Theravada Buddhism
Theravada Buddhism
Theravada Buddhism
Impermanence of Things
Nothing in this world is fixed and permanent and everything is subject to change
and alteration. Impermanence is an unavoidable fact of human existence. Buddhism
affirms five processes deemed uncontrollable by any individual: old age, sickness,
dying, decay, and death. However, when one is released from samsara, a being escapes
all these phenomena. That being has then reached a state called nirvana wherein desire
has been extinguished from one’s self. No more unpleasant karma can be created while
greed, hatred, and delusion have all been obliterated. When one achieves nirvana, a
person’s mind is at perfect peace. Everyone is capable of attaining nirvava in this life just
as the saints of Buddhism did in their lives. Those who have achieved nirvana are called
arhat or one who is “worthy of honor.”
The mastery of the various truths and observance of the path would lead a person to The Sangha
break the bond that binds him or her to life and obtain release from the eternal cycle of The Pali word sangha literally means “sharer” that refer to monks who share in the
death and rebirth or samsara. This cycle is influenced by karma which is a law of cause general fund of alms provided by a community. Translated as “association” or
and effect. “assembly,” sangha pertains to the Buddhist order and monastic community as founded
by Siddhartha during the same year that he attained his enlightenment. Kondanna,
Law of Dependent Origination Siddhartha’s follower and one of the so-called “Five Ascetics,” was the first disciple
The Law of Dependent Origination or Paticca-samuppada is one of the most insightful ordained to the sangha. Later on, the other four ascetics became part of the order,
teachings of Siddhartha. With everything built upon a set of relations, it follows that namely, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahanama, and Assaji. Among the most popular monks in
every effect has a definite cause and every cause hasa definite effect (Mizuno 1987). In Buddhist history were the “Five Ascetics,” Sariputta, Moggallana, Rahula (Siddhartha’s
son), and Ananda. Siddhartha preached and accepted members to the sangha enlightenment. In time, stupas became pilgrimage sites as they were covered in earth
regardless of their rank in society in stark contrast to the Brahmin priest who would not and decorated with Siddhartha’s life. In Tibet, the stupa was transformed into a chorten.
dare converse to members of a lower class (Suriyabongs n.d).Ordained Buddhist monks Elsewhere, it became a pagoda in Southeast and East Asia. Most Buddhists aspire to visit
are called bhikkus while nuns are called bhikkunis. During the time of Siddhartha, many holy shrines as possible during their lifetime for this is an admirable deed.
bhikkus were dressed in rags, lived at the foot of the tree, and begged for alms. They Siddhartha himself pronounced four to which every Buddhist must give high regard.
likewise abstained from sexual pleasures, stealing, and killing. They constantly meditate These include his birthplace, the place of his enlightenment, the place of his first
and study the teachings of Siddhartha. In short, all bhikkus must live a life of poverty sermon, and the place of his parinirvana (Brown 1975). To anyone who undertakes
and chastity and should strictly follow the codified rules as contained in the Vinaya pilgrimage to these sacred places and dies while travelling, this could bring about rebirth
Pitaka. Within the Vinaya Pitaka is a list of around 250 items of conduct that must be beyond death in a blissful world. In Sri Lanka, many pilgrims visit Adam’s Peak or Sri
avoided or suffer the consequences of expulsion, suspension, or reproach depending on Pada, a tall conical mountain popular for the mark of the sacred footprint of Siddhartha
the severity of the offence. This particular list is recited regularly and confession is (for Buddhists) and Adam (for Christians). For several hours, pilgrims climb the mountain
required once a transgression is committed (Parrinder 1971). amidst arduous paths and thousands of steps. Most pilgrims undertake the journey
To be accepted into the sangha, one should at least have taken refuge in Siddhartha. every month of April. For Buddhist celebrations, the most important festival occurs
One may become a novice and follow certain vows, including celibacy. To be a fully every May on the night of the full moon as Buddhist followers around the world
ordained monk or nun, one must commit to an extensive set of vows. It is worth noting, commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and death of Siddhartha about 2,500 years
however, that bhikkus and bhikkunis may or may not remain in the order since they can ago. Known as Vesakha or Vesak, it is also known as “Buddha Purnima” or “Buddha
return to their usual lay lives if they choose to do so. Meanwhile, lay people also have Day.” Vesak refers to the lunar month that falls in May and “Vesak Day” is the holiest
duties to perform to the sangha. They must provide the monastic community with food day for all Buddhists. Celebrated with immense festivity, Buddhists send out thoughts of
and robes, and maintain monasteries and nunneries as needed. In turn, monks provide affectionate benevolence to the living and to the departed ones. They also perform
valuable services to the community, such as giving education to young boys and rituals at stupas. Most festivals celebrated in the Buddhist tradition are frequently
girls in villages. Finally, members of the sangha must ensure that Buddhist teachings are happy occasions. Lay people proceed to the monasteries and offer food to the sangha as
to be preserved and transmitted, whether orally or in written form (Parrinder 1971). The they meditate and listen to the sermons. Most Buddhist celebrations are held to
so-called “Three Jewels” or triratna summarize the Buddhist faith: I take refuge in the commemorate important events in the life of Siddhartha. Apart from Buddhist New
Buddha, in the teaching, and in the sangha (Bowker 1997). Year, other celebrations include Magha Puja Day (Sangha
Day), Asalha Puja Day (Dhamma Day), Uposatha (Observance Day), Pavarana Day,
WORSHIP AND OBSERVANCES Kathina Day, and Bodhi Day (Enlightenment Day). Magha Puja Day occurs during the full
Attainment of salvation for any Buddhist is by way of one’s own action without moon of the third lunar month. It commemorates the event where Siddhartha went to
the assistance of any supreme or supernatural being. Followers are guided by the Rajgir to meet and ordain the 1250 arhats in Venuvana Monastery. Two of his chief
teachings of Siddhartha as lay people offer gifts to Siddhartha and the sangha during disciples, namely, Sariputta and Moggallana, were present during the assembly.
days of worship and observance. In Buddhism, stupas are commemorative monuments Meanwhile, Asalha Puja Day commemorates Siddhartha’s first teaching (or the turning
that contain sacred relics associated with Siddhartha himself, and the venerable monks of the wheel of the dharma) held near Benares. During this time, the monk Kondanna
and nuns. These burial mounds predate Buddhism as ancient Indian kings and heroes reached the first level of enlightenment.
were housed in stupas. With the death of Siddhartha, his body was cremated and his
ashes were divided among eight followers and preserved in eight stupas (Toula-Breysse SUBDIVISIONS
2001). None of these stupas remain fully intact as of today. With a million stupas Theravada is the more conservative subdivision of Buddhism than Mahayana. Thus, it is
located all over Asia, not all stupas house Siddhartha’s relics. Others contain artefacts of closer to the fundamental teachings of Siddhartha. Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Thailand
his revered disciples, or his image, writings, or teachings. Nevertheless, stupas represent are predominantly Theravada Buddhists. During the third century B.C.E., the Indian
Siddhartha’s body, speech, and mind. The design of the stupa depicts the path to emperor Ashoka Maurya, who ruled between 269 B.C.E. to 232 B.C.E., propagated
Buddhism in Sri Lanka that has remained relatively unchanged through time as a result times belonging to the lowest caste, women’s principal role was to become faithful and
of its rather peaceful history (Mizuno 1987; Hopfe 1983). Ashoka’s son Mahinda devoted housewives subject to the whims of their husbands. In Buddhism, however,
and daughter Sanghamitra established Buddhism in then Ceylon. both sexes are seen as equally relevant in society as they share equal responsibilities in
The subdivisions of Theravada that existed during the early history of Sri Lanka can be their family duties. Within the sangha, Siddhartha recognized the potential and value of
traced from the three monasteries of Mahavihara, Abhayagiri vihara, and Jetavana. The the bhikkunis who were also experts in teaching the dharma. These include
Mahavihara or “Great Monastery” of Anurad-hapura was founded by the king Dhammadina, Khema, and Uppalavanna.
Devanampiya Tissa who ruled between
307 B.C.E. to 267 B.C.E. Another major monastery in Sri Lanka was the Abhayagiri vihara
where an ancient stupa still stands today, the Abhayagiri Dagaba. The Abhayagiri
Dagaba was established by the king Valagamba between 89 B.C.E. and 77 B.C.E.
Lastly, Jetavana is another popular monastery founded by the king Mahasena who ruled
between 277 B.C.E. and 304 C.E. The layout of the Jetavana monastery is similar to
the Abhayagiri vihara though smaller in dimensions.
War and Violence
In Buddhism, war is evil or akusala and some scholars state that it has no rationalization
in Siddhartha’s teachings. However, there are instances wherein Buddhist monks
engaged themselves in open conflict, such as those that occurred in China and Japan.
Quite recently, monks have been in the forefront of political and social activism in Asia,
such as Myanmar’s “Saffron Revolution” in 2007 and the Tibet demonstrations in 2008.
While most monks advocate non-violence, Sri Lankan monks are part of the “Jathika
Hela Urumaya” or the National Heritage Party, a political party founded in 2004 that
supports military solutions to the country’s ongoing civil war. When Buddhists defend
their nations, home, and family, this may not be necessarily wrong as the religion’s
morality is based upon principles, not rules. It is not righteous to ignore a circumstance
when innocent civilians are killed and slaughtered. Buddhists are taught not to yield to
any form of evil power, whether originating from humans or supernatural beings. They
are compelled to go to war when other people do not value the concept of brotherhood
as preached by Siddhartha. They may defend and protect their country’s sovereignty
and have the duty to join in the struggle for amity and liberty. However, following
Siddhartha’s teachings, everyone is encouraged to avoid hostilities and instead find
ways to resolve disagreements in a peaceful manner.
Women in Buddhism
Historically speaking, Siddhartha allowed women to participate in the sangha although
there were some stipulations. Siddhartha’s outlook is very different when one considers
the status of women in ancient India as being viewed as inferior to men. Considered at