Heat Exchangers Types & Applications, LMTD Derivation & Problems
Heat Exchangers Types & Applications, LMTD Derivation & Problems
Heat Exchangers Types & Applications, LMTD Derivation & Problems
Heat Exchangers
Types & Applications,
LMTD Derivation & problems
LMTD Formulae
1) Rate of heat transfer, Q = U A (∆T)lm
U – Overall heat transfer co-efficient, W/m2K
A – Area, m2
(∆T)lm – Logarithmic mean temperature difference.
[(T1 − t1 ) − (T2 − t 2 )]
(∆T )lm =
⎡ (T − t ) ⎤
ln ⎢ 1 1 ⎥
⎣ (T2 − t 2 ) ⎦
For a Counter flow:
[(T − t ) − (T2 − t1 )] T1 – Entry temperature of hot fluid
(∆T )lm = 1 2
⎡ (T1 − t 2 ) ⎤ T2 – Exit temperature of hot fluid
ln ⎢ ⎥
− t1 – Entry temperature of cold fluid
⎣ 2 1 ⎦
(T t )
t2 – Exit temperature of cold fluid
LMTD Formulae
2) Heat lost by hot fluid = Heat gained by cold fluid
Qh = Qc
A = π Di L Q = m x hfg
Where Where
Di – Inner diameter hfg – Latent heat ((J/kg
g K))
LMTD Problems
1. In a double pipe heat exchanger, hot fluid with a specific heat of 2300 J/kg
enters at 380 oC and leaves at 300 oC. Cold fluid enters at 25 oC and
leaves at 210 oC. Calculate the heat exchanger area required for
(i) Counter flow
(ii) Parallel flow.
Take overall heat transfer coefficient as 750 W/m2 K and mass flow rate of
hot fluid is 1 kg/s.
Hot fluid Cold fluid
(T1, T2) (t1,tt2)
Mass flow rate of hot fluid), mh = 1 kg/sec
We kno
know that,
Heat transfer, Q = mcCpc(t2 – t1) = mh Cph(T1 – T2)
=> Q = mhCph(T1 – T2)
[[since Specific
p heat & flow rate of hot fluid is known]]
Q = 184 x 103 W
We know that,
Heat transfer, Q = UA ((∆T)) lm Æ ((1))
[From HMT book, Pg no: 152]
where (∆T) lm - Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD)
S bstit te (∆T) lm, Q and U values
al es in Equation
Eq ation (1),
(1) Î Q = UA (∆T) lm
A = Q/U (∆T) lm = 1.27 m2
Counter flow heat exchanger consumes less area as compared to parallel
flow heat
h t exchanger
LMTD Problems
2. Water flows at the rate of 65 kg/min through a double pipe, counter flow
heat exchanger. Water is heated from 50 oC to 75 oC by an oil flowing
through the tube. The specific heat of the oil is 1.780 kJ/kg K. The oil
enters at 115 oC and leaves at 70 oC. The overall heat transfer co-efficient
is 340 W/m2K. Calculate the following
1. Heat exchanger area
2 Rate of heat transfer
Hot fluid – oil, Cold fluid – Water
(T1, T2) (t1,tt2)
Mass flow rate of water (cold fluid), mc = 65 kg/min = 65/60 kg/s =1.08 kg/s
Entry temperature of water, t1 = 50o C
Exit temperature of water, t2 = 75o C
Specific heat of oil (Hot fluid), Cph = 1.780 kJ/kg K = 1.780 x 103 J/kg K
Entry temperature of oil, T1 = 115o C
Exit temperature of oil, T2 = 70o C
We know that,
Area, A = π x Di x L
L = A / (π x Di ) = 31.99 m
LMTD Problems
4. Saturated steam at 126 oC is condensing on the outer tube surface of a
single pass parallel heat exchanger. The heat exchanger heats 1050 kg/h
of water from 20 oC to 95 oC. The overall heat transfer co-efficient is 1800
W/m2K. Calculate the following
1. Area of heat exchanger
2. Rate of condensation of steam.
Take hfgf = 2185 kJ/kg
Hot fluid – steam, Cold fluid – Water
(T1, T2) (t1,t2)
ll heat
h t transfer
t f co-efficient,
ffi i t U = 1800 W/
Enthalpy of evaporation, hfg = 2185 kJ/kg = 2185 x 103 J/kg
LMTD Problems
To find: 1. Area of heat exchanger, (A)
2. Rate of condensation of steam, (mh)
Heat transfer, Q = mcCpc(t2 – t1)
=> Q = 0.29 x 4186 x (95 – 20) = 91 x 103 W
[since Specific heat of water, Cpc = 4186 J/kg K]
We know that, Heat transfer, Q = mh x hfg
=> mh= Q / hfg = 0.0416 kg/s
Rate of condensation of steam, mh = 0.0416 kg/s
We know that,
Heat transfer, Q = UA (∆T) lmÆ (1)
where (∆T) lm - Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD)
For Parallel flow,
(∆T) lm = [(T1 – t1) – (T2 – t2)] / ln ((T1 – t1) / (T2 – t2))
= 61o C
Specific gravity of oil = Density of oil / Density of water
0.8 = ρ0 / ρw = ρ0 / 1000
Î ρ0 = 0.8 x ρw = 0.8 x 1000 = 800 kg/m3
Mass flow rate of oil, mh = ρ0 x A x V = ρ0 x ((π/4)D2) x V = 0.305 kg/s
Heat transfer, Q = mh x Cph x (T1 – T2) = 41 x 103 W
We know that,
Heat transfer, Q = UA (∆T) lmÆ (1)
where (∆T) lm - Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD)
For Parallel flow
(∆T) lm = [(T1 – t1) – (T2 – t2)] / ln ((T1 – t1) / (T2 – t2))
= 25.2o C