Use of Teaching Aids in Language Teaching
Use of Teaching Aids in Language Teaching
Use of Teaching Aids in Language Teaching
ABSTRACT Teaching in the schools has been criticized as theoretical, boring, and uninteresting and
a routine work, as the transfer as communication of information, knowledge and skills from the teachers to the
students is generally carried out through chalk talk method. The knowledge and awareness among the teachers
about the equipment for use in the teaching-learning process is not only poor but also lethargic to use in the
classroom. In certain cases the equipment is also not provided by the managements. In such a case improvised
equipment can be made and use in the teaching-learning process to make it more effective. There are certain
instructional aids that can help a teacher to clarify, correlate and coordinate various concepts and
interpretations to make learning more concrete, effective, interesting, meaningful and inspirational. These aids
are called teaching aids. These aids are also named as audio-visual aids in the sense that they call upon the
auditory and visual sense of the learners.
Key words: Teaching, Aids, Teacher, Students, Language, Class, Project. Effective, Learning.
Teaching aids are used to enable the learners to which the learning process may be encouraged or
achieve the learning objectives effectively and carried out on through the sense of hearing or
interestingly. There are audio-visual aids such as sense of sight.”
blackboard, maps, charts, globes, and pictures etc., Classification of teaching aids–Teaching aids
which are traditional in nature. Now-a-days and material can be classified in a number of
electronic media have come in a big way and are ways. However, here we may mention two
apt to influence not only communication and different approaches for their classification.
education, but also the manner and behaviour,
lifestyle, attitudes, and interests of the clientele. A. Traditional approach: This is an age-old
These media and materials provide direct as well approach, and according to this, here we can
as vicarious or improvised learning experiences to classify teaching aids into four categories:
the students at all levels of education. These 1. Audio aids: This category includes audio aids-
include traditional aids as well as electronic media the aids which call upon the auditory senses and
evolved from time to time in large variety and thus help the individuals learn through listening.
great novelty. The examples are phonograph records, radio
broadcasts and magnetic tape recordings.
Meaning of teaching aids 2. Visual aids: In this category we have visual aids-
A teacher has an inherent desire that his teaching the aids which call upon the visual senses and
should be as effective as possible. What he teaches then help the learners learn through viewing.
should be carefully attended, clearly understood, These aids may be further broken into sub-
grasped and fixed in the minds of his students. In categories: projective and non- projective aids.
other words, a good teaching always aims at the Under the projective aids, we may have visual aids
effective communication and appropriate learning like silent motion picture and filmstrips,
outcomes. For realizing both these objectives, a epidiascope, magic lanterns, micro-projections,
teacher has to make use of different types of aid and projection with the opaque and overhead
material just as charts, maps, models, concrete projector. The non-projective aids appeals to the
objects, films, tapes, projectors, radio, television sense of sight. It may include chalkboard, felt
and similar other resources. All such materials, board, bulletin broad, photographs, posters, maps,
instruments and resources that aid to the effective charts, globes, models, specimens, textbook
realization of his teaching objectives may be illustrations, etc.
termed as teaching aids in the field of teaching- 3. Audio-visual aids: In This category, we may
learning. place audio-visual aids- the aids which call upon
Definitions – According to Good’s dictionary of the auditory and visual senses and thus help the
Education, “a teaching aid is anything by means of learners learn through listening as well as
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[ VOLUME 4 I ISSUE 3 I JULY – SEPT. 2017] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138
viewing. Examples are television, sound motion the right moment. The Structure teaching
pictures, synchronized audio-slide projection, substitution tables can be built up step by step
radio vision and computer-assisted instructions. and in collaboration with the class. Short
4. Activity aids: We may place the aids that compositions and dialogues which are the joint
facilitate learning through sight and sound as well effort of the whole class may also be built up
as through doing in this category. The examples of sentence by sentence on the board. The
such aids are dramatization and role –playing, imaginative teacher will be able to think of many
experimentation in a laboratory or workshop, etc. other ways of making the blackboard the focus of
B. Technological approach: According to this the class effort of this kind. It will be mistake to
approach, the teaching aids may be classified into think that the blackboard is meant only for
the following categories: writing.
1. Simple hardware: Magic lantern, epidiascope, Bulletin Board:
slide projectors, filmstrip projectors, opaque The bulletin board is a sheet of wood, masonry
projectors and overhead projector, etc. cork, celesta similar material set within a frame.
2. Hardware: Radio, television, radio-vision, The used for displaying pictures, charts, posters,
telelecture, records player, tape recorder, motion clippings, photographs, or other learning
pictures, teaching machines, and computer. materials, it serves as a perpetual magazine. It
3. Software: Slides and filmstrips, pictures and gives information of direct concern to the pupils
other printed material, graphic aids such as and taps their curiosity and desire for knowledge.
graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, cartoons and It provides a practical outlet for artistic talent and
posters and three-dimensional objects like models creative ability. It helps to unify class sprit by
and specimens. creating a sense of responsibility, appreciation
Using teaching aids in Language Teaching and accomplishment. It stimulates student’s
Unsuccessful language learning is always due to interest and enthusiasm to a particular lesson. It
failure of imagination than lack of intelligence. must be simple and must telegraph its message
One major cause of this failure is the failure on the quickly, easily and efficiently. The material must
part of the teacher realizes that words alone need be changed frequently. Display must be done
not be enough to carry the student over in to the neatly and well.
situation that he is trying to present. A common Flannel Board:
failure on the part of the students is their inability The flannel board is somewhat like a Blackboard.
to create imaginatively in their mind, the picture But it has added advantages of colour, movement
of the situation that the words are supposed to and quick removal, leading to more interest and
build-up. Audiovisual aids in one form or another more learning. Its extreme flexibility permits
help the students to imagine an experience various arrangements to be tried experimentally.
beyond the reach of the classroom. Thus they It is a very useful teaching aid, which must be
serve as a link between the learner and the tried and used effectively by language teachers. It
language. is especially helpful in presenting events or ideas
Non- projective aids--- in sequence as story unfolds, a report is given,
Blackboard- demonstration is performed, steps in process are
Blackboard represents the oldest and most given or basic concepts are presented in a definite
commonly used teaching aid. Although not a order.
visual aid itself it can be used for the display of Charts:
visual material in the classroom teaching. Charts are combination of graphics and pictorial
Blackboard, in fact, is synonymous to a classroom. media designed for the orderly and logical
A class can function without chair, desks or even visualizing of relationship between key facts and
rooms to sit in but not without the aid of a ideas. Their main function is to show relationship
blackboard. That is why, in the new educational such as comparisons, relative amounts
policy tremendous emphasis has been given to the developments, process, classification and
necessity and use of the blackboard as an organization.
instructional aid by the name “operation Types of charts:--
blackboard” 1. Classification chart
In language teaching the blackboard can be used 2. Genealogy charts
for introducing new material. After the students 3. Flow charts
have mastered the pronunciation of a new word 4. Relationship chart
the teacher can introduce then to the written from 5. Tabulation chart
by writing it on the board at what he judges to be 6. Chronology chart
248 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 4 I ISSUE 3 I JULY – SEPT. 2017] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138 Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236
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[ VOLUME 4 I ISSUE 3 I JULY – SEPT. 2017] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138
250 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper