Systematic Investigation
Systematic Investigation
Systematic Investigation
Research – the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order
to establish facts and reach new conclusions;
A careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem
using scientific methods.
A systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control observed
phenomenon – Earl Robert Babbie, Sociologist
Creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new
and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and
Synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it leads to new
and creative outcomes.
Why conduct Research?
There are three applied research courses – PR1, PR2, and III
The main purpose of research
1. To inform action
2. To prove a theory
3. To contribute to developing knowledge in a field of study
Importance of Research
1. A tool for building knowledge and for facilitating learning
2. Means to understand various issues and increase public awareness
3. An aid to business success
4. A way to prove lies and support truths
5. Means to find, gauge and seize opportunities
6. A seed to love reading, writing, analyzing and sharing valuable information
7. Nourishment and exercise for the mind
Research in a Nutshell
1. To confirm/validate existing knowledge
2. To negate/challenge existing knowledge
3. To contribute to existing knowledge
4. To improve the quality of life (applied research/technology-driven research)
Descriptive-Statistical Method – combination of qualitative and quantitative methods
One method is given priority over the other
Things to Consider in choosing a topic
1. Scope. You may need to start broad and let your research take you narrower.
2. Originality. Choose a topic that will allow you to contribute to the field rather
than reiterate facts.
3. Sources. Choose a topic that has scholarly grounding
Chapter 1 - The Problem and its Setting
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Delimitation
Significance of the Study
Introduction – focus on the general statement of the problem/thesis statement
International, national, regional, provincial, identified locale
Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature and Studies
Related Literature
Related Studies
Synthesis of the state-of-the-art
Research Gaps
Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Paradigm
Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Paradigm
Definition of Terms
Chapter 3 – Research Design and Methodologies
Research Method
Sampling Design
Sources of Data
Research Instrument
Research Procedure
Statistical Treatment