Build I NG : Blocks
Build I NG : Blocks
Build I NG : Blocks
Formal letter
of Letters
Informal letter also known as personal letter
Personal Latters
Social Function
Linguistic Features
Sentence structure
- Accuracy of grammar is important.
Complete sentences are expected. - Slang can b e
used. - Use the contractions such as "HI", "I'm" "we'll" . -
Use personal pronouns such as "T", "we", "you". - Use
active voice.
- Language use may be personal like first and second
pronouns. - Be warm - Use the person's name you are
writing to. - Vary sentence length.
Write in a natural, conversational style. - Let your
personality shine through in your writing,
(Bly, 2004).
Table 5.1 Linguistic features of personal letter
Structure of Personal Letter
1 Date
Date when the letter is written (top left).
! Address
Place where you are writing from (top right).
1 Introduction
The opening of the letter usually starts with how are
you or refers to previous letter.
The main part of the letter. It includes what you want to
write to the other person.
The part indicates the letter is going to end.
Complimentary close
Short expressions like "l ove you", "sincerely
yours", "love" .
111 11 Signature
Signature or initials of the writer.
Postscript P.S.
After thought in a l etter. You begin with P.S. and e
nd it
with your initials.
Gratitude - I'm just writing to thank you for .... - It was
very kind of you to ... . - Thanks very much for .... - I am
very grateful for .. .. Giving advice - Well, I t hought
about it and if I were y ou, I would .... - Have you
thought about .... ? - In your last letter you said you
weren't sure what course of action to
take, I suggest .... - I think you shouldn't .. .. - In your
last letter you asked me about ...., I think .... Delivering
good news - I'm sure you will be happy to hear that ....
- I am sure that you'l l be interested to know that .... - By
the way, did you know that ....? - OMG!! You'll never
guess what happened! - I am totally ecstatic to hear
about .... - I was happy beyond limits to read that ....
Delivering bad news - I'm sorry but I have to tell you
that .... - Bad news, I'm afraid, but no way to avoid it, so
here it goes .... - I'm extremely s orry to hear that .... - It
was heart wrenching to read about ....