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The measurement rules for structural metalwork are relatively sim- ple and do not generate a large number of items, Structural steel-work is a predominantly manufactured commodity. The proportion of its cost derived from processes carried out off Site in the fabrication shop is considerable. Consequently, the pricing of structural steelwork is very much concerned with estimating the cost of passing the various members through the fabrication processes required. This cost depends on the complexity of the design and on the arrangements and equipment which are available to the particular tendering company. The cost of welding on aillet or of driling a series of holes may differ considerably fom one company to another, depending on whether and how much the particular process is mechanized or automated in each workshop. This means that the details of the shapes and sizes of members and of the connections between them have a big but varying impact on cost. It is therefore essential for drawings showing these demails to be made available to companies tendering for structural steelwork in civil engineering contracts. CESMMB assumes that such drawings are supplied to tenderers and does not provide rules of measurement which are appropriate when detailed drawings are not supplied. In this context, ‘detailed drawings’ means dimensioned layouts indicating the sizes of members and showing details of connections and other fittings. ‘The second edition of the CESMM introduced few changes to the measurement of structural metalwork. The addition of items for portal frames (M 3-4 3 *) and some detailed rearrangement of the other rules ate the only noticeable changes. ‘Much pricing for structural steelwork is carried out from a detailed materials abstract list which is produced by the tenderer from a thorough analysis of the Drawings, This list amounts to a take-off of the quantities, drawing by drawing, piece by piece, with fittings (including connections) listed against the members to which they are attached. The make-up of the itemized quantities shown on the list is used for material pricing. This list, the Drawings and the Specification are used for labour estimating in all its elements, for work in the rawing office, in the works, for fabrication and for erection The compiler of 2 bill of quantities will normally take off the quantities in a form close to that required by the tenderer as the basis of the materials abstract list. It i8 sensible for the results of this detailed analysis by the bill compiler to be made available to tenderers so that they do not all have to repeat the analysis. It is recommended that, on request, copies of the bill compiler’s take-off list should be passed to tenderers. The detailed materials abstract list is necessary because of the varied combination of factors which must be considered when estimat- ing for structural steelwork. Some of the main factors are now mentioned. (a) Material for structural steel is purchased by the tonne, but the rate per tonne varies according to the section, size (of which there are about 220), length, quality, quantity of any one size, finish and the requirements for testing and inspection. The rate per tonne for steel plates varies similarly, but is also dependent onlength, width and thickness, (b) Shop and site bolts are expensive both in materialand labour and ‘STRUCTURAL METALWORK CLASS M: STRUCTURAL METALWORK 169CESMM3 HANDBOOK have to be estimated from an accurate forecast of the number, size and type required. (6) Drawing office costs depend on the number of structural pieces, like and unlike, on their complexity and on the number of drawings required. (4) Fabrication costs and tonnage rates involve labour estimating for such operations as marking off, sawing, end milling, drilling, bolting, welding, handling, assembling, fitting, straightening, preheating, testing, inspection and painting. The degree of repetition affects cost considerably. (¢) Erection costs depend on the number, size and mass of pieces, their locations and connections, as well as on site facilities and conditions, Access arrangements, availability of storage and working areas, the sequence of work and number of visits are all factors which significantly affect costs. They influence the number, type and size of cranes and other items of plant required as well as the size of the site labour force and the skills needed. So that the compiler’s take-off can be used by tenderers to assist in estimating, it is helpful to follow uniform procedures in the preparation of take-offs. The following procedure is recommended, The numbers, dimensions, masses, areas and quantities for each member should be entered on separate sheets and each entry should be described using rules such as the following. (2) The numbers of the Drawings from which the quantities are taken should be stated at the beginning of the dimensions and calculations for each part of the work. (b) The quantities should be listed under headings taken from the classification table in class M of CESMM3. (c) Each type of member, or group of members should be described briefly and given identification marks as on the Drawings. (d) Each different material component should be listed separately with the following stated: the number required, the type of section, the size of section, the unit mass or thickness, the length,’ the surface area (where required for measurement of surface treatments) and the mass (kg). (©) The total mass of the members comprised of the components listed should be given in tonnes. The total surface area should also be given where required ( The grade of steel in the components should be stated if it is different from the main description and the mass of the different grade of stee] should be given separately. (g) The sizes of steel sections stated should be as follows: actual size for angles and hollow sections, serial size for universal beams, tuniversal columns and universal structural tees, nominal size for { rolled steel joists, rolled steel channels and rolled steel tees. i Serial sie is the size designation ofa particular range of sections | obtainable at different masses per metre of length and | consequently having slightly different actual dimensions. For | example, the serial sizes and masses per metre of two universal sections are 203 mm x 133 mm x 25 kg/m and 203 mm x 133 mm 30 kg/m. As the masses are different the actual dimensions vary; they are 203.2 mm x 133.4 mm and 206.8 mm x 133.8 mm respectively. Nominal size is the actual size rounded to the nearest millimetre. 7 (h) The components of fittings should be listed and their masses 160shown in detail and reference given to the appropriate main member to which they are attached. () Fittings comprise caps, bases, haunches, gussets, end plates, See ate oleae melee aaicaete eee gece arators and packings. Fittings for other trades should be iden- tified and related to the member to which they are attached ) Connections are fittings used to form a load-carrying joint between one member and another or to strengthen a member at such a joint. In the second division of the Work Classification the terms trusses, purlins and cladding rails apply where these components are used in ‘engineering structures such as conveyor gantties. ‘Where descriptions are called for by the additional description rules of class M it is important that separate items for different descriptions should be given in the bill. Trestles, towers, built-up columns, trusses and built-up girders can be made from sections and/or plates and may bein the form of compounded sections, lattice girders, plate girders or box-type construction, Details of these should be given to comply with rule A4. Itis trade practice to list the booms or flanges of girders and the trusses and legs of trestles first, then the internal members or web plates and last the fittings of each member or group of similar members. Camber and curvature are noted, Tapered, cranked and castellated members are taken off separately. It is usual to secure crane rails for light cranes to their supporting beams or girders in the workshop. The crane rails are then shown with the supporting beams or girders in the materials abstract list. The rails for heavier cranes (over 20 t capacity) usually require fixing clips and resilient pads. In these cases the work is usually done on Site by specialists and the rails are therefore listed separately. Where materials abstract lists are supplied to tenderers they should be accompanied by a disclaimer of responsibility for their accuracy and an instruction that they should not be taken into account in the interpretation of the Contract. This is necessary so that there should be no ambiguity in the Contract in the event of error. ‘The other members referred to in the classification table at M4** and M7** are isolated, peculiar or special members itemized according to the relevant divisions and descriptions. They may be permanent or temporary. An isolated column, beam or bracing attached to a non-metal or existing metal structure is an example of a member which is part of neither a bridge nor a frame. If blast cleaning is specified for surface treatment the standard of finish required should be stated, for example as second quality to BS 4232. Details of painting systems should also be made clear. Where tests are required, items are given in class A for general items at A 250 for testing of materials and A 26 0 for testing of the Works. Requirements for destructive and non-destructive tests, procedure tests (welding and flame cutting), qualification and testing of welders, run-off production tests and inspections should be stated clearly. "Suc fish of basr-leaned ste or painting. British Standards Institutions London, 1967, BS 4292, STRUCTURAL METALWORK 161 { tCESMM3 HANDBOOK ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM2 1. Classification of main and subsidiary members is moved to the frst division. . Items for portal frames are added. Surface treatment items are Confined to off Sito work. ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3 None, The delivery, unloading, erection and dismantling of cranes and plant can be either priced in the rates for erection of structural steel or entered as a Fixed Charge in class A at the option of the tenderer. Similarly, the cost of operating cranes and plant can either be priced in the rates for erection or entered as a Time-Related Charge in class A. Other erection costs should then be covered by the prices entered against the items for erection given in class M at M 5-7 +20. Notice that CESMMG does not require separate items to be given for fittings to structural metalwork, other than anchorages and bolts. In accordance with rule M3, ‘the mass for the main items includes the mass of fittings, and the prices entered against the main items should cover the work of providing the fittings. It is important that the Drawings and Specification define the fittings required as the tenderer will allow in his prices only for work which is so defined. Figures 23-25 show three examples of structural steel members. Materials abstract lists in the recommended form for taking off are shown for each example on the pages that follow and the resulting bill items for the example in Fig. 25 are shown in the example bill pages. The quantities against these items are entered to the nearest tenth of 2 tonne, in accordance with paragraph 5.18. The rules of CESMM3 do not prohibit quantities being given with greater precision and these items may be some of the few which justify a second decimal place. However, it should be borne in mind that, even with prices in the region of £800/t, the maximum error in extension of one item as a result of not using the second decimal place is £40, the average error is £20 and the errors which do occur will be mutually compensating unless there are only a very few items in this class.‘STRUCTURAL METALWORK octet fo 500% 25 fange pete t 00 x2 500 x 50 tange pte h eee © Gade 43.0 f b 19 conc 80 tango 18 tuck web piste grec 425 3 cont (26 tanga 1Binckwee piss grade a0 { |) Sagano vine [scascantoe pe | Che Rae ouedoret oe] altel, tubo 61 ent ‘E50 Tw OORT TET 950% 15 plex 1076 og Te ‘asx ra ek 100% Wek ped ‘Ten 22 dia. holes lor Mz 1h leat ibaitab-fomes stiffener x 966 long x mn 4 22: PP x 200006” Two 220% 25 tick _ pad 18019 Pe poe Pieners 004 B [sor 235% 20 tick sifener> 1608 Four 2 cia ncles { {orM20 HSEC bate Be i SECTION AA SECTIONS Ft so Tox nen ee hones) Four dis owe feo #3 Bo 100% 12 thick sent \ pad 180 ong i SECTION co. SECTION DD SECTION €& (eta a ont, camber and tinge LONE GIRDER REQUIRED AS ORAWN MARKED Gi_ 19 DU shown oh lender drawings ‘ONE GIRDER REQUIRED OPP HAND MARKED IX Fig. 23. Drawing of structural steo! ‘members: example A | aaa 29-19 ean er ea. ae eae eae 1 eta ser on (ha Terao eer teen tem 430 grids | ores erie tam (7 ton Danend) Sa fe dn tox rents) Materials abstract list for example A F shown in Fig. 23 163CESMM3 HANDBOOK Seiten i Tapa West ger (eamieres) L i aap ‘illered diapreagr ‘ros boar eens) INTERMEDIATE SECTION AA, ‘hear suds arta GENERAL CROSS-SECTION AT Be Fig. 24. Drawing of structural steel members: example B Materials abstrect ist for example B shown in Fig, 24 164 PLAN ON SAIDGE Longitudinal ettonere - "9 PART SECTION AT ABUTMENT AND PIER. LINE OF MULILSPAN TWIN 80x GIADER BRIDGE ‘ro Fimsae Agras 7 em eee Aes, See eee ths —niret nici sel Srigghble Tere ‘narntir bans Tescramuee Sreresnle ®t Sea cawoee‘STRUCTURAL METALWORK i ‘Au bracing 70% 70X81 i 2oaxras eas Ua SECTION AA. (60% 60%6 | purine pe PLAN ON TOP BOOM BRACING x ince ‘All rtarnas TO 708 15090 12 Lop boom Petom boom “Ig Sih pate. 401mm camber 54% 20 ick x 400 ong YEVATION 409 20 thie x 400 fang Dave lates 480.28 an bate pates 48024 al HO bone 203% 13326 UB Bracing 80% 0038 L END ELEVATION Deiais ot spies, connections t Sand itigs to be shown on i rox text | 0x TONOT Poe lender drawings 203 199% 25 UB PLAN ON BOTTOM BOOM BRACING M ‘coNYEYOR GANTAY Fig. 25. Drawing of structural steel ‘members : example C Sl depete 1 ie ay ae OTE aa, Materials abstract lst for example C shown in Fig. 25 {continues overleaf 165,tl CESMM3 HANDBOOK Sere lap ink nbs“ enstra reel NG Sel Cort 166‘STRUCTURAL METALWORK 167CESMM3 HANDBOOK \ Number om description unit | Quantity | Rate ‘Arvount { i P STRUCTURAL METALWORK. i Sonveyorgantry example C. steel grade 43a. Eabrication of nenbers for frames straight on plan, | wait columns. je 1a 32 Beans. je 0.8 ast Roof trusses comprising single 70 x 70x 8 angle rafters and 50 x 50 x 6 internal and bottom tie! fe 0.9 353 Bullt~up side girders canbered comprising two single 150°x 30 x 12 angles top boom, two single 150 x 75 x 12 angles bottom boon with verticals 70 x 10x @ angles, dfagonals 70 x 70 x 8, 60 x 80 x 8 and 30 x 90 x 10 angles. je 2.6 1361 Brecings, purlins and cladding ratis. je 1a 1370 Gritlages. je O48 seo Anchorages and holding bolt assenbites comprising 4 nr 450 x 24 bolts with plates 150 x 150'x 10 jx | 4 Exection af conveyor gantry, Ms20 Frane menber: je 19 saz Site bolts black dlaneter 16 - 20 nn, lr | 150 s62 HSEG load indicating bolts diameter 16 = 20 mm with washers. nr | aa Sonuayor gantry example C. ates) grade 432. Off site surface treateent, e109 Blast cleaning to BS 4232 second quality. ann | Maro Painting one coat zine epoxy primer, 2a PAGE TOTAI 168Class N includes all metal components which arc not specifically included in another class. It is the class into which fall the purpose- made odd bits of metalwork, some of which are required in most civil engineering contracts but which have no generic name. This is why the first division of the classification table does not give names to its descriptive features. The different things listed in the second division do not fall into groups which could usefully be identified or named. ‘The itemization of miscellaneous metalwork is not elaborate; separate items are not given for erection or fixing, or for fixings themselves. The class reverts to the traditional shopping list approach to measurement because it remains appropriate to this type of work. Only minor changes to class N were made in CESMM2 and none have been made in CESMM3. The note atthe foot of page 63 is a good example of the principle adopted in CESMM3 with regard to the role of drawings. Rule A1 requites that a comprehensive description of each miscellancous metalwork assembly shall be given. In the case of something composed of many pieces, like a staircase, this could be a very lengthy and a detailed description. The note gives the alternative of referring to a mark number which identifies an assembly the details of which are shown on the Drawings or given in the Specification. This alternative should be well used as there is no point in giving a lengthy description which in the event is only used by the tenderer ot supplier to identify work the details of which he derives from the Drawings. This principle, which is also adopted in, for instance, class H for precast concrete, is quite different from the approach adopted in the building method of measurement where it is assumed that all information relevant to prices for work is conveyed in the bill item descriptions. The classification table for class N has little impact on the measurement of miscellancous metalwork. Its main function is to provide classification numbers for some of the more commonly ‘occurring work in the class and to provide special measurement units for such items when a departure from the normal mass measurement is warranted. Non-standard components will normally be measured by the tonne and will be identified by reference to a drawing. Rule C1 means that miscellaneous metalwork items normally include fixing. Where this is not the case, item descriptions must say so as required By paragraph 3.3. Metal ladders are measured by their length. Where the stringers at the top ofa ladder are extended and returned to form a handrail the length of the ladder is taken to include the full length of the stringer including its return, CESMM2 introduced new items for cladding (N 2 1 0). This is intended to be used for relatively simple cladding encountered in civil engineering contracts and in simple building works incidental to civil engineering works. Complex cladding encountered in building work should be measured in more detail. MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK CLASS N: MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM2 1. Rectangular frames are renamed miscellaneous framing, 2. Items for ciadding are added. 3. Walings are measured by length. 4. Tank covers are not measured separately. ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3 None.CESMM3 HANDBOOK tem description mi20.1 wi10.2 130.2 130.2 wiei.t wne1.2 ni70 igo 230 zee 999.1 N999.2 999.3 999.4 MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK. Stairways and landings; staircase $3 drawing 136/27. Stairways and landings: staircase st drawing 136/28, Galvanised mild steel ladders; stringers 65 x 13 mm, 400 mm apart, rungs 20 mm Alaneter at 300 mm centres; stringers extended and returned 1000 mm to form handrail. Galvanised mité steel ladders; stringers 65 x13 am, 400 mm apart, rungs 20 mn stringers extended and returned 1000 mm to form handrail; with safety cage.of 3 nr 65 x 13 mm verticals and 65 x 13 mn hoops 180 mn dianeter at 700 mn centres cage commencing 2500 mn above commencing level. Miscellaneous framing; galvanised alld steol angle section 64 x 64x 9 am. Miscellaneous framing; galvanised alld steel angle section 38 x 38x 6 mm. Plate flooring? galvanised mild steel chequer plating 10 na thick as detailed on drawing 136/42. Open grid flooring; galvanised mild steel £0 BS 4592 as detailed on drawing 137/49. Duct covers; galvanised mild steel 10 mm thick, width 300 mm as detailed on Grating 137/50, Covered tanks volume 100 ~ 300 né; vanised mild steel to BHI? part 1 reference T40, Galvanised mild steel adjustable V-notch welr plate to precise levels as detailed fon drawing 136/7 detail A. Cast tron light duty inspection cover to BS 497 reference C6 ~ 24/24. Supply cast {ron step trons to BS 1247 type a2. Supply 2200 x 2200 ne galvanised mild steel forebay screen as detailed on raving 136/98. u 24 247 53 a 27 137 2 Ma 170 pace Toral]The effect of the includes and excludes list of class © is that the rules for measurement. given are intended to apply only to timber components used for Permanent Works in civil engineering contracts. Decking and fendering in harbour work are examples, The rules are not intended to apply to small scale carpentry and joinery such as windows, doors and skirtings in buildings. Where any such work is included in a civil engineering contract it should be measured in accordance with class Z. IF non-standard measurement conventions have to be used they should be defined in the Preamble to the bill and if, where warranted by the amount offsuch work, a different standard method of measurement is used this also should be referred to in the Preamble. ‘The measurement rules for timber are straightforward. Decking is measured in square metres and all other timber components are measured by their length in metres. Fittings and fastenings are enumerated, Little change to the measurement rules for timber were made when the second edition of the CESMM was introduced and none have been made in CESMM3. ‘For maritime use’ was dropped as a classification in division one in favour of stating the grade of timber required (cule A1). Item descriptions must describe the timber grade and species and give nominal gross sizes in each case. Nominal gross sizes are the sizes of the sawn pieces of timber from which the required components are produced. They exceed finished sizes by the thicknesses of material removed during planing or other finishing processes. Rule M2 establishes that the area of timber decking measured includes the arca of holes and openings which are each less than 0.5 m? in area. This ‘means that if timber decking is blocked to provide narrow openings berween strips of decking timber normally it will be measured without deducting the area of the openings. Gaps 10 mm wide by as much as 49 m long are less than 0.5 m? in area. This arrangement occurs in some marine work where decking is intended to be self draining. Materials, types and sizes are to be stated in item descriptions for timber fittings and fastenings (rule Ad). TIMBER CLASS O: TIMBER Schedule ot changes in CESMM2 1, Marine use of timber is not separately categorized, 2. Detals of fitings and fastenings areto be stated ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3 None. mCESMM3 HANDBOOK Dock 3 Number tem description unit) Quantity | Rate Amount £ Pp nue, 0122. 150 x 75 nn Greenheart length 1.5- 3m. |m sae e123 150 % 100 mm Greenheart length 3 = 5m pier decking runners, In 208 ous, 300 x 300 nm Greenheart length 3 - 5 my pler braces between piles. le 163 conse 350 x 350 mm Greenheare length 1.5- 3. |e | 287 ons, 400 % 400 ma Greenheart length 3 - 5 m pier decking bearers. im 366 e211 75 % 75 wm Douglas fir tanalized length not exceeding 1:5 n, Is 196 ozi2 100 x 100 mm Douglas fir tanalized length L.8 = 3m. 5 a ozs 100 x 50 mm Dovolas fir tanalized with rounded edges length 3 - 5m; hand rail. — |n 280 0242 150 x 300 mm Douglas fir length 18-30. |m 024s 225 x 300 mm Douglas fir length 3 - 5 mr pier ropbing piece. In 440 PAGE TOTAI mTIMBER ocx 3 Number tem description ‘Unit | Quantity | Rate ‘Amount & P ‘TIMBER. Hardwood decking thickness 50 = 25 om sxought finish. 0330.1 150 x 70 mm Greenheart. 786 0330.2 250 x 70 m Greenheart. | 260 Eittings and tastenines, Galvaniand aiid steel, os10 Straps girth: 457 mm with $0 mm thickness 5S nm as drawing 03/27, x | 10 0820 Spikes: length 75 mm. x | 50 0540.1 Bolts: length 75 mn, diameter S am. nz | 50 0540.2 Bolts; stainless ateel length 100 mm dianeter 6 mm. nz | 40 0580 Plates; stainless steel 100 x 100 mn thickness 6 mm, ar | 10 PAGE TOTAI 173 i(CESMM3 HANDBOOK 174. CLASS P: PILES The rules for measurement of piling work demonstrate most of the principles and developments embodied in CESMM3. The bill items and measurements which they generate are intended to provide a price breakdown for piling work which reflects realistically how its costs build up. The measurement of piles shows clearly the usefulness of Method-Related Charges. Some of the costs of piling operations which are suited to pricing as Fixed Charges are thosé of transporting plant, kentledge and equipment to the Site, and building stagings Time-related costs of operating piling plant can be represented by Time-Related Charges. Method-Related Charges can also be.used t0 allow for the additional costs of working in water when this occurs. In class P items are generated which are intended to produce a set of prices for each piling operation which will lead to realistic payment in the event of variations. The piling classes were reviewed in detail for CESMM3 and a number of significant changes made. The uncertainty which surrounds piling operations often results in Engineers’ delegating some of their design responsibility to. the Contractor through the medium of contractor design. CESMM3 provides for measurement of contractor-designed construction in paragraph 5.4. In the case of fully designed piling work, the Contractor is still required to take on some of the risks involved as his expertise places him in the best position to evaluate the likely extent of many uncertain circumstances. CESMMS reflects this by not requiring separate items for some components of the work. An example is “ obstructions’ which are separatcly itemized for bored piling only. Driving through obstructions is either possible or itis not and, where itis possible, it is so difficult to measure realistically that the risk is better transferred to the Contractor. Other examples of Contractor's risk items which are not separately itemized are redtiving risen piles and the loss of concrete into voids in the ground when constructing cast in place piles ‘A set of bill items is used to measure each group of piles. A group of piles comprises all the piles which are located together to support a single structure from the same Commencing Surface and which are all of the same type, of the same material and have the same cross-sectional characteristics. All the piles supporting a bridge, for example, would be grouped according to their type, material and size. If there were two differing Commencing Surfaces, such as the river bed surface and an embankment surface, piles driven from them would be grouped separately. Thus ona simple job all the piles might be regarded as one group, but there would be several groups on ajob needing several different pile sizes and types. The items given for each group are generated by the third division of the classification table, read in conjunction with the appropriate rules. For each group of cast in place piles the depth stated in the item description for the total depth bored or driven (P 1-2* 3) is the single depth of the deepest pile in that group (rule D1) (Fig. 26). This convention recognizes that the cost of boring or driving is, to a large extent, dependent on the type of piling plane used. This is in turn dependent on the greatest depth to be bored or driven, Where measurements are taken from the designed Commencing Surface, even though the Contractor at his discretion may adopt another Commencing Surface in carrying out the work, the original Commencing Surface will still be adopted for the purpose of measurement (rule Mi). The item for the number of piles in the group covers all the costs which are proportional to the number ofpiles to be constructed. These might include the plant and labour costs. associated with moving the rig from one pile position to the next, setting up at each position and getting ready to drive or bore and also the cost of driving heads and pile shoes. The item for the length of piles is measured according to the total length of all the piles in the group. It covers the main material cost of the piles. In the items for preformed piles (P 3-7 * *) the length item is the length ordered or supplied (rules D3 and D4). Theis so that the bill rates can model the fact that the cost. per unit of length of most preformed piles varies according to the maximum length of the pile. Also the material cost of preformed concrete piles includes reinforcement and formwork. Rule Al requires reinforcement in such piles to be identified as it forms part of the material of the pile. Itis the Engineer's responsibility to specify the length of piles to be supplied for driving. As the price ofa supplied length is governed by the length purchased or cas, itis eeasonable for the precise length of a pileto be stated and priced accordingly. On one Site, only one or two lengths may be required and it is simple to state the individual lengths in the item descriptions and to give the number of lengths required. The manufactured lengths, the cost of joints to make up specified lengths and haulage govern the total supply cost. The cost of handling and pitching is a fixed cost which can be included with the enumerated item. Once the units have been pitched the driving rate of penetration is fairly constant. Interlocking sheet piles are covered by items P8 * * The same principles apply to these piles as to groups of isolated piles, except that the number of piles driven is not measured. Instead the items for driving and materials are measured by area. The areas are calculated by multiplying the depth of pile ot the driven depth by the undeveloped length of the pile wall formed (see rule M7). The mean length is used where the top afd bottom lengths differ because the ends of the pile walls are not vertical. In the items for the areas of piles (P 8* 3-5) the lengths of the piles are stated with respect to classified ranges. These ranges identify the differing transport costs associated with piles of differing lengths. ‘The second division of classification in class P uses ranges of various cross-sectional characteristics of each type of pile. These are ‘overridden in item descriptions by rules A4, A6, A9 and A10 which require particular dimensions to be stated for each group of piles. Rules Mi and A3 use the term Commencing Surface to provide the rule for establishing the level at which boring for or driving piles is expected to begin. Where the Commencing Surface isnot the Original Orie ale eves ite fencin Fig. 26, Measurement of piles. At least two bill items are given for each group of preformed concrete, timber Origolated steel piles: number of piles of a stated length and depth riven. Atieast three billitems are given for each group of castin place piles: number of piles, concreted length and depth bored or driven Stating the depth of the deepest pile in the group. These items are ‘gonerated by the third division of Classification of class P and associated rues. 178CESMM3 HANDBOOK ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM2 1. Third division itorization is revised ‘with simplified indication of depihs, 2. Details of treatments and coatings and of pile heads and shoes are to be given in item descriptions. 3, The supported structure and the Commencing Surface are to be ‘dented in er desertion for piles, ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3. None. Surface, the Commencing Surface must be defined in the appropriate item descriptions, and there must be an item somewhere in the bill for excavating or for filling to this surface from the Original Surface or for constructing a temporary piling platform. This is the effect on piling of paragraph 5.21. CESMMS defines the lengths of cast in place piles (rule M3). They do not include any surplus length concreted at the Contractor's discretion, ‘The lengths stated in item descriptions for the number of pre formed concrete, timber and steel piles are the lengths which are expressly required. This means that the Contractor relies on the Engineer's previous judgement when ordering lengths of preformed piles. Any alterations from these lengths will be valued by measuring surplus lengths cut off or extensions added as provided for in class Q. ‘Class Pillustrates how the traditional mechanism of extra over items is ‘obviated by the rules in CESMM3. The two items for each group of preformed piles — number and depth driven — both contribute to the total price for constructing the group of piles. They may be supplemented by Method-Related Charges. It might be argued that the number item is extra over the item for driven depth or vice versa, or that they are both extra over the Method-Related Charges or vice versa. It follows that to identify any one as extra over does nothing to alter the significance or coverage of the item. Using CESMM3, a simple guide for pricing prevails in place of the subtleties of extra overs. The cost which should be allowed for in the rate inserted against an item is the cost which is proportional to the quantity which is set against the item. This guide applies whether the item is one which might formerly have been thought of as extra over or not. Rule M7 states, among other things, that the two area measurements for interlocking steel piles include the area occupied by special piles such as tapers and corner piles. It follows that the prices per unit of length of these special piles (P 8 * 1) should only allow for any cost of labour and materials for these piles which is additional to the cost of the same area of ordinary piles. Rule M7 effectively makes the items for special piles extra over rates. CESMM3 requires inclination ratios to be stated for raked piles (rule ‘A2). Common ratios are 1:4, 1:6 and 1:10 which correspond to angles of 14°, 9.5° and 5.8° respectively. ‘The cost of disposal of surplus excavated materials is deemed to be included in rates for piling work (rule C1). This is because arisings from piling operations are not taken into account in soil balance calculations and the responsibility for disposal is usually divided between the main Contractor and the piling sub-contractor. Where there are specific requirements concerning disposal, such as whether it is to be on or off the Site, this should be given as additional description in accordance with paragraph 5. 10.PUMPING STATION ‘tom description Amount £ Pp pis pis Pisa P16. Piez Pisa S25 a8 Seecification clause Tit. Diameter 200 on. Number of plies. Concreted Length. Depth bored maximum depth 18m, Dlancter 1200 un_raked at inclination abla 1:6, Number of piles Conereted length, Depth bored maximon depth 35 m. 97 1195 1305 2 932 992 pace Total] 17CESMM3 HANDBOOK Brroce Number Hom description Unit Quantity P331.d P331.2 332 P9s2.t 381.2 pasa Nunber of piles length 8,5 mj mild steel driving heads and shoe Nusber of piles lengch 12.5 m: mild steel driving heads and shoes, Depth driven. eixcular dlamater 450 mm. Murber of piles lenath 12.5 m. Musber of pilee length 17.28, Depth driven. 10 v 266 128 40 2120 178 PAGE TOTAIPILES Pre Hem deseription P65 P6s2 Nunber of plies length 7.5 a; galvanised mild steel driving head and shee ae detail 5 drawing 140/7 Depeh driven, inc | 104 ln 630 PAGE 107) 179CESMM3 HANDBOOK STORAGE TANK Number tam description unit | Quantity | Rate Amount : E Pe ‘RULING TO STORAGE TANK. Interlocking grade 43A atee! piles iittent Conmencing Surface 300 no belox Original ‘Surface. pest.t Length of corner pilot m “ a31.2 Length of taper piles, m 2 832 Driven area. jn? | 6807 833 Area of piles of Length: not exceeding 14m treated with two coats bitunen paint, 3764 Pes Area of piles of Length: 14 - 24 m treated with two coats bitumen paint. im 4367 PAGE TOTA 180PILING ANCILLARIES Class Q includes all work incidental to piling operations everything CLASS Q:: PILING other than the piles themselves. The class is unusual in that a general ANCILLARIES measurement rule (rule M1) establishes that all work in this class (except backfilling empty bores for cast in place concrete piles) is to be measured only where it is expressly required. This means that all the rest of the work will only be paid for separately if it is expressly required, not if the Contractor does any of it of his own volition. Backfilling empty bores for cast in place piles is the exception because this work is obligatory under the statutory regulations governing safety. A new general rule provides that all the prices in class Q should include for disposal of surplus materials unless otherwise stated. This was a change between the first and second editions of the CESMM. Surplus materials include cut-off lengths of piles and casings. Work ancillary to piling is classified by pile type and size using the same terms as those used in class P to identify the piles themselves. The rules in class Q do not require precise cross-sectional dimensions to be given for the ancillaries to piles. Instead each type of pile is classified using an appropriate range of dimensions. Permanent casings are measured in accordance with rule M2 and distinguished according to whether they exceed 13 m in length or not. This is the length which governs whether they can be transported complete or need to be divided into sections for transport. The second edition of the CESMM caused some debate by providing for cutting off surplus pile lengths (Q 1-67 *) to be measured in linear metres. Many commentators believed this was a mistake and that the item should be enumerated. The author confirms that linear measutement is correct for the reasons now given. Cast in place concrete piles will always be cut down to the specified level. The costs associated with moving plant to cach location can therefore be allocated to the pile itself measured in class P. This leaves the cost of the cutting operation and of disposal of the material to be allowed for in class Q. The cutting involves hammering the top of the pile and smashing away the surplus. The linear measurement relates to the time taken to smash away the surplus and the volume to be removed. ‘The same principle holds for preformed piles. The cost of moving from pile to pile can be covered in the enumerated item in class P, leaving class Q to cover the disposal cost. The surplus lengths of interlocking piles are the horizontal lengths cut and item descriptions should identify the average depth or typical surplus area for disposal purposes. Items for cutting off surplus lengths (Q 1-6 7 *) include those lengths ‘of permanent casings which are surplus to requirements. Temporary ‘casings are not measured unless the casings are expressly required and are also expressly required to be removed. The measurement of re- inforcement in cast in place concrete piles was made more detailed in CESMM2 than in the first edition but is still in less detail than that required for ordinary reinforcement in concrete (class G). Reinforcement in any other type of pile is regarded as a consticuent material and should be described within the main pile item: description. This applies, amongst other things, to filling hollow piles with concrete ‘Where the base of a cast in place pile is to be enlarged, rule A1 requires that the resulting diameter should be stated. Note that the length of 181CESMM3 HANDBOOK ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM2 1. Items for disposal of surplus materials, boring through rock, lacing conerete by tremie pipe and standing-by items do not appear in the CESMM second edition 2. An item is includad for cutting off surplus lengths of cast in place concrete piles where expressly required, 3. Reinforcement in cast in place concrete piles is measured in more dotail 4, Pile extensions for preformed piles are categorizedby length, 5, items for pile tests are expanded and revised, 6. Tho rules for measuremont of time spent in dealing with obstructions in bored piling are changed, Schedule of changes in CESMM3 1, The materials used in pile ‘extensions are to be identified in item descriptions. 192 piles measured in the items in class P includes the length of enlarged bases (rule M3 of class P) so that the cost to be allowed for in the rate for the enlarged bases themselves is only the additional cost of the plant and labour forming the enlargement and of the volume of concrete which is either outside the cross-sectional area of the shaft or below the toe level of the shaft which is expressly required. ‘The arrangements for measuring pile extensions are intended to relate logically to the costs involved. An item is given for the number of pile extensions (Q 3-6 4 *). This should cover the cost of preparing the piles to receive the extensions and of making the joints. A maximum of two other items (Q 3-6 5-6 *) is given for the total length of pile extensions subdivided into those which do not exceed 3 m long and those which exceed 3 m long. These items cover the cost of the material in the pile extensions themselves. No item is given for driving extended piles as this length of driving is included in the measurement of driving against the items in class P. Where the costs of moving a piling rig to the site of a pile extension and of setting the pile in motion again are significant, they should be allowed for in the rate against the item for che number of pile extensions. The items for preparing heads of piles inthis class (Q 1-68 *) cover the cost of the work required under the particular Contract to prepare the head of a pile to receive subsequent permanent work. This should include breaking down of concrete if it is required. Clearly, these items do not also cover preparing the end of a pile to receive an extension as this is not preparing the head of a pile, The cost of this work should be covered in the item for the number of pile extensions. In CESMM3, obstructions are measured in hours at Q 7 0 0. This quantity is the time taken by any piling team to break out rock or artificial hard material encountered above the founding stratum when constructing bored piles (rule M11). Bearing in mind that this item is also only measured when the work is expressly required, itis clear that the Engineer or his staff will be involved in decisions affecting the time taken to deal with obstructions, Ifany rock or artificial hard material is encountered when constructing bored piles which does not delay the boring work, no obstruction has taken place. The reference to the founding stratum in rule M11 is included so that normal boring into the founding stratum in order to secure the toe is not regarded as dealing with an obstruction. (CESMM3 does not provide rules for the measurement of extracting piles. If such work is included in a contract it is appropriate to give items for it as non-standard work in class Q, Suitable item codes are Q 369%,PILING ANCILLARIES PUMPING STATION Number tem description Unit | Quantity | Rate Amount e P pubic ancriiantEs. Sag in place conorete piles. ozs BackFilling enpty bore with selected excavated naterial dianeter 900 nn. In | 20 13s Permanent casings each length sot exceeding 13'm, dlaneter 900 tm diameter pile. In | 40 155 Enlarged bases; 2500 an dianater to 300 mm Gtaneter pile. nx | a7 oss Enlarged bases; $000 mm diameter to 1200 mm dlaneter pile. Ine | a2 cues Preparing hesés 900 mm diameter. ex | er aise Preparing heads; 1200 am dlanster. ax | az Mild anes] ceintorceant to Bs 4449, oan Straight bars, nominal size not exceeding 25 mn | a6. iz Straight bars, nominal size: exceeding 25 mm t | ans 700 Obstructions nh | a0 PAGE TOTA 183 HT iCESMM3 HANDBOOK PIER Number Hem description Unit) Quantity | Rate Amount £ e PULING ANCTIZARIES, eas, Pre-boring. ln 200 ass Nuaber of pile extensions, nz | 50 ass Length of pile extensions each length not. exceeding 3 n. In 6 0475 Cutting off surplus lengths. ls 2s 700 Obstructions: In 10 eit Pile tests, maintained loading with various reactions test load: 75 t; to working pile, lor | 5 PAGE TOTAY| 184PILING ANCILLARIES STORAGE TANKe Number Nom deseription ‘unit Reto ‘Amount 7 Pp ses 653 0673 9700 ‘STLING_ANCILLARIES, Interlocking stge! plies section modulus 1150 en'/m. Number of pile extensions. Length of pile extensions each Length: not exceeding 3m. Cutting off horizontal surplus Lengths, average depth 1.5m. obstructions, 300 220 20 Pace torall 105CESMM3 HANDBOOK 188 CLASS R: ROADS AND PAVINGS ‘The provisions of class R apply equally to airport runways as to ordinary roads. A separate subclassification is given only for what are called light duty pavements (R7* *). Thisis not significantly different from the classification for heavy duty work but it will be found to be generally more appropriate for work such as footpaths, cycle tracks and what might be called domestic road-works. Little change was made co clas R in revising the CESMM for the second and third editions. The measurement rules for roads and pavings are basically simple with none of the intricacies necessary for the measurement of more geometrically or technically complex work. The various courses of road making materials are measured by area with kerbs and other miscellanea ‘measured by length or enumerated. Each course of material is described and its depth or thickness stated. “The third division of the classification table in class R gives ranges of depth dimensions, but these are overridden by the requirement of rule ‘Al that the actual depth should be stated in item descriptions for courses of road and pavement materials and the spread rate stated for applied surface finishes. ‘The details of this class draw heavily on the provisions of the Specification for road and bridge works published by the Department of Transport, The types of road making materials used in the classification are taken directly from this specification, as is some of the nomenclature for concrete pavements, joints and surface markings. Tolerances in surface levels and finishes have a big impact on plant and labour cost in this type of work. It is consequently important to draw attention to differing or special tolerance re~ guirements by means of additional item description given in accor- dance with paragraph 5.10. Many civil engineering employing authorities are concerned with the maintenance and repair of roads as well as with new construction. It Should be remembered that CESMM3 only gives rules for the measurement of new work in this class and consequently there is no standard method of measuring maintenance and repair operations. ‘There is every reason for measuring such work according to the principals of CESMM3, but CESMM3 does not itselfinclude rules for fe, neither is the measurement of tying new work into existing work standardized. ‘The items in class R for kerbs, channels and edgings include backings and beds (rule C3). The items are not said to cover the necessary excavation which is therefore normally measured in class E for ‘earthworks (rule M7). In some cases, convenience to the bill compiler and to the tenderer will be served if excavation for kerbs, channels and edgings is included in the items in class R. A statement in the Preamble in accordance with the note at the foot of page 77 of CESMM3 is necessary t0 give effect to this arrangement. The same point does not apply to excavation for foundations for traffic sign supports as this is specifically excluded from class E and is covered by rules C4 and M9- PECEEE ee ene eeeee eee Pere Ce eee Cee SBrecen Concrete lags, Ferbs, channels, egings and quadrants. British Standards Institution, London, 1990, BS 7263.Provision is made in CESMM3 for the measurement of geotextiles associated with road-works (classification R 170 and rule A3). Note that geotextiles associated with filling are included in class E. Rule M2 excludes the measurement of laps in geotextiles in common with rule M24 in class E. ROADS AND PAVINGS. Schedule of changes in CESMM2 1. toms for geotextiles are added, 2. Descriptions of reinforcement in ‘concrete pavements are coordinated wath other classes. 8. Excavation for kerbs and channels may be included in items in this, lass, ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3 1. Rule M2 excludes the measure- ment of laps in geotextiles. 2. Rule C2 covering supporting ‘einforoement applies to fabric and bar reinforcement. 3. R6 1-5 * are classified in relation to 8S 7263* (1990) which replaces BS 340 (1979). 187CESMM3 HANDBOOK NEWTON TO DINCHOPE ROAD Number tam description Unit] Quantity | Rate {Amount Pe ‘ROADS AND EAVINGS. Subshaase, fleuible road bases and surlacing: pus Granular material Otp Specified type 1 depth 475 an. Int | 5760 R216 Wet-nlx nacadam Dip Specifies clause 608 Gepth 210 ns, eS 3760 R232 Dense bitunen macadam DIp Specified clause 903 depen 60 mm. In? | 3760 R322 Rolled asphalt OTp Specified clause 907 septh 40 an. ln 3760 R341 Surface dressing depth 25 mm; noninal 20 am costed chippings. 3760 Ren Straight or curved to radius exceeding Da. In 917 Rez Curved to radius not exceeding 12 m. ln 0 R613 Quadrants. f ar Rett Precast concrete channels to BS 7263: Part 1 figure 1(h) straight or curved to radius exceeding 12 m; 400 x 150 mm bed, — fm 917 R642 Precast concrete channels te BS 7263: Part 1: figure 1(h) cuzved to radius not exceeding 12 m, 400 x 150 nm bed. in 43 R643 Precast concrete channels to BS 7263: Parc 1: figure 1(h) quadrant, 400 x 150 mm bea. Inc | 27 ‘Light duty pavements. ane Granulay base depth 150 mn; Dip Specified type 1 are 727 Hardcore bao depth 300 am. nf 387 In eitu concrete grade C15 depth 150 an. 387 Precast concrete flags to BS 7263: Part 1 cype D; thickness 63m. a? 1426 300 Joint new concrete road to existing concrete road. In 2 Pace oral} 198ROADS AND PAVINGS SERVICE ROADS Number Wom description Unit Quantity ‘Amount e Pp Riz R170 R160 Randa RaL4.2 Rass Rago R824 R834 R651 Rese ‘ROADS _auD_PAVINGS. Sub-bases, flexible road bases and surfacing Granular material Op Specified type 2 depth 150 ma, Gootextiles; Georam, grade G2, Additional depth of hardcore. Soncrete pavements. Carctageway slabs of OTp Specified paving quality concrete deptn 150 mn. carriageway slabs of Dp Specified paving quality concrete depch 150 mn inclined at an angle exceeding 10 Steel fabric reinforcement to BS 4483 nominal mass 3-4 kg/m2; type A252. Waterproof membrane below concrete Pavenents; 500 grade inperneable plastic sheet ing. doints In concrete pavements. Expansion Joints depth 100 - 150 may as detail ¢ drawing 137/51 at § m centres, Contraction Joints depth 100 - 150 mm a8 dotail D drawing 137/51 at 2.5 m centres. Kerbs, chanoela and edgiags. Precast concrete edgings te BS 7263: Part 1: figure 1{m) straight or curved to radius exceeding 12 mj 200 x 200 nm concrete S71 bed and haunch, Precast concrete edgings te BS 7263: Part 1: Figure 1(m) curved to radius not exceeding 12 m; 200 x 200 nm concrete ST bed and haunch. 1039 1039 380 1039 1764 1038 1038 321 a a2 480 Pace Tora] 189CESMM3 HANDBOOK SERVICE ROADS Number hem deseription Unit | Quantity | Rete fmnount Pp ‘ROADS AND PAVINGS. ‘Light duty pavenents. Rn3 Granular base Dip Specified type 2 depth 100 em. 840 Rn Granular base Dip Specified type 2 depth 150 me; inclined at.an angle exceeding 10 to the horizontal. a? 7 t 782.1 Precast concrete flags to BS 7269: Part 1 type D depth 50 mm. jn? | a0 702.2 Precast concrete flags to BS 7263: Part 1 type D depth 50 me; inclined at an angle exceeding 10 to the horizontal. 390 PAGE TOTAI 190‘The measurement of rail track was substantially revised in the second edition of the CESMM. The first division now begins with track foundations. These dis ‘inguish between bottom ballast and top ballast, terms which are defined in rules D1 and D2. The rates entered against these items should include for the cost of boxing up, trimming to line and level and tamping after the track has been laid Anew classification at $2* * covers taking up existing track, Rule A3 requires the amount of dismantling and arrangements for disposal of the taken-up track to be set out. The classification at § 3 1-5 0 provides for measurement of lifting, packing and slewing existing track, The items are measured by number but rule A5 requires the length of track to be dealt with to be stated in item descriptions. This means, by the application of paragraph 3.9, that separate items must be given for lifting, packing and slewing of different lengths of track. The length to be stated is defined in rule D3, The classification at $ 4-5* * covers supplying materials for new track laying. Items for laying itself are included in the classification at S 6 * +. Fittings are separated from sleepers and rails in supplying of plain track but turnouts and diamond crossings include timbers, fittings and check rails (rule C6). Classification S 6 * * covers laying new track and does not include supply. Where track laying materials are not supplied by the Gontacor, ele AIS equites the arrangements made for supply by the Employer to be stated. The third division classification for laying track includes items for forming curves (S 6 1-4 2-3). Note that these are not full value items but are measured in addition to the item for plain track itself The rules in class § apply to rail track work in industrial and harbour installations as well as to track laid in railway systems proper. Much of the railway work in civil engineering contracts is of the former type. RAIL TRACK CLASS S: RAIL TRACK ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM2. Class S was substantially revised in CESMM2. As there are more changes than there were rules left unaltered, it is impossible to include a schedule of ‘changes. Readers are referred to class ‘inthe CESMM second edition itself Schedule of changes in CESMMS 4. Tumouts and diamond crossings aro no longer covered by the heading ‘switches and crossings’ 19CESMM3 HANDBOOK Number Item description Unit} Quantity | Rate ‘Amount ep ARI SBAGK, suo ‘Teak foundation, botton ballast, crushed granite, 66 5120 ‘Track foundation, waterproof nenbrane, Wisqueen 1000 gauge. 1250 Takiag-up track. Welded track on concrete sleepers, fully dismantled and placed in Enployer's store at_Craven Arms pwd: s2i1 Boll head rail, plain track. jn | 2000 saa Bull head rail, turnouts. lar | 4 5250 Conductor rails. Is | 4000 5281 Sundries, buffer stops, approximate weight 2,5 tonnes of atee] rail and tinber sleeper constzuction. Ine | 4 $203 Sundries, wheelstops. Inc | 2 Litting. packing and slaving. s310 Bull head rail track, length 20 m, maxinun @istance of slew 200 am, naxinun iife 100°. lnc | a Ss ‘Sumlying. 5428 Flat botton ratl, reference 1138, mass 56 ko/n e | 38 san Sleepers, softwood timber; 2600" x 250 x 130 nn. lx | 504 sare Sleepers, concrete 2600 x 250 x 150 am type C2. lnc | 27 saa Fittings, chatre, type 4. lz | 1008 5402 Fittings, base plates, type 3. nx | 2008 PAGE TOTAI 192RAIL TRACK Number Hom description ‘Unit | Quantity | Rote Amount fe Pp ALL TRACK. Supplying. 5403 Pendzel rail fastenings, type 7. nz | 94 saad Plain fish plates, type 9, lox | a2 510 ‘Turnouts, type M4, drawing 27. nr | $520 Diamond crossings, type DC1 drawing 27. {nr | 2 5561 Sundries, buffer stops, type 82 approximate weight 2.5 tonnes. lr | 4 3585 Sundries, awitch heaters, type Siz, lex | 6 Laying flat bottom rails, seria Plain track: rail reference 1138, mass 56 kg/m, fen plated Joints on tinber sleepers. mn 3200 s621.2 Plain track; rail reference 113A, mass 56 kg/m, welded Joints, on concrete sleepers. mn 2000 8623 For curve in plain track, radius exceeding 300 m, welded Joints on concrete sleepers. m 500 3624 Turnoute type T™, drawing 27, length 26.2 m, fish plated Joints on tiner sleepers, nz | 4 3625, Diamond crossings, type DCi drawing 27, length 27.4m, fish plated joints on ciner sleepers. nz | 2 3627 Welded Joints by Quick Thermit process. [nr | 10 3681 Sundries buffer stops approximate weight 2.5 tonnes. Inc | 4 865 Sundries swith heaters. nx | 6 PAGE TOTAI 193,CESMM3 HANDBOOK CLASST: TUNNELS — The formation of tunnels and other subterranean cavities isan extreme example of civil engineering work dominated by the characteristics of the ground, as these largely determine the planning, design and construction of such works. For this reason the method of mea- surement, through the bills of quantities compiled from it, reflects the extent of knowledge (or ignorance) of the ground at the time of tender and provides for alternative methods of working or special expedients that may be required to combat probable difficulties. ‘However thorough a site investigation there must always remain a measure of surmise in its interpretation of ground type and structure Moreover, the advancing face of a tunnel is constantly penetrating previously unexplored ground the characteristics of which may only be adequately revealed by the tunnelling operation itself. Another special factor to be taken account of in the measurement of tunnels is, the tolerance of the tunnelling system to variations of the ground. Progress depends on the rate of advance of a limited number of faces. ; Significant increases in productivity may be achieved by mechanization of the tunnelling process, but mechanization also brings with it a reduced tolerance to variations of the ground —~ a tolerance which differs from one tunnelling machine to another. In all tunnelling there is a high proportion of time-related cost, the time being affected by variations of the ground and any delays caused by special investigations and treatments of it. One major decision for any tunnel has to be taken by its designer: should the tunnel design, and particularly the form of ground support, remain constant whatever the local nature of the ground disclosed, or should it be varied depending on the local nature of the ground? This decision can significantly affect the relative importance of some of the items in the Bill of Quantities. For supports of uncertain extent, the items in che bill must be based on an assumed reference condition, representing a best estimate of support requirements. Later variation to the extent of support measured can be related to the ground conditions actually revealed 2s the tunnel advances. Cost uncertainty arising from these factors is likely to be greater in tunnelling, other than through well-explored and uniform ground, than in other types of work. : For these reasons the rules for measurement of tunnels go further than those for other classes of work in limiting the risk carried by the i Contractor. The award of a contract to a contractor who has i underestimated the extent and cost of the work to be done is rarely to the benefit of any of the parties involved and is an overall discouragement to development of more economic systems of tunnelling. The incidence of such problems is reduced if the estimation of the extent of support is taken out of the Contractor's area of risk. The principal developments in the Civil Engineering Standard ‘Method of Measurement perpetuated in the third edition which move in this direction concern measurement of compressed air working, temporary support and stabilization. Rule A1 requires thatall work in i this class which is to be carried out under compressed ait and within : cach stated range of air gauge pressure should be measured separately. \ Items are also to be given for the setting up and operating of plant and i equipmnent for working under compressed air. An allowance is i thereby included in the Bill of Quantities for the use of compressed ait where it is considered likely to be necessary. The items in the bill are then used to assess payment due to the Contractor when installations for and the use of compressed air are approved by the Engineer. 194Rule M8 states that “Both temporary and permanent support and stabilization shall be measured’. This is not qualified by limiting the work measured to that which is expressly required. As a result the Contractor will be paid separately at the rates he has entered in the bill for the extent of support and stabilization which he provides, whether thisis the extent required under the Contract or greater. Alternatively, a Provisional Sum may be given for support and stabilization where the needs for this work are too unpredictable to be priced initially. Whichever alternative is used, the proportion of the financial risk associated with the extent of temporary support and stabilization which may be required is taken by the Employer. The term ‘support and stabilization’ includes installing rock bolts, steel arches, erecting timber supports, lagging between arches or timbers, applying sprayed concrete or mesh or link support and grouting. For the purpose of rule M8 forward probing, ground freezing and other ground treatments are also regarded as part of support and stabilization. Rule M8 is the equivalent of note T13 in the first edition of CESMM. ‘The effect of this note was criticized from some quarters during the life of the first edition. The criticism arose from the Employer's point of view and was in the general form that the rule in note T 13 placed too much risk on the Employer and was inconsistent with other classes of the CESMM. However, after careful consideration and a wide collection of opinion, it was decided to retain the principle and it appears unchanged in rule M8 of CESMM3. The decision was based on the view that the risk associated with the ground conditions encountered in tunnels is of exceptional magnitude and justifies exceptional treatment even when ground invesigaion‘schoroughly conducted before tenders are invited. ‘The CESMM first edition included items for standing by tunnelling plant whilst support and stabilization work was carried out. These items do not now appear in CESMM3 in accordance with the general policy change on standby items discussed earlier. It is important that a reasonable estimate of the likely quantities of work classed as support and stabilization which will be required is given in the bill. Nominal quantities, which arc likely to be exceeded, should not be entered as the possibility of the insertion of excessive rates then arises. Clause 56(2) is unlikely to give any protection to Employcrs in these circumstances. If work is not undermeasured there is litle risk of excessive rates being accepted. A Contractor might be tempted to use inordinate quantities of supports if he is able to price them generously. However, this temptation will invariably be overridden by the larger cost factors which make itin the Contractor's interest that the Works shall be completed without delay. The Contractor will be most unlikely to have an incentive to hold up the main work to do unnecessary support work. The measurement of grouting exemplifies this point. It is not in the interests of the efficient construction of tunnel works that excessive quantities of grout material should be injected at higher pressures than necessary. The method of measurement of grouting by the mass of materials injected set out in CESMM3 carries no risk of excessive injection provided that the quantities in the original bill are not seen to be underestimated. A further safeguard exists in the duty which the Engineer has under the Contract through his Representative to supervise the construction. of the Works, He has the authority to issue instructions regarding the 195CESMM3 HANDBOOK manner of execution of the Works (clause 13). The Engineer, his Representative and their staffs should involve themselves, by positive contribution as well as by passive approval, in the planning and design of the Temporary Works for and methods of construction of tunnels. ‘The measurement rules for tunnels in CESMMS in these respects give additional protection to contractors from unforeseen risks and thereby reduce the claims which would otherwise arise under clause 12. This arrangement works to the benefit of the Employer and the Con- tractor. Where the Engineer is experienced in tunnelling techniques and knowledgeable about costs and the Contractor is ready to comply with the spirit as well as the letter of his contractual obligations the work can be controlled on the Employer's behalf to a greater extent than otherwise The measurement rules for tunnelling work are straightforward in most other respects and are little changed in CESMM3. It is recommended that tunnelling and other subterranean work should be fully divided into separate bill pars (in accordance with paragraph 5.8) because of the heavy dependence of tunnelling costs on location and construction method. Excavation of tunnels and shafts (items T 1 * *) is separated from lining (items T 2-7 ® ®). A distinction is drawn between rock and soft material, and an excavated surface area measurement is given for trimming and mucking out overbreak and also for back grouting of Tinings to fill voids where this is required. The term ‘pressure grouting’ is used in CESMM3 to identify treatment intended to support and stabilize the ground around a tunnel. This should not be confused with ‘back grouting’ to fill voids caused by overbreak. Back ‘grouting to fill voids is not measured; itis allowed for in the prices for excavated surface areas. Rule AS requires details to be given of the filling required for voids due to overbreak. Rule D2 defines the diameter to be stated for excavation items as the external diameter. Rule D4 likewise defines the diameter stated for linings as the internal diameter. Item descriptions should make this clear. Where a é breakaway from a shaft or tunnel involves breaking out linings, paragraph 5. 18 leads to no measurement of the removed lining being i made, | ‘The calculation of quantities for volumes of excavation, areas of ‘excavated surfaces and volumes of in situ linings are based on payment lines shown on the Drawings. Any cavity formed outside such | payment lines is deemed to be overbreak. This is the effect of rules i M2, M4 and M5. If no payment lines are shown on the Drawings | overbreak is assumed to begin either at the limit of the Permanent Works to be constructed in the tunnel or shaft or at the minimum | ) specified size of the void required to be created to accommodate the Permanent Works. Payment lines should not be regarded as indicat ing an expected volume of overbreak. They are lines of payment convention, not lines to show limits of excavation required by the Contract. CESMMS provides for the disposal of excavated materials arising ; fom tunnelling operations in rules C1 and A4. Materials arising from | tunnelling operations are co be taken into account in calculating : volumes of filling, where the material is suitable in accordance with rule M19 of class E. CESMM3 refers to other classes for rules | A 196:governing calculation of quantities for in situ concrete lining (class F — rules M1 and M2), steel arches (class M — rules M2-M6) and timber (class O — rule M1). Rules D3 and D4 establish that rein- forcement of various types and steel fabric used as an intemal support in tunnels are not classed as concrete reinforcement. The subject of contract practices in tunnelling has been considered by a working party of CIRIA. Its report* includes detailed commentary on the application of the first edition of the CESMM to tunnelling work. I recommends the use of a referencing system for ground conditions involving grouping of the expected conditions with respect to their varying effect on tunnelling methods and costs. Where this system is used, the group definitions should be referred to in the Preamble statement requised by paragraph 5.5 of CESMM3 and items for excavation and excavated surfaces should be given separately for each group. This is illustrated by items T 1 2 8.1 and T 1 2 8.2 in the example bill Construction Industry Research and Information Association. Tunnelling ~ Improved coniact practices, London, 1978, Report 79, TUNNELS ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM2 1, Locations for disposal of excavated Imatori are tobe stated fon the ite 2. Standby items are deleted. 3, A minimum volume of 0.25 m? for rock excavation is introduced. 4, Rules are added for calculating ‘quantities of steelrches andin situ concrete linings. 5. A note states that in situ concrete tunnel lining may be measured using the rules in other classes if ‘complex shapes are required, ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3 1. Linings and fining ancitiaries are classified according to their internal lameter or the maximum intemal dimension of cross-section 197CESMM3 HANDBOOK Number tem deseription Uuntt | Quantity miz.1 m12.2 32 n70 232.1 1232.2 7252.1 3252.2 EORERAY TUNNEL. AND OVERFLOW SHAT, ‘Tunnel excavation diameter 2.4 a. In rock: straight. In rock: curved, material to be used as filling. Shaft excavation diameter 2.8 m in rock; straight. Excavated surfaces in rock; volds filled with cement grout as Specification clause 137/717. In situ reinforced cast concrete prinary straight tunnel lining internal dianeter 2.0 m) concrete as Specification clause 137/83. In situ reinforced conerate primary curved tunnel Lining internal diane 2.0 m conerete as Specification clause 337/83. In situ straight Lining formwork finish grade 12 internal diameter 2.0 a, In situ curved Lining fornwork finten grade 72 internal diameter 2.0m, a 2160 a 320 i 280 4352 920 2 | 175 ja? | 3566 760 198 pase ToradTUNNELS | Number tem description unit Quantity | Rate ‘Amount aL gauge pressure oot exceeding one bar. 28.1 Excavation straight tunnel dianeter 10.3 min Group § material. 41000 28.2 Excavation straight tunnel diameter 10.3 m in Group 6 material. 8800 ao.2 Excavated surface Grovp $ materials; voids filled with cenent grout as Specification Clause 137/T17. 18800 7180.2 Excavated surface in Group 6 material: voids filled with cement grout as Specification Clause 137/117. nt 3400 7538 cast iron bolted segnental tunnel lining Tings internal dianeter 9.5 m nominal widch 450 nm conprising 16 segrents maximum piece veight 110 kg 136 bolts and grumets and 272 washers. ler | 1330 7 Parallel circunferential packing for preformed aegnental tunnel Linings Internal diameter 9.5 mz bitunen impregnated fibreboard thickness 8 am. lnc | 1329 3574 Leaf fibre caulking for preformed segnental tunnel Linings internal diameter oS R In 51500 PAGE TOTA 199CESMM3 HANDBOOK ‘Number tom description Unit | Quantity | Rate Amount £ Pp ‘BORERAY TUNEL AND OVERPLOW SHAFT. Analtu lining to non cirowlar shares; rectangular 3.2 x 2.4m. 3332 cast concrete size 2.75 x 1.95 mi concrete as Specification clause 137/83. 130 1352 Formwork finish Grade Tl size 2.75 x 135m. In? sis ‘Suppoxt_and_atabilization. | ren Rock bolts impact expanding mechanical 85 mm dlaneter with 30 mn square shank axiom length 5 m. Im 108 Bresaure grouting. | ea Sets of drilling and grouting plant. lax 1 ra32 Face packer nr | 180 | masa Drilling and flushing éaneter 50 mm length § = 10 n. im 1080 7035 Re-drilling and flushing holes length 5-10 m Im 540 i 1036 Injection of cenent grout as Specification clause 137/780 je a5 reso Forvard probing length 10 - 15 m. ie 480 200BRICKWORK, BLOCKWORK AND MASONRY The class dealing with brickwork, blockwork and masonry has to cover a very wide range of uses of these matcrials: from massive masonry in a breakwater or dock wall to isolated panels of ordinary house bricks which might be specified in buildings incidental to civil engineering work. The measurement rules attemipt to encompass this. range by aiming at the middle. The result is that the rules are somewhat less detailed than those for brickwork and blockwork which are used in building measurement practice This class was considerably simplified in the classification table of the second edition of the CESMM, although the actual items measured are little different. The item descriptions generated by the class- ification table in this class must be considerably expanded to produce complete descriptions as required by rules A1~AS, In CESMM2 brickwork and blockwork walls were no longer described as being ‘one-brick’ or ‘one-block’ thick. It is now only necessary to state the dimensions of the bricks, blocks or stones in accordance with rule Al and the thickness of the wall in accordance with rule AS. All walls up to 1 m thick are meastired by the square metre. Walls exceeding 1 m thick are measured by the cubic metre with the thickness stated (rule A5). The rules for cavity and composite walls arc rules M1, M6 and A4. They require that each of the two skins of such walls shall be measured and that they should be identified in item descriptions. The area measured for ties between skins is the arca ticd. In the case of a cavity wall this is the area of the wall constructed, which is taken as the area of the inside wall, Where a brick or block wall is tied to a concrete wall the ties would normally be included in the items in class U. Inserts must also be measured in class G. In accordance with rule C7 of class G, it should be stated that only fixing of the inserts is included in the class G item when the supply of the ties is measured in class U. Brickwork, blockwork and masonry which are in straightforward geometrically simple shapes are measured very simply using the rales of CESMM3. Where there are many different surface features which interfere with simple geometry, some measurement complications can arise. Class U generally deals with surface features as separate items (U *7 *) which are priced to cover the extra cost of forming the surface features. The rules for deductions from areas and volumes were amended in the CESMM second edition such that areas of surface features arc ignored in calculations of volumes and areas (rule M2) and the determination of thicknesses (rule D3). The only deductions now made from volumes and areas of walls are for holes and openings exceeding 0.25 m? in cross-sectional area (rule M2). An ‘example is that the area (or volume) measured for a wall includes the areas of any plinths and cornices. The effect of rule A7 is that the item descriptions for surface features do not need to include the size unless the cross-sectional area exceeds 0.05 m®. This is the area, for example, of a cill or coping of cross-section 224 mm square or 250 mm X 200 mm, Rule M2 specifically excludes the measurement of the areas of cills and copings from the areas measured for walls. This is why the material of which cills and copings are made is to be stated in the descriptions of their own items (U7 1). This was changed from the CESMM first edition in which copings and cills were measured CLASS U: BRICKWORK, BLOCKWORK AND MASONRY 201CESMMS HANDBOOK effectively ‘extra over’ in common with other surface features. Another change in CESMM2 was that columns and piers are now measured by height instead of by area. Surface features in this class of work must always be considered carefully when the bill is in preparation. The first impression gained by the taker-off of the significance of the shapes to be measured may not coincide with another person’s impression, An obvious and extreme example of this type of difficulty is illustrated by the wall with the cross-sectional profile shown in Fig. 27. This could be classed as a wall 900 mm thick ‘with 200 mm X 200 mm projections or as a wall 1100mm thick with 200 mm x 200 mm rebates. itis the former it should be measured by area (U * 4%); if it is the latter it should be measured by volume Schedule of changes in CESMM2 (U5) with no deduction for the volume of the rebates. Ifthe overall the classification tables in the thickness had been 1300 mm instead of 1100 mm, the volume could Fee ate etusen'simp. have been based on the overall thickness with no deduction for the ites rebates, or on the root thickness with no addition for the projections, ‘Te classification table inthe third I is important that each particular bill should be made free of such division now provides for curves ambiguities by the use of clear additional item description. In this way battered walls, vertical and oad an erteat ang tenderers can be sure to price on the same assumption as was mace in casings to metal sections. the calculation of the quantities. 3, The cassification table in the third Givision now provides for the In the same context, fair facing as a surface feature (U * 78) is always measurement of cavity ties ad measured in square metres quite independently of whether the {ying to other materia q ; 4. ngioather mates. ag material which is being fair faced is facing or common brickwork oF Items, for Bulldog pe? "4 Llockwork. ‘Facing brickwork’ (U 2 * *) in the first division of 5. Moncromenstemntingtomches classification refers to the mata ‘ir fcing’ in the thd division has been delete mn i ‘material fair face. ag ragboen deleted neasued tet *0 the adclitional labour cost oflaying any mat toafa 7, Beat cls are measured ful Among the ancillaries are items for building in pipes and ducts, In value, CESMMS these are grouped into those not exceeding 0.05 m? in cross-sectional area (250 mm diameter) and those which are larger. Sohedule of changes in CESMM3__engths of pipes built in have to be stated ifthey are more than 1 mlong (rule A10). As usual, if the pipes are supplied under another item, Minor textual ty. : Seen descriptions must say so (rule C2). Fig. 27. Awallwth these surface eae features could be considered as of chess 90 th 200 men 2200 mm projections oF aso thickness 1100 ere with 200 mem ka 7200 mm rebates. Additional description must be givan when work such as this — strafing the Doundary of two parts of the Work Classification fs tobe measures. This isthe effect of paragraph 5.13. “The wallin te figure shouldbe identified using addtional description to avoid uncertainty 200 mm 100, 202BRICKWORK . BLOCKWORK AND MASONRY Mem description Reto vn u160 vie2.t 182.2 ures u1e6 vie? uiee van vem. 0271.2 ‘BRLCKMORK. ALOCKWORK AND MASONRY. Common brickwork to BS 2921; stretcher bond. flush solnted mortar type M2. 102.5 mm nominal thickness vertical straight walls? cavity construction. Columns and piers, cross-sectional @imensions 600 x 600 re. Ancilaries. Dang proof course: BS 743 type D. width 100 mn to Danp proof courses; width 225 mn to BS 743 type D, Concrete infill grade 1; thickness 50 mm. Fixing and ties: galvanised mild ste! An accordance with specification clause 5/27 BuLlt-in pipes and ducts cross-sectional area not exceeding 0.05 m*, Sutle~in pipes and ducts cross-sectional area 0,10" a 287 ln 150 ls av a1 a? 304 nc | 68 102.5 nm nominal thickness vertical straight yall; stretener bond flush pointed, mortar type M3 cavity Surface features, Brick on edge coping. Special sill as detail D drawing 197/97. a2 In 143 PAGE TOTA 203CESMM3 HANDBOOK Number Item description unit | Quantity | Rate ‘Amount fe ‘BRICKWORK, BLOCKHNRE aD MASONRY. Axickeork ancillaries, 282 Danp proof courses; width 100 mn to Bg+743 type D. in 187 287 Bullt-in pipes and ducte gross-sectional area not exceeding 0.05 nt ar | 69 u2ee sulltin pipes and ducts exoes-sectional area 0.10 oe ar 6 Engineering brickwork class to BS 392k, stretcher bond. flush painted morcar ype Me 0333 450 mm nominal thickness battered straight wall. jn? | at 334 450 mm nominal thickness battered curved wall, aes vn Bullnosed copings. | a 90375 Bulinosed corbels. In 83 0383 Movenent joint; 25 nm bitumen impregnated Hbreboars, wean width 450 mm with plastijoint sealer both sides. = 27 u38e Bond to existing work. u Lishtueight blockwork, hollow black te BS6073, atretcher band, flush pointed mortar tyne 1 van Vertical 100 mm nominal thickness straight wall. a? 203 vann.2 Vertical 140 mm noninal thickness 7 straight wall. = a2 U uee2.1 Damp proof courses; width 100 mn to BS 143 type D. im 83 se2.2 Damp proof courses; width 140 mn to BS 043 type D. m 46 PAGE TOTA 208BRICKWORK, BLOCKWORK AND MASONRY ‘Number tem desertption Unit | Quantity Rate Amount £ sit 90582 587 ons om 786 78 0799 Vertical 140 mm nominal thickness st wall. ght Danp proct courses; width 140 mm to BS 743 type B. Bulit-in pipes and ducts gross-sectional area not exceeding 0.05 n’. ue 300 mm nominal thickness vertical facing to concrete flush pointed. Surface features; rounded copings 1200 x 600 mm as drawing 137/92. Ancillaries fixings and ties; Alleyslovs at 1500 ne centres Aneillaries built-in pipes and ductg cross-sectional area 0.025 — 0.25 m*. Bollards diameter 690 nm helght 900 nm as aeawing 137/93. 83 27 a 4387 1236 4307 45 24 PAGE TOTAL 205CESMM3 HANDBOOK CLASSES V AND W: PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING Fig. 28. Inclination zones used for classification of painting and waterproofing of plane surfaces of width exceeding 1 m as given in the third division of classes V and W. (See also rule M2.) Note the precise ‘boundaries of the zones. For example, a soffit surface inctined at {60* to the horizontal is classed in zone 4d; one inclined at 61° is classes inzone 3 206 Classes V and W are considered together because the rules which they contain have much in common, They have been changed hardly at a since the first edition of the CESMM. ‘The includes and excludes list for class V establishes some important boundaries of item coverage for painting. The class effectively includes surface treatments to all works which are carried out on the Site. Treatments which are to be cartied out before delivery to the Site will be deemed to be covered by the items in the other classes which embody the supply of the various materials and components to the Site. Only in structural metalwork (class M) are separate items given for predelivery surface treatments; in all other classes the specified surface treatment is deemed to be included in the items. ‘The first division of classes V and W and rule A1 establish that item descriptions for painting and waterproofing should clearly identify the materials to be used and their method of application. Any specified prior preparation of surfaces is deemed to be included (rule C1) and surface preparation prior to painting will be deemed to be covered by the prices entered against the items for painting. It is consequently important to identify the preparation in any case in which there is more than one specified surface preparation requirement for the same base material or for the same surface treatment applied to it. Labours for painting and waterproofing are not given separate items This assumes that drawings showing details of joints, laps and edges are supplied to tenderers. Consequently the prices for the areas and for the lengths of narcow widths must allow forall labours. Most surfaces Q (Pane Say Sige pairtes cr waterrooted ®of any magnitude are measured by area. The exceptions are surfaces one metre wide or less which are measured by length and isolated groups of surfaces which are measured by number, Painting of metal sections and pipes is measured by area irrespective of width. The facility for defining ‘isolated groups of surfaces’ is a short-hand method of identifying particular components to be painted or waterproofed for which it would be tedious or unhelpful to give separate items for each of their separate surfaces. Sumps area common example, An extreme example — to make the point clearly — might be the requirement to paint the bust of the chairman of the reservoir, committee which is to be placed at a gate. It would be difficult and unhelpful to attempt to distinguish the width ot inclination of all the separate surfaces making up his or her craggy likeness. It would be easier, if less respectful, to itemize the work under the heading ‘Isolated groups of surfaces’ as ‘Paint bust of committee chairman at the gate— sum’, Ifthere were several identical busts to be painted they would be enumerated, ‘sum’ being equivalent to ‘nr 1’, ‘The area measured for painting and waterproofing is generally the net area covered, subject to the normal inclusion of holes less than 0.5 m? inarea. Thearea measured for painting metal sections and pipework s slightly different in that the prices should include an allowance for additional areas of valves and joints in pipework and for connections, rivet and bolt heads in metal sections. This is the effect of rules M4, M5, C2 and C3 of class V. Lagged pipes should still be regarded as pipes for the purposes of measurement ‘The various inclination boundaries and zones for surfaces exceeding 1m wide are specified in the third division of both classification tables. They are all shown in Fig. 28. The zone for soft and lower surfaces in painting (V * * 4) is not used in waterproofing on the assumption that lower surfaces are seldom waterproofed. Feature 4 in the third division of waterproofing is allocated to curved surfaces of any inclination. PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING Schedule of changes in CESMM2 Minor textual changes only. ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3 1. Roofing tles measured at W 37 * 207} 4 CESMM3 HANDBOOK Number om deseription Unit uentity vans vue vais ysis vais vais vaz6 saa vs34 vse vs6e 633 636 PRINTING Zine rich primer paint on metal surface Other than maral sections and pipework inclined at an angle exceeding 60° to the horizontal: in one coat. Zine rich priner paint on metal surfaces othr than metal sections and pipework width not exceeding 300 ma; in one coat. Zine rich priner paint on metal surfaces other than metal sections and pipework Isolated groups of surfaces; 300 x 200 am Inspection covers and franes in one coat. O12 paint in three coats. On metal surfaces other than metal sections and pipework; inclined at an angle exceeding 60° to the horizontal. On metal surfaces other than metal sections and pipework of width not exceeding 300 mn. On metal surfaces other than metal sections and pipework isolated groups of ‘surfaces; 300 x 200 nm inspection covers and france, ‘Timber surfaces of width not exceeding 300 mm. Baulsion paint in three coats Snooth conerete surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 60° to the horizontal. Smooth concrete soffit and lover surfaces inclined at an angle not ‘exceeding 60° to the horizontal. Brickwork and blockwork surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 60° to the horizontal. Brickwork and blockwork surfaces of width not exceeding 300 nm. cement paint on smooth concrete surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 60° to the horizontal; in ene coat. Cement paint on smooth concrete surfaces of width not exceeding 300 mm: in ” 91 4 a a1 u u 326 3067 187 aa as 208 PAGE TOTALPAINTING AND WATERPROOFING GENERATOR HOUSE Number Hom description ws. wan wis wait wan Damp proofing, waterproof sheeting to upper surfaces inclined at an angle not ‘exceeding 30 to tho horizontal; polythene to BS 3012 in one layer thickness 5m. ‘Tanking, asphalt to upper surfaces inclined at an angle not exceeding 30° to the horizontal; mastic asphalt to 8S 1097 in one coating thickness 25 an. Tanking, asphalt to surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 60" to the horizontal; mastic asphalt to BS 1097 in one coating Roofing asphalt upper surfaces intlined at an angle not exceeding 30° to the horizontal; mastic asphalt to BS 988 1n two coatings total thickness 25 nm Ancluding heavy gauge polythene isolating membrane non-stalning roofing felt to BS 747 type 1¢ expanded polystyrene thickness 25 mm and concrete grade 10 screened average thickness 15 mm. Protective layer sand and cenent screed type A thickness 25 mm upper surfaces Anelined at an angle not exceeding 30° to the horizoncal 320 534 ne PAGE TOTAL 208\ \ i CESMM3 HANDBOOK Powe House Number Item deseription Unit Quantty wan 373 won Roofing. Profiled aluninium sheet to BS 4860 type A] nm thick 4n one layer upper surfaced inclined at an angle not exceeding 50° to the horizontal. Profiled aluninium sheet to BS 4863 type Al mm chick in one layer surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 60° to the horizontal Waterproof shesting upper surfaces inclined at an angle not exceeding 30° to the horizontal; corrugated plastic translucent sheet to BS 4154 1,5 mm thick, 463 125 87 210 PAGE TOTAI‘Class X contains three types of work: fencing, drainage to structures above ground and rock filled gabions. ‘The classification table at X 1-2 * * provides the rules of measurement for fences, gates and stiles. Rules A2 and A3 require the types and principal dimensions of fences, gates and stiles to be stated. The measurement unit for fences is the metre. In accordance with paragraph 5.18 and rule M1 this means that the net actual length is, measured. For a zigzag fence this is the developed length. In ‘CESMM3, coverage nule C1 makes it clear that the items for fencing include all work associated with foundations for fence and gate posts, ‘Metal guard rails and crash barriers are measured in the same way as fences. Drainage for structures above ground is covered by the classification table at X 3 * *. This measurement is also based on a simple item description for the components and classification by the material and the nature of the components. Rule D3 defines these components which are to be dealt with as fittings. Other components, such as holder bats and brackets, are not defined as fittings. They are therefore classed as supports which are deemed to be included in the main items (rule C3). Rock filled gabions are included in class X as an addition in the second edition of the CESMM. They are covered at classification X 4 * *. Box and mattress gabions are given separately, the former measured by number the latter by square metre. Rule D4 states that the boundary between the two has a thickness of 300 mm. Rule A6 requires additional description to be given for the filling and wire mesh, Any express requirements about the source of the filing should be given as further additional description. MISCELLANEOUS WORK CLASS X: MISCELLANEOUS WORK Schedule of changes in CESMM2 Itemsare added for rock filled gabions. . ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3 1. Items are added for metal guard rails and crash barriers. 2, Each leaf ofa gates to be identified in the item description, 2CESMM3 HANDBOOK Number tem description Unit Rate Amount x3 x13 x136 x163.2 xsl x13 x90 ‘Tinber post and rail fence height 1.3m: to BS 1722 Part 7, Concrete post and wize plastic costed chain Link fence to BS 1722 Part 1 height 1.4m concrete grade 10 foundations 450 x 450 x 450 am deep Concrete post and wire anti-intruder chain Link fence te BS 1722 Part 10 height 2.9 my with cranked poste concrete grade 10 foundations 600 x 600 x 750 mm deep. ‘Tinber close boarded fence height 1.4 m with concrete posts to BS 1755 Part 5 concrete grade 10 foundations en surface inclined at an angle exceeding 10° Chestaut pale fence height 900 amy with timber posts to 35 1722 Part 4. Mild steed unclinbable fence height 1.372 mz to BS 1722 Part 9 concrete grade 10 Foundations 450 x 450 x 450 mm deep. Mild steel crash barrier height 600 mm conerate 871 foundations 300 x 300 x 450 mm deep, 470 305 B 403 108 nen 22 PAGE TOTAL]MISCELLANEOUS WORK Numbor {Hem description ‘Unit } Quantity | Rate Amount e MISCELLANEOUS WORK, Gatesandatiles. x25 Timber field gate, 2 leaves, overall width 3.353 m height 1.143 m; to Bs 3470. [ne | 14 1238 Metal field gate width 3.353 m height 1.143 aj to BS 3470, ac} 2 x295 Entrance gate width 3.5 m helght 1.4 my galvanised nid steel angle sections filled in with plastic coated chain Link fencing as detail D drawing 131/75, jac | : Drainage to structures above ground uaplasticized PUC ta as 4376. ! xa31.a Gutters; 100 mm dtaneter, ln a 4 x331.2 Guttere; 150 mm dieneter, in 36 x932.2 Gutter bends 90°; 100 mm dlaneter. ne | 10 ' x932.2 Gutter outlets; 150 nm dianater. nr |e i 1333.1 Downpipes; 100 am diameter. = 23 ¥333.2 Downpipes; 150 am dianeter. | 16 x334.1 Sean necks; 100 mm dianeter, an | | voas.a | shoosy 180 nn dlanecer, ee fa 1 { PAGE TOTAI 1 213CESMM3 HANDBOOK Number tem description Unit] Guantity | Rate frou Pp MISCELLANEOUS WORK. Rogk filled gabians. xa10.1 Box gabion 1x 1x 2.m: 4 mm x 100 x 100 mm galvanised wire wesh, excavated rock grade CBI lr | 27 x410.2 Box gabion 1 x 1x2 my 4 mm x 100 x 100 mm galvanised wire wesh excavated rock ‘grade GBi, ln | 48 xa20 Mattress gabion, thickness 150 nn, 4mm x 100 x 100 mm galvanised wire mesh, excavated rock grade GB2. af 50 Page Toray] 2aSEWER AND WATER MAIN RENOVATION AND ANCILLARY WORKS Rules of measurement for sewer renovation and ancillary works are included in the second edition of the CESMM for the first time as a response to the growing volume of this type of civil engineering work. The third edition augments these rules with those for water main renovation and ancillary works. Class Y differs from the other classes in CESMM3 in thatit is for measuring repairs and alterations to existing structures, not new work. Possible exceptions to this principle in class Y are the replacement of small areas of defective work at ¥ 15 *, replacement of flap valves at ¥ 42 * , construction of new manholes at Y 5~6 * * and replicement of valves and fittings to water mains. It is important therefore to define clearly any boundaries between new and existing sewers in the contract documents. ‘Temporary Works may be a substantial element of sewer and water main renovation work. The General items section of CESMM3 should be used fully, paying particular attention to Specified Require- ments and Method-Related Charges. Specified Requirements might be used in connection with such work as proving pipe dimensions, core sampling and any other work which is expressly required but which does not form part of the Permanent Works. Provision should also be made for the Contractor to include Method-Related Charges for such work as lead-in trenches, temporary access shafts, pumping and diversion works. ‘The special circumstances of sewer and water main renovation and ancillary works preclude simple substitution of rules from classes I=L into class Y. Only a few rules from these classes have been in- corporated either in their original or a modified form. Those rules which have not been modified have been repeated in full in class Y to avoid ambiguity and so that class Y is a near complete set of rules. It can be used for a sewer renovation contract with only general items added to make a complete bill of quantities. In the case of a water mains renovation contract, the new fittings and valves should be measured in accordance with class J but billed alongside the renovation items in a separate bill part. Rules A2 and A5 require the features of the main sewer or water main to be stated. Rules A3 and A4 relate to the distinction between ‘man entry’ and ‘non-man-entry’ sewers. They are only invoked when the Engineer has decided to restrict the Contractor's choice of methods. Rule A3 deals with methods of working from within sewers, whether by remote control as in ‘non-man-entry’ systems or manually as in ‘man entry’ systems. The decision to carry out the works from above by excavation (A4) might be taken as a result of the sewer being ‘non man entry’ or for other reasons such as difficult access or poor safety considerations. The classification table divides the main work into preparation, stabilization, renovation and supplementary classifications for work to laterals undertaken after renovation works are complete and for work whichis interrupted. The preparation classifications (Y 1** and Y 5 1-4 *) cover preparatory work such as removal of silt, grease, encrustation and tree roots which is done before renovation. CESMMG assumes that the condition of existing sewers and mains can be ascertained before establishing quantities for stabilization and renovation, Preparation work often forms a preliminary contract as it is difficult to ascertain the nature and extent of the renovation and ancillary works required until the sewer or main has been cleaned. The CLASS Y: SEWER AND WATER MAIN RENOVATION AND ANCILLARY WORKS 215‘CESMM3 HANDBOOK 216 measurement of cleaning at classification Y 11 0 and Y 5 1 * is very simple. Differing cleaning requirements and standards must be identified for the different locations billed in accordance with rule Al. The items are deemed to include making good any damage caused by cleaning (rule C2) but not any damage which is revealed as a result of the cleaning. Surveys and inspection of the sewer (Y 130) or main (Y 53-44) may be done either before or after cleaning. Classifications ¥ 1 2 and Y 5 2 * cover removal of intrusions. An intrusion is a projection into the bore of a sewer or main. Intrusions may include isolated projecting bricks, projecting rubber © rings, lead fish or excessively protruding ferrules and dead services. Laterals are any drains or sewers which are connected to the sewer being renovated. They are prepared by cleaning (Y 1 1 0) or by sealing (¥ 1 3~4 ¥). Sealing laterals and other pipes is measured in cubic metres. To calculate either, the cross-sectional dimensions and length must be known or a conversion factor must be agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor converting cubic metres to ‘bags of grout’. local internal repairs are repairs to the structural fabric of the sewer which are carried out from within the sewer. Examples are isolated patch repairs, repairs to bellmouths and Y junctions which are not to be renovated and repairs around laterals. Stabilization of existing sewers is carried out by pointing, joint sealing and external grouting. The area measured for pointing at classification Y¥ 210 excludes areas which have been repaited and measured using classification Y 15 *. Different types of pointing such as hand pointing and pressure pointing are distinguished by the different locations identified in accordance with rule A1. Pipe joint sealing measured at classification Y 2 2 0 covers both joint sealing and repairs to cracked Joints whether longitudinal or circumferential. Renovation of sewers itself is measured at classification Y 3 * *. It covers the methods by which the performance of a length of sewer is improved by incorporating the original sewer fabric but excluding maintenance operations such as root or silt removal and local internal repairs. Renovation may be carried out using a variety of techniques which are listed in the second division at classification Y 3 1-5 *. Sliplining is a method in which lengths of pipe lining are jointed before being moved into their permanent positions. The two types of sliplining given in the third division are indicative rather than definitive and are qualified by rule A8 which requires greater detail to be stated. Where a copolymer lining is specified the item code Y 3 1 9 would be appropriate. In situ jointed pipe lining is a method in which lengths of pipe lining are jointed at their permanent positions. Segmental linings are circular or non-circular sewer linings which are made up from pairs of upper and lower segments which are jointed near theit springings. There is a limited number of proprietary sewer renovation systems. All proprietary systems fall within classification ¥ 34*. Rule ‘AB distinguishes them in detail. Rule A9 requires curved in situ jointed and segmental linings to be identified. Other renovation techniques are either impossible to install to a curve or are priced similarly for curved and straight work. Curved work is defined as work on sewers whose offset exceeds 35 mm per metre. Water mains are renovated by lining the main with cement mortar (Y 55 *) or epoxy (Y 56*). Engineers sometimes allow the Contractor to choose an appropriate renovation technique, usually from a number of permitted options. ‘Where this approach is used, a reference must be made in the Preamble‘SEWER AND WATER MAIN RENOVATION AND ANCILLARY WORKS using the procedure for Contractor selection of alternatives referred to in paragraph 5.4 of CESMM3, ‘Classification ¥ 3 6 0s used to measure grouting of annular voids as defined in rule D4. Grouting is measured by volume. This may necessitate adoption of a measurement convention or conversion factor relating to bags of grout or the volume of material passing through the pump. Annulus grouting, as well as filling the annular void, consolidates the brickwork, fills the cracks and, in certain circumstances, may be used to fill voids which have formed outside the existing sewer. In other circumstances there may be an express requirement to fill these voids as a separate operation in order to control their stabilization more accurately. This situation is covered by classification Y 23. Two separate items are required, one for the number of holes (which includes either forming and packing around a purpose-made hole or packing around a suitable existing crack) and a second item for the volume of grout injected. Holes are not measured for annulus grouting. Where the Engineer does not expressly require the use of a particular method of grouting the volumes of annulus and void grouting may be combined at classification ¥ 3 6 0. If there is an express requirement to grout voids separately, classification ¥ 23 * is used. This is the effect of rules Md and M5, ‘The cost of locating and reconnecting live laterals to a relined sewer is significant. It can be priced against the items given at classification ¥ 4 1, Sometimes an existing lateral may need to be adjusted to vary its gradient. Such regrading of laterals is covered by rule A10 and, provided that the regrading is limited to the final metre of the lateral, all the associated regrading costs are included in the item (rule C6). ‘Where the regrading extends beyond 1 m, separate items for the work are required. An item for jointing laterals (Y 4 1 *) is also needed where there is a branch in the relined sewer. Classification Y 6-7 * * covers installed, altered and abandoned manholes and other permanent shafts and chambers. The rules follow closely those given for manholes in class K: Modifications are made to reflect the special characteristics of working around renovated and abandoned sewers and mains. Note that the items measured at dlassification Y 6 * * for new manholes which replace existing manholes in accordance with rule A14 include the cost of removing manholes (rule C11) as well as the cost of providing a replacement manhole. Full particulars of work to existing manholes are required to be given in item descriptions (rule A15). Interruptions are measured at classification Y 8 * *, These items are intended to help Engineers who, having access to sound data about previous sewer and main flows, wish the Employer to assume the risk of flash floods or other surges. The Engineer should express a requirement for the Contractor to provide 2 minimum pumping capacity which he considers adequate. Interruptions will then only be measured when the sewer flows exceed the installed pumping capacity (rule M7), The installed capacity may, of course, exceed the minimum expressed requirement. The interruption items should cover the costs associated with plant and labour under utilized. They should not cover consequential costs such as the cost of making good a sewer which has been damaged asa result ofa flash flood. Rules Al and A2 subdivide the interruption items by location and sewer type and size. ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM2 Class Y was @ complete new class introduced into the CESMM. ‘Schedule of changes in CESMM3 Class Y introduces » method of measurement for water main reno- vation, 27CESMM3 HANDBOOK NEWTON STREET ‘Number {tem deseription Unit | quantity | Rate Amount £ e MEMTQN STABET MANEOLES 25 = 30, GSEING RICK SRMER NOKONAL, s07n 600 am ounia. Preparation, m0 cteaning. a | os Rennving intrusions. nn Lateral; bore not exceeding 150 ny elayware: ne | 22 23 Dead water main; bore not exceeding 150 amy east tron, er | a 130 cory survey. In | 37 Pluoaing Latecale vith grout as Soacitication clause 7.21. mast Bore not exceeding 300 mn. ac | m3 U shapeds internal cross sectional dimensions 350 mm x 200 mm. az | 2 Piling Latecale with grout as ‘Snecitication clause 7.21. wae Internal cross section dimensions 450 an x 350 mm U-shaped. je fo ‘ocal_totecaal epaica msi Area not exceeding 0.1 =F jax | 6 ns Area 0.1 - 0.25 ni? jac | mss Area 0.6 ee [a PAGE TOTAL 218‘SEWER AND WATER MAIN RENOVATION AND ANCILLARY WORKS NEWtow sraceT Number Hem description Rate Amount £ Pp vaio 290 y231 ¥232 yan ‘Stabilization of existing sewers. Pointing brickwork with cement mortar. Pointing pipe joints under pressure with epoxy mortar. External grouting. Munber of holes. Injection of cement grout as Specification clause 7.24. Siiplinings. Butt fusion welded HOPE type SDR 4, thickness 4 mn, 500 mm minimum internal diameter. u 7 PAGE TOTAL 219CESMM3 HANDBOOK NEWTON Steger Number tern description Unit | Quantity | rate ‘Amount Pp Renovation of extating sewers. Sagmental_Lintogs. 333 Glass reinforced plastic as Specification clause 7.50, minimum internal crose section dimensions 1050 x 750 mm. Im 45 vs34.2 Glass reinforced concrete, 15 mm thick, internal cross section dimensions 1050 x 750 mm, egg shaped, Im 38 334.2 Glass reinforced concrete, 15 mn thick, internal cross seotion dimensions 1320 x 850 mm, curved to offset of 70 mm por metre. mm | annulus grouting. 360 Cenent grout as Specification clause 7.25. ina | 10 Uaberala to renovated sewers. dointing. vant Bore: not exceeding 150 mm, to HOPE sliplining, type SDR 17. xr | 10 van? Bore: 150 - 300 nm, to HDPE eliplining, type SDR 17, regarded, nr | 3 vans, 900 x 600 mm, egg shaped, to GRP segnental lining, 15 mm thick. ne fa PAGE TOTAI 220‘SEWER AND WATER MAIN RENOVATION AND ANCILLARY WORKS NEWION sTREET Number tom description Unit ‘Amount & Pp 333 334.1 334.2 ¥360 va vann.2 vas Rengvation of exlating sewers, Asgmental Linings. Glass reinforces plastic as Specification clause 7.50, minimum internal eos section dimensions 1050 x 780 nm. in Glass reinforced concrete, 15 mm thick, internal cross section dimensions 1050 x 750 mn, e39 shaped. im Glass reinforced concrete, 15 mm thick, internal cross section dimensions 2320 x 850 mm, curved to offset of 10 wm per netze. mn fom ee ‘Bonulus grouting. Cenent grout as Specification clause 7,25, m3 -—_——_—__—_____ laterals to renovated ssuers, doiating. Bore: not exceeding 150 mn, to HDPE sliplining, type SDR 17, Jor Bore: 150 - 300 mn, to HDPE aliplining, type SOR 17, regarded. lar 900 x 600 mm, egg shaped, to GAP segmental lining, 15 1m thick. Jar 5 a8 10 10 PAGE TOTALCESMM3 HANDBOOK NEWTON STREET Number Item description unit] quantty | Reto Amount gue DUSTING BRICK SEWER UOMIAAL SIZ Enon s0e en ecc SHazED. lap values. vaz1.1 | Remove extetingy nominal diameter 225 an. [nr | 2 vaa1.2 | Remove existing: nominal dianeter 300 en. ar | 3 va22 Replace existing; nominal dlaneter 225 en, |r | 2 23 New; Holdvater catalogue reference 916; nominal diameter 300 ma or | 3 New manholes. yeas Brick with backdrop type IA, heavy duty cover ond frame; depth 3 ~ 3.5m ne | 2 657 concrete type 28, heavy duty cover rane? depth 7.5 m. lor | 2 Max manholes replacing extating sanhales. yess Precast conerete type 2C, heavy duty cover and frome; depth 2 ~ 2.5'm, nz | 2 PAGE TOTAL 222‘SEWER AND WATER MAIN RENOVATION AND ANCILLARY WORKS NEWTON STREET Number tem description unit | Quantity | Rate Amount £ e Existing nasholes, ‘Sbandooment. as drawing 22/c. yn3 Depth 2 - 2.5 m including renoving cover slab, breaking back shaft and backfilling with’ pulverised fuel ash. lpr | a mr Depth 5.5 m including removing cover slab, breaking shaft and backfilling with Pulverised fuel ash. ne 1 Alberations. 720 Work to benching and inverts, as draving 27/6 including breading out, re-haunching and dealing with flows ne fa ‘Interruptions. ve10 Preparation of existing sewers. hn | a0 t ye20 Stabilization of existing seners. ho} 20 { Roncuation of extating sewers, | yn Seguental Linings. In | 20 PAGE TOTAL 223CESMM3 HANDBOOK WeSTPIELD ROAD Number Hom description unit] Quantity | Rate ‘Amount £ Pp ‘vaWwES Sv 17-22. EXISTING CAST IRON MAINS OMTIAL ROBE Nor EXCEEDING 2007200 om. 512 Cleaning. In 60 522 Removing intrusions lar | a5 vse2 cory Survey. In 60 562 Epoxy Lining as Specification clause 263.07, In 60 PAGE TOTAL 224SIMPLE BUILDING WORKS INCIDENTAL TO CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS ir'§ mes significant change which as been introduced in CESMM3._ CLASS Z: SIMPLE Xiah inclusion of a mew class which is 2 standard method of BUILDING WORKS engineer, qimble building works incidental to civil INGIDENGAL’ oe CIVIL engineering works. The new clas is 4 positive response by the ICE CESMM Review Committee to the comments it has received since ENGINEERING WORKS the introduction of the first edition. These comments identified the need for a set of rules which reflected the cost-significant features of : simple building work. This was regarded as potentially more helpfal to bill compilers than the guidance given in the first and second editions which left the choice of measurement rules for building work to the discretion of bill compilers. Bill compilers need to take great care in determining when to use the rules in class Z instead of following the advice in the last sentence of paragraph 2.2. The important issues in determining how to measure building works are the nature ofthe work and the extent to which items can be drawn up toadequately identify the cost significant features of the work. Class & provides an alternative to measuring a building in detail using the ‘building standard method of measurement * The use of Chas 2 should be limited to those situations where the ‘work passes the following two tess: {@) It should be simple. The works should be small enough not to merit full measurement in accordance with the buildin, standard method of measurement.* The compiler should alse consider the complexity of the design, such as the nature and extent of the services, and the way in which elements are to be ‘ constructed and combined. (0) It should be incidental to the civil engineering works, The civil engineering element of the project should totally dominate the butlding clement. Examples of simple buildings might be a gate house or a valve house. ‘ Having decided that the building works are both simple and ancillary in the civil engineering works, the compiler may proceed in measuring and billing the work. This will entail applying the rules not only from class Z but also other classes from CESMM3, The 4 ‘excludes’ list highlights other classes which may be referred to in applying class Z. This is not an exhaustive list but rather it defines excluded work which might be otherwise unclear. For example it is obvious that if the excavation is likely to be priced and carried out separately that it should be measured in accordance with Class E and grouped in the same partas the work covered by Class Z.. On the other hand itis less clear that vertical cladding is covered by Class N (N 2 0). In the main, builders’ work in connection with services in simple buildings is to be measured using the rules from other classes in the CESMM3. Under normal circumstances, simple building works will form a separate part of the bill of quantities. Although the work in 2 simple building will be measured in classes additional to class Z. it should be billed together under an appropriate heading The rules for carpentry and joinery exclude work in civil engineering timber works which should be measured in accordance with class ©. The cules in class Z covers joists, rafters and other structural timbers Which are classified according to their location in the building. Thus "Standard method of measurement of building works, 7th edn, Royal Institution of (Chartered Surveyors and Building Employers Confederation, London, 1988, 225Fig.29. Skirting boards are measured ‘asa singleitem where they have the ‘same characteristics but different shapes (rule Ad), These skirting boards have the same dimensions but twodifferent shapes. 226 the timber in floors should be grouped together. Note that rule D2, means that ceiling joists and other timbers in pitched roofs are measured under the classification of pitched roofs. Classification Z 1 1 + contains most of the carpentry items, with boarding and work to stairs and walkways separately classified. The third edition identifies difficult categories and locations of work so that the estimator can identify them in the specification and drawings before deciding what cost to apply. This is better than distinguishing the work detail such as by the angles of inclination of the work. Classification Z 1 1 2 covers the framing of walls and partitions such as studs, bracings and bearers. These partitions may then be finished using timer or other manu- factured boards (Z 1 2—3 3) or plasterboard (Z 4 43). In the case of- plasterboard itis usual to complete the finish by applying a skim coat’ ofplaster (Z.41 3). Lengths of joinery items are mainly classified at Z1 '5 + whereas finished units and fittings are measured complete at Z.16 ‘The list of unies and fittings is indicative and should not be considered as exhaustive. Rule Al requires the timber material to be identified in item descriptions as well as distinguishing between sawn and wrought timber. Carpentry is usually only sawn whereas timber forming part ofthe final finish of building is normally worked or wroughtin some way (e.g. planed) before itis fixed in its final position. Rule C1 provides the item coverage for the group of carpentry and joinery items, The costs of work associated with fixing the items is ‘deemed to be included which in the case of pitched roofs might include major bolting works, Rule D1 means that the sizes of timber normally will be taken before working. Rules A2-A4 require timbers of different thickness and shape to be distinguished. Different cross- section shapes distinguish the costs of differing cross-sections even though the timber item is measured as a single length as shown in Fig. 29, Where the work is finished with a laminate or other applied covering, this is described in accordance with rule AS. Rule A6 highlights the need to identify the boundaries between stairs, walkways, units fitsings and other work which might otherwise be considered part of the items. For example, some of the timbers ‘supporting a staircase may be measured as floors under classification Z 11 1. This must be conveyed to the estimator to avoid the risk of joists being priced twice.; SIMPLE BUILDING WORKS INCIDENTAL TO CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS Rule D3 defines manufactured boards such as fibreboard or composite boards (including non timber boards) as sheet boarding (Z 13 *). Sheet boarding excludes work classified as surface finishes, linings and partitions (Z 4* *), Rules M1 and M2 provide for simple measurement of carpentry and joinery from the Drawings. Joints, laps, and openings which do not , exceed 0.5 m? ate ignored in the measurements. Rule M3 also simplifies measurement by requiring struts to be measured across joists and on plan as explained in Fig. 30. Rule D4 defines the distinction between the classifications in the third division for boarding (Z 1 2-3 *) and insulation (Z 2 * *). These inclination boundaries and zones are shown in Fig. 31. Note that i surfaces of columns and beams whether attached or free standing are classed as walls and soffits respectively. The note at the foot of page 103is intended to be invoked when prefabricated window or door sets are to be measured. These composite items are supplied pre-packaged Fig.30, Rule M3 simolifies the asm agonal strut : The length messuredis2 x L rather than8 x 1 Fig.31. Inclination zones used for
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From Everand
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
John Adams
From Everand
John Adams
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
From Everand
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
From Everand
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
5-UB 127x64x13 End Conn. Bolt Group
5-UB 127x64x13 End Conn. Bolt Group
Footing Design
Footing Design
1.0 Design Calculation For Louver 1
1.0 Design Calculation For Louver 1
2-UB 406x178x54 End Conn. Bolt Group
2-UB 406x178x54 End Conn. Bolt Group
Spreadsheet Slope Stability Calculator
Spreadsheet Slope Stability Calculator
Bridge Report
Bridge Report
Report Roof Structure
Report Roof Structure
1 Base Plate BP1 Deck Slab
1 Base Plate BP1 Deck Slab
Column Report
Column Report
Facade Notes
Facade Notes
DESIGN CALCULATIONS - GL-03 13940 - 4.0m-R2
DESIGN CALCULATIONS - GL-03 13940 - 4.0m-R2
Structural Calculation Curtain Wall
Structural Calculation Curtain Wall
Wrana 2015 4 PDF
Wrana 2015 4 PDF
Tank Mat Foundation Design
Tank Mat Foundation Design
Carbon Steel Grades
Carbon Steel Grades
Wausau HP Wall Guide Specification
Wausau HP Wall Guide Specification
DesignDocument of G+22 Roof Canopy R5-02 OCT2016 PDF
DesignDocument of G+22 Roof Canopy R5-02 OCT2016 PDF
Truss Design PDF
Truss Design PDF
GRC Outdoor Panel
GRC Outdoor Panel
Cessm 1
Cessm 1
Eccentric Footing Design PDF
Eccentric Footing Design PDF
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women