The document outlines an editing checklist that focuses on capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling (CUPS). It describes checking capitalization of sentences and proper nouns, ensuring nouns and verbs agree, using correct punctuation marks and commas/apostrophes, spelling all words correctly, and reviewing writing pieces three times.
The document outlines an editing checklist that focuses on capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling (CUPS). It describes checking capitalization of sentences and proper nouns, ensuring nouns and verbs agree, using correct punctuation marks and commas/apostrophes, spelling all words correctly, and reviewing writing pieces three times.
The document outlines an editing checklist that focuses on capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling (CUPS). It describes checking capitalization of sentences and proper nouns, ensuring nouns and verbs agree, using correct punctuation marks and commas/apostrophes, spelling all words correctly, and reviewing writing pieces three times.
The document outlines an editing checklist that focuses on capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling (CUPS). It describes checking capitalization of sentences and proper nouns, ensuring nouns and verbs agree, using correct punctuation marks and commas/apostrophes, spelling all words correctly, and reviewing writing pieces three times.
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Editing – CUPS Done
Capitalization C - beginning of sentences - proper nouns (names, I) Usage U -nouns match verbs Punctuation P - period, question mark, exclamation! -Name: -commas & apostrophes Editing – CUPS Done S Spelling; every word is spelled correctly Capitalization Check writing piece 3 times C - beginning of sentences - proper nouns (names, I) Usage U -nouns match verbs -Name: Punctuation Editing – CUPS Done P - period, question mark, exclamation! Capitalization -commas & apostrophes C - beginning of sentences Spelling; every word is spelled correctly - proper nouns (names, I) S Usage Check writing piece 3 times U -nouns match verbs Punctuation P - period, question mark, exclamation! -Name: -commas & apostrophes Editing – CUPS Done S Spelling; every word is spelled correctly Capitalization Check writing piece 3 times C - beginning of sentences - proper nouns (names, I) Usage -Name: U -nouns match verbs Editing – CUPS Done Punctuation Capitalization - period, question mark, P exclamation! C - beginning of sentences - proper nouns (names, I) -commas & apostrophes Usage Spelling; every word is U S spelled correctly -nouns match verbs Punctuation Check writing piece 3 times P - period, question mark, exclamation! -commas & apostrophes S Spelling; every word is spelled correctly Check writing piece 3 times