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Enhancing Power Density of Biophotovoltaics by Decoupling Storage and Power Delivery

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Enhancing power density of biophotovoltaics by

decoupling storage and power delivery
Kadi L. Saar   1, Paolo Bombelli1,2, David J. Lea-Smith   2,6, Toby Call2, Eva-Mari Aro3, Thomas Müller1,4,
Christopher J. Howe2* and Tuomas P. J. Knowles1,5*

Biophotovoltaic devices (BPVs), which use photosynthetic organisms as active materials to harvest light, have a range of attrac-
tive features relative to synthetic and non-biological photovoltaics, including their environmentally friendly nature and ability
to self-repair. However, efficiencies of BPVs are currently lower than those of synthetic analogues. Here, we demonstrate BPVs
delivering anodic power densities of over 0.5 W m−2, a value five times that for previously described BPVs. We achieved this
through the use of cyanobacterial mutants with increased electron export characteristics together with a microscale flow-based
design that allowed independent optimization of the charging and power delivery processes, as well as membrane-free opera-
tion by exploiting laminar flow to separate the catholyte and anolyte streams. These results suggest that miniaturization of
active elements and flow control for decoupled operation and independent optimization of the core processes involved in BPV
design are effective strategies for enhancing power output and thus the potential of BPVs as viable systems for sustainable
energy generation.

nergy demand driven by a rising global population must reach the anode and generate current as soon as they have been
increasingly be satisfied from renewable alternatives to fos- secreted. Here, we propose a two-chamber system in which charg-
sil fuels, as the latter release extensive amounts of greenhouse ing (reduction of the electron carrier molecules by exoelectrogenic
gases with potentially devastating consequences for our ecosystem. electrons) and power delivery (electron transfer to the external elec-
Solar power is considered to be a particularly attractive source, as on trical circuit) are spatially decoupled from one another (Fig. 1). In
average the Earth receives around 10,000 times more energy from such a system, it becomes possible to design the geometrical con-
the Sun in a given time than is required by human consumption1,2. figurations and operating conditions of the electron generation and
Although several technologies exist to convert this extensively avail- power harvesting units independently, which allows their perfor-
able sunlight into electrical current3,4, factors such as scarcity of mance to be optimized simultaneously. In particular, in the devices
production materials, high cost per delivered quantity of electricity described here, we use miniaturized geometries in the power deliv-
and lack of equally efficient storage technologies have limited their ery unit. This operation at small length scales suppresses convective
adoption4–8. Biological photovoltaics (BPVs; also known as biopho- mixing18, enabling us to omit the semipermeable membrane from
tovoltaics and biological solar cells9) are emerging as an environ- the power delivery unit of the BPV, normally required to separate
mentally friendly and low-cost approach to harvest solar energy and the device into the anodic and cathodic compartments. In addi-
convert it into electrical current10–12. In phototrophic organisms, tion to decreasing the internal resistance of the device, omitting the
light is converted into high-energy charge-separated electron–hole membrane would reduce the cost of the system and make the opera-
pairs, and the excited electrons are transferred through a number of tion easier, as membranes have been reported to dry out, degrade,
intracellular electron carriers, with a fraction eventually exported foul and clog19–21. More generally, the use of small length scales has
across the cell membrane and released to the external environ- the potential to decrease the resistive electrical losses of the system
ment13–15 (Fig. 1a). In BPVs, these secreted electrons are directed because it introduces elevated surface-to-volume ratios, enhanced
to an electrode (anode) and from there allowed to flow to a more mass-transfer coefficients and small electrode separation20–23.
positive potential electrode (cathode) through an external circuit, We show that the use of such two-chamber flow-controlled BPVs
thus generating current16,17. Simultaneously, the protons released by results in a 2.5-fold increase in anodic power density compared with
the cells diffuse from the anodic chamber to the cathodic one where the maximum reported so far when using wild-type Synechocystis
water is re-formed on an appropriate catalyst (Fig. 1b). This process sp. PCC6803 cells as the phototrophic catalyst (Supplementary Table
leads to the generation of current without release of any chemical 1). When replacing these with Synechocystis mutant cells deficient in
side-products. A proton-permeable membrane separates the anodic the main photosynthetic and respiratory electron sinks (the termi-
chamber from the cathodic one, ensuring that electrons travel only nal oxidases and the flavodiiron complexes Flv1/3 and Flv2/4), the
via the external load. improvement in the power density further increased to 5-fold24,25.
BPVs demonstrated so far have relied on either on suspending
photosynthetic cells in solution or immobilizing them directly onto Device design and operation
the anode9. In these designs, electron generation and transfer to the The power delivery unit of the BPV was fabricated in
electrical circuit occur in a single compartment, and the electrons poly(dimethylsiloxane) via soft photolithography as a rectangular

Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 2Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 3Laboratory

of Molecular Plant Biology, Department of Biochemistry, University of Turku, Turku, Finland. 4Fluidic Analytics Limited, Cambridge, UK. 5Cavendish
Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Present address: 6School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia,
Norwich, UK. Christopher J. Howe and Tuomas P. J. Knowles contributed equally to this work. *e-mail: ch26@cam.ac.uk; tpjk2@cam.ac.uk

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Articles Nature Energy


Charging PSI
H+ e−

E– CO2 Metabolism

Photosynthetic Uncharged mobile b Cathode e–

cells electron carrier
Charged mobile
electron carrier Power
Barrier O2
H 2O
transport H+ O2
E– E

Power delivery
y e–
Anode e–

Fig. 1 | The charging and delivery processes in a flow-BPV. The two processes can be spatially decoupled, providing temporal flexibility over power
generation and enabling their independent optimization. a, In the charging unit, high-energy electrons (e−) are generated by the photosynthetic cells using
photosystems I and II (PSI, PSII), and some are released to the external environment via the exoelectrogenic activity of the cells to reduce the charge
carriers (E →​ E−). b, In the power delivery unit, the reduced charged carriers (E−) are brought into contact with the anode from where the electrons flow to
the cathode, generating current. Protons (H+) diffuse to the cathode where water is catalytically regenerated, while the electrons reach the cathode only
through the external circuit, because of controlled mass transport at small length scales.

channel with one inlet for the anodic and one for the cathodic fluid potentiometric measurements alter only one parameter and have
(Fig. 2a; Methods). Owing to the similar viscosities of the anolyte become a commonly used method for BPV characterization29,30. We
and the catholyte solutions, the boundary between the two half- further collected the anoyte and catholyte solutions at the device
cells was determined by the relative flow rates of the two fluids26,27. outlets, and, after illuminating the cell suspension for an additional
Specifically, it was set at a distance of 20% of the total width of the 3 h to recharge the electron carrier molecules, we re-injected the
device away from the anode, so that, owing to the limited residence solutions into the device. Crucially, the device performance was
time of the fluids in the device, a significantly larger fraction of the unaffected between the two rounds of recirculation (Fig. 2b), indi-
electron carrier ions would reach the anode than the cathode by cating that the pressure drops of about 100 Pa inherent in the device
molecular diffusion. Furthermore, the dimensions of the system operation (Supplementary Note 1) did not damage the cells or affect
were chosen such that protons, for which the diffusion coefficient is their exoelectrogenic ability.
over an order of magnitude higher than for the electron carrier ions, We noted that whereas the [Fe(CN)6]4− produced by the elec-
diffuse to the cathode within the limited residence time of the fluids trons released by the photosynthetic cells oxidized slowly back
in the device while the electron carrier molecules remain near the to [Fe(CN)6]3−, the rate of this reaction—measured to be around
anode. This generates an effective diffusion-controlled proton-per- 5 nM s−1 (Supplementary Fig. 1a)—is significantly lower than that
meable barrier between the cathodic and anodic areas (Fig. 2a, inset of the [Fe(CN)6]4− generation by the electrons released by the cells
(ii)) which only protons can cross (Fig. 2a, inset (iii)). The side-wall (280 nM s−1; Supplementary Fig. 1b). Although eliminating oxy-
electrodes filled the full height of the device, with the anode span- gen could potentially prevent any back-oxidation, the challenges
ning its full length and the cathode being a point electrode at the associated with its removal are unlikely to outweigh the potential
end of the device (see Methods). gain, especially as oxygen removal could also affect the viability of
We used Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 cells, motivated by their the cells.
previously demonstrated exoelectrogenic activity16,17 and the avail- From the measured polarization and power curves (Fig. 2b,c),
ability of genetic tools to allow generation of multiple mutations we deduced the internal resistance of the BPV to be approximately
in genes for electron transfer components28. The cells were pre- 3 MΩ​and the resistivity of the device to be around 200 Ω​  m; owing
mixed with the electron carrier K3[Fe(CN)6] to aid the transfer of to the difference in area of the anode (spanning the full length of
the exoelectrogenic electrons to the anode. This electron carrier the device) and the cathode (a point electrode), the latter value
has previously been shown to be physiologically well tolerated by is an approximation and for the purpose of the current estimate
Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 over extended time periods at the con- was obtained by using the average of the two areas. This resistiv-
centration used in this study17. The mixture was left for 3 h for the ity is substantially smaller than for our previously built devices of
electrons released by the photosynthetic cells to reduce the electron larger scale −​19  kΩ​  m (ref.17) and 69 kΩ​  m (ref.12), both of which
carrier ions, after which the fluids were injected to the device and the had similarly used BG-11 medium as the carrier medium. This
current–voltage (polarization) curve was acquired by varying the decrease is most likely to originate from the reduced resistive losses
applied voltage and recording the respective current (see Methods). at the smaller length scales and from the absence of a semiperme-
Unlike approaches that change the resistor connected to the sys- able membrane in the design of the BPV20–23. Additionally, we did
tem and hence vary the voltage and the current simultaneously, not observe a tendency for the polarization curves to show higher

76 Nature Energy | VOL 3 | JANUARY 2018 | 75–81 | www.nature.com/natureenergy

© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Nature Energy Articles
a b 700
Cells, first round
Cells, second round
Buffer Outlet 500 No cells

Voltage (mV)
Cathode 400
Cells and
Outlet 200
Anode 100
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Current (nA)
Diffusion- c
controlled 20
barrier 6 Cathode
i ii Cathodic H+ iii 15

Power (nW)
area E– H+

E– H+ 5

Anode Cells Anodic H+ & E– Anode 0

area 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Current (nA)

Fig. 2 | Construction and performance of the μ-BPV. a, Schematic diagram (not to scale) of the power delivery unit of the μ​-BPV. Green circles represent
cyanobacterial cells. Inset (i) shows the input channels. Owing to negligible inertial forces, flow profiles in the channels are laminar which generates a
diffusion-controlled barrier (inset (ii); purple colour indicates the position of protons and electron carrier ions if there were no mass transport between the
cathodic and anodic streams, light and dark pink colours the areas to which protons and electron carriers, respectively, can diffuse). This barrier can be
crossed only by fast-diffusing species, in this case protons (inset (iii)). b, c, The polarization curves (b) and power curves (c) for the fabricated μ​-BPV at
chlorophyll concentration of cchl =​ 8 μ​M and flow rate of Qtotal =​ 20 μ​l h−1 on the first injection (blue circles; average of n =​ 3 repeats; error bars correspond to
standard deviations) and second injection (black circles) and without cells (light blue triangles).

gradients, even at high currents. This finding indicates that the device in a given time. This normalized power output was observed
performance of the device was not limited by diffusion or mass to decrease with the flow rate (Fig. 3a; blue circles, average of n =​  3
transfer22,29. repeats) and can be explained by the less efficient use of the electron
Small background currents were recorded when the device was carrier ions at higher flow rates. The absence of such a decrease at
operated with an anolyte including only the buffer and the elec- low flow rates, O(10 μ​l  h−1) is likely to be due to the effect of a more
tron carrier with no cyanobacterial cells present. Such background substantial cross-over of the charged electron carriers at the smaller
currents have been reported previously and attributed to the ionic flow rate, complete reduction of the electron carrier or both. We
concentration of the medium and slow formation of electrolysis further simulated36 the diffusion of the electron carrier ions in the
products at the anode31,32. This background current was similar in rectangular channel to estimate the fraction of ions that can diffuse
all the devices used. As in previous studies, the peak biotic power of to the two electrodes as a function of flow rate. The experimental
each device was taken as the difference between the peak power of data for the normalized power were observed to follow a similar
the device operated with cyanobacterial cells and the device oper- trend to the simulations, but the recorded power output declined
ated without the cells at the same current9,32. The average peak biotic faster than the fraction of electron carriers that reached the anode
power output for the microchannel BPV (μ​-BPVs) was recorded to (Fig. 3a; black line). It is likely that under these conditions further
be 13.9 ±​ 0.9 nW (Supplementary Fig. 2; n =​ 3 repeats in three indi- factors limit the performance of the device, including the availabil-
vidually fabricated devices; error bars correspond to standard devia- ity of protons on the cathode or mass transfer limitations at the sur-
tions) at a current of 60 nA. face of the anode.
A notable difference between a flow-based system and those that
Microchannel BPV performance rely on biofilms grown on the anode is the requirement to drive
We expect the performance of the flow μ​-BPV to depend on the fluid flow within the device. To recirculate the fluids continuously,
flow rates of the fluids into the anodic and the cathodic half-cells. they have to be pumped back to higher pressures before re-entering
Specifically, at higher flow rates, not all the charged electron carriers the device (Fig. 1). Higher flow rates lead not only to more inef-
can diffuse to the anode within their residence time in the device. By ficient use of the fuel (Fig. 3a) but also to increased frictional losses
contrast, at low flow rates, the ions of the reduced electron carrier (Supplementary Note 1, equation (1)). At low flow rates, the power
can also cross the channel and lead to a shortcircuit in the device. output of our demonstrated flow-BPV more than compensated for
Analogous behaviour has been reported for microbial fuel cells as the energy losses from the viscous drag even when accounting for
the fuel cross-over concept33,34, and the termination of flow has been non-ideal operation of pumps (Fig. 3b; typical efficiencies vary from
observed to suppress power output entirely35. 65% to 90%). However, comparing the performance of the device
The effect of the flow rate on the BPV performance was inves- at various flow rates, we concluded that the increase in the biotic
tigated by keeping the ratio of the cathloyte and anolyte flow rates power output at higher flow rates is eventually counterbalanced by
fixed (Qcathodic/Qanodic =​ 4) and recording the power curves at a range the elevated power consumption needed to overcome the frictional
of total flow rates. The peak biotic power outputs were then nor- losses. The optimal flow rate maximizing the overall power output
malized to the flow rate of the fluids into the device, which in turn was found to be around 20 μ​l  h−1 (Fig. 3b) and this was therefore
was proportional to the number of charge carriers that entered the used for all further experiments.

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Articles Nature Energy

a b 30
1.0 Anode Biotic power

Power / flow rate (nW h μl–1)

Cathode 0.6

Fraction of electron carrier

25 Frictional losses (calculated)
0.8 Net power

Power (nW)
0.6 0.4
0.4 10
0.2 5
0.0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 5 20 56 100 240
Flow rate (μL h–1) Flow rate (μL h–1)

Fig. 3 | The effect of flow rate on the device performance. a, The biotic power outputs normalized by flow rate (blue circles, average of n =​ 3 repeats
with error bars corresponding to standard deviations; (Qcathodic/Qanodic =​ 4) for all) decreased with flow rate. One of the factors contributing towards this
decrease is the reduced number of electron carrier ions reaching the anode (solid line). b,The delivered biotic power, power loss due to friction and the
net power output at different flow rates (error bars are standard deviations for n =​ 3 measurements). Qtotal =​ 20 μ​l h−1 was chosen for further experiments
because the highest net power output was recorded at this value.

Multiparameter optimization of power output of μ-BPV estimated to be (0.27 ±​ 0.03) W m−2 for the wild-type cells and
Unlike devices in which photosynthetic cells transfer their elec- (0.54 ±​ 0.05) W m−2 for the mutant cells (cchl =​  40  μ​M for both). To
trons directly to the anode, we used a design strategy in which the the best of our knowledge, these values exceed those of previously
charging and the power delivery processes are spatially decoupled. demonstrated BPVs by 2.5 times and 5 times, respectively (Fig. 4c;
Combined with the use of mobile electron carriers that are free to Supplementary Table 1).
move and collect electrons from all the cells, this strategy has the
potential to lead to elevated current outputs when increasing the Continuous operation and scalability
concentration of cells under otherwise identical conditions. We set We have shown that while flowing through the device, the cells and
out to test this hypothesis by characterizzing the performance of the their exoelectrogenic performance remained unaffected (Fig. 2b,c).
device at two different concentrations of cells. We found that the However, during every cycle some fraction of the electron car-
peak power output increased with the cell concentration, reaching rier molecules diffuses from the anodic area to the cathodic one,
(22.2 ±​ 1.5) nW (average of n =​ 3 repeats) at chlorophyll concentra- eventually leading to a decrease in its overall concentration in the
tion (cchl) of 40 μ​M (Fig. 4a). We observed that the device yielded anolyte. To show that this diffusion process does not affect the pos-
even larger power outputs at higher cell concentrations and, in par- sibility to operate the devices continuously, we also included the
ticular, recorded the peak power output to be 65 nW at cchl =​  80  μ​ electron carrier molecules [Fe(CN)6]3− in the catholyte such that
M. However, adhesion of cells to the microfluidic channels was there would be no net movement of the [Fe(CN)6]3− ions from one
observed at the latter concentration, which could start to limit the side to another. Crucially, this addition did not affect the device
performance of the device. We therefore restricted all the data pre- performance (Supplementary Fig. 4). With the reduced electron
sented in this work to cchl =​  40  μ​M, at which no difficulties with the carrier molecule [Fe(CN)6]4− eventually oxidizing back to
operation were noted over an operation period of several hours. [Fe(CN)6]3− (Supplementary Fig. 1a), the system never runs short
Different strategies could be implemented for circumventing the of the oxidized electron carrier [Fe(CN)6]3−, setting the basis for
problem of cell adhesion, such as treatment of the device surfaces. continuous operation.
The increasing power output with the cell concentration suggests We note that as opposed to previously described BPVs, in which
that flow-based operation can provide a simple approach to increase the charging and power delivery process occurred in a single com-
the power output of the devices, resulting in an advantage over sys- partment, for a spatially decoupled operation the area involved in
tems in which the delivered power is limited to the monolayer of the the charging process can in general be different from the anode
cells on the electrode. area. To allow an effective comparison with non-biological photo-
Exoelectrogenic activity in wild-type photosynthetic organisms voltaic systems, we estimated the additional area that is required for
is not optimal for production of photocurrent, because some of the illumination process. By comparing the total amount of charged
the electrons generated are subsequently consumed by a series of electron carrier that can be generated under a fixed illumination
electron sinks9. This is likely to reduce the power production. To area with the area that is needed for its conversion to electrical cur-
overcome this limitation, we generated a Synechocystis mutant defi- rent, we concluded that the area required for illumination is slightly
cient in the main photosynthetic and respiratory electron sinks, the smaller but of a similar size (Supplementary Note 2). As there is no
terminal oxidases (cytochrome c oxidase, quinol oxidase and the requirement for the power delivery area to be exposed to sunlight, the
alternative respiratory terminal oxidase) and the flavodiiron com- illumination unit can, for instance, be positioned above it (Fig. 4d).
plexes, Flv1/3 and Flv2/4 (Methods and Supplementary Fig. 3)24,37. We further note that in this experiment the geometry of the illu-
We predicted that the absence of these electron sinks would lead to mination unit was not optimized; generation of larger quantities of
elevated exoelectrogenic activity and hence also to increased BPV the reduced electron carrier molecules is possible (for example by
power outputs. Indeed, the characterization of the BPV with mutant using a deeper vessel) and is thus not the limiting area in the scal-
cells showed that the power output was doubled compared with the ability consideration. As such, comparison of power densities nor-
wild-type cells at the same chlorophyll concentration (cchl =​  40  μ​M), malized by anode area is an effective measure for understanding the
reaching (44.6 ±​ 1.6) nW (Fig. 4a,b). scalability of the system.
To compare devices of different dimensions, current and The current system used a platinum wire as cathode, given its
power outputs are commonly normalized to the active surface previously proven catalytic activity for the regeneration of water. We
area of the anode where the phototrophic cells are located9,32. The found that the system yielded identical performance with the use
peak anodic power density for the described μ​-BPV can thus be of platinum-plated wire, which provides a promising approach for

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© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Nature Energy Articles
a b 60
25 Cells 40 μM chl Mutant (40 μM chl)
Cells 8 μM chl 50 No cells
20 No cells

Power (nW)

Power (nW)

5 10

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 100 200 300 400 500
Current (nA) Current (nA)
c d
10 W m−2
10,000 Photovoltaics (large scale)
5 W m−2
Power density (mW m−2)

500 mW m−2
Biofuels (large scale)
100 mW m−2 E E–


2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
N × Asingle device
Year E– E

Fig. 4 | Dependence of the μ-BPV performance on cell concentration and genotype, device configuration, and comparison with literature data. a, An
increase in the cell concentration yielded higher current and power outputs. b, When using a mutant deficient in the main photosynthetic and respiratory
electron sinks, the anodic power density of the BPV doubled compared with wild-type cells at the same concentration (cchl =​ 40 μ​M). c, The obtained
outputs are the highest BPV power densities so far; open circles correspond to previously described devices (Supplementary Table 1), red and green filled
circles to the device described in this work with the wild-type ((0.26 ±​ 0.03) W m−2) and mutant cells ((0.53 ±​ 0.05) W m−2), respectively. These values
are similar to the power outputs of large-scale biofuels and a factor of 10–20 lower than for large-scale PVs48–50. d, The areas required for the production of
charged carrier and for its conversion to current were found to be of similar size. As there is no requirement to expose the delivery unit to light, we propose
placing it underneath the charging unit.

reducing the cost of the catalyst needed to below US$0.01 for 1,000 power delivery processes. In particular, the use of microscale chan-
microfluidic chips (Supplementary Note 3 and Supplementary Fig. 5). nels in the power delivery unit enabled us to separate the anolyte and
Additionally, non-platinum based materials have been shown catholyte streams and dispense with the membranes, simplifying
to function effectively as the cathodic catalysts in microbial fuel fabrication. Using this device, we have achieved a 2.5-fold improve-
cells38,39 and in BPVs40, providing an alternative strategy for reduc- ment over the highest power outputs recorded in any BPV when
ing the cost of these systems. using wild-type cells and a 5-fold improvement when using a new
strain deficient in several electron sinks. We envisage microscale
Conclusions devices to be a promising approach to optimize BPVs, thus opening
The several-fold improvement over previously described devices a path towards fulfilling their potential as a cheap and environmen-
achieved in this work, combined with the advantages of BPVs, such tally friendly complement to non-biological photovoltaics.
as potentially cheap manufacturing and use of self-replicating cata-
lysts, indicates that when scaled up via parallelization, flow-BPVs Methods
could be a promising strategy for producing competitive analogues Cell culture and growth. Wild-type Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 (ref.42) and
to synthetic photovoltaics (Fig. 4c). Moreover, even without paral- recombinant strains were routinely cultured in BG-11 medium supplemented
with 10 mM NaHCO3 (ref.43) and maintained in sterile conditions at (30 ±​ 2) °C
lelization, the power output of an individual device is sufficient for under continuous moderate light of 40 μ​mol photons m−2 s−1 and shaking at
operating ultra-low-power nanoelectronics, such as nanowire bio- 160 revolutions per minute (r.p.m.). A bench-top centrifuge (5,000 r.p.m. for 3 min)
sensors and their small size could allow them to be used to build was used to concentrate the cells. The concentration of chlorophyll in samples was
self-sustaining nanosystems via on-chip integration31,41. The decou- determined spectrophotometrically from the optical density values at 680 nm and
pling strategy described here, with its ‘division of unit processes’, 750 nm as described previously28.
could also be applied to non-biological photovoltaics or to hybrid
devices in which conventional synthetic photovoltaic materials are Generating recombinant strains of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Unmarked
mutants of Synechocystis lacking Flv2 and Flv3 were constructed by disruption
used in the charging process and an independently optimized elec- of flv2 and flv3, respectively, in the terminal-oxidase-deficient mutant strain via
trocatalytic process in the electrochemical conversion unit. a two-step homologous recombination protocol28. To generate marked mutants,
In conclusion, we have described and demonstrated a flow- approximately 1 μ​g of plasmids pFlv2-2 and pFlv3-2 (construction process
based BPV system in which the charging and the power delivery described in Supplementary Note 4) was mixed with Synechocystis cells for 6 h in
units are spatially decoupled from another. In contrast to previously liquid medium, followed by incubation on BG-11 agar plates for approximately
24 h. An additional 3 ml of agar containing kanamycin was added to the surface
described devices, such decoupling provides temporal flexibility in of the plate, followed by further incubation for approximately 1–2 weeks.
power generation and the opportunity to independently optimize Transformants were subcultured to allow segregation of mutant alleles. Segregation
the geometry and the conditions needed for light harvesting and was confirmed by PCR using primers Flv2f/Flv2r, or Flv3f/Flv3r, which flank the

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