Python 3 Cheat Sheet: Int Float Bool STR List Tuple
Python 3 Cheat Sheet: Int Float Bool STR List Tuple
Python 3 Cheat Sheet: Int Float Bool STR List Tuple
License Creative Commons Attribution 4
Python 3 Cheat Sheet Official Python documentation on
integer, float, boolean, string, bytes Base Types ◾ ordered sequences, fast index access, repeatable values Container Types
int 783 0 -192 0b010 0o642 0xF3 list [1,5,9] ["x",11,8.9] ["mot"] []
null binary octal hexa tuple (1,5,9) 11,"y",7.4 ("mot",) ()
float 9.23 0.0 -1.7e-6
-6 Non modifiable values (immutables) ☝ expression with just comas →tuple
bool True False ×10
str bytes (ordered sequences of chars / bytes)
str "One\nTwo" Multiline string: b""
escaped new line """X\tY\tZ ◾ key containers, no a priori order, fast key acces, each key is unique
'I\'m' 1\t2\t3""" dictionary dict {"key":"value"} dict(a=3,b=4,k="v") {}
escaped ' escaped tab (key/value associations) {1:"one",3:"three",2:"two",3.14:"π"}
bytes b"toto\xfe\775" collection set {"key1","key2"} {1,9,3,0} set()
hexadecimal octal ☝ immutables ☝ keys=hashable values (base types, immutables…) frozenset immutable set empty
yes next
while condition logique: ? Loop Control for var in sequence: …
no break immediate exit finish
statements block statements block
continue next iteration
s = 0 initializations before the loop ☝ else block for normal loop exit. Go over sequence's values
i = 1 condition with a least one variable value (here i) s = "Some text" initializations before the loop
Algo: cnt = 0
specified, read
☝ if text file → read / write only read next line nom "{1:>10s}".format(8,"toto")
whole file 0.nom
strings, convert from/to required →' toto'
type s = f.readline() 4[key] "{x!r}".format(x="I'm")
f.close() ☝ dont forget to close the file after use ! →'"I\'m"'
◽ Formating :
f.flush() write cache f.truncate([taille]) resize fill char alignment sign mini width.precision~maxwidth type
reading/wriding progress sequentially in the file, modifiable with:
<>^= + - space 0 at start for filling with 0
f.tell()→position[,origin]) integer: b binary, c char, d decimal (default), o octal, x or X hexa…
Very common: opening with a guarded block with open(…) as f: float: e or E exponential, f or F fixed point, g or G appropriate (default),
(automatic closing) and reading loop on lines for line in f : string: s … % percent
of a text file: # processing ofline ◽ Conversion : s (readable texte) or r (literal representation)
Python For Data Science Cheat Sheet Inspecting Your Array Subsetting, Slicing, Indexing Also see Lists
>>> a.shape Array dimensions Subsetting
NumPy Basics >>>
Length of array
Number of array dimensions
>>> a[2]
1 2 3 Select the element at the 2nd index
Learn Python for Data Science Interactively at >>> e.size Number of array elements >>> b[1,2] 1.5 2 3 Select the element at row 1 column 2
>>> b.dtype Data type of array elements 6.0 4 5 6 (equivalent to b[1][2])
>>> Name of data type
>>> b.astype(int) Convert an array to a different type Slicing
NumPy >>> a[0:2]
array([1, 2])
1 2 3 Select items at index 0 and 1
The NumPy library is the core library for scientific computing in Asking For Help >>> b[0:2,1] 1.5 2 3 Select items at rows 0 and 1 in column 1
>>> array([ 2., 5.]) 4 5 6
Python. It provides a high-performance multidimensional array
Array Mathematics
1.5 2 3
>>> b[:1] Select all items at row 0
object, and tools for working with these arrays. array([[1.5, 2., 3.]]) 4 5 6 (equivalent to b[0:1, :])
Arithmetic Operations >>> c[1,...] Same as [1,:,:]
Use the following import convention: array([[[ 3., 2., 1.],
>>> import numpy as np [ 4., 5., 6.]]])
>>> g = a - b Subtraction
array([[-0.5, 0. , 0. ], >>> a[ : :-1] Reversed array a
NumPy Arrays [-3. , -3. , -3. ]])
array([3, 2, 1])
Cheat Sheet
In a tidy
data set:
& operations. pandas will automatically preserve
observations as you manipulate variables. No
other format works as intuitively with pandas.
Each variable is saved
in its own column
Each observation is
saved in its own row *
Syntax – Creating DataFrames Reshaping Data – Change the layout of a data set
a b c df.sort_values('mpg')
1 4 7 10 Order rows by values of a column (low to high).
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12
Order rows by values of a column (high to low).
df = pd.DataFrame(
{"a" : [4 ,5, 6], pd.melt(df) df.pivot(columns='var', values='val') df.rename(columns = {'y':'year'})
"b" : [7, 8, 9], Gather columns into rows. Spread rows into columns. Rename the columns of a DataFrame
"c" : [10, 11, 12]},
index = [1, 2, 3]) df.sort_index()
Specify values for each column. Sort the index of a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame( df.reset_index()
[[4, 7, 10], Reset index of DataFrame to row numbers, moving
[5, 8, 11], index to columns.
[6, 9, 12]], pd.concat([df1,df2]) pd.concat([df1,df2], axis=1) df.drop(columns=['Length','Height'])
index=[1, 2, 3], Append rows of DataFrames Append columns of DataFrames Drop columns from DataFrame
columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
Specify values for each row.
n v
a b c Subset Observations (Rows) Subset Variables (Columns)
1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
e 2 6 9 12
df = pd.DataFrame( df[['width','length','species']]
df[df.Length > 7] df.sample(frac=0.5) Select multiple columns with specific names.
{"a" : [4 ,5, 6],
Extract rows that meet logical Randomly select fraction of rows. df['width'] or df.width
"b" : [7, 8, 9],
criteria. df.sample(n=10) Select single column with specific name.
"c" : [10, 11, 12]},
df.drop_duplicates() Randomly select n rows. df.filter(regex='regex')
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
Remove duplicate rows (only df.iloc[10:20] Select columns whose name matches regular expression regex.
considers columns). Select rows by position.
names=['n','v'])) regex (Regular Expressions) Examples
df.head(n) df.nlargest(n, 'value')
Create DataFrame with a MultiIndex
Select first n rows. Select and order top n entries. '\.' Matches strings containing a period '.'
df.tail(n) df.nsmallest(n, 'value') 'Length$' Matches strings ending with word 'Length'
Method Chaining Select last n rows. Select and order bottom n entries. '^Sepal' Matches strings beginning with the word 'Sepal'
Most pandas methods return a DataFrame so that '^x[1-5]$' Matches strings beginning with 'x' and ending with 1,2,3,4,5
another pandas method can be applied to the Logic in Python (and pandas) '^(?!Species$).*' Matches strings except the string 'Species'
result. This improves readability of code. < Less than != Not equal to
df = (pd.melt(df) df.loc[:,'x2':'x4']
> Greater than df.column.isin(values) Group membership Select all columns between x2 and x4 (inclusive).
'variable' : 'var', == Equals pd.isnull(obj) Is NaN df.iloc[:,[1,2,5]]
'value' : 'val'}) <= Less than or equals pd.notnull(obj) Is not NaN
Select columns in positions 1, 2 and 5 (first column is 0).
.query('val >= 200') df.loc[df['a'] > 10, ['a','c']]
>= Greater than or equals &,|,~,^,df.any(),df.all() Logical and, or, not, xor, any, all
) Select rows meeting logical condition, and only the specific columns . This cheat sheet inspired by Rstudio Data Wrangling Cheatsheet ( Written by Irv Lustig, Princeton Consultants
Summarize Data Handling Missing Data Combine Data Sets
df['w'].value_counts() df.dropna() adf bdf
Count number of rows with each unique value of variable Drop rows with any column having NA/null data. x1 x2 x1 x3
len(df) df.fillna(value) A 1 A T
# of rows in DataFrame. Replace all NA/null data with value. B 2 B F
df['w'].nunique() C 3 D T
# of distinct values in a column.
Make New Columns Standard Joins
Basic descriptive statistics for each column (or GroupBy) x1 x2 x3 pd.merge(adf, bdf,
A 1 T how='left', on='x1')
B 2 F Join matching rows from bdf to adf.
C 3 NaN
df.assign(Area=lambda df: df.Length*df.Height)
pandas provides a large set of summary functions that operate on Compute and append one or more new columns. x1 x2 x3 pd.merge(adf, bdf,
different kinds of pandas objects (DataFrame columns, Series, df['Volume'] = df.Length*df.Height*df.Depth A 1.0 T how='right', on='x1')
GroupBy, Expanding and Rolling (see below)) and produce single Add single column. B 2.0 F Join matching rows from adf to bdf.
values for each of the groups. When applied to a DataFrame, the pd.qcut(df.col, n, labels=False) D NaN T
result is returned as a pandas Series for each column. Examples: Bin column into n buckets.
x1 x2 x3 pd.merge(adf, bdf,
sum() min()
A 1 T how='inner', on='x1')
Sum values of each object. Minimum value in each object. Vector Vector B 2 F Join data. Retain only rows in both sets.
count() max() function function
Count non-NA/null values of Maximum value in each object.
each object. mean() x1 x2 x3 pd.merge(adf, bdf,
median() Mean value of each object. pandas provides a large set of vector functions that operate on all A 1 T how='outer', on='x1')
Median value of each object. var() columns of a DataFrame or a single selected column (a pandas B 2 F Join data. Retain all values, all rows.
quantile([0.25,0.75]) Variance of each object. Series). These functions produce vectors of values for each of the C 3 NaN
Quantiles of each object. std() columns, or a single Series for the individual Series. Examples: D NaN T
apply(function) Standard deviation of each max(axis=1) min(axis=1) Filtering Joins
Apply function to each object. object. Element-wise max. Element-wise min. x1 x2 adf[adf.x1.isin(bdf.x1)]
clip(lower=-10,upper=10) abs() A 1 All rows in adf that have a match in bdf.
Group Data Trim values at input thresholds Absolute value. B 2
df.groupby(by="col") The examples below can also be applied to groups. In this case, the x1 x2 adf[~adf.x1.isin(bdf.x1)]
Return a GroupBy object, function is applied on a per-group basis, and the returned vectors C 3 All rows in adf that do not have a match in bdf.
grouped by values in column are of the length of the original DataFrame.
named "col". shift(1) shift(-1) ydf zdf
Copy with values shifted by 1. Copy with values lagged by 1. x1 x2 x1 x2
df.groupby(level="ind") rank(method='dense') cumsum() A 1 B 2
Return a GroupBy object, Ranks with no gaps. Cumulative sum. B 2 C 3
grouped by values in index rank(method='min') cummax() C 3 D 4
level named "ind". Ranks. Ties get min rank. Cumulative max.
Set-like Operations
All of the summary functions listed above can be applied to a group. rank(pct=True) cummin()
Additional GroupBy functions: Ranks rescaled to interval [0, 1]. Cumulative min. x1 x2 pd.merge(ydf, zdf)
size() agg(function) rank(method='first') cumprod() B 2 Rows that appear in both ydf and zdf
Size of each group. Aggregate group using function. Ranks. Ties go to first value. Cumulative product. C 3 (Intersection).
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
Regression Model Training
>>> model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', >>> model.add(Dense(64,activation='relu',input_dim=train_data.shape[1])) >>>,
loss='binary_crossentropy', >>> model.add(Dense(1)) y_train4,
metrics=['accuracy']) batch_size=32,
>>>,labels,epochs=10,batch_size=32) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) epochs=15,
>>> predictions = model.predict(data) >>> from keras.layers import Activation,Conv2D,MaxPooling2D,Flatten validation_data=(x_test4,y_test4))
>>> model2.add(Conv2D(32,(3,3),padding='same',input_shape=x_train.shape[1:]))
Data Also see NumPy, Pandas & Scikit-Learn >>>
model2.add(Conv2D(32,(3,3))) Evaluate Your Model's Performance
Your data needs to be stored as NumPy arrays or as a list of NumPy arrays. Ide- >>> model2.add(Activation('relu')) >>> score = model3.evaluate(x_test,
>>> model2.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2,2))) y_test,
ally, you split the data in training and test sets, for which you can also resort batch_size=32)
>>> model2.add(Dropout(0.25))
to the train_test_split module of sklearn.cross_validation.
>>> model2.add(Conv2D(64,(3,3), padding='same'))
Keras Data Sets >>>
model2.add(Conv2D(64,(3, 3)))
>>> from keras.datasets import boston_housing, >>> model2.add(Activation('relu')) >>> model3.predict(x_test4, batch_size=32)
mnist, >>> model2.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2,2))) >>> model3.predict_classes(x_test4,batch_size=32)
cifar10, >>> model2.add(Dropout(0.25))
>>> (x_train,y_train),(x_test,y_test) = mnist.load_data()
>>> (x_train2,y_train2),(x_test2,y_test2) = boston_housing.load_data()
Save/ Reload Models
>>> (x_train3,y_train3),(x_test3,y_test3) = cifar10.load_data() >>> model2.add(Activation('relu')) >>> from keras.models import load_model
>>> (x_train4,y_train4),(x_test4,y_test4) = imdb.load_data(num_words=20000) >>> model2.add(Dropout(0.5)) >>>'model_file.h5')
>>> num_classes = 10 >>> my_model = load_model('my_model.h5')
>>> model2.add(Dense(num_classes))
>>> model2.add(Activation('softmax'))
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Model Fine-tuning
>>> from urllib.request import urlopen
>>> data = np.loadtxt(urlopen("
>>> from keras.klayers import Embedding,LSTM Optimization Parameters"),delimiter=",") >>> model3.add(Embedding(20000,128)) >>> from keras.optimizers import RMSprop
>>> X = data[:,0:8] >>> model3.add(LSTM(128,dropout=0.2,recurrent_dropout=0.2)) >>> opt = RMSprop(lr=0.0001, decay=1e-6)
>>> y = data [:,8] >>> model3.add(Dense(1,activation='sigmoid')) >>> model2.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',
Preprocessing Also see NumPy & Scikit-Learn
Early Stopping
Sequence Padding Train and Test Sets >>> from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
>>> from keras.preprocessing import sequence >>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split >>> early_stopping_monitor = EarlyStopping(patience=2)
>>> x_train4 = sequence.pad_sequences(x_train4,maxlen=80) >>> X_train5,X_test5,y_train5,y_test5 = train_test_split(X, >>>,
>>> x_test4 = sequence.pad_sequences(x_test4,maxlen=80) y,
test_size=0.33, y_train4,
random_state=42) batch_size=32,
One-Hot Encoding epochs=15,
>>> from keras.utils import to_categorical Standardization/Normalization validation_data=(x_test4,y_test4),
>>> Y_train = to_categorical(y_train, num_classes) >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler callbacks=[early_stopping_monitor])
>>> Y_test = to_categorical(y_test, num_classes) >>> scaler = StandardScaler().fit(x_train2)
>>> Y_train3 = to_categorical(y_train3, num_classes) >>> standardized_X = scaler.transform(x_train2) DataCamp
>>> Y_test3 = to_categorical(y_test3, num_classes) >>> standardized_X_test = scaler.transform(x_test2) Learn Python for Data Science Interactively
Python For Data Science Cheat Sheet 3 Renderers & Visual Customizations
Glyphs Customized Glyphs Also see Data
Bokeh Scatter Markers Selection and Non-Selection Glyphs
Learn Bokeh Interactively at, >>>[1,2,3]), np.array([3,2,1]), >>> p = figure(tools='box_select')
taught by Bryan Van de Ven, core contributor fill_color='white') >>>'mpg', 'cyl', source=cds_df,
>>> p2.square(np.array([1.5,3.5,5.5]), [1,4,3], selection_color='red',
color='blue', size=1) nonselection_alpha=0.1)
Line Glyphs
Plotting With Bokeh >>> p1.line([1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,6], line_width=2) Hover Glyphs
>>> p2.multi_line(pd.DataFrame([[1,2,3],[5,6,7]]), >>> hover = HoverTool(tooltips=None, mode='vline')
The Python interactive visualization library Bokeh pd.DataFrame([[3,4,5],[3,2,1]]), >>> p3.add_tools(hover)
enables high-performance visual presentation of color="blue")
large datasets in modern web browsers. Rows & Columns Layout US
Asia >>> color_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(
factors=['US', 'Asia', 'Europe'],
[21.4,4,109, 'Europe']]),
Label 2
Label 3
>>> p = Scatter(df, x='mpg', y ='hp', marker='square',
Show or Save Your Plots
>>> from bokeh.plotting import figure xlabel='Miles Per Gallon',
>>> p1 = figure(plot_width=300, tools='pan,box_zoom') ylabel='Horsepower')
From RDDs
>>>"firstName", Show firstName, and lastName is"Smith")) \ TRUE if lastName is like Smith
>>> from pyspark.sql.types import * Startswith - Endswith >>> df.repartition(10)\ df with 10 partitions
>>>"firstName", Show firstName, and TRUE if .rdd \
Infer Schema .getNumPartitions()
>>> sc = spark.sparkContext df.lastName \ lastName starts with Sm
.startswith("Sm")) \ >>> df.coalesce(1).rdd.getNumPartitions() df with 1 partition
>>> lines = sc.textFile("people.txt")
>>> parts = l: l.split(",")) >>>"th")) \ Show last names ending in th
people = p: Row(name=p[0],age=int(p[1])))
peopledf = spark.createDataFrame(people)
.show() Running SQL Queries Programmatically
Specify Schema >>>, 3) \ Return substrings of firstName Registering DataFrames as Views
>>> people = p: Row(name=p[0], .alias("name")) \
age=int(p[1].strip()))) .collect() >>> peopledf.createGlobalTempView("people")
>>> schemaString = "name age" Between >>> df.createTempView("customer")
>>> fields = [StructField(field_name, StringType(), True) for >>>, 24)) \ Show age: values are TRUE if between >>> df.createOrReplaceTempView("customer")
field_name in schemaString.split()] .show() 22 and 24
>>> schema = StructType(fields) Query Views
>>> spark.createDataFrame(people, schema).show()
| name|age|
Add, Update & Remove Columns >>> df5 = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM customer").show()
+--------+---+ >>> peopledf2 = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM global_temp.people")\
Mine| 28|
Filip| 29|
Adding Columns .show()
|Jonathan| 30|
+--------+---+ >>> df = df.withColumn('city', \
.withColumn('postalCode',df.address.postalCode) \
From Spark Data Sources .withColumn('state',df.address.state) \
.withColumn('streetAddress',df.address.streetAddress) \
.withColumn('telePhoneNumber', Data Structures
JSON explode(df.phoneNumber.number)) \
>>> df ="customer.json") .withColumn('telePhoneType',
>>> >>> rdd1 = df.rdd Convert df into an RDD
+--------------------+---+---------+--------+--------------------+ explode(df.phoneNumber.type)) >>> df.toJSON().first() Convert df into a RDD of string
| address|age|firstName |lastName| phoneNumber|
+--------------------+---+---------+--------+--------------------+ >>> df.toPandas() Return the contents of df as Pandas
|[New York,10021,N...| 25|
|[New York,10021,N...| 21|
Smith|[[212 555-1234,ho...|
Doe|[[322 888-1234,ho...|
Updating Columns DataFrame
>>> df2 ="people.json", format="json")
>>> df = df.withColumnRenamed('telePhoneNumber', 'phoneNumber') Write & Save to Files
Parquet files Removing Columns >>>"firstName", "city")\
>>> df3 ="users.parquet") .write \
TXT files >>> df = df.drop("address", "phoneNumber") .save("nameAndCity.parquet")
>>> df4 ="people.txt") >>> df = df.drop(df.address).drop(df.phoneNumber) >>>"firstName", "age") \
.write \
Inspect Data
>>> df.dtypes Return df column names and data types >>> df.describe().show() Compute summary statistics Stopping SparkSession
>>> Display the content of df >>> df.columns Return the columns of df
>>> df.count() >>> spark.stop()
>>> df.head() Return first n rows Count the number of rows in df
>>> df.first() Return first row >>> df.distinct().count() Count the number of distinct rows in df
>>> df.take(2) Return the first n rows >>> df.printSchema() Print the schema of df DataCamp
>>> df.schema Return the schema of df >>> df.explain() Print the (logical and physical) plans
Learn Python for Data Science Interactively
Python For Data Science Cheat Sheet Create Your Model Evaluate Your Model’s Performance
Supervised Learning Estimators Classification Metrics
Learn Python for data science Interactively at Linear Regression Accuracy Score
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression >>> knn.score(X_test, y_test) Estimator score method
>>> lr = LinearRegression(normalize=True) >>> from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score Metric scoring functions
>>> accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Scikit-learn >>> from sklearn.svm import SVC Classification Report
>>> svc = SVC(kernel='linear') >>> from sklearn.metrics import classification_report Precision, recall, f1-score
Scikit-learn is an open source Python library that Naive Bayes >>> print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred)) and support
implements a range of machine learning, >>> from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB Confusion Matrix
>>> gnb = GaussianNB() >>> from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
preprocessing, cross-validation and visualization >>> print(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred))
algorithms using a unified interface. KNN
>>> from sklearn import neighbors Regression Metrics
A Basic Example >>> knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
>>> from sklearn import neighbors, datasets, preprocessing
Mean Absolute Error
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split Unsupervised Learning Estimators >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
>>> from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score >>> y_true = [3, -0.5, 2]
>>> iris = datasets.load_iris() Principal Component Analysis (PCA) >>> mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
>>> X, y =[:, :2], >>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA Mean Squared Error
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=33) >>> pca = PCA(n_components=0.95) >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
>>> scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(X_train) >>> mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
>>> X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
K Means
>>> X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) >>> from sklearn.cluster import KMeans R² Score
>>> knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5) >>> k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=0) >>> from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
>>> r2_score(y_true, y_pred)
>>>, y_train)
>>> y_pred = knn.predict(X_test)
>>> accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) Model Fitting Clustering Metrics
Adjusted Rand Index
Supervised learning >>> from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_rand_score
Loading The Data Also see NumPy & Pandas >>>, y) Fit the model to the data
>>> adjusted_rand_score(y_true, y_pred)
>>>, y_train)
Your data needs to be numeric and stored as NumPy arrays or SciPy sparse >>>, y_train) Homogeneity
>>> from sklearn.metrics import homogeneity_score
matrices. Other types that are convertible to numeric arrays, such as Pandas Unsupervised Learning >>> homogeneity_score(y_true, y_pred)
DataFrame, are also acceptable. >>> Fit the model to the data
>>> pca_model = pca.fit_transform(X_train) Fit to data, then transform it V-measure
>>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import v_measure_score
>>> X = np.random.random((10,5)) >>> metrics.v_measure_score(y_true, y_pred)
>>> y = np.array(['M','M','F','F','M','F','M','M','F','F','F'])
>>> X[X < 0.7] = 0 Prediction Cross-Validation
>>> from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
Supervised Estimators >>> print(cross_val_score(knn, X_train, y_train, cv=4))
Training And Test Data >>> y_pred = svc.predict(np.random.random((2,5))) Predict labels
>>> y_pred = lr.predict(X_test)
>>> print(cross_val_score(lr, X, y, cv=2))
Predict labels
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split >>> y_pred = knn.predict_proba(X_test) Estimate probability of a label
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,
y, Unsupervised Estimators Tune Your Model
random_state=0) >>> y_pred = k_means.predict(X_test) Predict labels in clustering algos Grid Search
>>> from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
>>> params = {"n_neighbors": np.arange(1,3),
Preprocessing The Data "metric": ["euclidean", "cityblock"]}
>>> grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=knn,
Standardization Encoding Categorical Features param_grid=params)
>>>, y_train)
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder >>> print(grid.best_score_)
>>> scaler = StandardScaler().fit(X_train) >>> print(grid.best_estimator_.n_neighbors)
>>> enc = LabelEncoder()
>>> standardized_X = scaler.transform(X_train) >>> y = enc.fit_transform(y)
>>> standardized_X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) Randomized Parameter Optimization
Normalization Imputing Missing Values >>> from sklearn.grid_search import RandomizedSearchCV
>>> params = {"n_neighbors": range(1,5),
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer "weights": ["uniform", "distance"]}
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer >>> rsearch = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator=knn,
>>> scaler = Normalizer().fit(X_train) >>> imp = Imputer(missing_values=0, strategy='mean', axis=0) param_distributions=params,
>>> normalized_X = scaler.transform(X_train) >>> imp.fit_transform(X_train) cv=4,
>>> normalized_X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) n_iter=8,
Binarization Generating Polynomial Features >>>, y_train)
>>> print(rsearch.best_score_)
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import Binarizer >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
>>> binarizer = Binarizer(threshold=0.0).fit(X) >>> poly = PolynomialFeatures(5)
>>> binary_X = binarizer.transform(X) >>> poly.fit_transform(X) DataCamp
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Moving Turtle
import turtle Import the turtle library
t = turtle.Pen() Create a new turtle called t
t.forward ( yyy ) Move the turtle forward yyy Headings
t.backward ( yyy ) Move the turtle backwards yyy 0 = East
t.left ( yyy ) Turn the turtle yyy degrees to the left 90 = North
t.right ( yyy ) Turn the turtle yyy degrees to the right 180 = West
t.setheading ( yyy ) Make the turtle point in the specified direction 270 = South
Changing Turtle
t.pencolor ( “red” ) Set the line colour to be “red”
t.fillcolor ( “green” ) Set fill colour to be “green” Turtle Shapes
t.pensize ( yy ) Set the width of the lines arrow
t.begin_fill ( ) Start filling a shape turtle
t.end_fill ( ) Stop filling a shape circle
t.showturtle ( ) Show the turtle square
t.hideturtle ( ) Hide the turtle triangle
t.shape ( “turtle” ) Change the turtle’s costume (shape) classic
t.shapesize ( yy ) Change the size of the turtle costume