1. Aren’t objectives in your lesson plan the same as outcomes as defined in OBTL? Back
up your answer with research.
4. Does the phrase “designing down “ remind you of Wiggin’s and McTighe’s
Understanding design also known as “backward design”? In UbD, after identifying the
target or the goal, the teacher asked to state evidence of the attainment of the
outcome or target. This is actually the assessment task. Is this what “designing down
7. Here was a workshop on outcomes –based course syllabi development. The teachers
“already had an outline of their topics before the workshop began. Because they were
to develop outcomes-based syllabus, all they did was to formulate the outcomes per
topic. Is this OBTL, OBE applied in the teaching-learning process? Share your answer
with the class.
2. A big outcome is well an outcome. Also a result. An objective is what you desire,
intend, and plan to get. A terminal objective is what you think, or what you estimate
that you will achieve at the end of a process, more specifically when “terminal
objective” is used as an educational term an educational process.
7. Yes because it is strategy to learn the students faster. It is state that the OBTL is
focused not on what the teacher intends to teach but rather the emphasis is on what is
the outcome from the learner of that teaching is intended to be. In other words, the
outcomes determine the curriculum content, the teaching methods and strategies, and
the assessment process. And OBE curriculum means starting with a clear picture of
what is important for students to be able to do, then organizing the curriculum,
instruction and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens.
8. Yes student must be expected to attain learning outcomes. Why? Because n OBE, all
students are expected to attain the intended learning outcomes. Some attain them
faster than others. The most important is that everybody attains the learning
outcomes because the teacher gives everyone the necessary scaffolding and
opportunity to realize the learning outcomes.
3. What are the implications of the OBE principles in the teaching-learning process?
C. Compare direct and indirect instruction with deductive and inductive methods of
teaching. Use a table for the comparison.
5. The positive points in OBE is at the last two OBE conventions here in Rochester, the
message has been clear: that OBE results in increased student and teacher self-
esteem, higher academic success for more students, decreased drop-outs and several
other benefits.
And the negative points are By outlining specific outcomes, a holistic approach to
learning is lost. Learning can find itself reduced to something that is specific,
measurable, and observable. As a result, outcomes are not yet widely recognized as a
valid way of conceptualizing what learning is about.
A. An approach is the level at which assumptions and beliefs about language and
language learning are specified; Method is the level at which theory is put into practice
and at which choices are made about the particular skills to be taught, the content to
be taught, and the order in which the content will be presented.