Single-Resonator Dual-Frequency Thin-Film Piezoelectric-on-Substrate Oscillator
Single-Resonator Dual-Frequency Thin-Film Piezoelectric-on-Substrate Oscillator
Single-Resonator Dual-Frequency Thin-Film Piezoelectric-on-Substrate Oscillator
Conference Paper in Electron Devices Meeting, 1988. IEDM '88. Technical Digest., International · January 2008
DOI: 10.1109/IEDM.2007.4418962 · Source: IEEE Xplore
13 88
3 authors, including:
Reza Abdolvand
Oklahoma State University - Stillwater
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
• Lateral-Mode MEMS Filter Arrays on Ultrananocrystalline Diamond for Multi-Band Communication, NSF Goal View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Reza Abdolvand on 10 June 2014.
The measurements are repeated in vacuum and results are B. Oscillator Circuit
shown in Fig. 5. As expected, the measured quality factors
are improved and the motional impedances are reduced, The schematic viewgraph of the designed two-stage amplifier
inversely proportional with the Q. However, the improvement is shown in Fig. 7. The first stage is a transimpedance
ratio for the lower frequency mode (10100/7200) is more amplifier (TIA) comprised of a single NPN transistor (fmax -
than what is observed for the higher frequency mode 70GHz) in common-emitter configuration. An emitter
(4500/4000), which indicates that the dominant loss degeneration resistor is used to improve the linearity while
mechanism at higher frequencies is not air damping. maintaining sufficient voltage headroom for improved far-
from-carrier phase-noise. The feedback resistor (10kQ)
eliminates the need for a separate biasing network and
improves the overall phase-noise performance of the
oscillator. The second stage is also a simple voltage amplifier
comprised of a single NPN transistor in common emitter
configuration. Each stage creates -1800 of phase shift as
required and the values of the resistors are carefully chosen to
minimize the power consumption. The required voltage gain
for the second stage is not large since the motional impedance
of the low frequency resonance mode is not much larger than
the high frequency resonance mode counterpart.
Figure 5: The first- and the third-order frequency response of the resonator in Figure 7: The schematic circuit ofthe dual-frequency oscillator
The measured waveform and phase-noise of the oscillator at
The frequency shift of the resonator with temperature for the the fundamental resonance frequency is shown in Fig. 8. The
two modes are measured and plotted as percentage measurements are carried out with an Agilent EE5500 phase-
normalized frequency change in Fig. 6. As shown, the TCF is noise analyzer. An external 50Q buffer is used to interface
slightly different for the two modes. This temperature the oscillator with the measurement unit.
characteristic is useful in a technique developed for accurate
measurement of the resonator temperature [8]. The oscillation at 35.5MHz in air starts with 0.86V supply
voltage and 330pA of current for the two stages combined.
0.18 Therefore, the power consumption of the circuit at oscillation
0.16 (35.5MHz) is <300ptW. The measured phase-noise density
0.14 plot and the waveform of the oscillator are shown in Fig. 8.
The phase-noise measurement is repeated in vacuum and the
t 0.08
result is overlapped on the plot in Fig. 8. The oscillation starts
at lower supply voltage (0.82V) in vacuum and the power
0.04 * fundamental mode _
consumption is reduced to 200ptW. Affected by the improved
0.02 * third harmonic quality factor of the resonator in vacuum, the close-to-carrier
phase-noise is also improved by -4dBc/Hz at 1kHz offset
27 37 47 57
Temp. (C)
67 77 87
from the carrier unlike the far-from-carrier phase-noise which
Figure 6: The percentage normalized frequency change with temperature for is limited by the external buffer.
the two resonance modes. The TCF values are -33ppm C and -28ppm/ C.
BP E550) Absoll 1 Acknowledgment
A!zilent E > 500( Cail-iers. 35,5E+6
----------- I----------- ------- Authors would like to thank the staff in the Microelectronic
Research Center at Georgia Tech for their assistance. This
work was supported by DARPA under the Analog Spectral
d----r----1----4----------- --------
---__ Processors (ASP) program.
----------------------------i-'----- __
--------- -- - - - - 9 d BIclz-
A sub-milliwatt dual-frequency oscillator was reported that
------ v9 C/H -- utilizes the high-Q first and third-order width-extensional
resonance modes of an AlN-on-Si microresonator. As a result
----------/ of signal phase-reversal at the higher-order mode in this
fIZ .-,----------- oscillator, unlike typical dual-mode quartz crystal oscillators
no mode-suppression circuitry was required. These simple
and low-power oscillators can be used as resonant sensors
Figure 8: The measured waveform and phase noise for the 35MHz oscillation
frequency in air and in vacuum. that are accurately compensated for environmental
interferences such as temperature and pressure. The power
When the circuit is switched to the single stage operation consumption for the oscillator circuit measured to be less
mode, the oscillation at 105.7MHz starts with 0.98V supply than 350OtW at both operation frequencies and as low as
voltage and 350pA current (Pm 340tW). The increased 200tW for the first mode in vacuum.
power consumption might seem to be counterintuitive after
leaving the second amplification stage out of the oscillation References
loop. This is explained by the higher required bandwidth, [1] K. Sundaresan, G. K. Ho, S. Pourkamali, F. Ayazi, "A low phase noise
which demands for a larger bias current. The measured 100MHz silicon BAW reference oscillator," Proc. IEEE Custom
phase-noise and the waveform of the oscillator at 105.7MHz Integrated Circuits Conference, Sept. 2006, pp.841-844
are presented in Fig. 9. [2] G.K. Ho, K. Sundaresan; S. Pourkamali, F. Ayazi, "Temperature
compensated IBAR reference oscillators," Proc. 19th IEEE International
HP E5500 Absol Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical System, (MEMS'06), Istanbul,
HIP O() t
AuilenltEi>OO C:aliern. 105,7E+6 |A
Turkey, Jan. 2006, pp.910-913
[3] L. Yu-Wei, L. Seungbae, L. Sheng-Shian, Xie Yuan, R. Zeying, C.T.-C.
Nguyen, "Series-resonant VHF micromechanical resonator reference
oscillators," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol.39, no.12, pp.
2477-2491, Dec. 2004
[4] G. K. Ho, R. Abdolvand, and F. Ayazi, "High order composite bulk
acoustic resonators," Proc. 20th IEEE International Conference on
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS07), Kobe, Japan, Jan. 2007,
pp. 791-794
[5] R. Abdolvand, H. Mirilavassani, and F. Ayazi, "A low voltage
-1 1 0U - -- --------- -------------- ---- -- --- --X--
I----- --1-- temperature-stable micromechanical piezoelectric oscillator," Digest of
1 -- --- -- the 14th International Conference on Solid State Sensors, Actuators and
-8 -8 /H
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