in the frequency of drills.
All drills will be recorded on the IADC report and initialed by both the Client representative and the Drilling PIC.
Records include the type of drill, times (Time from simulating the kick to when the last person is in position,
times with all steps set out in the program completed and the well secured) and any other relevant information.
Drills shall also be tracked in Pride Monthly Safety Report.
Well control drills types include:
o Diverting gas at surface (Diverter Drill).
o Well kicking while tripping (Trip Drill).
o Well kicking while drilling (Kick Drill).
o Well killing operations (Choke Drill).
o Stripping operation (Striping Drill).
o Training on BOP functions (BOP Drill).
o Auto-choke operation
o Pit Drill
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D. Frost
Refer to Appendix 22: Well Control Related Drills for more details.
Pride Rig Performance Manager shall ensure his personnel have successfully passed a Pride approved well control
training program (IWCF or IADC Well Cap, Supervisory or Fundamental as required by position, is required unless
superseded by the Regional Vice President) once every 24 months.
Note: Well Control training is recommended for Rig Asset Managers. Refer to the Form 107-F001-Training Matrix in
PRIDE 04-01 Competence Management Manual for further details.
Under Toolpusher supervision, Assistant-Drillers should maintain an up-to-date kill sheet ready to go, with well and
equipment specifications available at all time. Refer to Appendix 23: Well Control Kick-Sheets – Field Units & Metric
– Sample for kill sheet sample. For quick reference, some of the influencing parameters are the MAASP (Refer to
Section 8.2), TVD and MD, string volumes, mud weight and SCRs (Refer to Section 8.6).
Senior Toolpusher will use a Well Control Worksheet (Refer to Appendix 24: PRIDE-03-04-F003 - Well Control
Worksheet) to record and report well information when a blowout occurs.
The guidelines below shall be used for drilling activities. In addition, for all operations below:
JSAs shall be prepared and, should a change of plans become necessary, revised.
Fluid transfer to active system and crane movements shall be communicated to the driller.
Time string is set on slips should be minimized.
At all times, the hole and surface fluid volumes shall be monitored, controlled, and managed such that the total
volume of fluid is known with absolute certainty. Specifically, “pump and dump operations”, will not be allowed
without these controls in place.
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D. Frost
A. Trip Sheet
Prepare a trip sheet and use it during all trip operations. Refer to Appendix 26: Trip Sheet Sample – Field Units &
B. Safety Valve
Ensure appropriate safety valves with crossovers for each pipe size used are on the drill floor with closing tool and
ready for immediate use.
When pumping out of the hole, the Driller must closely monitor the volume of the mud in and out.
A. Slugs
When not pumping out of the hole a slug (or heavy pill) shall, where possible, be pumped into the string. The Driller
must ensure that the returns from the slug are correct before beginning the trip.
B. Mud Bucket
Use a mud bucket when the pipe is pulled wet and direct returns into the trip tank. Monitors trip tank adequately
using trip sheet. Refer to Appendix 26: Trip Sheet Sample – Field Units & Metric.
A. Mud Conditions
Before starting a trip, circulate a full bottom-up and following requirements must be met:
No indication of mud loss should be present.
No indication of an influx of formation fluids should occur.
Mud weight in and out should not vary by more than +/- 0.2 ppg (+/- 0.024 specific gravity).
B. Booster Pump
In order to accurately measure the hole fill volumes, riser booster pump should not be used while pulling out of the
C. Method
Pull five stands wet. Ensure correct hole fill with the Trip Tank. Based on findings, decide on pumping slug or
pumping wet until bit is at the shoe.
Before removing the top drive, ensure the trip tank is functional and ½ to ¾ full to notice any gains or losses with
his pit volume totalizer (PVT).
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Closely monitor the trip level based on expected displacement, taking into account that displacement is affected by
floats, either solid or ported, and by bit and nozzle size.
When the trip tank required to be filled, tripping operation should stop. If still in open hole, reciprocate the string to
minimize risk of stuck pipe.
If the hole is not taking the correct amount of drilling fluid, make a flow check.
Well flowing – Shut-in and prepare for stripping back to bottom
Well static – Run back to bottom and circulate bottoms-up. Monitor accurately the returns.
Inform the Drilling PIC and Client Representative.
Note: Tripping out of the hole with losses of drilling fluid is permitted only where the formation conditions are known
and approval has been obtained from the Drilling PIC.
E. Flow Checks
At a minimum, make flow checks:
Before beginning a trip, when bit is just off bottom.
Before and after pumping a slug.
When BHA reaches the casing shoe.
When HWDPs reach the BOP.
As and when deemed necessary by the Driller.
F. Break in Tripping
G. Pulling Speed
A. Trip Tank
Closely monitor the trip level based on expected displacement, taking into account that displacement is affected by
floats, either solid or ported, and by bit and nozzle size.
When the trip tank required to be emptied, tripping operation should stop. If already in open hole, reciprocate the
string to minimize risk of stuck-pipe.
B. Flow Check
C. Breaking Circulation
D. Bottoms-Up Circulation
When circulating bottoms-up, closely monitor mud volumes especially when the bottom-up mud is getting close to
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D. Frost
E. Float in String
When a float is installed in the string, fill the drill pipe at least every 15 stands.
A. Detection Equipment
Adjust detection equipment alarms as low as possible. Ensure active tanks configuration allows pit volume totalizer
(PVT) to detect the kick margin volume (If too many tanks are lined-up, the level change might only be noticed
beyond the kick margin threshold (20bbls for 12 ¼” phase as example).
Circulate bottoms up at any increase in gas levels, especially while drilling through gas sands.
C. Mud Weight
D. Flow Check
During drilling operations, conduct flow checks when any non-routine condition occurs. A non-exhaustive list of
non-routine conditions is:
Drilling breaks, either positive or negative, and changes in drilling speed and direction, either built or drop.
Change in return flow.
Unexplained changes in pit levels. Note: The drilling crew member in charge of monitoring the mud pits shall
remain in constant communication with the Driller.
Reduction in mud weight after a circulation.
Changes in pump pressure (reduction) and speed (increase).
Flow with the pumps off.
As and when deemed necessary by the Driller.
Drilling or any ongoing operation should be stopped and situation assessed when:
The drilling fluid becomes gas-cut to the point of creating a fire hazard in the rotary area of the drill floor.
The kick margin tends to zero, or the MAASP (Maximum Allowable Surface Pressure) is too low, drilling must
The safety of personnel, environment or property may be in jeopardy.
Operation can resume only when hazard is eliminated.
When drilling out a pilot hole the following requirements shall be adhered to:
The maximum depth of the pilot hole shall be 600 feet (180 meters)
Adequate kill mud shall be available and ready to use in the pits.
A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be conducted per Pride procedures before drilling the pilot hole.
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D. Frost
When circulating bottoms-up through the riser or after trips, wiper trips, and drilling breaks, there may be a sudden
increase in flow rate.
The driller must be prepared to handle the flow surge of drilling fluid and gas by:
Checking the slip-joint pack-off pressure.
Being prepared at the BOP control console to divert overboard if required.
If flow surge is detected, closing the diverter and closing the BOP.
An abnormal formation pressure is a formation with a higher than expected pressure. This pressure can potentially
over-balance the drilling fluid hydrostatic pressure and allow the well to flow.
Early detection of abnormal formation pressures requires the monitoring of a combination of trends. An increase in
one or more of the following trends may indicate a potential kick.
Determination of a potential kick must be evaluated based on the Driller’s experience and evaluation of the data.
When drilling into shale an increase in the rate of penetration (ROP) may indicate formation pressure higher than
expected. Also known as a drilling break.
An increase in background gas levels may indicate an increase in formation pressure and should be investigated.
Background gas levels are unreliable for determining a kick, as they change with minor formation pressure
changes. However, the appearance of connection gas does indicate that the formation is very close, or higher to
the weight of the mud.
As the ratio (formation pressure) / (hydrostatic pressure of the mud) increases, it may indicate shale sloughing and
Shale formations have a tendency to swell or crack upon contact with drilling fluid; consequently bore hole walls are
rendered unstable and the heaving shale material, which makes up such walls, sloughs into the bore hole.
Sloughing of shale material into the bore hole results in an increase in the torque and drag, and may indicate
changes in formation pressure
An increase in formation pressure normally results in an increase in cutting size. As the formation approaches the
mud weight, cuttings start to splinter off the bottom of the hole.
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Under normal conditions, the density of the shale will increase with depth. As formation pressure increases the
shale becomes more porous, resulting in a decrease in density.
If the level of chlorides increases in the mud system without reason, this may indicate a change in porosity, the
introduction of formation fluid and an increase in formation pressure.
High formation pressures result in a change in the temperature gradient of the formation. This may be seen as a
change in the normal trend of mud temperature.
Mud weight is one of the primary barriers to well flow. Reduction of drilling fluid weight can potentially reduce
its hydrostatic pressure below the formation pressure and allow the well to flow. Such reduction can occur from the
Settling of weighting material.
As a string is pulled out of a hole, if the hole is not filled up, a primary barrier to well flow, drilling fluid level will
drop based on the volume of string pulled out, more so with larger diameter components like the BHA for example.
Such reduction in height of the drilling fluid column can potentially reduce the mud hydrostatic pressure below the
formation pressure and allow the well to flow. So during all trips and when the pipe is out of the hole, hole shall be
kept full of drilling fluid using the trip tank.
Loss of circulation will result in drilling fluid level dropping in the hole, hence reducing the height of the hydrostatic
column. This will result in the reduction in hydrostatic pressure potentially below the formation pressure, allowing
the well to flow.
10.5 Swabbing
As a string is pulled from the hole, swabbing (piston effect) can result in a drop of drilling fluid hydrostatic pressure
at the bottom of the hole below the formation pressure and allow the well to flow. Primary causes of swabbing are:
Excessive pulling speeds.
Excessive mud viscosity / rheology.
Balled-up bit and bottom hole assembly (BHA).
Tight spots.
High heave (especially when not compensated).
Large BHA or down-hole tools.
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D. Frost
A kick of 5 bbls (0.8m3) or less can occur completely undetected under normal operating conditions. Also refer to
Section 12.0 for additional information.
Liquid hydrocarbons (such as diesel oil or base oil) can dissolve large quantities of hydrocarbon gases (methane),
CO2 and H2S. If temperature and formation pressure are such that some gas has been dissolved in Oil Based Mud
(OBM) and the influx is being circulated upwards, gas will begin to separate out when the bubble point of this
mixture is reached.
This means that a gas kick in OBM initially behaves like a water kick (pit gain, increased flow during the time of
taking the kick, etc.) but the gas extension will not be seen in OBM as early as with WBM. This extension will be
more spontaneous in an area closer to surface when the dissolved gas comes out of solution. Refer to chart below.
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This chart shows that, based on a sensibility of 5 bbls of the pit level, a kick of gas of same magnitude becomes
detectable with pit levels sensors at 5,000 ft (1,666m) with WBM but only between 1,000 ft and 2,000 ft (330 to
670m) with OBM.
Although solubility of gas in OBM makes drilling with OBM more hazardous with regards to a possible sudden gas
breakout near surface during normal circulation, well control with OBM is not jeopardized as the principle of kick
detection (pit gain, increased flow during the time of taking the kick, etc.) remains the same for all mud types.
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D. Frost
This means that gas breakout and sudden unloading is a definite possibility. The most important aspect when
drilling with OBM is to be aware of the unpredictable behavior of gas expansion near surface, especially when
circulating bottoms-up after a round trip or any circulation after long static periods as the influx may have entered
the well before circulation started.
Standard well killing procedures apply for OBM. However, gas present in gas-cut OBM may be difficult to remove
completely due to the solubility of gas in OBM. If presence of dissolved gas in OBM is suspected and it is expected
to cause splash problems at surface, the well may be closed-in prior to reaching bottoms-up, after which circulation
can be completed via the choke manifold.
Drilling crews have to be made aware of this problem and focus on early detection signs to shut-in the well
before the suspected influx has reached the BOP.
The primary method of well control is to ensure the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the drilling fluid is sufficient to
prevent influx of formation fluid into the well bore while being lower than the pressure fracturing the formation.
Drilling fluid density and level in annulus are keys factors to maintain such hydrostatic pressure, this pressure is the
primary barrier to well flow.
If primary well control cannot be properly maintained, the secondary method of well control is the use of blowout
prevention equipment to control influx of formation fluid that entered the well bore.
Warning signs early recognition and rapid well shut-in will limit the amount of formation fluid entering the well bore
and reduce the risk to break down formation amongst other things.
It is therefore critical that all drilling crew personnel be very familiar with such procedures.
Pride’s preferred Shut-In procedure is the “Hard Shut-In” method. Refer to Appendix 3: PRIDE-03-04-105 -
Secondary Well Control – Hard Shut-In for more detail.
Choke manifold should be lined-up accordingly. Refer to Appendix 27: Choke Manifold Valves Line-Up for drawing
Decision flow-chart samples are available in Appendix 29: Well Control Flow Charts – Sample 1 & 2.
Pride preferred Well Control procedure is the Driller’s method. Refer to Appendix 4: PRIDE-03-04-106 – Secondary
Well Control – Driller’s Method for more details
Client shall bridge with Pride’s procedures. Should this be an issue, refer to Section 4.3 Client Requirements for
deviations to this manual.
For shallow gas diverting, refer to Appendix 1: PRIDE-03-04-102 - Secondary Well Control – Diverting Shallow Gas
While Drilling and Appendix 2: PRIDE-03-04-103 - Secondary Well Control – Diverting Shallow Gas While Tripping.
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D. Frost
After closing an annular on a suspected influx with no pressure showing on the drill pipe or casing, it shall be
assumed there is an influx. Keep the annular closed and circulate bottoms up through the choke line, kill line, or
Anytime the BOP is closed, riser volume must be monitored using the trip tank and recorded every 15 minutes
(Provide sheet sample).
On DP units, a well control situation can become coupled with a loss of position. In Yellow Alert, pumps should be
shut down & BOP failsafe valves closed. Thereafter regular rig ESD sequence applies.
Before starting a well kill operation, it is recommended to circulate down the kill and choke lines to break down the
gels. This can reduce the bottom hole pressure by up to 500 psi, lessening the chance of formation damage.
If at anytime an influx, or part of it, is suspected to be in the riser, refer to procedure in Appendix 9: PRIDE-03-04-
112 – Secondary Well Control – Handling Gas in Riser.
During a kick circulation, mud gas separator drilling fluid hydraulic seal & internal pressure must be monitored.
Pressure shall be recorded every 15 minutes. Refer to Appendix 28: Well Control Events & Data Log-Sheet
Hydrates might appear during a gas circulation. The BOP stack has an ROV panel where Glycol/Ethanol can be
injected using the ROV with the specific injection stab.
Any delay in circulating out gas from well bore should be avoided as it allows the system to cool and increases
the potential for hydrate (re)-formation (BOP stack will cool down to seabed temperature in 20 - 30 minutes of
non-circulation time).
Note that once the BOP is pulled back after Glycol/Ethanol injection, specific maintenance will apply to the
wellhead connector. Refer to appropriate Pride Technical bulletin.
Refer to Appendix 14: PRIDE-03-04-117 – Secondary Well Control – Hydrates for more information.
After circulating out an influx some gas might be trapped in the BOP below the closed annular/ram. Make sure the
amount of trapped gas is reduced by circulating through the BOP as indicated in Appendix 18: Pride-03-04-123 –
Secondary Well Control – Removing Trapped Gas From Subsea Stack After Well Kill.
At the end of a kill operation, circulate kill mud in riser prior to open well.
Should any problems be encountered during the well control operation, refer to Appendix 15: PRIDE-03-04-118
– Secondary Well Control – Problems during Well Kill Operations.
14.3 Procedures
Appendix 1: PRIDE-03-04-102 - Secondary Well Control – Diverting Shallow Gas While Drilling
Appendix 2: PRIDE-03-04-103 - Secondary Well Control – Diverting Shallow Gas While Tripping
Appendix 3: PRIDE-03-04-105 - Secondary Well Control – Hard Shut-In
Appendix 4: PRIDE-03-04-106 – Secondary Well Control – Driller’s Method
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D. Frost
If secondary well control cannot be maintained because of a down-hole problem or equipment failure, certain
emergency procedures can be implemented to prevent total loss of control.
These situations generally require customized procedures that are referred to as Tertiary Well control.
In the past several procedures leading to partial or complete abandonment of the well have been used, including
the following:
Barite plug.
Gunk plug.
Cement plug.
A barite plug is a mixture of barite and water or diesel designed to bridge the hole. In water base mud it is a mixture
of barite, water and other chemicals. In Oil Base Mud it is a mixture of barite, oil and wetting agents.
The plug is spotted in place, bridging the hole as barite settles. The effectiveness depends on the high density of
barite and its ability to form an impermeable barrier.
The plug is displaced through the string and, if possible, the string pulled back above the plug.
Refer to Appendix 19: PRIDE-03-04-121 – Tertiary Well Control Procedure – Barite Plugs for more information.
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D. Frost
Gunk is a mixture of bentonite and diesel. It is a possible alternative to a barite plug in the case of a water flow. It
does not work well with gas and should be considered short term (i.e. set a cement plug on top).
The oil acts as a carrier for the bentonite, not allowing hydration and swelling. As water comes into contact with the
bentonite, it hydrates and sets as clay cement.
A cement plug can be used to seal off flow in the bottom of the well bore. It usually offers little chance of retrieving
the string and involves abandonment of the well and loss of most of the down-hole tools. It is also likely that the
drill string will become plugged, thus a second attempt will not be possible should the first fail. In well control terms,
it should be considered the final option.
Cement plugs are set by pumping a quantity of accelerator (quick setting) cement into the annulus via the string.
Pumping cement continues until pressure shows a bridge has formed.
In high angle holes or when setting off bottom, a highly viscous slug should be spotted below to prevent cement
dropping through the mud.
Refer to Appendix 20: PRIDE-03-04-122 - Tertiary Well Control Procedure – Cement Plugs for more information.
The Level 3 well control documents shall be prepared by the rig personnel as indicated in this manual. These
documents shall take into consideration the specific arrangements and equipment which is unique to each drilling
asset. However, these documents are based on the policies and principles contained in this manual.
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17.1 Appendix 1: PRIDE-03-04-102 - Secondary Well Control – Diverting Shallow Gas While Drilling
Shallow gas is any gas encountered at a depth where the first string of competent casing (i.e. designed or capable
to hold pressure using the BOP stack) is not yet installed. The purpose of this procedure is to define how shallow
gas will be diverted while drilling.
Design Criteria
A diverting system is designed to provide a means of flow control during the initial stages of a drilling operation by
directing well flow encountered at a relatively shallow depth away from the rig and personnel.
A diverter is designed to pack-off around the drill string or casing but is not designed to shut-in the well or halt flow;
it only permits flow routing to a safe direction / location.
If the well is completely shut-in, an uncontrolled flow around the outside of the shallow casing could result as well
as potential overpressure of the diverter system.
Two diverter lines, routed to opposite sides of the rig to facilitate down wind diversion, should be securely
anchored, targeted, and as free as possible of bends or turns. Lines should not contain sleeve-type couplings and
should have a minimum ID of 12" (304.8 mm).
Wall thickness on all turns and bends in the diverter system should be checked at least annually and after each use
of the system to divert a well kick as significant metal erosion of can occur during use in these areas.
Hydrostatic pressure exerted by the drilling fluid remains the first method of well control.
Diverting is a secondary well control method and the main secondary control device remains the Subsea BOP,
which shall be closed as early as possible on a suspected kick.
Shallow gas concerns increase for floaters in water less than 1,000 feet (300 meters) deep.
The OIM, Drilling PIC and Client Representative shall evaluate the risk of shallow gas, taking into account the depth
of water and other known or suspected conditions, and determine if the well shall be given to spud only during
daylight hours.
In shallow gas suspected area, slip-joint packing pressure shall be increased (XXX)
Top hole shall be drilled riser-less, with returns to the sea bed.
During top holes, personnel shall be assigned to monitor the sea surface for gas bubbles and inform the Senior
Tool Pusher immediately if bubbles are observed
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Moving the rig off location immediately may be the best option when broaching occurs
If flowing, pump water or drilling fluid as necessary to moderate the flow. Under no circumstances should the valve,
if any, on the diverter line be closed when the diverter is flowing, If the well cannot be brought under control, by
pumping drilling fluid, or water, consider pumping a barite slurry. Note: Pin connectors must only be used in areas
known to have had no previous shallow gas occurrences, after a thorough risk assessment has been performed
and approved by the Operations Manager Performance.
Process Map and Description
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Keep Toolpusher/PIC
Indication Well
Advised On
Formation Conditions
2 1
Divert Flow
Raise Alarm
Increase Pump
Stroke To Maximum
Switch To Heavy
Stop Pumps
Flow Check
Continue To Pump
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17.2 Appendix 2: PRIDE-03-04-103 - Secondary Well Control – Diverting Shallow Gas While Tripping
The purpose of this procedure is to define when gas will be diverted while tripping.
Diverter lines should be securely anchored, targeted, as a free as practicable of bends and turns and should not
contain sleeve type couplings. Refer to Section 2-B of API RP 53.
When a diverter is used at the top of a riser in floating drilling operations, the diverter system should be thoroughly
checked before drilling out the drive pipe or conductor. Check the diverter line valves to see that one opens
automatically when the diverter is closed. The diverter line should be opened to vent overboard in a down wind
location. Pump water or drilling fluid through the drill string and check diverter line outlets for returns. Examine the
diverter system for leaks and excessive vibration as water or drilling fluid is rapidly pumped through the system.
Under no circumstances should a diverter be closed on a possible kick. If the well cannot be brought under control
by pumping water or drilling fluid consider barite.
Under no circumstances should the valve, if any, on the diverter line be closed when the diverter is flowing. If the
well cannot be brought under control, by pumping drilling fluid, or water, consider pumping a barite slurry.
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Keep Toolpusher/PIC
Indication Well
Advised On
Formation Conditions
2 1
Set Slips
Divert flow
Raise Alarm
Increase Pump
Stroke To Maximum
Switch To Heavy
Well Still No
Continue To Pump
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The purpose of this procedure is to define Hard Shut-in Procedure in various modes of Drilling.
In a well-control operation, closing the BOP without first opening an alternate flow path up the choke line is called
the Hard-shut-in method.
Early recognition and rapid shut-in of the well are key to effective well control. Faster shut-in results in:
Smaller kicks
Lower shut in pressure
Less risk of breaking down the formation
Lower maximum casing pressure when kick has been circulated to surface
During normal drilling or tripping operations the variable choke, and the failsafe valves on the choke and
kill lines are kept closed. If the well flows, the upper annular preventer is closed.
If the margin between pore pressure and fracture gradient is small and a low kick tolerance exists consideration
should be given to closing in the well with the upper pipe rams instead of the annular to minimize the size of the
Sound Alarm!
Pick-up off bottom to the pre-determined space-out height. This position shall be posted on the schematic
located in the Driller's doghouse. All BOP positions relative to tool joints shall be indicated. If wear
protection is being utilized on the drill pipe, the placement position must be consistent to ensure rams are
not closed on the wear protectors if it is required they be closed.
Stop the mud pump/s. Flow check the well. If it is obvious that the well is flowing, shut-in immediately.
If the well is flowing, close the upper annular preventer.
Open the choke line failsafe (sweep line) valves and kill line valves if no stack mounted pressure sensor is
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Observe and record the closed in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP) and the closed in casing pressure (SICP).
Ensure there is no trapped pressure. Determine the volume of the kick. Note the time of day and record
the SIDPP, SICP and pit gain at 1 minute intervals until they have stabilized.
Client Drilling Supervisor will advise the Client Drilling Superintendent and Emergency Response
Coordinator of the well control situation.
Client Drilling Superintendent will discuss the well control situation with the Pride's Rig Performance
Senior Toolpusher will inform the OIM and the OIM will withdraw all work permits if necessary.
Prepare to kill the well. If the SIDPP rises because of gas migration maintain BHP constant by
manipulating the choke and bleeding back to the original SIDPP.
If the pressures are too high, then consideration should be given to using a circulation head and possibly
the cement unit, or both. Rig up the circulating head above the stabbing valve on the drill pipe. If the top
drive is not rated to handle the pressures involved, a circulating head may not be used. Test the line up to
the closed valve on the drill pipe before opening the valve. Install a check valve in the high-pressure line
upstream of the pressure tapping point for the gauges.
Note: For water base drilling fluids: In deep water operations it is recommended to remove any potential residual
gas from the stack as early as possible as in steps 12 and 13. Any residual gas may form hydrates in the BOP if
there is insufficient hydrate suppression in the drilling fluid. By doing this the annular can be opened and the riser
monitored for any leaking from the hang-off ram. The trip tank should be put on the riser and the riser monitored
continuously for riser gas or a leaking upper pipe ram.
Note: For SOBM: If the kick is gas and is below bubble point, the SIDPP & SICP will be very close to one
another. Historically in deep wells where kicks have been taken during drilling operations, the SIDPP is
typically higher than the SICP because of the cuttings loading in the annulus and the gas going into
solution with the oil based mud.
Sound alarm!
Set the drill string in the slips and install the fully opened safety valve.
Close the drill pipe safety valve.
Connect the top drive or Kelly
Raise the string to the space out position. Be prepared to hang-off if needed.
Close in the well with the upper annular preventer.
If pipe is above the BOP close the blind/shear rams.
Open failsafe valves on the upper choke line.
Record pit gain and shut-in drill pipe and casing pressures. Check for flow back through pumps and check
riser for flow on trip tank.
Put the trip tank on the riser (normally already done) to monitor for gas in the riser or a leakage preventer.
To ensure riser protection and safety, should any of the influx be above the BOP upon shut in, follow the
riser gas handling procedures in Section 17.9.
Inform the Tool Pusher and the Client Well Site Supervisor. Make a visual check of the surface well control
equipment and choke manifold. Prepare for stripping in Section 17.12.
If heave is substantial and stripping into the hole is not possible without significant damage to the annular
preventer, proceed to hang-off the drill string on the rams and control bottom hole pressure using the
volumetric method or bullhead the influx back into the formation.
o Set compensator at mid stroke and check space out.
o Close hang-off rams and regulate hydraulic pressure.
o Reduce annular closing pressure and lower pipe on to hang-off rams holding back string weight
above rams.
o Increase ram operating pressure to 1500 psi (10 500 kPa) and activate ram locks.
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D. Frost
o Open the upper annular preventer and put the riser on the trip tank (normally already done) and
continuously monitor for any gas that may have entered the riser. If at any time there is flow from
the riser follow the riser gas handling procedures in Section 17.9.
Observe and record the closed in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP) and the closed in casing pressure (SICP).
Ensure there is no trapped pressure. Determine the volume of the kick. Note the time of day and record
the SIDPP, SICP and pit gain at 1 minute intervals until they have stabilized.
Prepare to kill the well using approved kill procedure.
Client Drilling Supervisor will advise the Client Drilling Superintendent and Emergency Response
Coordinator of the well control situation.
Client Drilling Superintendent will discuss the well control situation with the Pride's Rig Performance
Senior Tool Pusher will inform the OIM and the OIM will withdraw all work permits.
If flow occurs with the BHA in the stack, install an FOSV and close it. Perform a hard shut-in. Install a NRV
and open FOSV. Immediately strip in the hole, crossing back to drill pipe as soon as practical. Close the
pipe rams above a drill pipe tool joint if stripping is suspended.
If some of the full gauge BHA components (stabilizers, roller reamers etc.) straddle the BOP, it will not be
possible to strip in. Either pull the assembly clear of the BOP and close the shear rams or run in the hole
install an FOSV in the drill string and close it then close the annular above the stabilizers. Install a NRV,
open FOSV. Open the choke line failsafe valves to the remote choke and record pressures.
If there is any reason to believe that the shut-in pressure will rise such that the upward force on the drill
collars will exceed the string weight, then the string should be pulled above the stack or dropped and the
shear rams closed.
Prepare to strip in or kill the well by an alternative method.
Note: Taking a kick with the drill collars in the BOP is particularly hazardous because it is possible that the
upward force on the collars due to shut-in pressure may exceed the string weight at this point. It shall not be
possible to hold the string down with the pipe rams as can be done with drill pipe. Always perform a flow check
prior to pulling the BHA through the BOP stack to minimize the risk of taking a kick with the BHA across the BOP.
Note: Always use trip tank while tripping to fill the hole at all time.
If a flow occurs while out of the hole, close the blind/shear rams. If logging, have wire line cutters on the
drill floor for cutting the cable at surface. Know whether the shear rams are capable of cutting the logging
wire line before attempting to shear the line.
Open the failsafe valves the choke line against a closed choke. Monitor and record SICP at 1 minute
intervals until it has stabilized.
Prepare to strip in or kill the well by an alternative method. The Drilling Superintendent must be consulted
to discuss stripping or alternative methods of well control prior to commencing operations.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Keep Toolpusher/PIC
Stop Drilling Advised On
Formation Conditions
2 1
Is Well Flowing?
Close BOP
Is Well Shut In?
Record Conditions
And Make Report
Resume Drilling
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Close BOP
Space Out
Hang Off
Is Well Shut In?
Shear string if no
more closing
possibilty avalaible
Record Pressure
And Make Report
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D. Frost
The purpose of this procedure is to define the Driller’s method of well control.
Specific Considerations:
The well is closed in; then the kick is circulated without increasing the drilling fluid density; after the kick is
circulated out, drilling fluid of required density circulated.
Kill mud shall be exactly the required weight
Subsurface BOP shall allow casing pressure to drop by amount equal to choke line friction.
Surface line volumes (from pump to top drive) must be taken into account.
Prepare and use… a Pride kill sheet.
Accurate records of all events shall be kept by a nominated person.
Before opening BOP, the well shall be flow checked via the choke.
On semi-submersibles, the stack shall be cleared of gas and the riser displaced to kill mud before opening
the BOP.
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D. Frost
Circulate out the kick while holding the kill rate constant:
Keep drill pipe pressure constant by adjusting choke
o If pressure increases, open choke.
o If pressure decreases, close choke
Note: Casing pressure must be allowed to vary to maintain constant drill pipe pressure and therefore bottom hole
Stop pump and close choke when well is free of gas, salt water and/or oil.
Record new closed-in casing pressure.
Note: Casing Pressure should be equal to Drill Pipe pressure when well is free of influx.
To establish circulation:
Use casing pressure plus 100 psi (690 KPa) – safety factor.
Start pump and increase pump speed to kill rate reducing the new closed in choke line pressure by the
amount of the choke line friction.
Hold kill rate and new choke line pressure constant by adjusting the choke.
Maintain required drilling fluid density in suction pit while circulating.
Circulate heavy drilling fluid to bit as determined by time or stroke.
Read and record final drill pipe circulating pressure when heavy drilling fluid reaches bit.
Hold final drill pipe pressure constant by varying choke - keeping kill rate constant.
Choke may be wide open and drill pipe pressure higher than recorded final drill pipe circulating pressure.
Open kill line to choke for an additional choke line, if not already open.
If drill pipe pressure can not be reduced using wide open choke, reducing pump rate while holding kill line
pressure constant. Holding recorded final pressure, will increase the BHP. New circulating pressure must
be calculated in accordance with new pump rate value.
After uncut drilling fluid of required density reaches surface, shut down pump and check flow.
If well is dead, circulate heavy drilling fluid into riser.
Take steps to circulate out possible gas trapped in BOP using a closed diverter.
Continue circulating slowly through choke line while displacing riser.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
17.5 Appendix 5: PRIDE-03-04-107 – Secondary Well Control – Wait and Weight Method
The purpose of this procedure is to define the Wait and Weight method.
The well is closed in; the drilling fluid density increase in the pits as required when the kick is circulated out with
required density fluid.
Fewer circulations for total kill.
May reduced maximum pressure at casing shoe.
Specific Considerations:
Kill mud shall be exactly the right weight (or required).
Follow the correct startup procedure.
Surface line volumes (from pump to top drive) must be taken into account.
Prepare and use an approved kill sheet.
Accurate records of all events shall be kept by a nominated person.
Before opening BOP, the well shall be flow checked via the choke.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Slowly open the choke controlling the choke line pressure and make necessary adjustments to hold the kill
line pressure constant while pump is brought up to kill rate.
If kill line pressure monitoring cannot be performed, allow the choke line pressure to drop by an amount
equal to the choke line frictions.
The observed drill pipe pressure should be equal to the calculated initial circulating pressure.
o If not investigate and determine cause.
o Drill Pipe Pressure at kill pump rate.
o Time when circulation started.
Note: The observed drill pipe pressure should be equal to the calculated initial circulating pressure.
When approximately equal, use the choke to adjust the observed drill pipe pressure to the
calculated pressure. If widely divergent, close in the well and consider alternatives.
Note: Open choke if drill pipe pressure increases. Close the choke if drill pipe pressure
Read and record final drill pipe circulating pressure when heavy drilling fluid reaches bit.
Hold final drill pipe pressure constant by varying choke - keeping kill rate constant.
Choke may be wide open and drill pipe pressure higher than recorded final drill pipe circulating pressure.
Open kill line to choke for an additional choke line, if not already open.
If drill pipe pressure can not be reduced using wide open choke, reducing pump rate. Holding recorded final
pressure, will increase the BHP. New circulating pressure must be calculated in accordance with new pump
rate value.
After uncut drilling fluid of required density reaches surface, shut down pump and check flow.
If well is dead, circulate heavy drilling fluid into riser.
Take steps to circulate out possible gas trapped in BOP using a closed diverter.
Continue circulating slowly through choke line while displacing riser.
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D. Frost
Note: The observed drill pipe pressure should be equal to the calculated initial circulating
pressure. When approximately equal, use the choke to adjust the observed drill pipe
pressure to the calculated pressure. If widely divergent, close in the well and consider
Note: Open choke if drill pipe pressure increases. Close the choke if drill pipe pressure
After heavy drilling fluid reaches bit, hold drill pipe pressure constant at kill rate.
When gas reaches the choke, sudden loss of pressure losses may result in rapid drop in drill pipe pressure
requiring quick choke closure.
Note: At some time, the choke may be wide open and drill pipe pressure higher than scheduled.
Open kill line to choke for additional choke line – if not already open – or the pumping rate can be reduced
to the lower pre-selected rate and the drill pipe pressure lowered to the corresponding final circulating
pressure using the choke.
After uncut kill fluid of the required density reaches the surface, shut down the pump and check for flow. If
well is dead circulate the riser with drilling fluid of the required density before opening the BOP.
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D. Frost
The volumetric method is sometimes used for controlling bottom hole pressure when no drill pipe is in the hole or
when the well can not be circulated. It can also be used when the well is closed in and the crew is waiting on
orders for equipment. Further it can be employed when stripping in or out of the hole. The technique is not a well
killing method; it just controls the BHP while the gas migrates from bottom to surface.
The basic premise of the method is that each volume of mud contributes a certain pressure to bottom of the hole,
which may be measured in (psi /barrel or bar/l) In other words, if 1 volume of fluid is bled off, bottom hole pressure
is reduced by the amount of pressure exerted by that 1 volume; if 1 volume of fluid is pumped in, bottom hole
pressure is increased by the pressure exerted by that 1 volume. To obtain a value for psi/bbl or bar/l, the mud
gradient in psi/ft or bar/m is divided by the annular volume in bbl/ft or l/m, or the hole volume if no pipe is in the
The volumetric method is to be used if there is gas in the well, string is plugged, bit is far from the bottom or no
reading of Drill Pipe Pressure (NRV). The annular volume used for volumetric calculations should be that part of the
annulus where the gas is located. Because it is not often known exactly where the gas is, some Companies
recommend using the annular volume just below the BOP Stack. The safest choice is to consider the lowest
annulus capacity.
If in either the short or long term circulation of gas out of the well bore is not possible, gas migration may occur.
This results in increasing drill pipe pressure (DPP), casing pressure (CP), bottom hole pressure (BHP), and casing
shoe pressure.
To maintain a constant BHP, the gas must be allowed to expand as it migrates up the annulus. The method to
allow the gas to expand is the volumetric method.
Where such communication exists, use the drill pipe gauge as follows:
Monitor SIDPP.
Allow SIDPP to rise by about 100 psi (690 KPa) as a safety factor.
Allow SIDPP to rise by another 100 psi (690 KPa).
Bleed mud from choke, allowing DPP to drop by 100 psi (690 KPa).
Repeat until able to circulate or gas reaches surface.
Do not bleed gas from the well.
In the case of plugged nozzles or string, string not on bottom or no string in the hole, then only the SICP is
available. In this case the following procedure shall be adopted:
Monitor SICP.
Allow SICP to increase by 100 psi (690 KPa) to give a safety factor.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Calculate the amount of mud to bleed from the annulus to reduce the hydrostatic pressure (BHP) by 100
psi (690 KPa).
Allow SICP to increase a further 100 psi (690 KPa).
Bleed the calculated volume of mud from the annulus via the choke. This should be done slowly, holding
the casing pressure (CP) constant. When 100psi (690 KPa) of calculated mud volume has been bled off
from the well shut-in and allow casing pressure to increase by 100psi (690 KPa). The casing pressure will
now increase in stages as it continues to migrate.
Repeat until gas is at surface.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements for drills simulating a kick during a tripping operation.
Well control drills shall be conducted per the requirements of WCP-10 Under-Balanced Drilling, with the objective of
familiarizing each crew member with their function and the techniques to implement.
Drills shall be conducted as realistically as possible. Where practical, there shall be no difference between the drill
and actual procedures. Drills should, however, be conducted at an appropriate time to minimize the risk of stuck
pipe or any other situation that might be detrimental to the operation.
The objective of this drill is to familiarize the crew with the shut-in procedure to use for a kick while tripping. The
drill should only be made with the bit inside casing.
Upon a signal from the PIC, the Driller is expected to do the following:
Stop other operations
Install full opening safety valve (FOSV)
Close FOSV
Close annular
Open HCR or choke line failsafe valve
Check that the well is shut in
Start to record pressures
Notify person in charge (PIC)
Monitor annulus flows
Drills and their durations shall be recorded on the daily IADC Report and as per Emergency Response
requirements. Once the PIC is satisfied that the rig’s crew can respond to a well control incident that occurs during
a trip, then the last five steps may be simulated.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements for drills simulating a kick during drilling operations.
Well control drills shall be conducted per the requirements of WCP-10 Under Balanced Drilling, with the objective of
familiarizing each crew member with their function and the techniques to implement.
Drills shall be conducted as realistically as possible. Where practical, there shall be no difference between the drill
and actual procedures. They should, however, be conducted at an appropriate time to minimize the risk of stuck
pipe or any other situation that might be detrimental to the operation.
The objective of this drill is to familiarize the crew with the shut-in procedure to use for a kick while drilling objective
being to close the well in less than 2 min by each crew.
The drill may be conducted with the bit in open hole or cased hole. If the bit is in open hole, the well should not
actually be shut in.
Upon a signal from the PIC, or by reacting to a simulated pit gain, the Driller is expected to do the following:
Detect the pit gain (if done).
Stop drilling.
Pick up and space out.
Shut down the pumps.
Monitor annulus flow.
Close annular.
Open HCR or failsafe to a closed choke.
Start to record pressures and pit gain.
Call person in charge (PIC).
The duration of the drill shall be recorded on the daily IADC Report.
With the bit in the open hole, the last four steps should be simulated. Once the bit is in the casing, the top drive can
be made up and the whole drill carried out.
When drilling top hole and the instructions are to divert, reaction time is of paramount importance.
A specific drill for diverting shall be prepared for each rig and includes the following:
Simulate diverting the well as per procedure.
Simulate lining pumps up to heavy mud and/or seawater.
Essential persons must go to positions.
Non-essential persons must go to muster points or as per emergency plan.
Simulation of diverting and pump line up should be carried out by each crew at the beginning of each shift during
this drilling phase.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Muster drills should be carried out at the beginning of the top hole section, then every 7 days or crew change during
this phase.
Drills shall be recorded on the Daily IADC Report and as per Emergency Response requirements.
Other Drills
It is recommended that several drills should be carried out prior to drilling out the casing above a high pressure or
hydrocarbon zone.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which to handle and control gas mitigation into riser bore.
In some deepwater situations, an influx might be in the riser before it is detected and the well shut-in. This situation
is highly likely when an oil base mud is in use and the original influx has not been detected because of its size and
prevailing conditions when the kick was taken. Small swabbed kicks taken on trips out the hole have been
circulated into the riser after running back into the hole resulting riser unload because of bubble point being
reached by the gas circulated into the riser.
For obvious reasons this type of a situation is very difficult to deal with considering the expansion capability of gas.
Explosive atmospheres are reached very quickly and can endanger the lives of many people on the rig. Flash fires
have occurred in these situations in the past causing extensive equipment damage, serious injuries and loss of life.
Deepwater risers must be fitted with automatic fill up devices to prevent the collapse of the riser if it is evacuated by
Note: Pump through the booster line with the maximum flow rate - keep the riser as full as possible.
The riser collapse and burst pressures should be posted at all times as well as the hydrostatic within the riser
during all operations.
In deepwater drilling the water depth can be a considerable portion of the total hole depth. When circulating
bottoms up from a trip, or if a kick is taken while drilling, there is a possibility that gas has migrated or is circulated
above the BOP stack before it is detected. As the gas slowly migrates, (at a generally accepted rate of 1,000 ft/hr
(300 m/hr ), while normal well control operations are taking place, such as increasing mud density or pumping out
the kick, etc. It is not out of the realm of possibilities that this slow migration of gas in the riser could go unnoticed
as these other activities are taking place, and the gas will begin to unload before anyone notices it. These
conditions are the most dangerous. If this occurs, back pressure cannot be applied with the choke to control the
flow rates and the mud gas separator (MGS) may no longer be available (depending on drilling unit configuration)
to separate gas from the mud when the riser gas reaches surface.
The characteristics of the bubble rise are important to appreciate. At first, the upward velocity will be simple
migration, perhaps tens of meters per minute (plus circulating annular velocity), with slow expansion.
There is a critical bubble depth at which it becomes capable of pushing the mud above it out of the riser, and the
migration turns immediately into a rapid expansion and release of the gas out of the riser. This critical depth is a
function of gas bubble size and mud density, but is often a depth of 100 - 300 feet (30 - 100 meters). The following
equation can be used to estimate the unload depth.
The riser may lose the entire expansion volume of mud, e.g., 300 bbls (50 m3), dropping its level several hundred
meters. Such a drop could under balance a formation in the well bore if the BOP is open.
With synthetic and oil-based mud, evolution of dissolved gas in the riser remains an important consideration for all
water depths.
Large amounts of gas near surface will migrate very fast and carry a large volume of mud out of the riser at high
rates. The small volume changes that occur when gas migrates up the hole or is circulated from bottom to the BOP
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D. Frost
stack, and up the riser, requires extreme caution to be exercised to ensure the riser is not unloaded resulting in
injuries on the drill floor, collapsed riser, or an influx on bottom.
Early kick detection and rapid shut-in is key to eliminating or minimizing gas above the Subsea BOP stack. If a kick
warning sign is recognized, position the drill string and the pumps should be shut off immediately prior to flow
If the volume of gas above the BOP is kept small and allowed to be dispersed or broken up, then the gas can be
safely handled at surface by controlling the rate at which the mud is brought to surface. This will reduce the volume
of mud displaced from the riser and surface handling problems. The higher the riser circulation rates the higher the
gas and liquid expulsion rates will be. By circulating in stages (300’ (100 m) of the riser at a time) with the booster
pump at slow pump rates (50 – 80 GPM (200 - 300 L/min) the gas can be broken up and the expansion and
dissolution of the gas more easily controlled.
Diverter systems can be modified to route gas through the main MGS rather than directly to the shakers or
overboard. A smaller line routed to the MGS with an automatic valve can be placed on the diverter line in front of
overboard lines. When the overboard line is closed off, the valve on the smaller line automatically opens. The mud
is degassed with returns going to a small tank such as the trip tank. It will not be possible to circulate through the
MGS for any primary well control operations while circulating gas from the riser through the MGS. The automatic
opening of the valve on the overboard line should be tied into separator pressure so that the separator and slip joint
pressure limitations are not exceeded.
Beware of the slip joint pressure limitations, which can be reduced if the rig is heaving. Check the manufacturer's
rating and determine desired test procedures to assure slip joint integrity.
Another alternative is to have a second MGS dedicated to dealing with riser gas.
A third alternative is to incorporate a fluid drop out in the diverter line with a sump system for extracting mud volume
from the vented gas/mud mixture. The sump system allows most of the drilling fluid to be recaptured back to the
mud system using an enlarged opening at the bottom of the diverter line that also is separated from the mud tanks
by means of a liquid seal.
If water based mud are being utilized the emphasis shall always be on removing the influx from the well bore as
quickly as possible to prevent hydrate formation. Should gas migration be present in the riser, the riser should be
lined up to divert overboard and the riser influx allowed to migrate and disperse as much as possible as there are
no environmental implications for the fluid diverted overboard.
The BOP should be closed during riser gas handling for the following reasons:
A. If the BOP is left open, gas expansion can under balance the hole, potentially leading to additional influx if
formations are exposed.
B. A closed BOP isolates the well bore from the riser.
C. The well can be monitored through the choke and/or kill line outlet below the closed preventer or the stack
mounted pressure sensor (SMPS).
The riser can be circulated with a riser booster line and/or the choke/kill line and/or bleed-off line through an outlet
above the closed preventer.
Options exist for managing gas that has inadvertently entered the riser above the BOP, in deepwater operations;
however, each situation will require specific action. There are numerous factors that must be considered such as:
Is the well secure to prevent an influx coming in down-hole?
What drilling mud type is used, water base or oil base?
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D. Frost
Note: Evacuate all non essential personnel of drill floor. Remove all personnel from above the rotary table
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
If there is very little or no gas migration after the pump is shut off, continue to circulate slowly in intermittent
stages with the booster pump to move the gas up the riser and dispersing it to reduce surface handling
Continuously monitor for gas levels at the trip tank and at the shakers. The lower explosive limit is
approximately 5% by volume, gas in air.
If gas is seen at surface, stop pumping and watch for flow. Allow the flow to deplete before continuing. If
the flow rate increases, be prepared to open up the diverter line to send the gas overboard.
If the drilling unit is equipped with a riser gas handling system, the flow can be diverted through a mud gas
separator if the flow rate is within the capacity of the equipment.
Retain as much drilling fluid as possible.
Where gas is discharging at rapid rates it must be directed overboard or where possible to the mud gas
separator or other mud saving system if available.
Continue to circulate in stages at a slow rate until the complete riser volume has been circulated.
The following flow chart summarizes the decision process to be used when drilling with OBM.
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which to Bull head a well
Bull-heading during drilling operations will be considered when standard well control techniques are considered
inappropriate. During such situations, it is unlikely that accurate information is available regarding the feasibility of
Bull-heading. In most cases therefore, the likelihood of successfully Bull-heading an influx will not be known until it
is attempted.
Bull-heading is however a relatively common method of killing a well during work over operations. This technique is
generally used only during work over operations when there is adequate reservoir permeability and no open hole.
Each case must be judged on its own merit considering such variables as:
Formation Permeability
The formation must have good permeability/porosity to allow squeezing. The actual kick can be used as an
indicator (inflow performance prior to closing in the well and the speed of the pressure build-up after the well is
closed in).
Type of Influx
A gas is easier to squeeze back than a liquid. Also, the higher the viscosity of a liquid, the more difficult it is to
If the influx is contaminated with mud (which is the case with most drilling kicks) squeezing shall be much more
difficult, because of the plastering qualities of the mud solids and the possible presence of cuttings. The quality of
the filter cake at the permeable formation will increase the pressure required to force the influx back into the
If the influx has migrated, or has been circulated up over a certain distance, mud below the influx shall have to be
squeezed ahead of the influx, assuming that the weakest formation is where the influx came from. The sooner bull-
heading takes place, the higher the chance of successful squeezing shall be.
Formation Strength
The consequences of fracturing a section of the open hole and creating an underground blowout must be
considered. The characteristics of the open hole prior to the influx taken may not allow Bull-heading to be
performed. Squeezing should be performed with the aim not to fracture any formation. In principle, the surface
pressure should not exceed the MAASP. If heavier kill mud is pumped down the annulus, MAASP should be
adjusted accordingly.
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The casing burst strength should always be taken into account when Bull-heading is considered. An appropriate
safety factor should be selected which depends on the condition of the casing and possible casing wear.
If a kick is taken that may exceed the formation strength below the casing shoe an attempt should be made to
circulate the gas into the casing. Should the formation fail a Bull-heading technique will have to be resorted to
regardless. It is most probable that the formation will break down at the casing shoe or weakest zone below the
shoe during Bull-heading. Factors to be considered if MAASP may be exceeded:
The formation intake pressure obtained during the leak-off test is usually lower than the formation breakdown
The influx is dispersed in the mud and the actual position of the gas is higher than the theoretical top of gas when
killing commences. The influx will not reach the shoe as one bubble and part of the influx will be inside the shoe
before the theoretical top.
Unless the influx has migrated above the casing shoe, it will be necessary to pump down the drill pipe to force the
influx into the casing shoe.
A large amount of mud volume, LCM material should be available in case of severe mud losses during the
operation. The LCM should be pumped down the annulus if required.
During the actual drilling phase the feasibility of Bull-heading should be continuously evaluated as the local geology
is revealed and casing wear monitoring is interpreted.
Use the kill line connection above the bottom pipe rams for Bull-heading so that the annulus can be isolated in case
of a kill line failure.
Note: Pump down both drill pipe and annulus simultaneously if possible.
Bull-Heading Procedure
In general, Bull-heading procedures can only be drawn up bearing in mind the particular circumstances at the rig
site. For example there may be situations in which it is considered necessary to cause a fracture down-hole to
bullhead away an influx containing H2S. In another situation with shallow casing set, it may be considered very
unacceptable to cause a fracture in the open hole.
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The following procedure and the Bull-heading procedure should be used as guidelines for Bull-heading:
Shut in the well.
Record SIDPP, SICP and pit gain. Calculate the rate of migration. Ensure that the cement pump has the
capacity to displace the influx downwards faster than the influx is migrating upwards. This should not be a
problem on oil based mud HPHT wells as migration rates will be low.
Calculate the annular surface pressure which will cause formation fracture in the weakest known open hole
section of the well, giving due consideration to the contents of the annulus i.e. more than one density.
Adopt a safety margin below this value for the maximum pump pressure. The maximum pressure may
need to be reduced as pumping progresses. Ensure that the maximum pump pressure does not exceed
BOP, wellhead or casing burst pressures. Construct a graph of maximum pump pressure against volume
pumped. Extrapolate the friction loss in the choke line and subtract it from the total pressure loss while
pumping into the annulus for an accurate Bull-heading pressure.
Ensure there is enough mud volume on surface to displace the entire open hole volume plus 50% excess.
Use the existing mud weight that is in use at the time to bullhead.
If possible, hook one pump up to the annulus and another to the standpipe. By having a pump lined up on
the drill pipe the drill pipe pressure can be closely monitored, the float valve can be bumped open, any gas
that has entered the drill pipe can be cleared and any annulus pack-off can be more readily detected.
Establish the injection pressure by slowly pumping down the annulus to initially break down the filter cake.
Attempt to keep a constant rate and plot the injection pressure versus the volume. Have the leak off test
information available so that it can be compared with the injection pressure.
The injection pressure should not exceed that calculated above. If the injection pressure keeps increasing,
stop pumping and observe.
If gas is going back into the formation, the pressure will decrease.
The pumping rate finally selected must be greater than the migration rate. In this case, the migration rate
should be very small or non-existent and therefore the pumping rate can be very slow (to avoid shoe/weak
point breakdown)
If the pressure decreases when the well is shut down, continue Bull-heading at the maximum rate; if
possible slowly pump down the drill string at the same time.
Continue pumping until the volume displaced is equal to the open hole volume plus 50%.
Shut down and observe the well. If there is still pressure on the well and the drill pipe and annulus
pressures are approximately the same, consider raising the mud weight and proceed with the wait and
weight method. If there is no pressure on the well, flow-check, open the BOPs and circulate bottoms up
taking the last 25% through the choke before considering continuing operations.
If it is not possible to inject at the chosen pressure it may be necessary to increase to the maximum permissible
pressure. If injection is still not possible at this pressure, the kill procedure must be re-evaluated.
If injection is established but pressures begin or continue to rise, the reason could be either of the following:
Gas migration: The injection rate will have to be increased to overcome the migration rate.
The permeability of the reservoir is decreasing due to damage by the mud: Bull-heading should continue
until maximum surface pressure is reached, the kill procedure should then be re-evaluated.
If losses are evident after completion of the Bull-heading operation attempts should be made to stabilize the well
with loss circulation material, gunk squeezes or as a last resort with a cement squeeze.
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D. Frost
Establish Final No
Injection Rate > Bleed Off / Observe / Repeat
Migration Rate
Discuss Options:
Formation Breakdown
Yes Abandon
Bullhead Observe Well –
Required Checked Trapped Gas
Volume Record Volumes &
No No Off Bottom
SICP=0 SICP= Well Control
Bullhead Additional Volume
Yes Yes
On Bottom
Well Control
Continue with Conventional Well Control Procedures
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17.11 Appendix 11: PRIDE-03-04-114 – Secondary Well Control – Controlling Gas Migration
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which to Control Gas Migration in Well Bore.
Gas migration represents a potential problem any time the well is shut-in. Uncontrolled gas migration causes a
pressure increase throughout the well bore. With the well shut in, gas migration is identified by gradually increasing
shut-in surface pressures both on the casing and on the drill pipe. The rate of gas migration depends on both hole
and mud properties and ranges from 0 to 6000 feet per hour (0 to 1800 meters per hour). (Zero when the gas goes
into solution in OBM and up to 6000 ft/hr (1800 m/hr) when a large gas kick is taken at shallow depths) Where kick
control operations cannot be started shortly after the kick, gas migration can result in excessive well bore pressures
if not handled correctly.
Effective well control requires that enough mud be bled from the well to maintain bottom hole pressure constant
and at least equal to the formation pressure as the gas migrates. If the gas migrates towards surface before other
methods of well control can be implemented, controlled removal of the gas from the well must be performed using
"Volumetric Control.”
There are two methods for controlling gas migration in a well bore during shut-in.
Drill Pipe Pressure Method - This should be implemented any time the well is shut-in if there is
communication from surface to bit through the drill pipe.
Static Volumetric Procedure - This method is used only when there is no pressure communication through
the drill pipe from bottom, or bit far from bottom.
Note: If gas migrates and is not allowed to expand, formation pressures shall be brought to surface possibly
resulting in formation breakdown or casing failure.
It may be necessary to implement this procedure while waiting for the mud density to be increased during times of
shut down due to severe weather conditions. As well this method can be implemented when circulation is not
possible (e.g. power failure) but the drill string is not plugged and is at or close to bottom.
Allow the surface drill pipe pressure to increase by a desirable safety margin typically 100 psi (700 kPa)
above the original stabilized shut-in drill pipe pressure. This pressure is the lower limit drill pipe pressure.
Using the choke, hold Drill Pipe Pressure constant.
Once gas has migrated inside the casing the MAASP can be exceeded without failing the shoe if DPP does
not pass over the MAASP.
It should only be required to bleed very small increments of mud from the choke to control the drill pipe
pressure between the two limits.
If possible, measure and record the total mud bled from the well during bleed periods.
The rate at which the gas is migrating can be estimated by the following formula:
Use a manual choke for better control of pressures and small bleeds of fluid.
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D. Frost
In deep wells there is considerable time delay between choke manipulations and drill pipe pressure
reaction. Be careful not to over bleed.
Gas migration can be handled successfully only if it is possible to simultaneously maintain bottom hole
pressure above formation pressure and casing shoe pressure below the fracture pressure as the gas
moves up the well.
If this is not possible, it is better to allow the shoe to breakdown rather than reduce bottom hole pressure
below formation pressure and allow further influx.
Shoe breakdown would be suspected if the drill pipe and annulus pressures drop or stabilize for a period of
time and adjustments in casing pressure are no longer reflected on the drill pipe.
Underground flow, resulting from shoe breakdown, would be confirmed by falling drill pipe pressure.
Switch to Bull-heading mud down the annulus and drill pipe to control the casing pressure if underground
flow suspected.
The static volumetric procedure may be required if the drill string is off bottom and hung off in the BOP, if the drill
string is stuck off bottom, if the string is too far off bottom to be stripped back, or if the bit plugged.
Gas migration causes well bore pressure increases. The increase is directly related to the rise of gas in the
annulus. Mud must be bled from the well to allow the gas to expand, in order to maintain bottom hole pressure
slightly higher than formation pressure.
Mud is bled in increments from the well as the casing pressure increases. The amount of casing pressure increase
for each cycle is determined by the amount of mud bled from the annulus.
Equipment Requirements
A trip tank capable of measuring to 100 L accuracy must be rigged to accurately measure the mud bled from the
A manual choke will provide far more precise control and response than a remotely controlled choke.
Select a Safety Margin (SM) and Working Pressure Range (PW) (or incremental) to control bottom hole
pressure. Recommended: SM = 100 psi (700 kPa) and Range = 100 psi (700 kPa)
Calculate Hydrostatic Pressure per ft3 (m3) of mud in upper annulus just below the BOP stack. HP per ft3
(m3)= Mud Gradient / Annular Capacity
Calculate the volume of mud to bleed each cycle.
Vol bleed per cycle = Working Pressure Range / HP per ft3 (m3)
Construct a schedule of casing pressure versus volume to bleed per cycle.
Allow the SICP to increase by the Safety Margin (SM) without bleeding.
Allow the SICP to increase by the range without bleeding.
o Pchoke1= SICP + SM + Working Pressure Range
o Pchoke2 = Pchoke1 + Working Pressure Range
o Pchoke3 = Pchoke2 + Working Pressure Range
Maintain casing pressure constant by bleeding small amounts of mud from the choke until the volume per
cycle is bled (measured in trip tank).
Shut in and allow casing pressure to increase according to the hydrostatic pressure of the mud increment.
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D. Frost
Repeat steps 6 and 7 until another well control method is implemented or gas is at the surface.
Note: when gas is at surface, monitor casing pressure and keep it constant bleeding off gas if necessary
until all gas is below BOP and choke.
SICP = 1400 kPa … SM= 700 kPa … Range=700kPa … Bleed Volume = 3.5m3 Gr
mud = 12.95 kPa/m, … Ann Vol = 0.0649 m3/m
0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28 31.5
Volume Bled from the Well (m3)
Casing Pressure
Note: Rise = Range / Run = Bleeding While Holding Constant Casing
For Deepwater wells the static volumetric method above may not be adequate. As the kick migrates above the
stack, gas is forced into the Subsea choke line, which has a much smaller cross sectional area than the annulus.
In deepwater operations the gel strength of the mud in the choke line due to the low temperatures, may inhibit the
gas migrating on its own. With this configuration and mud properties, the static volumetric method is much more
difficult to implement since gas entry into the Subsea choke line must be detected. Additionally, gas distribution
and migration rate must be known in order to make appropriate changes in the casing pressure - pit gain schedule.
The Dynamic Volumetric method may be used where mud is pumped into the kill line, across the top of the annulus
and out through the choke line and choke manifold. By carefully monitoring pit gain, an appropriate casing
pressure can be selected that will maintain constant bottom hole pressure. Choke line friction pressures at that
pump speed are added to the surface pressure.
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D. Frost
Safety Margin
Gas Migration
Casing Pressure (kPa)
Gas Removal
The base line is constructed by plotting initial shut-in casing pressure (SICP) against initial pit gain. The slope of
the line is computed by dividing the change in hydrostatic pressure of the annular mud by the annular capacity.
The line is drawn with the computed slope through this point. The zero intercept represents the theoretical shut-in
drill pipe pressure that would be observed if meaningful drill pipe pressure was available. A safety margin can be
plotted above the base line to allow the choke operator some margin for error. The dashed line represents the
Subsea case in which the choke line friction must be added.
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Choose a working pressure step Pw and calculate the equivalent volume V corresponding to this Pw in the
smallest capacity (choke line).
V chokeline capacity
Knowing the CLF (choke line frictions), start circulating down kill line and up choke line keeping on kill
(pump) gage (to start the pump, increasing the flow rate keep SICP+SM+Ps+PW-CLF at the choke gage):
Pump Pressure =Pkill=SICP+SM+Ps+Pw+CLF
Accurately monitoring the pit gain/loss, increase kill (pump) pressure each time you gain V to:
When you will start evacuating the gas, each time you loose V in your pit, reduce the kill (pump) pressure
of Pw:
From the last step it will be:
Gas lubrication is the process of removing gas from beneath the BOP stack while maintaining constant bottom hole
pressure. This method is used to remove gas from below a Subsea stack. In this case, circulation is maintained
across the wellhead while the pit gain and surface pressure is controlled with the choke. The kill line pressure
gauge is used to monitor well bore pressures.
An accurate tank should be used to monitor gains and losses at the surface. The following guidelines should be
implemented after identifying that the influx is at the stack.
Calculate the hydrostatic pressure per m3 (bbl) of mud in the annulus just below the stack. HP per m3 (bbl)
= Mud Gradient / Annular Capacity
Ensure that the kill line is full of mud. If there is any doubt, then the well should be isolated and the kill line
circulated with mud. This is required in order to ensure that the pressure at the stack is accurately
monitored. If a stack mounted pressure sensor is available, and then use it to monitor the stack pressure.
Line up to circulate down the kill line and up the choke line. Ensure that it is possible to monitor the active
pit level accurately. Route the returns through the mud gas separator.
Crack the choke and bring the pump up to the desired lubrication rate. As the pump is brought up to
speed, the kill line pressure will increase. If the CLFP can be compensated for by monitoring the BOP
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pressure, then the pumping pressure will be equal to the CLFP, if it can not be compensated then the kill
line pressure will be greater.
Read and record the kill line circulating pressure. The kill line pressure will be monitored and controlled by
the choke during the entire operation.
Reduce the kill line pressure, as indicated, by the drop in mud pit level. As gas is bled from the well, the pit
level will fall while the choke operator adjusts the choke to maintain a constant kill line circulating pressure.
This will result in mud being lubricated into the well.
As the pit level decreases, the kill line pressure should be reduced to account for the increased hydrostatic
This procedure should be continued until all the influx has been vented from below the stack. This will be
indicated by a constant pit level. If the well has been completely killed, the final circulating kill line pressure
will be equal to the kill line friction pressure loss, the choke line friction pressure loss, and the pressure loss
through the wide open choke. If the well is not dead, the final circulating kill line pressure will be greater
than this value.
Kill line Pressure (kPa)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 00
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17.12 Appendix 12: PRIDE-03-04-115 – Secondary Well Control – Kicks Off Bottom
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which Kicks off Bottom are dealt with and controlled
Kicks of Bottom
When the string is off bottom or out of the hole, the first consideration should be to return the bit safely to bottom.
The recommended method is to install a safety valve followed by a non-return valve in the string and strip through
the annular preventer.
An off bottom kill involves circulation with the bit other than on bottom. This might be considered if the following
Casing pressure is too high to strip.
Pipe is stuck.
Equipment problems occur.
Excessive heave occurs.
The kill mud is based on the actual shut in pressures relative to the bit TVD rather than hole TVD.
This method poses considerable risks.
If pressures cannot be reduced to an acceptable stripping range, Considerations should be given to
snubbing unit deployment.
If an overbalance existed prior to pulling out of the hole, then the only reasons for the well to flow are:
Failure to keep the hole full;
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D. Frost
Controlling kicks when the drill string is not at or close to bottom is generally difficult because the well cannot be
fully circulated. If kicks while off bottom are handled incorrectly, excessive kick volumes may be taken that could
make well control impossible. It may not be possible to remove the influx from the well or increase the density of
the mud below the drill string. In addition, the drill pipe pressure will not be a reliable indicator of formation
Stripping is the operational name for tripping under pressure. The best chance of controlling the well is if the string
can be stripped back to bottom through closed preventer. Once the drill string has been stripped to bottom,
standard well control procedures, as detailed in Section 17.5 or 17.6, can be employed.
The decision on whether to strip to bottom or not shall depend on surface pressures, distance from bottom and
available equipment. In general, for surface pressures less than 1450 psi (10 000 kPa), it should be possible to
strip to bottom. For higher pressures, stripping should also be considered as long as it can be accomplished
without additional hazard to personnel.
All rigs must be fitted with a trip tank, which is capable of accurately measuring volumes in 1/10th bbl (20-liter)
increments. An electronic measuring system should be fitted if possible, with readout in the Driller's doghouse.
Some rigs may be fitted with stripping tanks to enable the closed end volume of drill pipe stripped into the well to be
bled off from the trip tank, thus simplifying the estimate of bubble expansion from trip tank volume. Both the trip
and stripping tanks should be graduated in 1/10th bbl (20-liter) units to allow accurate measurement of small
volumes during the volumetric stripping procedure.
Vessel motion may also induce unacceptably high surge pressures in the well. If weather conditions are such that
vessel motion is minimal, stripping is a realistic option.
Alternatively, the Volumetric Method may be used to allow the expanding bubble to rise to surface if vessel motion
is unacceptable and there is a risk of damage to the BOP resulting from stripping. In this case the string must be
hung off. Bull-heading is an option if the right conditions exist.
DO NOT circulate off bottom if there is a risk that there is any gas below the bit.
Because of the complicated nature of these types of operations, the rig-site supervisory personnel should consult
the Client Drilling Superintendent, PRIDE Rig Performance Manager and the Company Engineering Team to agree
upon a plan before beginning. Be aware that if the kill operation is not started shortly after the kick is taken the gas
may begin to migrate up the well.
Stripping is the operational name for tripping under pressure, and the volumetric method is used to maintain a
constant bottom hole pressure during the stripping operation, allowing for migration of a gas bubble in the well bore.
The Stripping Method requires bleeding a volume of mud equal to the total displacement (displacement plus
capacity) of the drill string entering the well bore plus an additional volume to allow for expansion of a migrating gas
As pipe is stripped into the well it displaces mud, and if the mud is not released at the choke, the pressure in the
well can rise rapidly enough to cause lost circulation. Conversely, if too much mud is released, the hydrostatic of
the mud column is reduced and an additional influx can be taken which will lead to higher well bore pressures.
During the stripping operation, the casing pressure must be adjusted properly to maintain a constant bottom hole
pressure. For example, if the casing pressure is held constant, an additional influx could bleed into the well as the
rising and expanding gas displaces mud from the well reducing the hydrostatic of the mud column.
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D. Frost
If stripping with the annular is not possible due to excessive casing pressure then it is preferable to reduce the
casing pressure to a level where annular stripping is possible rather than attempting to strip ram-to-ram. This is
because annular BOP are not generally suitable for high pressure stripping. The rubber elements can become
damaged quite quickly and their usefulness lost.
The casing pressure can be reduced to a level, which will allow annular stripping, by Bull-heading or lubricating
heavy mud into the casing.
Note: Do not bleed off excess pressure as this may allow a further influx into the well bore.
Stripping to bottom is only possible when the drill string has sufficient weight to overcome well bore pressure and
friction against the closed annular preventer element. The upward force of well bore pressure against the drill
string can be calculated as follows:
The friction force between the drill string and preventer varies with the preventer type and the hydraulic closing
pressure. If the drill string is out of the hole when a kick is shut in, the weight of a stand of drill collars must exceed
the upward force for stripping to be possible.
If the influx is gas, the effects of migration during the stripping operation must be considered.
During stripping in, when the bottom of the drill string enters the influx, the influx height increases in the reduced
volume of the annulus. This increase in the height of the influx reduces the hydrostatic pressure in the annulus and
results in higher surface pressures. The method detailed here calculates the additional backpressure, which shall
compensate for running into the gas bubble.
The (upper) annular preventer should be used for the stripping operation provided it is of a suitable pressure rating
and is not leaking. Annular preventer closing pressure is reduced for stripping purposes to insure that the drill
string can pass through the preventer but well bore fluids are not allowed to leak past the preventer.
Stripping shall not be performed if gas is at surface under the annular preventer. If gas reaches surface during the
stripping operation, it should be removed by circulation or lubrication prior to continuing stripping. (If necessary)
All annular preventer shall be fitted with a hydraulic surge bottle on the hydraulic line for the closing chamber and a
correctly functioning regulator valve to permit the passage of tool joints without damage or leakage.
If stripping with the annular is not possible due to excessive casing pressure (i.e. > 1450 psi (10,000 kPa)) consider
the following alternatives for reducing the casing pressure rather than attempting annular-to-ram or ram-to-ram
If the influx is below the bit consider Bull-heading into the annulus and drill string with the original mud density and
a surface pressure not exceeding the fracture gradient at the last casing shoe.
Allow the influx to migrate above the bit using the Volumetric Method.
If there is gas to surface and SIDPP is significantly less than SICP with no further increase in SICP observed,
(which could occur due to migration of a secondary influx), the influx may be circulated out using the Driller's
Method holding an additional pressure as a safety margin (75 psi (500 kPa) suggested). Gas may also be removed
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D. Frost
from the annulus using the "Dynamic Lubrication" procedure in Section 17.11, pumping mud into the annulus and
bleeding off the corresponding pressure in increments.
Note: Off bottom circulation is extremely hazardous if there is an expanding gas bubble below the bit.
Holding constant drill pipe pressure in that condition can result in reducing the bottom hole
pressure as the bubble expands and a possible further influx.
For each rig and well, a stripping procedure should be developed to suit the available equipment and anticipated
well conditions. It is also important to allocate crew responsibilities for the stripping operation - follow stripping
course as well.
Following the normal shut-in it is essential to record the total pit gain resulting from the kick while tripping as
accurately as possible. Record the stabilized casing pressure.
Note: TIW type full opening safety valves are not suitable for stripping as they are not designed to hold
pressure from outside the drill string. Hydril or Hi-Kalibre type safety valves shall be used on all
PRIDE rigs and shall be fitted with appropriate cross-over to permit stabbing and make-up on the
pipe being tripped. Upon installation of the drill pipe safety valve there must be sufficient room for
the drop in dart to fit on top of the stabbing valve and then install the IBOP without binding the dart.
If the dart sub was not dropped before the drill pipe safety valve was installed, set it inside the safety valve in the
open position on top of the ball and close it prior to installation of the IBOP.
Install an IBOP in the string on top of the safety valve and open the safety valve. (Ensure spare safety valves and
IBOP are available, in case of drill pipe leakage during the stripping operation).
Line up returns from the annulus through the manual choke into the trip tank.
The upper annular preventer operating pressures should be lowered according to the manufacturer's specifications.
Note: Slow down as tool joints pass through the annular preventer. Drag through the annular may be as
high as 135,000 lbs/ft (60,000 daN) if the annular element is new and in cold environment and if
seabed temperature is low.
Fill each stand of pipe with mud from the active system without circulation using the casing fill-up line.
Observe the drill pipe for backflow that would indicate a leaking IBOP. If leakage is seen stab an additional IBOP
or safety valve-IBOP combinations as necessary.
Short term annular stripping should be implemented whenever the pipe can be stripped to bottom in relatively short
order (typically less than 20 stands, for example). It is based on the assumption that if the influx is gas it will not
migrate sufficiently to cause undesirably high well bore pressures.
Begin stripping the first stand, allowing casing pressure to increase by a desirable safety margin, recommended
100 – 200 psi (700 - 1400 kPa).
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After initial build-up of the safety margin, the Choke Operator should bleed the equivalent "closed end"
displacement volume as each stand is run in.
The pipe should be lowered slowly to prevent excessive wear on the annular.
The floor hands should lubricate the bottom of the tool joints and remove burrs from tool joints only if they will pass
through the annular.
Pipe should be filled from the inside BOP (or dart valve) to the surface of each stand stripped.
Monitor the casing pressure for possible gas migration. If so indicated, control by using the volumetric procedure or
implement the Long Term Stripping procedure. When on bottom, circulate out the influx using Step 1 of the Driller's
The following procedure should be used as a guideline when stripping pipe in the hole. Calculations should be
performed using the worksheet "Operator Stripping Sheet" or a similar sheet. The gas bubble density is considered
zero or 0.1 psi/ft.
While preparing to strip in, constantly monitor and plot the annulus pressure versus time in 5 minute intervals.
Monitor the flow line continuously for leaks in the upper annular.
Minimize any delay prior to stripping to limit surface pressures. If migration does occur prior to starting the stripping
operation, use the procedure described in Section 17.11 to allow the rising gas bubble to expand while maintaining
a constant bottom hole pressure.
No Gas
Increase from
Gas Migration
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Select a "Safety Margin" (Sm) that will account for errors in choke operation and other operational factors. The
value of this safety margin shall depend on the calculated maximum allowable annulus pressure available and can
be expected to be in the range 50 – 200 psi (350 - 1400 kPa). For stripping operations in the pressure transition or
over pressured zones, consideration should be given to using the minimum or eliminating this safety margin. This
is due to the small difference in the pore and fracture pressures and the increased risk of fracturing the formation.
Calculate the required additional pressure (Ps) to hold as of safety margin while stripping to account for running the
BHA into the gas bubble as follows:
L1 = Vinflux
Alternative formula:
Vinf lux V
Ps ( inf lux ) (GRmud GRinf lux )
OH / DCcapacity OH capacity
L1 = length of gas bubble below BHA (feet or meters)
L2 = maximum length of bubble above bit (feet or meters)
Ldc = length of drill collars (feet or meters)
GRmud = gradient of mud in hole (psi/ft or kPa/m)
GRinflux = gradient of influx in hole (est. 0.1 psi/ft or 2.26 kPa/m)
Vinflux = influx volume (ft3 or m3)
Vbha = annular volume around drill collars (ft3 or m3)
CAPOH = hole capacity (ft3/ft or m3/m) - use casing capacity in cased hole
CAPann = hole-casing/DP capacity (ft3/ft or m3/m) -
Dhole = hole diameter (feet or meters) - use casing ID in cased hole
Ddc = drill collar outside diameter (feet or meters)
Ddp = drill pipe outside diameter (feet or meters)
PS = (L2 - L1) X (GRmud - GRinflux) x Cos (average hole angle) - Deviated Well
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Select a working pressure increment (PW). This shall normally be 350 - 700 kPa. Calculate the equivalent
incremental volume V2 (m3) which when removed from the well would cause a loss of hydrostatic pressure of Pw.
Note: consider the smallest capacity (choke line capacity); otherwise pressure may be lost on bottom
when gas volume bleed from choke line.
V2 chokeline capacity
Note: This V2 volume assumes that the bubble is above the BHA in the drill pipe annulus and that the well
is vertical.
When ready to begin stripping in, record the current annulus pressure on the stripping sheet, SICP.
Start stripping pipe in the hole with the well closed in. Allow the annulus pressure as measured at the choke to build
up to Pchoke as the first stand (or stands) is stripped in.
Pchoke1 = Pann + Ps + Pw
Continue stripping the stand in maintaining Pchoke1 constant, using the manual choke, taking returns from the choke
to the trip tank. This requires good co-ordination between the choke operator and Driller who must control the rate
of lowering the pipe. When the full stand has been stripped in, close-in the well at the choke.
After each stand stripped, a volume equal to V1 (closed-end displacement per stand) should be drained from the
trip tank into the stripping tank then removed from the stripping tank.
Complete the stripping sheet accounting for the closed end displacement of the drill pipe stripped only while
Pchoke1 was held constant. For example, if 2 singles were stripped in before the annulus pressure built to Pchoke1+
then 1 single was stripped in holding Pchoke1 constant.
Continue to strip pipe in the hole, maintaining Pchoke1 constant. After stripping in each complete stand, complete the
stripping sheet to calculate the bubble expansion.
Continue stripping in until a net gain of V2 is noted in the trip tank indicating the bubble has expanded to displace
hydrostatic pressure PH,. Close the choke and continue to strip in and allow the annulus pressure as measured at
the choke to build up to Pchoke2• Pchoke2 = Pchoke1 + Pw
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If migration has been observed, pressure may be allowed to build to Pchoke2 without stripping.
Repeat the procedures in 9 to 15 above maintaining Pchoke1 constant until a further net increase in trip tank volume
of V2 has been returned from the annulus via the choke. Strip in on a closed choke or allow gas to migrate until the
pressure has built to:
Pchoke3 = Pchoke2+ Pw
Continue stripping to bottom, using the above method. When on bottom, circulate out the influx using the Driller's
There are two types of ram combination stripping: annular to ram, and ram to ram. Both techniques must be
considered if either the tool joint cannot be lowered through the annular, or surface pressure is too high to allow
annular stripping alone. Annular to ram stripping is preferable to ram to ram unless surface pressures are
considered to excessive. Following are requirements:
There must be sufficient space for the tool joint between the two stripping BOP.
There must be an inlet at the stack between the two BOP used for stripping.
There must be a suitable level of redundancy in the stack to ensure the lower most BOP is not used during
the stripping operation.
If the calculated Pchoke is greater than the maximum allowable annulus pressure, then the stripping operation should
be continued
If the influx has migrated above the casing shoe, exceeding the MAASP may not necessarily result in formation
breakdown at the shoe.
If during stripping in, the choke pressure does not build to Pchoke as calculated, then losses are being taken down-
hole. This could be the result of a formation breakdown at the casing shoe, or the influx is being bullheaded back to
the formation by the stripping process.
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In either case, to avoid the possibility of further influx migration up the annulus, line up to pump down the annulus
slowly (< 0.16 m3/min) and continue stripping in without bleeding off pressure.
If the string is out of the hole when an influx is detected it is likely that the closed-in pressure will be low due to the
rapid response in closing the well in (close the well with upper annular is also very fast). Hence, it should be
possible to strip into the well.
The maximum surface pressure that can be overcome by the weight of the first stand, ignoring the friction between
the annular preventer and the string, is calculated as follows:
Max Surface Pressure (psi) = Buoyed Pipe Weight (lb/ft) x Pipe Length to BOP (ft)
Atool joint (in2)
The procedure to enter the string back into the well is as follows:
Install an inside BOP (Gray valve or, preferably, float valve) on the first stand of slick drill pipe. Use open
ended drill pipe.
Lower the stand to just above the blind/shear rams and close the upper annular preventer.
Open the blind/shear rams (equalizing pressure first) and strip through the annular preventer. Allow the
choke pressure to increase by Pw and maintain constant.
Fill the string with mud.
Allow the choke pressure to increase to PANN + Ps + PW without bleeding off any mud when stripping the
first stands of drill pipe.
Continue the combined stripping and volumetric method as described in the previous section.
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17.13 Appendix 13: PRIDE-03-04-116 – Secondary Well Control – Kick Control in Deviated and
Tapered String Wells
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which Kicks are controlled in wells which are deviated or
use a tapered string.
All hydrostatic pressure-related calculations should be based on true vertical depth values. This means that the
standpipe kill graph of a deviated well has a different curve as compared to the graph prepared for a vertical well
due to the behavior of the SIDPP. It applies only for the first phase of the Wait and Weight method (displacement of
the drill string), since the standpipe pressure remains constant for the other phases.
If the standpipe kill graph for a deviated well is constructed as for a vertical well, higher than required bottom hole
pressures shall occur while displacing the drill string to kill mud.
Alternatively, for a tapered string with a long section of small ID BHA and drill pipe, not accounting for the tapered
section could cause the well to be under-balanced.
For kicks in deviated hole sections of HPHT wells, below the transition zone, the difference between the fracture
gradient and pore pressure gradient is small. Secondly, the shoe strength may be lower than planned due to the
possibility the minimum horizontal stress is reduced with the formation being drilled at an inclination. Not applying
the extra applied bottom hole pressure may be crucial to avoid losses during a kill situation.
The procedure to construct the Phase One standpipe kill graph for a deviated and/or tapered well is as follows:
Plot the initial standpipe pressure at time, volume or strokes zero.
Calculate and plot the standpipe pressure when the new mud has reached the bit.
Calculate and plot the key standpipe pressures at the strokes required to displace the string to the
corresponding depths. This shall include plotting the beginning and end of each build-up and/or drop-off
section and the change of drill string at the appropriate position in the graph.
Connect the points obtained in a), b) and c) with a straight line. This line represents the standpipe pressure
while pumping the kill mud from surface to the bit. Refer to the diagram on the following page.
Assuming the capacity of the drill string is constant, the standpipe pressure at a point of interest is calculated using
the following formula:
Note: W&W method is very difficult to apply for deviated wells. Assume the string capacity is constant
and if one follows the kill mud injection chart, without safety margin, BHP will reduce.
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Vert. To Strokes to FCP
KOP Displace
Strokes Tangent String
Build Section
Pump Strokes
Surface to Bit
Pt Ph
Volume Volume
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Several development wells may be high angle or horizontal through the reservoir. The production wells may be
inverted in some instances i.e. have an inclination greater than 900. Though many well control techniques are
applicable to horizontal wells there are some measures which need to be applied to ensure best practice.
All principals used in vertical or inclined wells for avoiding and detecting kicks can be applied to high angle or
horizontal wells. Due to the long sections of permeable, hydrocarbon bearing formation exposed in the horizontal
well sections however, the potential kick intensity is higher than for a vertical or inclined well.
Swab and surge pressures are greater relative to formation pressure in high angle and horizontal wells. This is true
especially where rheology have been increased to improve hole cleaning. Care is required in particular to minimize
the risk of swabbing well bore fluids. The following precautions will be taken:
Prior to tripping out of hole or on wiper trips mud rheology will be conditioned and reduced where practical.
Tripping Speed will be controlled. The maximum acceptable speed will be determined by the mud loggers
for each trip.
When confident well is not swabbing, pump out of hole to the point in the well where the inclination is 70°,
flow-check, pump a slug then install the pipe wiper to continue the trip.
The trip tank should then be continuously circulated across the well.
The actual mud volumes from the trip tank will be recorded on the pre-completed trip sheet and compared
to theoretical volumes.
A tripping plan will be prepared to address both well control and stuck pipe avoidance issues.
As with swab pressures the ECD is greater relative to formation pressure in high angle and horizontal
wells. When the pumps are shut down therefore to make a connection stability of the well must be assured.
The well will be flow-checked while making a connection and prior to commencing a trip.
Well Shut-In
When a kick occurs in a high angle or horizontal well the shut in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP) will be close to or equal
to shut in casing pressure (SICP). This is because the angle of the well bore means that the kick only creates a
small or no reduction in hydrostatic pressure in the annulus. It is possible that if a pit gain is detected and the well
closed in, no pressure will be observed on the casing or the drill pipe. This could indicate that there is an influx
which is still in the horizontal section.
The normal method for determining the fluid type in the influx based on pit gain, SIDPP and SICP cannot be applied
in a high angle or horizontal well. There is no real alternative to this although a gas kick will be identified by a
continuously increasing casing pressure as the gas expands in the inclined or vertical section of the well while
circulating the kick out or as the gas migrates.
In general the advantages of the wait and weight method of well kill are less significant in a high angle or horizontal
well. Weighted mud will not reduce the surface and casing pressures until it has passed the high angle section of
the annulus. On any well with the production casing will be set inside the reservoir at high angle or near horizontal.
By the time the kill mud is beyond the horizontal annulus the influx will have passed into the casing.
Note: W&W method is very difficult to apply especially in deviated wells (increasing likelihood of
mistake). If shoe is in the horizontal section, W&W will not reduce the overpressures on shoe. In
this case, use Driller’s method
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The Driller's method will be used on detection of a kick. This will minimize the time taken to deal with the kick,
reducing the risk of stuck pipe and other hole problems.
If a gas kick occurs when drilling an inverted hole, the free gas will be trapped at the end of that hole section or
within `crests in the well bore. It has been shown that gas will remain in these undulations unless the mud velocity
exceeds 100 ft/min (30 m/min) or SOBM is present in the well. Clearly this is higher than normal slow circulating
In order to flush out trapped gas, while circulating the pump rate should be increased to give a flow corresponding
to 100 - 165 ft/min (30 - 50 m/min). This should continue for a volume equivalent to the annular volume of the
horizontal inverted hole section.
Bull-heading an influx back into the formation is often a successful practice to exclude gas. Care must be taken not
to break down the formation and induce large scale losses. Formation strength data will be available from the 9-5/8
in (244.5 mm) casing leak off test to establish maximum pump pressures.
In a water base mud as the slip velocity of gas in mud is in the range 65 – 200 ft (20 - 60 m/min). (depending on
mud rheology) the gas kick or flushed gas may arrive at surface prior to bottoms up.
If an SOBM is being used the gas will go into solution with the mud and will not be trapped in the inverted hole
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The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which Hydrates are prevented.
Hydrates are frozen compounds made up of hydrocarbons and water. When certain hydrocarbon gasses and water
come in contact, the gas molecule becomes encapsulated within a matrix of water molecules, if the pressure and
temperature conditions are within a critical range, the compound will freeze and become solid. Gasses that
combine with water to form hydrates include methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, n-butane with methane present,
hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Hydrates have the physical appearance of dirty ice. Hydrates can exhibit
surprising strength.
When hydrates form during a well control operation, both down-hole and surface problems can occur.
Water within the mud can be chemically tied up in the hydrate robbing the mud of enough liquid phases to
create settling problems. Barite or drilled solids can settle out and stick pipe or plug openings in the drilling
Gas entrained within the hydrates is significantly compressed. The volume ratio solids to gas are
approximately 1 to 200. As hydrates melt substantial quantities of gas are released and can collect to
become an explosion hazard.
Hydrates can build up and plug off parts of the well control system:
Choke and kill lines.
In or below the BOP preventing monitoring and/or circulating.
Surface back pressure device(s), and gas handling equipment.
Around the drill string causing it to become stuck.
In a ram cavity preventing the ram from opening or closing.
In the locking system of the connector(s) preventing release of the riser or top BOP.
Pressure and temperature, in combination with the chemical makeup of the gas and the presence of free water
control the formation of hydrates. As pressure increases, the maximum temperature at which hydrates can form
increases. As temperature decreases, the minimum pressure at which hydrates can form decreases. The more
critical of the two is temperature. Low temperatures are a flag waving to warn of the potential for hydrate problems.
Subsea drilling in deep water is an extremely likely environment for hydrate formation.
Therefore keeping a kick shut in with the influx on bottom cannot result in the well bore formation of hydrates.
Hydrate formation and the associated problems must be associated with moving the influx higher in the well bore
into a lower temperature environment. The recommended method for well control remains the Wait and Weight
Method, even in deepwater drilling conditions unless there is potential for hydrate problems when a water base
drilling fluid is in use.
A prime situation for hydrate formation would have to shut down during a deepwater well control operation with
influx fluid in the BOP. Should this occur, the lowest pipe rams that fit the pipe in the BOP should be closed to
protect the well. The stack should be circulated with warm mud to both remove the potential for hydrate formation
above the closed rams, and to maximize stack temperature to inhibit hydrate formation below the closed rams. If
shutting down can be avoided, hydrate formation will be minimized.
Surface formation of hydrates is very likely. As gas expands through the back pressure device(s), adiabatic cooling
occurs to encourage hydrates. Cascading water across the surface gas handling equipment is a common method
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used to minimize hydrate formation. This is obviously not going to be successful in a cold climate. Injection of an
inhibiting substance is a very successful method used to discourage hydrates. Methanol or glycol are commonly
employed as inhibitors.
The higher the salinity of the water involved in hydrate formation, the greater the inhibition. Drilling with high salinity
to salt saturated water or water phase in a mud is an effective method of minimizing hydrate formation. Additions of
glycol based additives (glycerol) to the drilling fluid is another effective inhibition method.
Prior knowledge of ambient temperatures is critical in planning and implementing an inhibition program, in setting
up proper operational procedures, and in planning recovery methods for hydrate related problems in well control.
Methanol is not a desirable mud additive as it is more toxic than glycol and has a lower vapor pressure and flash
point temperature. Special provisions must be taken for the storage tanks and detection of methanol fires on
offshore drilling units. Care must also be taken when using brines. Alcohols, such as methanol and ethylene glycol,
lower the solubility of most inorganic salts in water causing the salt to precipitate out of solution.
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E Glycol
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Weight % for Salts
Volume % for Methanol and Ethylene Glycol
Hydrate formation while circulating is less likely due to the heat brought up from the well bore. Any delay in
circulating out gas will allow the system to cool and increases the potential for hydrate formation. The BOP stack
will cool down to seabed temperature in 20 - 30 minutes of non-circulation time. Whenever the potential for hydrate
formation exists the Driller's Method should be the preferred kill method. i.e. Drilling with water based muds. If the
Driller's Method poses potential problems such as the time it takes to kill the well, the potential for stuck pipe, or
high well bore pressures with a smaller fracture pressure margin, a plan should be made prior to drilling each hole
section for alternatives to kill the well.
Alternative 1
A hole volume of reserve kill mud can be premixed to +7.5 ppg (+0.90 S.G) (or higher) above the mud density to be
drilled with. The reserve kill mud can be diluted to reduce the mud density to the required kill density. This
considerably reduces the waiting time before a Wait and Weight kill method can be implemented.
Alternative 2
Hydrate inhibitor can be injected into the well during the well kill. Glycol, methanol or mixtures of inhibitors can be
injected via the kill line or a dedicated injection line on the riser. The degree of hydrate suppression and
concentration of inhibitor necessary for the specific sea bed temperature should be pre-planned using a hydrate
simulator. Circulation rates of the drilling fluid and the inhibitor must be balanced so that the proper concentration is
maintained at the choke line.
The cement pump shall be used to inject glycol into the stack. Glycol injection into the stack shall commence when
the influx is approximately 1640 ft (500 m) below the stack. Glycol injection upstream of the choke should start once
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the influx has entered the choke line. Guidelines for glycol injection rates shall be provided. The volumes of the
glycol injection lines shall be known and checked.
Formation of hydrates can be a severe problem downstream of the choke due to high pressures and violent gas
expansion that generate a large cooling effect. Glycol injection should be considered if the forming of hydrate plugs,
while circulating out gas influxes, is considered a risk. Graphs shall be provided for the gas compositions, if known,
to assist well site personnel in predicting potential problems.
The temperature and pressure shall be monitored both on the high and low pressure side of the choke manifold. If
the limits are to be exceeded, circulating rates must be lowered to reduce the volume of gas traveling through the
choke or even suspended to allow the temperature to increase before continuing. Inject glycol at ¼ to ½ gal/min (1
to 2 L/min) upstream of the choke and the same rate at the wellhead, commencing before the influx reaches the
wellhead and until influx has been discharged from the well. Glycol is only effective down to a temperature of -
122°F -50°C. If indications are that the temperature will fall below this value then operations must be suspended
and attempts made to increase the temperature. It should be understood that at temperatures below -122°F (-50°C)
the integrity of steel pipe work is severely compromised.
Contingency plans shall be in place to use the second choke to reduce the gas flow over the primary choke or to
use the kill line as a backup for circulation in case the choke or choke manifold become plugged.
Hot mud can also be injected into the mud gas separator to minimize the risk of hydrate formation in the separator.
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17.15 Appendix 15: PRIDE-03-04-118 – Secondary Well Control – Problems during Well Kill
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which problems during Well Kill operations are addressed
Note: If the drill string becomes plugged during a kill operation, it shall be necessary to either remove the plug or
provide an alternative circulation path. Until a circulation path can be established, and an influx is in the well
migrating to surface, maintain bottom hole pressure constant using the Volumetric Method.
If the plug cannot be removed, an alternative fluid circulation path must be provided. If it is possible to run an
electric line to the bit, run an explosive charge to blow out the bit nozzles.
If an MWD tool and motor assembly are in the hole then the string must be perforated. A successful perforation is
more likely be made in the heavy weight drill pipe than the drill collars.
When running wire line in the drill string, full wire line pressure control equipment must be made up to the drill pipe.
Install a stabbing valve on the drill pipe before rigging up wire line pressure control equipment. (Ensure wire line
tools selected shall pass through it.) Have wire cutters available in case required.
With the drill pipe perforated, washed out or severed off bottom, the operation becomes an off bottom kill, which is
discussed in Section 17.12.
Partially Plugged
Unexpected but fairly stable increase in drill pipe pressure with no change in casing pressure.
Do not open the choke or the bottom hole pressure will be reduced and a second influx may occur.
Shut in the well on the choke and stop the pump.
Establish the new SCR pressure for the system by bringing the pump up to speed with the kill line pressure
Reconstruct the kill graph if applicable.
Continue well kill circulation with care as the well situation may evolve.
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When pumping drill pipe pressure continues to increase with no change in the casing pressure. A drop in the
casing pressure is due to reduced flow at choke.
Do not open the choke or the bottom hole pressure will be reduced and a second influx may occur.
Shut in the well on the choke and stop the pump.
Monitor the annulus pressure. If migration is occurring, the Volumetric Method to relieve annulus pressure
or to fully remove the influx may need to be implemented.
Provide a means of circulating from the drill string to the annulus. Preferably open the circulating sub in the
BHA. If a circulating sub is not being run then perforate the drill string as close to the bit as possible.
Continue the well kill circulation.
(Fluctuating) Increase in Drill Pipe Pressure with No Change, or a Reduction, in Casing Pressure
Immediately shut down the pump and close the choke.
Do not open the choke or the bottom hole pressure will be reduced and a second influx may occur.
Bleed excess Drill Pipe Pressure down to the original SIDPP.
Reciprocation or rotation of the pipe during circulation may help to alleviate the problem. This can be done
through the annular if pressure is low enough.
Control gas migration with the volumetric method if the influx is above the packed off section..
Hydrate Formation
Hydrate is a term for a frozen mixture of gas and water. Hydrate formation will only occur under certain conditions
of temperature and pressure.
Such conditions may exist during well kill operations in the Subsea choke line and/or upstream or downstream of
the choke. Hydrates are very difficult to melt after they have formed and therefore every effort to prevent formation
must be made.
Continually increasing drill pipe pressure until eventual plugging of the line. Dependent on the position of the
hydrates, the choke pressure will rapidly decrease (hydrates in the Subsea choke line) or increase with the drill pipe
pressure (hydrates in the choke or downstream of the choke). Rapid pressure increases may occur in low pressure
mud treatment systems (mud/gas separator etc.) if hydrates are carried through to the mud system.
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Shut in the choke and close down the pump.
Determine the extent of the problem.
Isolate affected equipment. Where possible, consider utilizing further flow paths. If this is impractical.
Select a method to 'melt' the hydrate.
Increase temperatures with steam coils on surface lines or by circulating hot mud or brine on Subsea lines.
Reduce line pressures, this may not always be practicable.
Plugged Choke
This is likely to occur if a kick has been taken whilst drilling with cuttings in the annulus. If the annulus is likely to
contain a substantial volume of cuttings then circulation rates should be minimized to provide a longer reaction time
when plugging begins.
Open the choke to attempt to clear the plugging and to avoid over pressuring the well. If the choke does not
Close the choke and stop the pump.
Select an alternative choke.
Bleed off the excess pressure in the well at the choke.
Recommence the well kill circulation in the normal way.
Cut-Out Choke
The choke requires to be closed gradually to maintain circulating pressure.
A choke is unlikely to cut out suddenly, therefore there will not be a dramatic indication that this is
Check the pit volume to ensure that lost circulation is not occurring. If not, and it is not possible to maintain
drill pipe pressure as desired.
Close the choke completely and stop the pump. Close a valve upstream of the choke.
Line up to circulate through an alternative choke.
Recommence the well kill circulation in the normal way. Repair the cut out choke immediately to provide
back-up equipment.
Rotary hose vibration, fluctuating drill pipe pressure, hydraulic knocking at the pump.
Close the choke and stop the pump. Shut in the well. Isolate the damaged pump.
Select another pump (rig pump, kill pump).
Recommence the well kill circulation in the normal way. Repair the damaged pump immediately to provide
back-up equipment.
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Close the choke and stop the pump. Shut in the well.
Isolate the faulty gauge and replace as quickly as possible.
Line up the gauge to read well pressure. Check and reassess the well pressures. If all is in order:
Recommence the well kill operation in the normal way.
Failure of any part of the BOP system should result in the well being closed in. If the well cannot be closed
in then the pipe should be sheared and emergency disconnect initiated.
The whole kill operation should be reviewed after failure of any part of the BOP system. A change of kill
method may be required.
A reduction in drill pipe pressure with the casing pressure remaining constant.
Close the choke. Stop the pump. Shut in the well.
If the influx is migrating, use the Volumetric Method to remove the influx from the well and then run a
temperature log to determine the depth of the washout in the drill string. If the influx is not migrating, run a
temperature log to determine the washout depth.
Determine if the influx can be circulated out/well killed with the washout in that position. If so, continue with
the well kill circulation. If not, consider Bull-heading the influx or abandoning a section of the well.
Note: Excessive circulation or drill string movement should be avoided during all operations.
Stuck Pipe
The complication of stuck pipe is more detrimental to the well control operation if the pipe is stuck with the bit off
The most likely cause of stuck pipe during well control operations is differential sticking. If the drill string does
become differentially stuck and circulation is still possible, the well should be killed and then efforts made to free the
pipe after the well is stable. Freeing agents should be used in preference to reducing mud weight .and a minimum
of overbalance has to be maintained during all operations.
Mechanical sticking is also possible during well control. operations due to sloughing and packing off shale as a
result of contact with the influx fluids or sand being carried into the hole from the reservoir by the influx. If circulation
is not possible, the following procedures should be implemented.
Remove the influx from the well using the Volumetric Method if the influx is migrating.
Run a free-point indicator to determine where the string is stuck.
Perforate the drill string as close to the bit as possible.
Kill the well with circulation of kill mud.
Consider attempting to free the drill string or abandoning a section of the well.
Loss of Control
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Loss of control in a well control operation may result from excessive loading of well control equipment or even
failure of that equipment whilst exposed to loads below the rated values.
Under all situations, the priority is the safety of rig site personnel followed by the safety of the rig. Shearing of the
pipe and emergency disconnect is the procedure to be adopted upon loss of control.
Temperature Anomalies
During a well kill, circulation rates are lower than the corresponding circulation rates during drilling operations. The
flow line mud temperature should therefore be lower during well kill than that recorded whilst drilling.
If a second gas influx is taken into the well during the kill operation, the expansion of this gas acts as a fluid drive
therefore increasing the rate of increase and the actual wellhead temperature.
The temperature of the return mud should be monitored during the kill operation. If the temperature profile shows
unexpected anomalies, the well should be shut in and a reassessment of the well kill made.
The mud gas separator's limiting factor is its separation capacity. Circulation rates during well kills should not
exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. By using a kill rate lower than this maximum value, the
mud gas separator overload conditions should not be reached.
Permanent monitoring of the mud gas separator pressure ensures overload conditions are not reached. In addition,
continuous monitoring of the mud gas separator pressure prevents overload conditions in respect of liquid
degassing capability or blockage by hydrates of the vent line.
The returns can be discharged through the overboard line by manually operating the air operated valve on the MGS
bypass. The same valve will also be automatically opened when the pressure indicates a blockage in the mud gas
separator inlet line.
Hydrogen Sulphide
If an influx known to contain H2S is taken into the well, a decision must be made whether to circulate the influx to
surface, or bullhead the influx back to the formation. The following must be considered:
The volume, concentration and pressure of the H2S as it moves up the well bore and when liberated at
surface. This indicates whether Sulphide stress cracking is a possibility in the well control equipment
(casing and surface equipment). It will also indicate the level of danger for persons working on the rig.
The knowledge and training of the crew in H2S procedures.
The actual integrity of the rig well control equipment since use of a back-up system is more likely to be
The stock of consumables and equipment onboard to deal with H2S contamination when it reaches surface.
The prevailing weather conditions.
The preferred method for well control when H2S is present is to bullhead the influx back to the formation and then
kill the well with weighted mud. In any situation where one of the above considerations creates doubt as to the
ability to deal with the problem, then Bull-heading must be used. If the atmospheric concentration of H2S is likely to
exceed 50ppm then the influx must be bull-headed.
If it is decided to circulate the influx to surface then the safety precautions outlined in H2S procedures must be
adhered to.
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If the temperature of the elastomers reaches the rated value, the well control operation will be stopped and the well
closed in. Consideration should be given to continuing the well kill operation at a reduced circulation rate. If this fails
to solve the problem then the influx will be bull-headed back to the formation.
Power Failure
If rig power failure occurs during well control operations, the well should be shut in immediately. The effect of the
power failure on the operation should be scrutinized. The well kill should be recommenced using the kill pump if
not already in use.
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17.16 Appendix 16: PRIDE-03-04-119 – Secondary Well Control – Drilling Fluid Loss
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which drilling fluid losses to formation operations are
When drilling through permeable formations, the overbalance over the formation pressure will increase with depth
due to the large difference between mud and formation fluid gradient. This increasing overbalance may be the
cause of losses deeper in the well.
Losses can also be induced by surge pressures mainly while running in and especially when using heavy, highly
viscous mud. If losses occur in this situation it is difficult to establish where the loss zone is and, depending on the
amount of pipe in the hole, difficult to get curing material to the loss zone.
The following gives some guidance in controlling the loss of drilling fluids in the above circumstances:
By filling the hole with a measured amount of light fluid an estimate of the formation strength can be made
and used to possibly reduce the mud gradient. Seawater or light mud should be used as the light fluid.
After filling up the annulus with seawater the well could be flowing because of either of the following:
o The loss of overbalance due to the lighter column.
o Due to a low density influx that entered the well before the annulus was filled up.
By squeezing LCM down the annulus the light fluid below the BOPs will be displaced into the loss zone
followed by the LCM (Consider circulating LCM down the drill pipe to stop losses. Recommend the well to
be killed prior to cementing). Recipes for LCM pills are contained in the Detailed Mud Program.
If the losses cannot be reduced with LCM, a cement squeeze should be tried. To increase the chance of
success the stinger should be as close as possible to the loss zone, hence strip into the casing shoe. If
there are indications that gas is migrating up the annulus contamination of the complete annulus should be
avoided by squeezing mud down the annulus at a rate equivalent to the migration rate.
If the loss zone is below the producing zone, any influx that may have entered the well will be squeezed
away and, given that the losses are cured, full balance will have been restored.
If the well is still pressurized after the losses are cured, this may mean that there is still an influx in the well bore,
i.e. the loss zone was above the producing zone. To remove this influx from the well the string must be stripped into
below the influx to circulate the influx out.
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The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which underground flow operations are addressed
Underground Flow
An underground blowout is a possibility whenever a well bore ruptures or a fracture occurs, if there is a permeable,
potential kick zone exposed in the open hole. An underground blowout is in progress when formation fluids are
flowing into the well bore from one zone, moving along the well bore and leaving via a fracture into a different zone.
The well bore rupture can be the result of any of the following:
Lost circulation to a weak zone in the open hole.
Pressures due to kick handling in excess of formation fracture pressures or burst capacity of casing.
Casing failure due to wear.
The depth of the flowing zone relative to the weak or fractured loss zone shall determine the procedure that can be
used to combat a particular underground blowout (Recommend noise/temp logs to confirm where flow is going.
Suggest attempting to cure losses with LCM being pumped down the drill pipe first). If the flowing zone and loss
zone are close together, or the flowing zone is above the loss zone, control operations are focused on healing the
loss zone. If the kick zone is at or close to TD and the fracture zone is at or close to the last casing shoe a Dynamic
Kill procedure is the most effective method to control this type of underground blowout situation.
A complete discussion of the mechanics of a Dynamic Kill is beyond the scope of this document. The following
discussion shall be limited to explaining how the initiation of an underground flow can be recognized and what to
expect if a Dynamic Kill procedure is required.
When the well is shut-in on a kick that is large enough to initiate an underground flow to a weak zone up the hole
some distance from the kick zone, the drill pipe and casing pressure responses shall differ considerably from that of
a normal kick. The following figure illustrates the three main stages from the point where a drilling kick is shut in on
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Underground Flow
After the weak zone breaks down, the remaining mud in the open hole annulus between the kick zone and the
weak zone is displaced into a fracture in the weak zone. Only influx will fill the well bore between the kick zone and
loss zone.
Since the influx fluid usually has a lower density than the mud in use, the bottom hole pressure (BHP) shall drop as
the mud is displaced. The fluid column in the drill pipe shall drop to balance the drop in BHP and results in the
SIDPP falling rapidly, often to zero. The underground flow rate and BHP shall then stabilize.
On the casing side the pressure may drop slightly when the weak zone breaks down. The flow into the weak zone
may cause the casing pressure to fluctuate due to the fracturing process. If the influx is gas, migration of the gas
above the weak zone shall cause the casing pressure to increase with time.
If the choke is opened and casing pressure can be held constant while the rig pumps are brought up to the slow
circulation rate and the drill pipe pressure rises to the expected pre-recorded value, the well is not flowing
underground. However, if the drill pipe pressure remains at zero while the pumps are brought up to speed or the
stabilized circulating pressure is much lower than expected at the slow circulation rate then an underground flow is
may be occurring.
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If choke adjustments are made to correct the drill pipe pressure which do not produce corresponding, time lapsed,
drill pipe pressure changes then the well bore is no longer intact and the conventional constant bottom hole
pressure well control methods must be abandoned.
It may be tempting to continue circulating on the choke even after it is obvious the well bore has broken down. It is
far better to shut down and evaluate the drill pipe and casing pressure response to see if an underground flow has
been initiated. Only in cases where the original pump schedule can be maintained should losses be tolerated.
If an underground flow occurs the Client Drilling Superintendent should be immediately informed and a kill
procedure developed.
If the bit is on bottom, the well should remain shut-in and the drill pipe and casing pressures monitored. If the bit is
off bottom, the drill string should be stripped back in the hole as discussed in Section 17.12 after consultation with
the Drilling Superintendent.
It is important to note that if the influx is gas, once the underground flow has stabilized the well bore above the
fractured zone shall become gas cut due to gas migration and will eventually be completely displaced by gas. It is
extremely important to keep this from happening, especially if the gas contains H2S.
Because of this gas migration effect and the fact that it could take several days to prepare a Dynamic Kill procedure
and obtain the required equipment and material, it may be necessary to periodically pump mud or seawater down
the annulus to control the casing pressure. Pumping down the annulus will also prevent the annulus from becoming
plugged with cuttings just above the fractured zone. The following general procedures should be followed for this
Once the underground flow has stabilized, record the SICP.
If the SICP begins to increase, indicating that gas migration is occurring, begin pumping mud or seawater
down the annulus at an annular velocity of 1,000 feet per hour (300 meters per hour). Since the fracture
zone can take more mud without creating any significant change in backpressure, the casing pressure
should not increase as mud is pumped, and should in fact begin to fall as soon as the mud starts displacing
the gas.
Continue pumping until the SICP has dropped to the previous SICP value while keeping a record of the
change in SICP versus the number of barrels of mud pumped and time ( Consider possibilities/advantages
to setting a barite plug on bottom and attempt to isolate the loss or kicking zone. Requires details review).
Stop pumping and monitor the SICP. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as required until preparations are made to
dynamically kill the well.
The down-hole conditions will frequently change with time after an underground flow has started.
Therefore, as part of the preparations for a dynamic kill, repeated diagnostic logging runs in the drill string
should be anticipated. Temperature logs (with a GR and pressure gauge) shall be run periodically inside
the drill string to monitor the flowing BHP and the flow path of the underground flow. The flow path is likely
to change with time due to the progressive bridging of the annulus or the progressive fracturing of
shallower zones. A noise log may also be run to help identify whether the influx is single or multiphase. To
keep the drill string from plugging it will also need to be periodically flushed with mud.
Note: Consideration shall be given to pumping seawater down the annulus if excess mud will be lost to
the underground flow for extended periods of time. The primary aim is to not allow the gas to
migrate to surface increasing the pressure on the casing and surface equipment.
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If loss of circulation occurs, followed by flow from an upper higher pressured zone, control should be re-established
as follows:
Pull the bit above bottom as high as possible. With the well closed in begin pumping the original mud
preceded by an LCM pill into the annulus.
Small amounts of clean mud should be pumped into the drill pipe at regular intervals simultaneously to
prevent blockage of the bit nozzles. It is very important to keep the string from plugging. To use gunk
and/or cement-gunk mixtures to plug the losses will require the string to be usable.
When the LCM pill has reached the loss zone the entire annulus contents, including the influx, will have
been displaced into the loss zone. If plugging is effective the well should be dead and under control.
The well should be closed in and observed for a reasonable period. The choke should be opened for a
flow-check, and if no flow, open the well and resume careful circulation to ensure the well remains stable
enough to at least be able to make a round trip. Consideration should be given to lowering the mud density
to the minimum possible for controlling the upper zone. Drilling ahead without re-initiating losses is
probably unlikely.
In many deepwater wells, problems of mud loss to the formation during drilling have been experienced only for the
mud to be given back once the pumps are turned off. This phenomenon, commonly referred to as ballooning is a
result of the close proximity of formation to fracture pressures and the effect of high ECD which is of course not
constantly applied. The mud is probably lost into mini fractures around the well bore and then given back once the
well bore pressure is reduced.
Note: Ballooning, sometimes called Borehole Breathing, is the term given to the loss/gain situation that
occurs when the ECD friction pressure is enough to exceed the local fracture pressure and mud is
injected (or lost) into the fracture(s). Once circulation is stopped the ECD friction pressure is lost
and the fracture(s) begin to close, expelling most of the mud that was originally lost. Similar
loss/gain cycles can occur due to surge/swab during connections or tripping.
Borehole Breathing
Volume Pumped
The sequence of events is:
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Commence circulation thus imposing annular friction pressure plus the existing hydrostatic pressure on the
formation. Note: Annular friction pressures in a 8 ½” hole are commonly 300 psi (2100 kPa) or more.
Loose mud to the formation.
Stop circulation thus removing annular friction pressure, commonly reducing bottom hole pressure by
around 300 psi (2100 kPa).
Local formation pressure now marginally exceeds hydrostatic pressure and as a result mud flows from the
formation back into the well, giving a gain on surface. The main indications of ballooning are:
a) Initial high gas shows from recently drilled sand layers, regardless of their lower original natural
b) Initial loss of mud when circulation is started, followed by an equivalent gain of mud after circulation
is stopped;
c) False kicks due to flushed hydrocarbons brought into the well bore with the fluid which flows back
when circulation is stopped;
d) SIDPP equal to the ECD effect on BHP, immediately after circulation is stopped and the well is
closed in;
e) High penetration rates with very low WOB.
Note: The importance of avoiding ballooning by keeping the well bore pressure below fracture
pressure, this requires careful management of flow rate, mud weight and rheology.
In the over pressured zones, where the pore and fracture pressure margins are small, it is imperative that
ballooning is recognized and handled properly. If the mud density is increased, due to misinterpretation of
ballooning, the situation will be exacerbated by increasing the ECD's which could lead to the fracturing of
the formation.
When the well is shut in, and ballooning is suspected, a small volume of fluid i.e., 5 – 6 bbl (0.75-1 m3)
should be bled off to the trip tank and the well closed in again. The rate of flow back should be measured.
If the flow rate is decreasing, and the shut in pressures are lower after bleed back, it is a good indication of
If uncertainty remains after bleeding back the 5 bbl (0.75 m3), circulate bottoms up maintaining bottom hole
pressure constant, and check for hydrocarbons.
The process may have to be repeated. If it becomes apparent that too much time is being consumed by
constantly confirming false kicks, then measures should be taken to lower the ECD's. In situations where
ballooning is a problem a down-hole Pressure While Drilling tool should be considered to control and
monitor the levels and affects of ECD's.
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All indications of flow shall be assumed to be a kick, with the well shut in, prior to confirmation of whether
ballooning is occurring. (Cumulative drilling history may also assist in determining what is happening.)
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17.18 Appendix 18: Pride-03-04-123 – Secondary Well Control – Removing Trapped Gas From
Subsea Stack After Well Kill.
To provide methods of clearing gas from under the annular (or ram) preventer after a kick has been killed prior to
opening the BOP and circulating up through the riser. Note that all of these procedures may apply to all floating
rigs, depending upon the situation at hand.
Bleed Valve Below Preventer: circulate bubble out very nearly completely; remaining bubble is very small. This
method has the advantages of being the safest and quickest method to remove the bubble. This method is the
preferred method, if equipment allows this technique.
Expansion Method: displace line with water, allow bubble at kill weight mud gradient pressure to expand, forcing
water back up line, allowing bubble to vent to atmosphere. This method has the best likelihood of completely
removing the bubble if a bleed valve is not available. The drawbacks to the expansion method are:
the increase in rig time required (one or two riser circulations and two choke and kill line circulations), and
the negative well bore pressure loading on well control equipment (pressure outside the bore equipment is
greater than bore pressure)
Some equipment, when exposed to negative well bore pressure, may leak seawater into the bore, but without
damage or performance loss when normal positive bore pressure is restored. Some equipment may be damaged
by the effects of negative bore pressure, requiring repair before returning to full service. Some equipment in the
latter category can be modified to be undamaged by reverse bore pressure.
U-tube Reverse-out Method: displace line with seawater gradient inhibited fluid, allow riser full of kill weight mud
to reverse bubble flow into line to surface. This method has the advantage of no reversed well bore pressure, but
the disadvantages of:
increase in rig time required (the procedure below requires three complete riser circulations and two choke
and kill line circulations), and
decreased certainty of full removal of the bubble from the bore of the riser
The u-tube method will be used to attempt to remove any trapped gas from the Subsea BOPs. This method is the
only feasible method that can be used with some equipment and circumstances—for example, the LMRP connector
could leak under the external pressure difference that would be imposed by using the expansion method.
All personnel should be aware that the u-tube method does not ensure complete removal of the trapped gas from
the Subsea BOP. Therefore, it should be assumed that some trapped gas may enter the riser and have to be
diverted using the rig floor diverter and the overboard diverter line.
Expansion method or U-tube reverse out method should be utilized whenever a trapped bubble greater than a
critical size is possible after killing a well kick. This may happen because the rig is not equipped with a bleed valve
immediately below the preventer used to close in the well or for other reasons the outlet is not usable for this event.
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The critical bubble size is dependent upon cavity size, depth, mud density, and mud rheology; Refer to attached
chart for example. Each rig riser system will need a custom chart.
Note that one situation may be able to be converted into another in some circumstances. For example, if a well is
killed on a ram preventer with no valve immediately below it, after the well is killed, a different preventer (either ram
or annular) above this preventer which is equipped with a bleed valve could be closed and the preventer used for
killing the well opened. This would allow the bubble, if any, to be circulated up to the upper preventer and out the
bleed valve associated with that preventer.
Note: Hanging off the drill pipe during initial kill operations (i.e. prior to gas arrival at Subsea BOPs) will
minimize trapped stack gas.
Isolate well bore
Reduce bubble pressure by allowing gas to expand against hydrostatic head of a lighter fluid
To minimize the amount of trapped gas, the trapped gas should be circulated out through the choke or kill outlet
nearest to the closed in preventer.
Material Requirements:
Prepare Enough Light Weight Inhibitive Fluid (To Prevent Hydrates) to displace the choke and kill lines and the
BOP cavity. Check with mud engineer for fluid formulation and volume. The Driller and Senior Toolpusher should
also calculate the volume required.
Safety Precautions:
Pre-job meeting
Double check all displacement figures
Double check the line-up of all valves
Review the diverting procedure
PRIDE International Policy
IADC Deepwater Well Control Manual
Operations Manager or General Manager must approve revisions to this procedure.
Procedure applicability begins after the well has been killed below the BOP.
Any time rams are closed on floating vessels, the pipe should be hung off in case an EDS is indicated.
Adjust riser tension accordingly, if required by increase in mud density.
Note: The attached illustrations are generic, not rig specific and show only some of the steps.
Note: First step in any stack gas clearing procedure should be to isolate the well bore by closing a lower
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Filled with gas liquid Filled with drilling fluid, lower than kill
Filled with water or low density liquid Filled with kill weight mud
8a 1 8a.1 8a.2-8a.3
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8a.4 Monitor the well pressure below the lower closed preventer.
8a.5 Open the upper preventer to the riser bore.
8a.6 If flow is detected in the riser bore at any time after the preventer is opened while the pumps
are stopped, implement divert procedures.
8a.7 Adjust riser tension accordingly, if required by increase in mud density.
8a.8 Circulate kill mud into the bore through a line below the preventer just opened, and begin
displacing the riser with kill weight mud. If the line used to circulate any remaining bubble
below the opened preventer into the riser is a reduced size line, the remaining riser
displacement may take place using the mud boost line.
8a.9 Stop the pumps and observe the riser for signs of gas percolation and/or signs of flow from
migrating gas, each 20% displacement of the riser bore volume. Risk of flow increases as the
displacement of kill mud nears the surface. Displace at least 120% of the riser volume.
8a.10 Check the well pressure below the closed preventer. a) If pressure is detected, revert to well
control procedure by closing the upper preventer and opening the lower preventer. b) If the
well is still static and no pressure, open the lower preventer and circulate the well
normally; take new SCRs, and proceed with operations as directed. At this stage, drill string,
choke line, kill line, mud boost line, well, and riser main bore should be displaced with kill weight
mud and circulating normally.
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Expansion Method:
8b.1 With the well killed and static below the closed in BOP, close a preventer below which allows access to
both a choke line and a kill line outlet between the two preventer.
8b.2 Circulate water down the upper of the two lines, displacing the volume of the line up the lower outlet line.
This will maintain kill weight mud gradient in the lower line.
8b.3 Line the upper outlet line up to the choke manifold and MGS (mud gas separator).
8b.4 Close the valves to the lower line and allow any bubble in the stack to expand and displace the water
gradient up the upper outlet line.
8b.5 This will allow the bubble to expand and unload the line, eventually reaching one atmosphere. At this point,
this portion of the bore of the stack is exposed to negative pressure compared to the external sea water
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Open valve on the lower line, and displace kill weight mud into bore and up the upper outlet line.
8b.6 Open the upper preventer to the riser bore.
8b.7 If flow is detected in the riser bore at any time after the preventer is opened while the pumps are stopped,
implement divert procedures.
8b.8 Observe for a period allowing 300 ft/min (or slower) bubble migration from top of the kill weight mud. For a
5000 ft long riser, this would be a minimum of 17 minutes.
8b.9 Adjust riser tension accordingly, if required by increase in mud density.
8b.10 Circulate kill mud into the bore through a line below the preventer just opened, and begin displacing the
riser with kill weight mud. If the line used to circulate any remaining bubble below the opened preventer
into the riser is a reduced size line, the remaining riser displacement may take place using the mud boost
8b.11 Option: After an initial circulation of about 50 bbl, an annular may be closed and pipe rams opened, to allow
working the pipe while the riser circulation takes place. Resume slowly working the pipe. If top drive is in
use, the pipe should be rotated or reciprocated and only minimally stroked up and down to prevent stuck
pipe and avoid surge and swab on well. Ensure that annular pressure is regulated for working the pipe and
also ensure that you work the pipe between the tool joints. Do not strip the tool joint through the annular.
8b.12 Stop the pumps and observe the riser for signs of gas percolation and/or signs of flow from migrating gas,
each 20% displacement of the riser bore volume. Risk of flow increases as the displacement of kill mud
nears the surface. Displace at least 120% of the riser volume. Observe for a period allowing 300 ft/min (or
slower) bubble migration from top of the kill weight mud.
8b.13 Observe closely during the last part of circulating bottom of the riser to surface, as this is where gas
expansion will be most prevalent. Oil based mud systems will hold gas in solution for a very long time,
allowing gas to break out only when very near the surface.
8b.14 Check the well pressure below the closed preventer. a) If pressure is detected, revert to well control
procedure by closing the upper preventer and opening the lower preventer. b) If the well is still static and
no pressure, open the lower preventer and circulate the well normally; take new SCRs, and proceed with
operations as directed. The drill string, choke line, kill line, mud boost line, well, and riser main bore should
be displaced with kill weight mud and circulating normally.
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8c.6 Line up to take returns from upper choke line through the choke to the mud gas separator.
8c.7 Displace kill and choke lines to light weight inhibitive fluid by pumping down the (lower) kill line side and
taking returns on the (upper) choke line side or whatever arrangement is best so long as it is lower to
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upper. As mud and gas is displaced up the choke line, be prepared for gas expansion. Hold only minimum
back pressure with the remote choke to prevent heavy surging.
8c.8 Displace inhibitive fluid until it returns to surface.
8c.9 Close the lower line valves
8c.10 Line up to take returns through the upper line through both chokes, with the chokes in the full open position
to the mud gas separator.
8c.11 Put the riser on continuous fill with the trip tank pump.
8c.12 Open the annular and allow weighted mud to u-tube up the upper line. Maintain continuous fill of the riser
with mud while the choke line is being u-tubed.
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8c.13 After u-tubing for 3-5 minutes, close the annular and check for flow or percolation in the riser. If there is
flow in the riser, go to the diverting procedure.
8c.14 Observe for a period allowing 300 ft/min (or slower) bubble migration from top of the kill weight mud.
8c.15 If there is no flow in the riser, displace both kill and choke lines to kill weight mud, by circulating down
the lower line and back up the upper line, taking returns through the choke to the mud gas separator.
Continue to monitor the riser for flow on the trip tank.
Note: This next step may only be necessary in deep or ultra deep water. This is a safety precaution to
ensure there is no gas left to migrate up the riser to an open diverter.
8c.16 Close diverter and line up to take returns to the pits through the degasser, mud gas separator, or flow line
degasser, according to individual rig outfitting.
8c.17 Open the annular
8c.18 Circulate 5-10 bbls (0.8-1.6 m3). To flush any remaining gas in the BOP past the annular
8c.19 Close the annular.
8c.20 Open the lower pipe ram.
8c.21 Resume slowly working the pipe. If top drive is in use, the pipe should be rotated and only minimally
stroked up and down to prevent stuck pipe and avoid surge and swab on well. Ensure that annular
pressure is regulated for working the pipe and also ensure that you work the pipe between the tool joints.
Do not strip the tool joint through the annular.
8c.22 Displace the riser through the boost line a minimum of 120% of the riser volume, watching for gas
expansion. Stage out this displacement stopping to check for flow in the riser periodically. Stop the pumps
and observe the riser for signs of gas percolation and/or signs of flow from migrating gas, each 20%
displacement of the riser bore volume. Risk of flow increases as the displacement of kill mud nears the
surface. Displace at least 120% of the riser volume. Observe for a period allowing 300 ft/min (or slower)
bubble migration from top of the kill weight mud.
8c.23 Observe closely during the last part of circulating bottom of the riser to surface, as this is where gas
expansion will be most prevalent. True of oil based mud systems, which will hold gas in solution for a very
long time, allowing gas to break out only when very near the surface.
Note: No personnel should be allowed in the mud processing area during this step. If available, use the CCTV to
monitor the shakers. Have the mud loggers monitor the pit level and use a CCTV to monitor the slip joint
for leaks. Be prepared to activate the hydraulic slip joint packer if any leak occurs. If at any time the riser
begins to flow, go to the diverting procedure.
8c.24 If riser is dead and there is confidence that there is no gas to migrate to an open rig floor, open all preventer
and check for flow for a minimum of 15 minutes.
8c.25 Circulate bottoms up conventionally then resume normal operations. Take new SCR’s.
The rate of rise of a gas bubble in a riser without forced circulation is slow for small bubbles, but may be quite rapid
for large bubbles, sometimes over 350 ft/min (105m/min). As the bubble rises, it tends to break up into smaller
bubbles, which are suspended or travel very slowly. The bubbles also tend to get larger as they rise, due to the
decrease in hydrostatic mud pressure. The small bubbles tend to slow down and may stop altogether. If the initial
bubble is smaller than a certain size, the bubble tends to get strung out in the length of the riser, and the main body
does not make it all the way to the surface. Larger bubbles, over critical size, also leave small bubbles suspended
along the length of the riser, but the remains of the large bubble make it to the surface, and the bubble expands
very rapidly as it approaches the surface.
The first attached chart provides critical bubble size indication, depending upon the riser length, and the volume
fraction of gas retained in the mud as the bubble passes. The volume fraction is a mud property; the two values
plotted are 0.5% and 1.5% of the mud volume is small gas bubbles after the main bubble passes through. Real
mud can be nearly zero for water, to nearly 5% for very viscous gelling mud.
The second chart shows the time history of a bubble just over critical size traveling up a 7500’ (2300 m) riser,
getting smaller as it strings out, but around 18 minutes after entering the bottom of the riser begins to expand
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rapidly, producing flows over 1,000 gpm (3785 lpm) about 3 minutes later. Gas events in the riser tend to either be
“non events” or develop very rapidly once flow becomes appreciable.
Critical Bubble Size, 0.5% &1.5% Volume Fraction Retained, 19.5" & 17.5" ID Riser Bore
Mud with properties that allow a larger gas volume fraction to be retained
(larger than 0.5%) will allow larger larger bubbles to be safely handled.
25 Smaller inside diameter riser will reduce the critical bubble size; larger
diameter will increase the allowable critical bubble size.
critical bubble size, bbl
Bubbles smaller than this will not reach the surface as a large bubble
0 with large flow, instead stringing out along the length of the riser.
0 500 Drilling
1 000 1 500 2 000 Riser,
2 500 3Bubble
000 3 500Migration
4 000 4 500to5 Surface, with
000 5 500 6 000 No
6 500Forced
7 000 7Circulation
500 8 000 8 500 9 000 9 500 10
10,000 1,000 000
Mud flow peaks as bubble hits surface, mud flow rate doubles in
last two minutes; Water depth, feet 900
9,000 bubble gas flows to mud gas separator and derrick vent line.
pressure, psi
length, ft
Bubble length decreases at first due
to void fraction entrainment 500
5,000 (stringing out), then increases due to
larger effect of increasing volume as
pressure lowers.
choke opens when
4,000 surface pressure
reaches allowable
3,000 mud flow starts
1,000 0
0 -100
0:00:00 0:02:00 0:04:00 0:06:00 0:08:00 0:10:00 0:12:00 0:14:00 0:16:00 0:18:00 0:20:00 0:22:00 0:24:00 0:26:00 0:28:00 0:30:00
Time, hr:min:sec
Bubble vol., bbl Depth of top of bubble
Bubble pressure, top of bubble, psia Mud gradient pressure at top of bubble, psia
Pressure at top of riser, psig Btm of riser pressure, psia
Choke flow, mud, bbl/min Choke flow, mud, gpm
Bubble length, ft
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17.19 Appendix 19: PRIDE-03-04-121 – Tertiary Well Control Procedure – Barite Plugs
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which Barite Plugs are prepared and pumped.
Barite Plugs
For field preparation of a barite slurry, it is best to prepare the fluid base (either water or oil) first, and then to add
the required quantity of barite. Adding further base fluid to a mixed plug may cause rapid settlement and should be
avoided. Preferentially plug mixing should be done in the cement unit to minimize the possibility of blocking lines or
contaminating the plug with mud, which could affect its settlement characteristics. To ensure the desired settlement
characteristics will be achieved, all plug recipes must be pilot tested with fluids and chemicals on site. Note only
fresh water may be used for water based slurries. Barite slurries may only be stored in tanks or pits fitted with
equipment which provide continuous, thorough agitation.
The barite slurry may be pumped into the drill pipe either through a cementing head or through the standpipe and
top drive. In either case, the pump tie-in to the drill pipe should contain provisions for hooking up both the
cementing unit pump and the rig pump so that either can be used to displace the slurry. If this is not done, and the
cementing unit breaks down, the barite may settle in the drill pipe
before the mud pump tie-in can be made or the cementing unit repaired. Blockage of the drill string by barite
settling will complicate the well control problem.
Prepare standby SAPP water in advance when expecting a situation that could require a Barite plug to be used to
kill a well.
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D. Frost
Note: When building a Barite plug pH control is important. Pilot tests using the Barite on location is
recommended to determine the optimum pH for fastest settling rate.
If an oil or synthetic based drilling fluid is in use when this type of plug is required, it is recommended that the same
recipe be used however it is necessary to sufficiently isolate the plug to avoid failure due to contamination.
Recommended formulation for barite plug in Oil Base Mud should be oil, barite and the wetting agent.
A high viscosity sweep, approximately 3 bbls (0.5 m3), should be pumped first. (i.e. 1.75 - 2 lb/bbl or 5 - 6 kg /m3
xanthan type bi-polymer mixed in fresh water).
Followed by approximately 2 bbls or 300 liters of SAPP water (concentration as above)
Followed by the barite plug slurry.
Followed by another high viscosity sweep, approximately 0.5 m3 or 3 bbls.
Followed by available displacement fluid (i.e. active mud system)
The addition of these sweeps will also minimize contamination of the oil or synthetic based drilling fluid.
Any contaminated drilling fluid that is brought back to surface should be recovered and discarded.
Barite plugs should always be pumped with the drill pipe close to the bottom of the hole. If there is any significant
volume of mud under the barite slurry then the barite slurry will mix with the mud because of the large differences in
density. If the influx zone is significantly above the bottom of the hole, the barite slurry should be pumped on bottom
if possible, and should be of sufficient volume so as to extend above the influx zone far enough to provide the
desired hydrostatic kill height.
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A barite plug should be pumped and displaced at a rate somewhat higher than the kick rate. If the kick rate is
unknown, a reasonable rate 5 to 10bbI/min (0.8 to 1.5 m3 ) should be used for the first attempt, although very large
blowouts can ultimately require kill mud placement at greater than 50bbl/min.
Consideration should be given to circulating with lighter mud because of the known lost returns zone.
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If no pressure is on the annulus, continue working the pipe, and observe annulus mud level:
If the annulus is full, begin circulating at a low rate. keeping constant watch on pit levels.
If the annulus is not full, fill annulus with water and observe. If annulus will stand full, begin circulating at a
slow rate. Consider cutting mud weight, if feasible.
If pressure is on the annulus, circulate the annulus using normal well control techniques. Continue working the pipe.
If returns become gas-free, the barite plug was successful and the well is dead.
If returns do not become essentially gas-free after circulating two or three annular volumes, the barite plug
was not effective. A second plug will be necessary. This will be set as close as possible to the top of the
first plug.
Trip out of the hole after verifying that the well is dead. If the bottom part of the hole is being abandoned, then a
cement plug should be placed on top of the barite.
The decision after placing a barite plug is whether to pull pipe or not. The goal of pumping high-density slurry is to
achieve a hydrostatic kill; the decision whether to pull pipe depends on an assessment of the success of this kill. If
a hydrostatic kill was probably achieved then it is usually best to pull up above the slurry and try circulating mud. If
there is doubt about the hydrostatic kill, it may be better to stay on bottom to be ready to pump a large barite plug if
needed. The risk in pulling out is that the pipe may become stuck off bottom or may have to be stripped back to
bottom if the barite plugs fail. The risk of staying on bottom is that the pipe may become stuck or plugged. It is
possible to keep the pipe free by moving it (especially in a non-settling plug) but there is no way to circulate (to
avoid plugging) unless the pipe is pulled above the top of the barite slurry.
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D. Frost
17.20 Appendix 20: PRIDE-03-04-122 - Tertiary Well Control Procedure – Cement Plugs
The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods in which cement plug are used and the method they are set
Cement Plugs
If standard well control techniques cannot be applied due to either hole or equipment limitations, then spotting a
cement plug to isolate the kick is an option which may have to be taken. The following is a list of requirements to
ensure that an acceptable cement plug can be set without delay.
Pilot tests are to be performed at expected bottom hole conditions prior to drilling out the last intermediate casing
shoe above the transition zone. Pilot test results are to be available on the rig to enable immediate reaction if
Cement will be designed to the following minimum criteria to ensure plug competency.
Industry experience suggests that the best likelihood of success (measured in the ability not to cement drill-pipe in
the hole and to cure severe losses, even in a kick situation) is achieved by attempting to pump/pull out of the hole
at least 150 feet above the suspected kick/loss zone.
Cementing Procedure
Line up the cement unit to the drill-pipe and at least one mud pump to the annulus.
Establish a bullhead injection rate with the cement unit.
Pump weighted spacer 40 - 60 bbls (6.4 - 9.5 m3 ).
Mix and pump cement slurry 20 - 140 bbls (3.2 - 22.2 m3), quantity of slurry will depend on injectivity test
down drill-pipe).
Pump weighted spacer behind slurry.
Bullhead the spacer and cement out of the bit at 1/2 - 3 bbl/min (100 - 600 L/min) depending on the
injectivity test.
Depending on the distance between the bit and the assumed kick/loss zone, leave half of the cement slurry
volume in open hole above the kick/loss zone, i.e. attempt to bullhead half of the slurry volume. Hold final
injection pressure.
Perform a hesitation squeeze at 15 minute intervals of 0.5 bbl (100 L) of cement pumped at 0.5 bbl/min
(100 L/min). Hold final injection pressure.
Back off annular pressure and move the drill-string 15 feet (4.5 m) minimum, if able to pull the tool joint
through the annular reciprocate the drill-string at least 30 feet (9 m).
Continue to perform hesitation squeezes every 15 minutes until a satisfactory surface pressure is acquired
or the surface samples set (continue to reciprocate the drill-string after each squeeze).
Bleed off the final squeeze pressure through choke in suitable increments. After each increment shut in the
well and monitor for pressure build up.
Bleed pressure to zero, break circulation and check for full returns.
Open BOP. Wash to TOC. Circulate and condition mud. POOH
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D. Frost
1 Introduction
Drilling operations involving high pressure/high temperature (HPHT) present unique problems involving personnel
and equipment and require PRIDE supervisors to take special precautions.
PRIDE rigs in a worldwide drilling operation may encounter combinations of HPHT well conditions in one of two
In a planned and programmed penetration of HPHT formation provided by the Client well prognosis.
As a "surprise" in a wildcat situation.
Managing the drilling operations and controlling these known hazards is paramount.
Before performing any operations in an area where the potential of HPHT exists, a Pre-Job Physical Condition
Audit shall be conducted using form PRIDE-03-04-G001 (Refer to Appendix 30: HPHT Well - Pre-job Physical
Condition Audit).
In addition, a procedural review shall be conducted utilizing the form PRIDE-03-04-G002 - HPHT - Well Control
Procedure Checklist (Refer to Appendix 31: HPHT Well Control Procedure Check List).
2 References
HPHT Well Control Equipment Requirements – Pre-Job Physical Condition Audit: PRIDE-03-04-G001
HPHT Well Control Procedure Checklist: PRIDE-03-04-G002
Well Control Sheets: PRIDE-03-04-G003
3 Equipment requirements
3.1 Riser
An isolation valve is required immediately above the stack in the booster line (if fitted) in the event of a gas influx
into the riser or the booster line develops a leak.
In deepwater, the potential for riser collapse exists if the level of drilling fluid in the riser drops due to gas unloading
from the riser, unintentional drive off, lost circulation, etc. The maximum collapse pressure in the riser will be
equivalent to the hydrostatic pressure of the seawater at the equilibrium level after the drilling fluid drops. This level
will be a function of the mud density.
A riser fill-up valve should be used if the collapse pressure could exceed the collapse pressure rating of
the riser.
A graph shall be available to predict the capacity to vent gas for a given circulating rate without breaking the liquid
seal between the MGS and the mud system downstream. It shall be possible to monitor the pressure inside the
MGS system.
MGS pressure and temperature shall be independently measured by transducers are part of the rig's
instrumentation. It shall be possible to monitor these parameters in the mud logging unit, Driller's doghouse, at the
choke panel, Senior Toolpusher's office, and in the Well-site Supervisor's office. The mud seal hydrostatic
pressure inside the MGS must be known and communicated to the person monitoring the MGS pressure.
The system configuration shall be capable of by-passing the MGS when overload conditions are approached with
flow directed to the overboard dump lines. The overboard blow-down system shall consist of:
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A degasser valve located on one end of the choke manifold buffer chamber isolates flow from the well to
the MGS.
A blow-down valve located at the opposite end of the choke manifold buffer chamber can be opened to
allow flow to go overboard.
Two valves, one port and one starboard, are lined up to allow flow from the well to either direction. These
valves are controlled such one of them is open at all times. The valves are functioned automatically when
the pressure in the MGS exceeds the pre-set level or manually from the doghouse.
The MGS configuration shall be such hot mud can be circulated through the mud seal U-tube.
Stabbing valves or Kelly valves shall have stem seals are suitable for stripping into a well (stem seals must hold
external pressure).
The utilization of a ported drill pipe float valve is mandatory. The location of the float valve shall be BHA
All valves on the top drive, stabbing valves and inside BOP valves shall be tested with the BOP, lines and
4 Drilling Procedures
4.1 Tripping
Pumping out of the hole (with pump rates significantly higher than the pulling rate) ensures that the well will not be
swabbed. Take cautions to pump far enough out so that swabbing does not take place. This may be well above
the shoe.
A swab test using the bottommost stand will test formation pressures at TD. A short trip through a new hole section
(with the pumps on) will confirm the overbalance (or lack of) for a newly penetrated HPHT reservoir section.
In all cases, it is essential that tripping practices are consistent and records are kept so that a comparison can be
made with the previous trip. It is the responsibility of the Driller and Toolpusher to ensure that this is done in
situations where HPHT conditions exist or are suspected.
Meet the following requirements before tripping in known or suspected HPHT conditions:
The pipe must not be tripped out of the hole unless it is safe to do so. In particular, the drill pipe must not
be tripped out if the weather forecast precludes getting back on bottom.
The Driller and Mud logger should complete separate trip sheets.
A trip sheet from the previous trip out of the hole must be available at all times. Intervals where over pulls
occur should be recorded on the trip sheet.
The Client Representative should provide the Driller with the necessary information about the trip (i.e.
reason for the trip), prevailing pore pressure regime and tripping overbalance.
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The Driller shall ensure that the rig floor is fully prepared to shut in the well and that FOSVs, non-return
valves, and darts suitable for the dart sub are ready for use.
Drillers shall check that the dart passes through the FOSVs.
Consider the following during all trips where HPHT conditions are known or suspected:
When pumping out of the hole to the casing shoe or top of the liner, circulate at rate of 75% to 100% of that
while drilling.
Make sure pump rate is greater then the displacement of the pipe removed from the borehole.
Continue to pump through any liner because there may still be swabbing tendency due to small annular
When breaking off a stand, switch off the pumps and stop flow before stopping the rotation. This reduces
the chances of sticking the pipe. The string should be stationary for as short a time as possible.
Record the displacement volumes on the trip sheet. It is crucial that the point at which displacement is
recorded is the same each stand to enable a meaningful trend to be observed. Once at the shoe (and at a
point where it has been agreed that the pipe can be pulled dry), check that the pit volume is the same as
the volume when the bit was on bottom less the hole fill for the pipe displacement. Perform a 15-minute
flow-check on the trip tank with the trip tank pump running.
Continue to rotate the pipe while performing the flow-check. If there is a motor on the bottom hole
assembly (BHA), pumping out of the hole must stop when the bit reaches the shoe.
While tripping in HPHT wells, a careful and accurate record of displacement must be maintained
independently by the Driller and Mud loggers. Regular communication between the Driller and the Mud
loggers should occur; any variation should be discussed and resolved before continuing. Any
discrepancies should be flow-checked immediately and if necessary the well shut in. Because of high
temperatures, high gels, and high weights, the volumes in the initial stages may not be as calculated.
These should be fully investigated as the well progresses. A trend of displacement should become
apparent. It is important that the previous trip sheets be kept as a reference to aid the next trip.
When pumping a heavy slug, make sure that the slug weight and the amount of dry pipe is kept consistent
throughout the section. A historical trend can be established which can be referred to on each subsequent
trip. Allow time for the slug to stabilize with the drill pipe open and confirm that the volume of returns is
correct. Rotate the pipe while the slug is settling to break the gels. Install a Kelly cock on the string if the
trip is interrupted for any reason, such as a mechanical failure or flow-check. Leave the valve open to
monitor the well.
When out of the hole, circulate across the hole and to the trip tank with the trip tank pump. Keep the shear
rams open. The Driller must be on the drill floor at all times unless relieved by the Toolpusher.
The Mud loggers must continuously monitor the trip tank and notify the Driller of any discrepancies.
The Driller has full authority to flow-check or to shut in the well as he or she sees fit and is expected to fully
investigate any occurrences which deviate from a stable trend.
Beyond wanting to avoid an induced kick, one of the objectives of tripping in the transition zone is to confirm the
pressure (or lack of pressure) at the TD of the hole penetrated. This tripping procedure involves the following:
When the decision is made to trip out, circulate the equivalent of the volume of the top of the annulus.
Shut the pump off with the top drive still on.
Stroke the pipe 45 feet (or 15 meters) at a speed greater than normal trip speed.
Run back to bottom and flow-check.
Pump for 30 seconds.
Stroke the pipe 45 feet (or 15 meters) at a speed greater than normal trip speed.
Run back to bottom and flow-check.
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Pump bottoms up. When the decision is made to trip out, circulate the equivalent of the volume of the top of
the annulus.
Assess the gas levels of the mud exiting the mud gas separator and flowing into the mud trough (though
this can be difficult, unless the gas measurement equipment is mounted downstream of the choke). If the
gas level is acceptable, pump out of the hole to shoe at a minimum and then slug the pipe and pull stand
dry. If the gas levels are high, raise the mud weight, adjust mud properties and repeat the swab test before
pumping out of the hole.
There are two basic approaches for tripping out of the HPHT hole. These are:
Pump out to ensure that no hydrocarbons are swabbed in.
Keep accurate trip tank records to accurately monitor any gains.
At the same time, a deliberate “swab test” can determine how close to balance the well bore hydrostatic
pressure actually is. This is very much in line with the overall approach to identify pressures whenever
possible and before proceeding with drilling, tripping or coring.
The objective of this procedure is to avoid an induced kick. The tripping out procedure is as follows:
When the decision is made to trip out, circulate the equivalent of the volume of the top of the annulus.
Make a short trip at normal speeds and with the pump on, through all the new formation penetrated.
Run back to bottom and flow-check.
Pump bottoms up. When bottoms up reaches suspect HPHT zone, direct returns through the choke and
mud gas separator.
Asses the gas levels of the mud exiting the mud gas separator and flowing into the mud trough. If the gas
level is acceptable, pump out of the hole to shoe at a minimum and then slug the pipe and pull stand dry.
If the gas levels are high, raise the mud weight, adjust mud properties and make a short trip with pump on
to confirm overbalance.
In this hole section it is likely that pumping out of the hole will prove to be the safest and most effective way
of tripping. The check trip is included in any case to assess down-hole pressures.
Note also that pumping out should be continued until it is safe to pump a slug and pull a dry string. With
the mud properties and proximity of the casing shoe to the producing formation, this implies that pumping
out might be continued until some distance inside the casing shoe.
If a mud motor is in use, pumping out should be stopped once the bit is at the shoe.
Take great care to minimize surge pressures when tripping in the well. Trip speeds may need to be reduced if
margins are low.
When making up the BHA, ensure that the float valve has been checked.
When tripping back into the hole, monitor the well on the trip tank with the trip tank pump running.
Limit tripping speed in the hole to the speed determined from the surge pressure calculations.
Check the correct volume of mud is being displaced from the well. Flow-check the well if any discrepancies
occur. Shut in immediately if any flow is observed.
Break circulation at an appropriate depth (or depths) and circulate string contents at a reduced rate to avoid
pressuring up the exposed formations (Note: you will be circulating cooler mud, which has a significantly
higher viscosity). If there is a turbine, motor, or core barrel in the hole, then the off bottom circulation rate
may have to be restricted.
Break circulation at the casing shoe and displace the hole to the drilling mud applicable.
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D. Frost
Perform a flow-check and run in to bottom. Consider washing down from the shoe to protect the formation
by reducing the gel effect and hence prevent creating losses. As a minimum, wash at least the last stand
to bottom. If any reaming is required, recognize that this is probably the most crucial time of the trip and
that it is very easy to create losses as the filter cake is disturbed by the drill string rotation.
Always circulate bottoms up when returning to bottom until reservoir pressures are known. The annular
preventer should be closed with the pipe slowly reciprocated.
Note: Because barite sag can be a problem in HPHT wells, it is advisable to circulate bottoms up and get
the mud in balance before drilling ahead on wells that suffer from adverse barite sag. It is
necessary to circulate the mud into balance at random stages while tripping into the well.
Ballooning or flow back occurs when mud which was either lost to fractures in the formation or into the ballooning of
the well bore is given back when some of the excess pressure in the well bore is relieved. When the excess
pressure is relieved, the fractures squeeze back some of the mud that entered or the balloon returns to its original
size. It is recommended that the driller’s method be used for well control purposes. This method allows the influx
to be circulated to surface and the influx examined before the mud is weighted up. If the ballooning diminishes flow
(and therefore had no associated hydrocarbon), operations could be resumed with the same mud weight. Raising
the mud weight, which would happen automatically with the wait and weight method, might just make the situation
(severity of ballooning) worse.
It is imperative to keep accurate logs of the amount of mud lost to the formation and subsequently gained back. It
is recommended that both the Driller and Mud logger keep logs. Accurate records are the key to successfully
managing ballooning. The difficulty with ballooning in HPHT wells is telling that it is the extra mud coming back and
not a genuine kick. Unless you are sure that it is the lost mud being returned, the gain when the pump is turned off
must be treated as an influx.
It is important to avoid ballooning in the first place by keeping the well bore pressure less than the fracture
propagation pressure. Some safety considerations for flow back follow.
Flow back is the volume of mud (in barrels) that flows out the top of the well when the pump is turned off. To
reduce the risk associated with rogue flow back, the following procedure may be used:
The first time flow back is encountered, consider it a real kick.
The driller’s method is suggested so that the influx can be looked at before the mud weight is raised.
Once the ballooning is suspected, the amount of influx allowed back into the well bore should be agreed
upon by the PIC and the Client Representative.
The rate of influx into the well bore should be closely monitored. Ballooning should result in a steady or
declining rate of influx. If the rate of influx is increasing at all, the well should be shut-in immediately and
the influx circulated out as a kick.
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D. Frost
Fluid should not be bled from the well without first consulting the Senior Toolpusher. If consistent flow back
is occurring, more specific rules can be set up as to what volumes of fluid can be bled off without specific
authorization from the Rig Performance / Operations Manager. It is essential that all operations be carried
out consistently. The PIC is responsible for ensuring that sufficient information is relayed to the Driller.
The BOP stack and choke and kill system equipment shall be pressure tested after installation and after breaking
any seal. Thereafter, the BOPs shall be tested every 21 days and after running casing or as per local regulations
unless a waiver to pressure test is acquired. (Maximum 21 days in UK waters.)
The BOP stack and choke and kill system test interval shall not exceed 21 days without permission of the Regional
VP, OlM, Client Drilling Superintendent and the regulatory authority. (Maximum 21 days in UK waters.)
A flapper type, ported float shall be run in every BHA when drilling after the BOP stack has been landed.
Record the casing test pressure and duration for each hole section in the Drilling Program.
Each casing string shall be pressure tested prior to drilling out the shoe track.
The BOP stack may be fitted with a stack mounted pressure sensor below the lowermost ram. Choke line access
should be below the upper sealing shear rams and between the middle and lower pipe rams. Kill line access
should be below the lowest pipe rams and between the top and middle rams. Choke and kill line internal diameter
should be as large as possible but a minimum of 3 in. (76.2 mm).
A large and clear drawing showing the BOP stack in use with position and distance from the rotary table to each
closing element must be displayed in the Driller's doghouse, Toolpusher's office and in Client Well-site Supervisor's
office. A schematic of the BOP stack, choke manifold, standpipe manifold, mud gas separator and top drive shall
be drawn for each rig and used to plan the BOP test procedure. These drawings should also be in the Client
onshore offices.
A specific written pressure test procedure shall be followed for the choke manifold, standpipe manifold, top drive,
kill assembly, stab in safety valves and inside BOP, and BOP equipment on each rig.
Ensure the manufacturer's BOP operating manual is followed. Re¬certification may be required after making
equipment alterations.
All connections, valves, fittings, piping, etc. subject to well pressure must be flanged, clamped or welded and have
a minimum working pressure equal to the rated working pressure of the preventer.
Choke/Kill Lines and Choke Manifold
The choke and kill lines shall match the rated working pressure of the BOP stack and be certified to API
The working pressure of the choke manifold shall be equal to or exceed the working pressure of the ram
The chokes, and all equipment upstream of them, shall have full rated working pressure of the BOP stack
and must be equipped with flanged, studded or clamp hub connections.
Two gate valves shall be provided upstream of the choke in each choke flow path.
The choke manifold shall have a buffer chamber. A minimum of one gate valve must be installed
downstream of each choke but ahead of the buffer chamber or any discharge manifold. This valve may or
may not be rated to the full working pressure of the choke manifold.
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D. Frost
The choke manifold should have a minimum of four flow paths, 3" (76.1 mm) nominal diameter or larger,
are capable of flowing well returns directly to the mud pits, trip tank or the mud gas separator (MGS).
A minimum of two flow paths should be equipped with remotely controlled, power operated adjustable
chokes. A minimum of one flow path shall be equipped with a manually operated adjustable choke.
One flow path may permit returns to go directly to the discharge manifold or other downstream piping
without passing through a choke. Two gate valves with full rated working pressure must be provided in this
un-choked flow path.
There shall be an inlet to allow tying in a kill pump and it should be possible to connect the choke manifold
to the standpipe manifold. Check valves are to be fitted where the choke manifold is connected to the
standpipe and / or cementing manifold.
A pressure transducer or other means for measuring the inlet pressure to the manifold shall be provided.
The manifold outlet for this device must be equipped with a flanged, studded or clamp hub type gate valve
with a 1-13/16" (46 mm) minimum bore with the same pressure rating as the BOP stack. The readout for
the transducers shall be at the remote choke control panel.
The choke manifold shall be equipped with at least one pressure gauge and have outlets to permit the
installation of gauges to measure the pressure under any selection of flow route. A sufficient number of
gauges for all outlets, capable of measuring the expected pressure ranges.
The choke manifold and discharge piping should have only right angle block turns.
When flare booms are permanently installed a permanent connection between the discharge manifold and
flare boom shall be installed.
The temperature downstream of the choke when drilling HPHT wells or well with hydrate shall be
continuously monitored by a temperature sensor with a remote digital readout near the choke control
A drill pipe pressure gauge and a casing pressure gauge will be provided at the choke manifold and
mounted in a position is clearly visible while operating the manual chokes. A sufficient number of gauges
for all outlets, capable of measuring the expected pressure ranges including low pressure gauges (50-100
psi or 350 -700 kPa), are to be available for immediate installation.
On all HPHT wells choke manifolds must be fitted with a glycol/methanol injection point upstream of all
manual and remote controlled chokes. All fittings and piping back to the injection pump must be rated for
15,000 psi (103.4 MPa) working pressure.
Each valve on the choke manifold should be clearly numbered, both on the valve itself and on the
schematic. The choke manifold valves should be color coded or flagged to indicate which valves are
normally either open or closed during drilling for the specified shut-in procedure.
A large and clear drawing showing the "SAFE VALVE POSITION WHILE DRILLING" for valves on the
choke and stand pipe manifolds must be displayed in the doghouse, and Client Drilling Office. The safe
position permits a hard shut-in to be performed simply by closing the BOP. The safe position is:
Failsafe valves on kill, choke and emergency (back-up kill) lines closed
Remote controlled choke closed
Manifold ready to divert flow through mud gas separator
The alignment of the choke manifold shall be checked once each 12 hour shift and following pressure
Manifold pressure tests must not be performed against closed ends, or closed chokes.
The C/K line below the lowest BOP shall not be used for normal well control operations but only in critical
conditions to kill a well.
When ambient temperatures approach the freezing point of water, a non-freezing fluid shall be left in the
choke/kill system. After kick drills or taking reduced pumping rates, displace mud with a glycol solution in
the choke and kill lines, choke manifold and mud gas separator to prevent any freezing.
In some circumstances, it may be possible to safely conduct manifold pressure tests while other operations
are in progress.
Choke manifold tests shall always be tested working pressure when the stack is on surface.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
All tests are conducted under the direction of the Drilling PIC. The Client Representative must be advised of the
intention to test so that he or she can witness the procedure.
The drilling crew must be organized into a team with each member assigned specific duties.
Each of these conditions imposes special problems, though all are closely related to maintaining control and
preventing blowout.
A drill may be conducted in open or cased hole. However, if the drill string is in the open hole, the well should not
be shut in.
The Drilling PIC should initiate the drill by manually raising a pit level float.
The Driller is expected to detect the pit gain and take the following steps to secure the well:
Stop ongoing operations (Top drive drilling)
Notifies his crew.
Pick up the top drive until the tool joint is at the given height above the rotary table to have a tool joint away
from the dedicated hand-off rams.
Shut down the pumps.
Check for well flow.
Report to the Toolpusher.
Record the time required for the crew to react and document the drill on the IADC Report.
Close annular preventer.
Open upper choke line failsafe on BOP. Line manifold up against closed choke and upstream valve.
Notify Drilling Supervisor that well is shut in.
Record shut-in casing pressure (SICP) and shut-in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP).
Record influx volume.
Record on IADC Report.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
A drill while tripping familiarizes the drill crew with the shut-in procedure to use for a kick during a trip.
A drill may be conducted only in a cased hole without any BHA components across the BOP area. The Drilling PIC
should stop the Driller closing the annular then continue with the drill.
Without notice, the Drilling PIC should initiate the drill by raising the trip tank float to indicate a pit gain.
Driller shall notice changes in mud pit level, beyond that of the pipe being run in or pulled out, by audio and visual
signals. (Buzzer and pit level indicator.)
Such drill shall be performed when drilling in deepwater, immediately after the well has been secured.
Driller shall follow these steps:
As soon as the well is secure, monitor the riser on the trip tank.
Simulate flow from riser.
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D. Frost
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
17.23 Appendix 23: Well Control Kick-Sheets – Field Units & Metric – Sample Spreadsheets
Pump 1-SCR 1-2 Chokes Volume datas Volumes Strokes Strokes Time MP1 Time MP1 Time MP2 Time MP2 Kill Mud injection
Pump 1-SCR 2-1 Choke MP1 MP2 SCR1 SCR 2 SCR 1 SCR 2
Pump 1-SCR 2-2 Chokes Drill Collar 6.314 52.61667 52.61667 1.753889 1.753889 1.753889 1.753889
Pump 2-SCR 1-1 Choke Heavy weight 4.3296 36.08 36.08 1.202667 1.202667 1.202667 1.202667 Pressure lost per 100 stks
Pump 2-SCR 1-2 Chokes Drill Pipe 200.3284 1669.403 1669.403 55.64678 55.64678 55.64678 55.64678 MP1 MP2
Pump 2-SCR 2-1 Choke Inside Drill String Volume 210.972 1758.1 1758.1 58.60333 58.60333 58.60333 58.60333 SCR 1 SCR 2 SCR 1 SCR 2
Pump 2-SCR 2-2 Chokes 17.51891 17.51891 17.51891 17.51891
DC/Open Hole 68.634 571.95 571.95 19.065 19.065 19.065 19.065
HWDP/Open Hole 59.2368 493.64 493.64 16.45467 16.45467 16.45467 16.45467
DP/Open Hole 335.7956 2798.297 2798.297 93.27656 93.27656 93.27656 93.27656 Number of strokes to loose 10 psi
Open Hole Volume 463.6664 3863.887 3863.887 128.7962 128.7962 128.7962 128.7962 MP1 MP2
DC/Casing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57.08117 57.08117 57.08117 57.08117
HWDP/Casing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DP/Casing 1046.778 8723.153 8723.153 290.7718 290.7718 290.7718 290.7718
Chokeline(s) 4.7458 39.54833 39.54833 1.318278 1.318278 1.318278 1.318278
Casing Volume 1051.524 8762.702 8762.702 292.0901 292.0901 292.0901 292.0901
Total Annulus Volume 1515.191 12626.59 12626.59 420.8863 420.8863 420.8863 420.8863 Theoretical influx lenght 155.3166
Total Well Volume 1726.163 14384.69 14384.69 479.4896 479.4896 479.4896 479.4896 Theoretical influx height 155.3166
Booster line+Riser/DP 274.8816 2290.68 2290.68 76.356 76.356 76.356 76.356 Theoretical influx density ppg 1.556509
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D. Frost
Pump 1-SCR 1-2 Chokes Volume datas Volumes Strokes Strokes Time MP1 Time MP1 Time MP2 Time MP2 Kill Mud injection
Pump 1-SCR 2-1 Choke MP1 MP2 SCR1 SCR 2 SCR 1 SCR 2
Pump 1-SCR 2-2 Chokes Drill Collar 721.8 36.09 63.87611 1.203 0.90225 2.129204 1.596903
Pump 2-SCR 1-1 Choke Heavy weight 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pressure lost per 100 stks
Pump 2-SCR 1-2 Chokes Drill Pipe 18420.8 921.04 1630.159 30.70133 23.026 54.33864 40.75398 MP1 MP2
Pump 2-SCR 2-1 Choke Inside Drill String Volume 19142.6 957.13 1694.035 31.90433 23.92825 56.46785 42.35088 SCR 1 SCR 2 SCR 1 SCR 2
Pump 2-SCR 2-2 Chokes 1.985101 1.880622 1.062552 0.94449
DC/Open Hole 4361 218.05 385.9292 7.268333 5.45125 12.86431 9.64823
HWDP/Open Hole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DP/Open Hole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of strokes to loose 1 bar
Open Hole Volume 4361 218.05 385.9292 7.268333 5.45125 12.86431 9.64823 MP1 MP2
DC/Casing 3584.8 179.24 317.2389 5.974667 4.481 10.57463 7.930973 50.37526 53.17389 94.11308 105.8772
HWDP/Casing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DP/Casing 61344 3067.2 5428.673 102.24 76.68 180.9558 135.7168
Chokeline(s) 6201.6 310.08 548.8142 10.336 7.752 18.29381 13.72035
Casing Volume 71130.4 3556.52 6294.726 118.5507 88.913 209.8242 157.3681
Total Annulus Volume 75491.4 3774.57 6680.655 125.819 94.36425 222.6885 167.0164 Theoretical influx lenght 114.2602
Total Well Volume 94634 4731.7 8374.69 157.7233 118.2925 279.1563 209.3673 Theoretical influx height 114.2602
Booster line+Riser/DP 189937.6 9496.88 16808.64 316.5627 237.422 560.2879 420.2159 Theoretical influx density 0.257301
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
General Information
Date: Time: Location:
Foreign Domestic Onshore Offshore Weather Condition:
Operator Information
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BOP Information
Annular 1 Annular 2 Ram 1 Ram 2 Ram 3 Ram 4
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D. Frost
17.25 Appendix 25: Hang-Off Space-Out Drawing with Tool-Joint Location on Rig Floor – Sample
1 36 9. 94
T YPE HC 10 k
1 37 3. 24 7 .3 6 Above rotary table
10 K
1 37 4. 37 6 .2 3 Above rotary table
10 K
13 75 .4 5 .2 0 Above rotary table
10 K
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
17.26 Appendix 26: Trip Sheet Sample – Field Units & Metric
WELL MAASP (Max allow.ann. Press.)
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D. Frost
WELL MAASP (Max allow.ann. Press.)
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
In a well-control operation, closing the BOP without first opening an alternate flow path up the choke line is called
the Hard-shut-in.
This means during routine operations the chokes are closed, all BOP failsafe valves are closed (Both Kill and
Choke sides), all valves downstream of the manifold chokes are opened and the manifold is lined up to the mud
gas separator (poor boy de-gasser).
A sample schematic is shown below.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
17.28 Appendix 28: Well Control Events & Data Log-Sheet Sample
Well Control Event Log-Sheet
Prepared By
Manual Title: Well Control Manual
Approved By
D. Frost
R. Toufeeq /
Level No.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
A Check choke manifold valves line-up, operate auto-chokes, close manual valves before chokes.
B Circulate off bottom for 5min at slow circulating rates (SCR) and record drill pipe pressure (SIDPP).
C Record flow back volume to pits when pump shut off after circulating at normal drilling flow rates.
1- Pick up top drive to correct space out for TJ 2- Shut pumps off
3- Flow check on trip tank 3- Continue procedure without any delay
IF Annular Pressure (SICP) is less than MAASP, start Well Control method.
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D. Frost
IF Annular Pressure (SICP) reaches MAASP, follow Operator’s instructions for well control
Remove Kelly valve Close string Kelly valve Keep well full with mud, pumping in
the annulus. If no more mud, fill up
Run pipe back to bottom. Close Upper annular BOP (check with seawater.
the flow meter)
Circulate bottoms up Notify Co. Man, Mud Logger & Tool
monitoring the well carefully Open fail safe lower choke line Pusher
(Caution : some gas may enter valves
the well bore) Remove Kelly valve
(Verify well is shut in.)
Run pipe back slowly to bottom,
Notify Co. Man, mud logger & Tool monitor carefully for losses and
Pusher compare with mud logger data.
Install GRAY Valve on top of Kelly Resume circulating at reduced rate.
Get ready for pumping LCM pill.
Install/Make up top drive with extra
stand Keep pipe moving (rotate and
Line up stand pipe manifold.
Wait on orders.
Open string Kelly valve
Monitor SIDPP & SICP and evaluate
Compensate the string.
Prepare for stripping operation
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D. Frost
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D. Frost
3. Are high-temp elastomers fitted in the variable pipe rams and in the shear rams?
5. Are high-temp elastomers fitted in the lining of choke and kill lines? - droop hoses.
6. Are high-temp elastomers fitted in the kill and choke line stab connector lip seals?
7. Are high-temp elastomers fitted in the packings and seals on the 15K valves on the choke manifold?
8. Are high-temp elastomers fitted in the bladders on the pressure transducers on the choke manifold?
9. Are hydraulic actuators fitted on the choke manifold valves and chokes which are likely to be used under high
pressure well kill situations?
11. Is there a 250 psi pressure relief valve fitted to the buffer chamber on the choke manifold lines? (This protects the
liquid seal on the mud/gas separator and also the separator vessel itself, i.e., if plugged in vent line and dip tube.).
12. Does the pressure relief valve in no. 12 vent via the overboard lines?
13. Are overboard lines rated to at least the pressure rating of buffer chamber? What are respective pressure ratings?
14. What is the pressure setting on the device that protects the liquid seal of the dip tube?
17. Where are the readouts for each of the gauges in no. 17:
18. Are both the fluid ends of the cement/kill pump rated to 15K?
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
21. Is there a 15K kill line permanently hooked up to the cement/kill pump?
22. Are there at least two valves separating the cement/kill pump from the kill line? (To avoid cement contamination of
the kill line.)
23. Is there a dedicated 15K kill (Coflexip) hose on the rig? Is it rigged up to the kill manifold permanently?
24. Are there sufficient 15K Kelly cock’s for the drilling stand (3), kick single assy (2), and for stabbing (1)? - 6 onboard
(4 are brand new). Need minimum of 5.
25. When was the last time the BOP and associated well control equipment pressure tested and accepted by the rig’s
certifying authority?
26. What is the required frequency of the test outlined in no. 26?
27. When was the last time the cement/kill pump was pressure tested and certified?
28. Was the kick single assy pressure tested when made up?
30. When was the last calibration of gauges and chart recorders?
31. How do the different gauges compare for consistency between similar readouts?
Rig’s H2S?
35. When was the last time the Glycol injection system was function tested?
37. Is the magnetic single shot equipment rated for high temp?
Drilling Jars?
Accelerators Jars?
Circ subs?
39. Do the drill pipe tool joints have smooth hard facing, which is flush with the bodies of the tool joints?
40. Have the true-weight mud balances been accurately calibrated recently?
Uncontrolled When Printed Page 143 of 166
Manual Title: Well Control Manual
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
42. Are there any plans to increase the height of the liquid seal to increase the blow down capacity of the mud/gas
43. Are there any plans to blank off the three gas line vents nearest the inlet line of the mud/gas separator to reduce the
amount of liquid carried up the vent line?
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Yes No
1. Are circulation subs drifted with tools that are to pass though them? (e.g., survey barrel).
2. Is the HDIS sub physically drifted with the circ sub-opening ball?
3. Is a written procedure in place to flush the kill line after every cement job?
4. Is a high-pressure kick single assy rigged up for connecting the high-pressure Coflexip kill hose from the kill manifold
to the drill string?
7. Are there sufficient cement chemicals for setting contingency plugs? (To fill the entire open hole section).
10. Are there sufficient stocks of glycol on the rig? (200 gallons min).
12. Have all of the tubular and sub IDs been accurately checked recently?
13. Are all tubular and subs drifted to ensure that the HDIS dart will pass through?
14. Will the HDIS dart will pass through all of the Kelly cocks?
15. In case of a power failure, does the emergency generator have the capacity to allow the well killing operations to
continue? (i.e., start mechanism on cement/kill pump).
16. What is the procedure for isolating the mud/gas separator and venting well bore fluids?
17. What is the procedure for releasing/relieving pressure on the choke/kill manifold buffers and venting well bore fluids?
18. Will there be two mud engineers on the rig for the duration of the HPHT section?
19. Is there any trainee mud loggers on the rig for the HPHT section?
20. Will the number of persons on the rig be kept to a minimum during the HPHT section?
21. Have onsite H2S/BHA refresher courses been run for all personnel?.
22. Have all supervisory PRIDE staff down to ADs attended volumetric stripping course and HPHT course?
24. Is a procedure in place for establishing the SCRs for the cement/kill pump via the kick single assy and down the
25. Is a procedure in place to ensure that circulation is broken every 12 hours down the kill and choke lines?
26. Can the top drive be disconnected at all times with the well still closed in via an IBOP, and without the string striking
bottom, due to the heave effects? (I.e., can part of drilling stand be removed with well secured to ensure the string is
off bottom with heave effects?).
28. Have restrictions been minimized on BHA, apart from Totco, jars, and HDIS -- i.e., MWD, nozzle size, etc. -- to
ensure can pump LCM without plugging off.
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D. Frost
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D. Frost
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D. Frost
Centimeter cm .3937 Inch in
Inch in 2.54 Centimeter cm
Meter m 3.28 Feet ft
Feet ft 0.3048 Meter m
Kilometer km 0.54 Nautical Mile
Nautical Mile 1.852 Kilometer km
Square cm2 0.1555 Square Inch in2
Square Inch in2 6.45 Square cm2
Square Meter m2 10.764 Square Feet ft2
Square Feet ft2 0.0929 Square Meter m2
Cubic Meter m3 6.2899 US Barrel bbl
US Barrel bbl 0.159 Cubic Meter m3
Cubic Meter m3 35.315 Cubic Feet ft3
Cubic Feet ft3 0.0283 Cubic Meter m3
Liter l 0.2642 US Gallon gal
US Gallon gal 3.785 Liter l
US Barrel bbl 42 US Gallon gal
US Gallon gal 0.0238 US Barrel bbl
Cubic m /hr 150.96 US Barrel/Day bbl/d
US Barrel/Day bbl/d 0.0066 Cubic m3/hr
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Kilogram kg 2.205 Pound lb
Pound lb 0.4536 Kilogram kg
Sacks sx 94.0 Pound lb
Pound lb 0.0164 Sacks sx
Sacks sx 0.0426 Metric Ton t
Metric Ton t 23.453 Sacks sx
Metric Ton t 1.102 Short Ton st
Short Ton st 0.9072 Metric Ton t
Metric Ton t 2.205 KIPS
KIPS 0.4536 Metric Ton mt
Metric Ton t 0.984 Long Ton
Long Ton 1.016 Metric Ton t
Newton N 0.1019 Kilogram kg
Kilogram kg 9.807 Newton N
Newton N 0.2248 Pound lb
Pound lb 4.448 Newton N
Kilogram/Liter kg/l 8.345 Pound/Gallon ppg
Pound/Gallon ppg 0.1198 Kilogram/Liter kg/l
Kilogram/Liter kg/l 62.428 Pound/Cubic lb/ft3
Pound/Cubic lb/ft3 0.016 Kilogram/Liter kg/l
Cubic m3/m 1.917 Barrel/Foot bbl/ft
Barrel/Foot bbl/ft 0.5216 Cubic m3/m
Liter/Meter l/m 0.0805 Gallon/Foot gal/ft
Gallon/Foot gal/ft 12.419 Liter/Meter l/m
Barrel/Foot bbl/ft 521.6 Liter/Meter l/m
Liter/Meter l/m 0.00192 Barrel/Foot bbl/ft
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Bar (daN/cm2) bar 14.5 Pound/Square psi
Pound/Square psi 0.0689 Bar (daN/cm2) bar
Kilogram kgf.m 7.233 Foot Pound ft.lbf
Force Meter Force
Foot Pound ft.lbf 0.1383 Kilogram kgf.m
Force Force Meter
DecaNewton daN.m 1.0197 Kilogram kgf.m
Meter Force Meter
Kilogram kgf.m 0.9807 DekaNewton daN.m
Force Meter Meter
DecaNewton daN.m 7.376 Foot Pound ft.lbf
Meter Force
Foot Pound ft.lbf 0.1356 DekaNewton daN.m
Force Meter
Celsius °C (°C * 9/5) +32 Fahrenheit °F
Fahrenheit °F (°F – 32) x Celsius °C
Kilowatt kw 1.34 Horsepower hp
Horsepower hp 0.746 Kilowatt kw
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
17.34 Appendix 34: Field Unit & Metric Formula for Well Control
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
1 – 3 ppg = Gas Kick
4 – 6 ppg = Oil Kick or Oil and Gas Kick
7 – 9 ppg = Saltwater Kick
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D. Frost
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
.1198 - .3549 kg/l = Gas Kick
.4792 - .7188 kg/l = Oil Kick or Oil and Gas Kick
.8386 – 1.078 kg/l = Saltwater Kick
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
[Original Mud Weight (kg/l) - Influx Weight (kg/l)] x Influx Height (m)
+ SIDPP (bar)
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
1 – 3 ppg = Gas Kick
4 – 6 ppg = Oil Kick or Oil and Gas Kick
7 – 9 ppg = Saltwater Kick
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
31-Mar 11
Representat ive
Sit e Manager
Review Date
17.35 Appendix 35: Responsibilities Flow-Chart – Sample
Manual No.:
T oolpusher
Line Reporting
Prepared By
Contractual reporting
Approved By
D. Frost
R. Toufeeq /
Level No.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
The purpose of this procedure is to identify the actions rig personnel must take in a well control emergency on a
Pride Asset.
This document applies to all personnel on the rig with well control emergency duties. The Well Control Emergency
Process covers the actions to be taken by the OIM, Drilling Person-In-Charge (PIC), Toolpusher, Driller, Mud
Engineer and rig personnel to mitigate the effects of a well kick. The process is defined by phases, each
representing an escalating level of concern. The Drilling PIC, in conjunction with the Toolpusher/Driller and Client,
shall determine the phase of well control emergency.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Secure the
well 1
Kick Evaluate
Inform OIM Yes Occurred? Potential
3 2 Well Kick
Secure Rig
Kick 6
Initiate Loss Of
Monitor Well Stand down
Precautionary Primary
Yes No Condition Respond
Down Manning Control?
8 Team
10 7
Inform OIM
Kill Well
Go to down
Disconnect Manning &
Rig 14 Evaluate
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Report to drill floor and assess situation.
Cancel all non-essential activities immediately.
Contact PIC and OIM as soon as well is shut in.
Evaluate potential kick.
Assemble Emergency Response Team (ERT).
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01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Mud Logger:
Record all pressures, volumes, and displacement for the well and
circulating system.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost
Mud Engineer:
Kill well.
Secure equipment for evacuation, as instructed.
Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Review Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
01-Apr-02 2 31-Mar 11 AME R. Toufeeq / 2
D. Frost