Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures EB001
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures EB001
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures EB001
Table 11-3. Exposure Categories for Durable Concrete (Adapted from ACI 318)
Min. Design
Max. Strength,
Exposure Categories w/cm MPa (psi)
Freezing and thawing F0 (Not applicable) – for concrete not exposed to cycles of
freezing and thawing — 17 (2500)
F1 (Moderate) – Concrete exposed to freezing and thawing
cycles and occasional exposure to moisture (and no deicing
chemicals) 0.45 31 (4500)
F2 (Severe) – Concrete exposed to freezing and thawing
cycles and in continuous contact with moisture 0.45 31 (4500)
F3 (Very Severe) – Concrete exposed to freezing and thawing
cycles that will be in continuous contact with moisture and
exposure to deicing chemicals or seawater† 0.45 31 (4500)
Sulfates*** S0 (Not applicable)
– Soil: SO4 <0.10%
– Water: SO4 <150 ppm — —
S1 (Moderate)
– Soil: 0.10% ≤ SO4 < 0.20%
– Water: 150 ppm ≤ SO4 <1500 ppm
S – Seawater 0.50 28 (4000)
SO4 2–
S2 (Severe)‡
– Soil: 0.20% ≤ SO4 < 2.0%
– Water: 1500 ppm ≤ SO4 <10,000 ppm 0.45 31 (4500)
S3 (Very severe)‡
– Soil: SO4 > 2.0%
– Water: SO4 >10,000 ppm 0.40* 35 (5000)**
C0 (Not applicable) – Concrete that will be dry or protected
from moisture in service — 17 (2500)
Cl -
C C1 (Moderate) – Concrete exposed to moisture but not to an
external source of chlorides in service 0.45 31 (4500)