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SS1 The Contemporary World Module

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The Contemporary World 2020


Chapter 1: Defining Globalization

Much has changed since time memorial. Human beings have encountered

many changes over the last century especially in their social relationships and social

structures. Of these changes, one can say that globalization is a very important

change, if not, the “most important” (Bauman, 2003). The reality and omnipresence

of globalization make us see ourselves as part of what we refer to as the “global age”

(Albrow, 1996). The Internet, for example, allows a person from the Philippines to

know what is happening to the rest of the world simply by browsing Google. The

mass media also allows for connections among people, communities, and countries

all over the globe.

Over the years, globalization has gained many connotations pertaining to

progress, development, and integration. On the one hand, some view globalization

as a positive phenomenon. For instance, Swedish journalist Thomas Larsson (2001)

saw globalization as “the process of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter,

things moving closer. It pertains to the increasing ease with which somebody on one

side of the world can interact, to mutual benefit with somebody on the other side of

the world”(p.9). On the other hand, some see it as occurring through and with

regression, colonialism, and destabilization. In the mid-1990s, Martin Khor, the

former president of Third World Network (TWN) in Malaysia, once regarded

globalization as colonization.

In this chapter, different definitions of globalization will be discussed. The task of

conceptualizing it reveals a variety of perspectives. To understand further the

concept, different metaphors will be used. These metaphors will also allow an

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appreciation of earlier epochs before globalization and the present globalized word.

The final lesson in this chapter will be devoted to a general discussion of

globalization theories. The following section will highlight the different views scholars

have toward globalization.

The Task of Defining Globalization

Since its first appearance in the Webster’s Dictionary in 1961, many opinions

about globalization have flourished. The literature on the definitions of globalization

revealed that definitions could be classified as either (1) broad and inclusive or (2)

narrow and exclusive. The one offered by Ohmae in 1992 stated, “…globalization

means the onset of the borderless world…” (p.14). This is an example of a broad

and inclusive type of definition. If one uses such, it can include a variety of issues

that deal with overcoming traditional boundaries. However, it does not shed light on

the implications of globalization due to its vagueness.

Narrow and exclusive definitions are better justified but can be limiting, in the

sense that their application adhere to only particular definitions. Robert Cox’s

definition suits best in type: “the characteristics of the globalization trend include the

internationalizing of production, the new international division of labor, new migratory

movements from South to North, the new competitive environment that accelerates

these processes, and the internationalizing of the state… making states into

agencies of the globalizing world” (as cited in RAWOO Netherlands Development

Assistance Research Council, 2000, p. 14). Other definitions of globalization are

shown in chronological order in the Appendix. Each could fall to either one of the two

types of definitions.

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No matter how one classifies a definition of globalization, the concept is

complex and multifaceted as the definitions deal with either economic, political, or

social dimensions. In fact, in a comprehensive study of 114 definitions by the

Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) in 2006, 67 of them refer to economic

dimension. These definitions include political and social dimensions as well. The

sheer number and complexity of definitions do not mean that there is a remarkable

improvement in every definition given by scholars. Kumar (2003) took on a different

argument about the issue. To him, the debate about what can be done about

globalization and what it is are similar. This is in relation to what some academics

have claimed about defining globalization – it is useless task.

A more recent definition was given by Ritzer (2015), “globalization is a

transplanetary process or a set of processes involving increasing liquidity and

growing multidirectional flows of people, objects, places, and information as well as

the structures they encounter and create that are barriers to, or expedite those

flows…” (p.2). generally, this definition assumes that globalization could bring either

or both integration and/or fragmentation. Although things flow easily in a global

world, hindrances or structural blocks are also present. These blocks could slow

down one’s activity in another country or could even limit the places a person can


If so, why are we going to spend time studying this concept? How can we appreciate

these definitions? How can these help us understand globalization?

Metaphors of Globalization

In order for us to better understand the concept of globalization, we will utilize

metaphors. Metaphors make use of one term to help us better understand another

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term. In our case, the states of matter – solid and liquid – will be used. In addition,

other related concepts that are included in the definition such as structures and flows

will be elaborated.

Solid and Liquid

The epochs that preceded today’s globalization paved way for people, things,

information, and places to harden over time. Consequently, they have limited

mobility (Ritzer, 2015). The social relationships and objects remained where they

were created. Solidity also refers to barriers that prevent or make difficult the

movement of things. Furthermore, solids can either be natural or man-made.

Examples of natural solids are landforms and bodies of water. Man-made barriers

include the Great Wall of China and the Berlin Wall. An imaginary line such as the

nine-dash line used by the People’s Republic of China in their claim to the South

China Sea is an example of modern man-made solid. This creates limited access of

Filipino fishers to the South China Sea. Obviously, these examples still exist.

However, they have the tendency to melt. This should not be taken literally, like an

iceberg melting. Instead, this process involves how we can describe what is

happening in today’s global world. It is becoming increasingly liquid.

Liquid, as a state of matter, takes the shape of its container. Moreover, liquids

are not fixed. Liquidity, therefore, refers to the increasing ease of movement of

people, things, information, and places in the contemporary world. Zygmunt

Bauman’s ideas were the ones that have much to say about the characteristic of

liquidity. First, today’s liquid phenomena change quickly and their aspects, spatial

and temporal, are in continuous fluctuation. This means that space and time are

crucial elements of globalization. In global finance, for instance, changes in the stock

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market are a matter of seconds. Another characteristic of liquid phenomena is that

their environment is difficult to stop. For example, videos uploaded in YouTube or

Facebook are unstoppable once they become viral. The so-called Internet

sensations become famous not only in their homeland but also to the entire world.

Finally, the forces (the liquid ones) made political boundaries more permeable to the

flow of people and things (Cartier, 2001). This brings us to what Ritzer (2015, p.6)

regarded as the most important characteristic of liquid: it “tends to melt whatever

stands in its path (especially solids).” The clearest example is the decline, if not

death, of the nation-state.

Liquidity and solidity are in constant interaction. However, liquidity is the one

increasing and proliferating today. Therefore, the metaphor that could best describe

globalization is liquidity. Liquids do flow and this idea of flow (Appadurai, 1996; Rey

and Ritzer, 2010) will be the focus of the next discussion. Also, it should be expected

that this concept will appear in the succeeding lessons. The literature on

globalization makes use of the concept of flows.


The previous section described the meting process of solid phenomena

followed by the increase in liquidity. It is only logical to discuss the flows of liquid

phenomena. Flows are the movement of people, things, places, and information

brought by the growing “porosity” of global limitations (Ritzer, 2015). Think of the

different foreign cuisines being patronized and consumed by the Filipinos. Aside

from local dishes, many of us are fond of eating sushi, ramen, hamburger, and

French fries – foods introduced to us by foreign cultures. Clearly, foods are being

globalized. Another example of flows is global financial crises. As Landler (2008, p.

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(1) put it: “In global financial system, national boarders are porous.” This means that

a financial crisis in a given country can bring ramification to other regions of the

world. An example of which is the spread of the effects of American financial crisis

on Europe in 2008. The following are other kinds of flows that can be observed

today: poor illegal migrants flooding many parts of the world(Moses, 2006), the

virtual flow of legal and illegal information such as blogs and child pornography,

respectively, and immigrants recreating ethnic enclaves in host countries. A concrete

example is the Filipino communities abroad and the Chinese communities in the


Globalization Theories

We have established the many definitions of and issues in defining

globalization and the metaphors that we can use to understand easily the concept.

We have also looked into its origins and history. This section will give you a glimpse

of the important theories on globalization. We will analyze globalization culturally,

economically and politically in this book as reflected in the succeeding chapters. In

the meantime, it would be helpful to assert that the theories see globalization as a

process that increases either homogeneity or heterogeneity.

Homogeneity refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural

inputs, economic factors, and political orientations of societies expand to create

common practices, same economies, and similar forms of government. Homogeneity

in culture is often linked to cultural imperialism. This means, a given culture

influences other cultures. For example, the dominant religion in our country is

Christianity, which was brought to ask by the Spaniards.

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On the other hand, heterogeneity pertains to the creation of various cultural

practices, new economies, and political groups because of the interaction of

elements from different societies in the world. Heterogeneity refers to the differences

because of either lasting differences or of the hybrids or combinations of cultures

that can be produced through the different transplanetary processes. Contrary to

cultural imperialism, heterogeneity in culture is associated with cultural hybridization.

A more specific concept is “glocalization” coined by Roland Robertson in 1992. To

him, as global forces interact with local factors or a specific geographic area, the

“glocal” is being produced. Economic issues are not exempted from heterogeneity.

The commodification of cultures and “glocal” markets are examples of differentiation

happening in many economies around the world. The same goes with political

institutions. Barber(1995) also provided the alternate of “McWorld” – the “Jihad”. As

Ritzer (2008) mentioned, it refers to the political groups that are engage in an

“intensification of nationalism and that leads to greater political heterogeneity

throughout the world.” (p.576)

Although homogeneity and heterogeneity give us idea about the effects of

globalization, the picture is not yet complete. The theories about globalization wil be

clarified as we look closer at each of them in the succeeding chapters.

Dynamics of Local and Global Culture

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Global flows of culture tend to move more easily around the globe than ever before,

especially through non-material digital forms. There are three perspectives on global

cultural flows. These are differentialism, hybridization, and convergence.

 Cultural Differentialism – emphasizes the fact that cultures are essentially

different and are only superficially affected by global flows. The interaction of

cultures is deemed to contain the potential for “catastrophic collision.”

 Cultural Hybridization – approach emphasizes the integration of local and

global cultures (Cvetkovich) and Kellner, 1997). Globalization is considered to

be a creative process which gives rise to hybrid entities that are not reducible

to either global or local. A key concept “globalization” or the interpenetration of

the global and local resulting in unique outcomes in different geographic area

(Giulianotti and Robertson, 2007 p. 133).

 Cultural Convergence - approach stresses homogeneity introduced by

globalization. Cultures are deemed to be radically altered by strong flows,

while cultural imperialism happens when one culture imposes itself on and

tends to destroy at least parts of another culture.

The Globalization of Religion

Globalization has played a tremendous role in providing a context for the

current revival and the resurgence of the religion. Today, most religions are not

relegated to the countries where they began. Religions have, in fact, spread and

scattered on a global scale. Globalization provided religions a fertile milieu to spread

and thrive. As Scholte (2005) made clear: “Accelerated globalization of recent times

has enabled co-relegionists across the planet to have greater direct contact with one

another. The Global communications, global organizations, global finance, and the

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like have allowed ideas of the Muslims and the universal Christian church to be given

concrete shape as never before” (p.245).

Globalization and Regionalization

The processes of globalization and regionalization re-emerged during the

1980s and heightened after the end of the cold war in the 1990s. At first, it seems

that these two processes are contradicting – the very nature of globalization is, by

definition, global while regionalization is naturally regional.

The regionalization of the world system and economic activity undermines the

potential benefits coming out from a liberalized global economy. This is because

regional organization prefers regional partners over the rest. Regional organizations

respond to the states’ attempt to reduce the perceived negative effects of

globalization. Therefore, regionalism is a sort of counter globalization.

Origin and History of Globalization

The previous discussions answered the question “what is globalization?” The

next question “Where did it start?” is not easy to answer as well because there are

different views about this. This book generally adheres to the perspective that the

major points of the beginnings of globalization started after the Second World War.


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According to Nayan Chanda (2007), it is because of our basic human need to

make our lives better that made globalization possible. Therefore, one can trace the

beginning of globalization from our ancestors in Africa who walked out form the said

continent in the late Ice Age. This long journey finally led them to all-known

continents today, roughly after 50,000 years.


For some, globalization is a long-term cyclical process and thus, finding its

origin will be a daunting task. What is important is the cycles that globalization has

gone through (Scholte, 2005). Subscribing to this view will suggest adherence to the

idea that other global ages have appeared. There is also the notion to suspect that

this point of globalization will soon disappear and reappear.


Ritzer (2015) cited therborn’s (2000) six great epochs of globalization. These are

also called “waves” and each has its own origin. Today’s globalization is not unique if

this is the case. The difference of this view from the second view (cycles) is that is

does not treat epochs as returning. The following are the sequential occurrence of

the epochs:

 Globalization of religion (fourth to seventh centuries)

 European colonial conquests (late fifteenth century)

 Intra-European wars (late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries)

 Heyday of European imperialism (mid-nineteenth century to 1918)

 Post-World War II period

 Post-Cold War period

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Specific events are also considered as part of the forth view in explaining the

origin of globalization. If this is the case, the several points can be treated as the

start of globalization. Gibbon (1998), for example, argued that Roman conquests

centuries before Christ were its origin.

Broader, More Recent Changes

Recent changes comprised the fifth view. These broad changes happened in the

last half of the twentieth century. Scholars today point to these three notable

changes as the origin of globalization that we know today. They are as follows:

1. The emergence of the United States as the global power (post-World War II)

2. The emergence of multinational corporations (MNCs)

3. The demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War

Global Demography

Demographic transition is a singular historical period during which mortality

and fertility rates decline from high to low levels in a particular country or region. The

broad outlines if the transition have varied considerably.

A remarkable effect of the demographic transition, as Shigeyuki et al. (2002)

stated, is “the enormous gap in life expectancy that emerged between Japan and the

West on the one hand and the rest of the world on the other” (p.251). By 1820, the

life expectancy at birth of Japan and the West was 12 years greater than that of

other countries. It increased by 20 years by 1990. Although there was an

improvement in life expectancy all throughout the world in 1900-1650, the gap had

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reached 22 years. In 1999, the gap declined to 14 years. These differences in time of

transition affected the global population.

Global Migration

The nuances of the movements of people around the world can be seen

through the categories of migrants – “vagabonds” and “tourists” (Bauman, 1998).

Vagabonds are on the move “because they have to be” (Ritzer, 2015, p.179) – they

are not faring well in their home countries and are forced to move in the hope that

their circumstances will improve. Tourists, on the other hand, are on the move

because they want to be and because they can afford it.

Chapter 2: The Global Economy

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The United Nations (UN) tried to address the different problems in the world.

Their efforts were guided by the eight Millennium Development Goals, which they

created in the 1990s. Among these eight goals, the eradication of extreme poverty

and hunger ranked as the first. The other seven goals include: achieving universal

primary education, promoting gender equality and women empowerment, reducing

child mortality, improving maternal health, combating diseases like HIV/AIDS and

malaria, ensuring environmental sustainability, and having a global leadership for

development (United Nations, 2015).

Since there are different standards of living around the world, we can expect

different meanings attached to it. In the Philippines, a person is officially living in

poverty if he makes less than 100,534 pesos a year, around 275 pesos a day. This is

called the poverty line or poverty threshold. But we are going to focus on extreme

poverty which, according to the UN (2015), is a condition characterized by severe

deprivation of basic human needs including food, safe drinking water, sanitation

facilities, health, shelter, education, and information. The UN defines extreme or

absolute poverty as living on less than 1.25 dollars a day. The organization aims to

eliminate extreme poverty for all people by 2030.

Economic Globalization and Global Trade

According to the United Nations (as cited in Shangquan, 2000), “Economic

globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result

of the growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of

international capital, and wide and rapid spread of technologies. It reflects the

continuing expansion and mutual integration of market frontiers, and is an

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irreversible trend for the economic development in the whole world at the return of

the millennium.” (p.1)

There are two different types of economies associated with economic

globalization – protectionism and trade liberalization. Protectionism means “a policy

of systematic government intervention in foreign trade with the objective of

encouraging domestic production.This encouragement involves giving preferential

treatment to domestic producers and discriminating against foreign competitors”

(McAleese, 2007 as cited in Ritzer, 2015, p. 1169). Trade protectionism usually

comes in the form of quotas and tariffs. Tariffs are required fees on imports or


For instance, a pen that costs 1.00 dollars in Country A and Country B, it

would be given five-dollar tariff. The pen would become 6 dollars in Country B. This

policy was practiced during the mercantilist era, from sixteenth to seventeenth

centuries until the early years of the Industrial Revolution (Chorev, 2007). The Great

Depression of 1929 marked the peak of protectionism. Until today, protectionism

exists in the world economy despite the growth of trade liberation. Countries such as

China, Japan, and the United States are being accused of practicing protectionism

(Ritzer, 2015).

World War II heavily influenced the shifting of the dominant economic policy

from protectionism to trade liberalization or free trade. Free trade agreements and

technological advances in transportation and communication mean goods and

services move around the world more easily than ever. We are talking about

everything from shoes and bananas innovations and ideas. Let us take mobile

phones as an example. Mobile phones seem to have good consequences for

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everything including reduce poverty. According to economist Jeffrey Sachs, mobile

phones are the “single most transformative technology” when it comes to the

developing world. Phones give people access to banking and payment systems and

better access to education and information. In some places, mobile phones help

farmers get information and get the best price for the crops they are producing.

Installing cellphone towers is also a lot cheaper than running thousands of kilometres

of telephone lines. Economists call this leapfrogging, the idea that countries can skip

straight to more efficient and cost-effective technologies that were not available in

the past. International trade has also created new opportunities for people to sell

their products and labor in a global marketplace.

Economic of Globalization and Sustainability Development

There are some significant downsides to globalize trade and perhaps the

strongest argument against economic globalization is its lack of sustainability or the

degree of which the earth’s resources can be used for our needs, even in the future.

Specifically, the development of our world today by using the earth’s resources and

the preservation of such sources for the future is called sustainable development.

In other words, development has to be ensured in and for the future

generations. One significant global response or approach to economic globalization

is that of sustainable development, which seeks to chart a middle path between

economic growth and a sustainable environment (Borghesi and Vercelli, 2008). The

relationship between globalization and sustainability is multidimensional – it involves

economic, political, and technological aspects.

Environmental Degradation

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Development, especially economic development, was hastened by the

Industrial Revolution. This is the period in human history that made possible the

cycle of efficiency. Efficiency means finding the quickest possible way of producing

large amounts of a particular product. This process made buying of goods easier for

the people. Then, there is an increased in demand. Ultimately, there was an

increased in efficiency. This cycle harms the planet in a number of ways. For

instance, the earth’s atmosphere is damaged by more carbon emissions from

factories around the world. Another example is the destruction of coral reefs and

marine biodiversity as more and more wastes are thrown into the ocean. Many

experts do not think that the planet can sustain a growing global economy.

Deforestation, pollution, and climate change will not adjust for us, especially if

increases in living standards lead people to demand more consumer goods like cars,

meat, and smartphones.

Food Security

The demand for food will be 60% greater than it is today and the challenge of

food security requires the world to feed 9 billion people by 2050 (Breene, 2016).

Global food security means delivering sufficient food to the entire world population. It

is, therefore, a priority of all countries, whether developed or less developed. The

security of food also means the sustainability of society such as population growth,

climate change, water scarcity, and agriculture.

Economic Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality

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The Swedish statistician Hans Rosling once said. “The 1 to 2 billion poorest

people in the world who don’t have food for the day suffer from the worst disease,

globalization deficiency”. The way globalization is occurring could be much better,

but the worst thing is not being part of it.”

Economic and trade globalization is the result of companies trying to

outmaneuver their competitors. While you search for the cheapest place to buy

shoes, companies search for the cheapest place to make those shoes. They find the

cheapest sources of leather, dye, rubber, and of course, labor. The result is that

labor-intensive products like shoes are often produced in countries with the lowest

wages and weakest regulations. This process creates winners and losers. The

winners include corporations and their stockholders who earn more profit. They also

include consumers who get products at a cheaper price. The losers are high

wageworkers who used to make those shoes. Their jobs moved overseas. But what

about the low wage foreign workers? Are they winning or losing? A lot of workers

are thrown into hazardous working conditions but it is also true that many workers in

developing countries are at least making more money. These jobs pay above

average wages. People want these jobs and although the pay would be

unacceptable in developed countries, they are often the best alternative. This

multiplier effect means an increase in one economic activity can lead to an increase

in other economic activities. For instance, investing in local businesses will lead to

more jobs and more income.

Global Income Inequality

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Globalization and inequality are closely related. We can see how different

nations are divided between the North and the South, developed and less

developed, and the core and the periphery. These differences mainly reflect one key

aspect of inequality in the contemporary world – global economic inequality. There

are two main types of economic inequality: wealth inequality and income inequality.

Wealth refers to the net worth of a country. It takes into account all the assets of a

nation – may they be natural, physical, and human – less the liabilities. In other

words, wealth is the abundance of resources in a specific country. This means that

wealth inequality speaks about distribution of assets. However, there is no widely

recognized, monetary measure that sums up these assets (Economist, 2012). In

order to measure global inequality, economists usually look at income using the

Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Income is the new earnings that are constantly

being added to the pile of a country’s wealth. When we talk about income inequality,

we mean that new earnings are being distributed; it values the flow of goods and

services, not a stock of assets (Economist. 2012).

The Third World and the Global South

You probably heard of “First World Problems.” When someone cracks the

screen on their phone or gets the wrong order at the coffee shop, and then goes on

to their social media accounts, you might see their complaints with a hashtag “First

World Problems.” What are the implications of talking about countries as First or

Third? Where did these terms come from? These terms are outdated and inaccurate

ways of talking about global stratification. How then are we going talk about global


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Let us begin by deconstructing the idea of the First, Second, and Third World

hierarchy by looking at their origins and their implications. The terms date back to the

Cold War, when western policymakers began talking about the world as three

distinct political and economic blocks (Tomlinson, 2003). Western capitalist countries

were labelled as the “First World”. The Soviet Union at its allies were termed the

“Second World.” Everyone else was grouped into “Third World.” After the Cold War

ended, the category of the Second World countries become null and void, but

somehow the terms “First World” and “Third World” stuck around in the public

consciousness. Third World countries, which started as just a vague catchall term for

non-alliance countries, came to be associated with impoverished states, while the

First World was associated with rich, industrialized countries.

In addition to being outdated, these terms are also inaccurate. There are more

than 100 countries that fit the label of “Third World,” but they have vastly different

level of economic stability. Some are relatively poor, but many are not. For example,

lumping Botswana and Rwanda into the same category does not make much sense

because the average income per capita in Botswana is nine times larger than

Rwanda. Nowadays, social scientists sort countries into groups based on their

specific levels of economic productivity. To do this, they use the Gross Domestic

Product (GDP), which measures GDP per capita (Word Bank, n.d.).

The Global City

The rural-urban differentiation has a significant relationship to globalization.

Globalization has deeply altered North-South relations in agriculture. For instance,

the relations of agricultural production have been altered due to the rise of global

agribusiness and factory farms (McMicheal, 2007). In this scenario, the South

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produces non-traditional products for expert and become increasingly dependent on

industrialized food exports from the North. Consequently, this leads to a replacement

of the staple diet as well as the displacement of local farmers. Schlosser (2005)

pointed out that as commercial agriculture replaces local provisioning, the relations

of social production are also altered. Rural economies are exposed to low prices and

mass migration.

Sassen (1991) used the concept of global cities to describe the three urban

centers of New York, London, and Tokyo as economic centers that exert control over

the world’s political economy. World cities are categorized as such based on thr

global reach of organizations found in them. Not only are there inequalities between

these cities, there are also exists inequalities within each city (Beaverstock at al.,

2002). Alternatively, following Castells, (2000), these cities can be seen as important

nodes in a variety of global networks.

Theories of Global Stratification

For much of human history, all of the societies on earth were poor. Poverty

was the norm for everyone but obviously, that is not the case anymore. Just as you

find stratification among socioeconomic classes within a society like the Philippines,

you would also see across the world a pattern of global stratification with inequalities

in wealth and power between societies. So what made some parts of the world

developed faster, economically speaking, than others? We may draw answers by

looking at the different theories of global stratification.

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Modernization Theory

One of the two explanations for global stratification is the modernization

theory. This theory frames global stratification as a function of technological and

cultural differences between nations. It specifically pinpoints two historical events

that contributed to Western Europe developing as a faster rate than much of the rest

of the world. The first event is known as the Columbian Exchange. This refers the

spread of goods, technology, education and diseases between the Americas and

Europe after Christopher Columbus’s so-called “discovery of the Americas.” This

exchange worked out well for the European countries.

They gained agricultural staples, like potatoes and tomatoes, which

contributed to the population growth and provided new opportunities for trade, while

also strengthening the power of the merchant class. The Columbian Exchange

worked out much less well, however, for Native Americans whose populations were

ravaged by the diseases brought from Europe. It is estimated that 150 years

following Columbus’s first trip, over 80% of the Native Americans population died

due to diseases such smallpox and measles.

Walt Rostow’s Four Stages of Modernization

According to American economist Walt Rostow, modernization in the West

took place, as it always tends to, in four stages. First is the tradition stage. This

refers to societies that are structured around small, local communities with

production typically being done in family settings. Because the societies have limited

resources and technology, most of their time is spent on labouring to produce food,

which creates a strict social hierarchy. Examples of these are feudal Europe or early

Chinese dynasties. Tradition rules how a society functions: what your parents do is

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what their parents did, and what you will do when you grow up, too. But as people

begin to move beyond doing what has always been done, society moves to Rostow’s

second stage – the take-off stage. People begin to use their individual talents to

produce things beyond the necessities.

This innovation creates new markets for trade. In turn, greater individualism

takes hold and social status is more closely linked with material wealth. Next, nations

begin what Rostow called the drive to technological maturity, in which technological

growth of the earlier periods begins to bear fruit in the form of population growth,

reductions in absolute poverty levels, and more diverse job opportunities. Nations in

this phase typically begin to push for social change along with economic change, like

implementing basic schooling for everyone and developing more democratic political

systems. The last stage is known as high mass consumption. It is when your country

is big enough that production becomes more about wants and needs. Many of these

countries put social support systems in place to ensure that all of their citizens have

access to basic necessities.

Modernization theory, in general, argues that if you invest capital in better

technologies, they will eventually raise production enough that there will be more

wealth to go around and overall well-being will go up. Furthermore, rich countries

can help other countries that are still growing by exporting their technologies and

things, like agriculture machinery, information technology, as well as providing

foreign aid.

Dependency Theory and the Latin American Experience

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Starting in the 1500s, European explorers spread throughout the Americas,

Africa, and Asia, claiming lands for Europe. At one point, the British Empire covered

about one-fourth of the world. The United States, which began as colonies, soon

sprawled out through the North America and took control of Haiti, Puerto Rico,

Guam, and Philippines, the Hawaiian Islands, and parts of Panama and Cuba. With

colonialism came the exploitation of both natural and human resources. The

transatlantic slave trade followed a triangular route between Africa, the America and

Caribbean colonies, and Europe. Guns and factory-made goods were sent to Africa

in exchange of slaves, who were sent to the colonies to produce goods like cotton

and tobacco, which were then sent back to Europe. As the slave trade died down in

the mid-nineteenth century, the point of colonialism came to be less about human

resources and more about natural resources.

However, the colonial model kept going strong. In 1870, only 10% of Africa

was colonized. By 1940, only Ethiopia and Liberia were not colonized. Under colonial

regimes, European countries took control of land and raw materials to funnel wealth

back to the West. Most colonies lasted until the 1960s and the last British colony,

Hong Kong, was finally granted independence in 1997.

Dependency theory was initially developed by Hans Singer and Raul Prebisch

in the 1950s and has been improved since then. The two main sub-theories are the

North American Neo-Marxist approach and the Latin American structuralist approach

(Sanchez, 2014). The term “core nations” and “peripheral nations” are at the heart of

the dependency theory. Peripheral nations are countries that are less developed and

receive an unequal distribution of the world’s wealth. Core countries, on the other

hand, are more industrialized nations who receive the majority of the world’s wealth.

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Although generally divided into core or peripheral, dependency theorists recognize

that there are a number of different kinds of states in the world (Grosoguel, 2000).

Another common assumption of the theory is that “even after de-colonization, there

are still important ties between the developed and less developed countries, which

mainly consist in the exploitation of peripheral natural resources and workforce by

the center” (Anton, 2006, p.2).

The Modern World-System

This history of colonialism inspired American sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein

model of what he called the capitalist world economy. Wallerstein described high-

income nations as the “core” of the world economy. This core is the manufacturing

base of the planet where resources funnel in to become the technology and wealth

enjoyed by the Western world today. Low-income countries, meanwhile, are

Wellerstein called the “periphery,” whose natural resources and labor support the

wealthier countries, first as colonies and now by working for multinational

corporations under neo-colonialism. Middle-income countries, such as India or

Brazil, are considered the semi-periphery due to their closer ties to the global

economic core.

Chapter 3: Market Integration

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The social institution that has one of the biggest impacts on society is the

economy. You might think of the economy in terms of number – number of

unemployed, gross domestic product (GDP), or whatever the stock market is doing

today. While we often talk about it in numerical terms, the economy is composed of

people. It is the social instituti9on that organizes all production, consumption, and

trade of goods in the society. There are many ways in which products can be made,

exchange and used. Think about capitalism and socialism. This economic system –

and the economic revolutions that created them – shape the way people live their


International Financial Institution

World economies have been brought closer together by globalization. It is

reflected in the phrase “when the American sneezes, the rest of the world catches a

cold.” But it is important to remember that it is not only the economy of the United

States but also other economies in the world that have a significant impact on the

global market and finance. For instance, the financial crises experienced by Russia

and Asia affected the world economy. The strength of a more powerful economy

brings greater effect on other countries. In the same manner, crises on weaker

economies have less effect on other countries. For example, Argentina’s serious

financial crisis in the late 1990s and early 2000s had a comparatively small impact

on the global economy.

Although countries are heavily affected by the gains and crises in the world

economy, the organizations that they consist also contribute to these events. The

following are the financial institutions and economic organization that made countries

even closer together, at least when it comes to trade.

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The Bretton Woods System

In general, the Bretton Woods system has five key elements. First element is

the expression of currency in terms of gold or gold value to establish a par value

(Boughton, 2007). For instance, a 35 U.S. dollar pegged by the United States per

ounce of gold is the same as 175 Nicaraguan Cordobas per ounce of gold. The

exchange therefore would be 5 Cordobas for 1 dollar. Another element is that “ the

official monetary authority in each country ( a central bank or its equivalent) would

agree to exchange its own currency for those of other countries at the established

exchange rates, plus or minus a one – percent margin” (Boughton, 2007, pp. 106-

107). The third element of the Bretton Woods system is the establishment of an

overseer for these exchange rates; thus, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was

founded. Eliminating restriction on the currency of member state in the international

trade is the fourth key element. The final element is that the U.S. dollar became the

global currency.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the World Trade

Organization (WTO)

According to Peet (2003), global trade and finance was greatly affected by the

Bretton Woods system. One of the systems born out of Bretton Woods was the

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that was established in 1947

(Goldstein et al., 2007). GATT was a forum for the meeting of representatives from

23 member countries. It focused on trade goods through multinational trade

agreements conducted in many “rounds” of negotiation. However,” it was out of the

Uruguay Round (1986-1993) that an agreement was reached to create the World

Trade Organization (WTO)” (Ritzer, 2015, p.60).

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The WTO headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland with 152 member

states as of 2008 (Trachtman, 2007). Unlike GATT, WTO is an independent

multilateral organization that became responsible for trade and services, non-tariffs-

related barriers to trade, and other broader areas of trade liberalization. An example

cited by Ritzer (2015) was that of the “differences between nations in relation to

regulations on items as manufactured goods or food. A given nation can be taken to

task for such regulations if they are deemed to be an unfair restraint on the trade in

such items” (p.61). The general idea where the WTO is based was that of

neoliberalism. This means that by reducing or eliminating barriers, all nations will


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

IMF and the World Bank were founded after the World War II. Their

establishment was mainly because of peace advocacy after the war. IMF and World

Bank were designed to complement each other. The IMF’s main goal was to help

countries which were in trouble at that time and who could not obtain money by any

means. Perhaps, their economy collapse or their currency was threatened. IMF, in

this case, served as a lender or a last resort for countries which needed financial

assistance. For instance, Yemen loaned 93 million dollar from IMF from April 5, 2012

to address its struggle with terrorism. The World Bank, in comparison, had a more

long-term approach. Its main goals revolved around the eradication of poverty and it

funded specific projects that helped them reach their goal, especially in poor

countries. An example of such is their investment in education since1962 in

developing like Bangladesh, Chad, and Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the reputation of

these institutions has been dwindling, mainly due to practices such as lending the

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corrupt government or even dictators and imposing ineffective austerity measures to

get their money back.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and the European

Union (EU)

The most encompassing club of the richest countries in the world is the

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) WITH 35

member states as of 2016, with Latvia as its latest member. It is highly influential,

despite the group having little formal power. This emanates from the member

countries’ resources and economic power.

In 1960, the OPEC was originally comprised of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait,

Iran, and Venezuela. They are still part of the major exporter of oil in the world today.

OPEC was formed because member countries wanted to increase the price of oil,

which in the past had a relatively low price and had failed in keeping up with inflation.

Today, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Libya, Qatar, Nigeria and Indonesia are

also included as members.

The EU is made up of 28 member states. Most members in the Eurozone

adopted the euro as basic currency but some Western European nations like the

Great Britain, Sweden, and Denmark did not. Critics argue that the euro increased

the prices in Eurozone and resulted in depressed economic growth rates, like in

Greece, Spain and Portugal. The policies of the European Central Bank are

considered to be a significant contributor in these situations.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

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The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade pact between

the United States, Mexico and Canada created on January 1, 1994 when Mexico

joined the 2 other nations. It was first created in 1989 with only Canada and the US

as trading partners. NAFTA helps in developing and expanding world trade by

broadening international cooperation. It also aims to increase cooperation for

improving working conditions in North America by reducing barriers to trade as it

expands the markets of the three countries.

History of Global Market Integration

Before the rise of today’s modern economy, people only produced for their

family. Nowadays, economy demands the different sectors to work together in order

to produce, distribute, and exchange products and services. What caused this shift in

the way people produce for their needs? In order to understand this, we will be going

back in time, 12000 years ago.

The Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution

The first big economic change was the Agricultural Revolution (Pomeranz,

2000). When people learned how to domesticate plants and animals, they realized

that it was much more productive than hunter-gatherer societies. This became the

new agricultural economy. Farming helped societies build surpluses, meaning, not

everyone had to spend their time producing food. This, in turn, led to major

developments like permanents settlements, trade networks and population growth.

The second major economic revolution is the Industrial Revolution of the

1800s. With the rise of industry came new economic tools, like steam engines,

manufacturing and mass production. Factories popped up and changed how work

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function. Instead of working at home where people worked for their family by making

things from start to finish, they began working as wage laborers and then becoming

more specialized in their skills. Overall, productivity went up, standards of living rose,

and people had access to a wider variety of goods due to mass production.

Capitalism and Socialism

There were two competing economic models that sprung up around the time of

the industrial revolution, as economic capital became more and more important to

the production of goods. These were Capitalism and Socialism.

 Capitalism is a system in which all natural resources and means of

production are privately owned. It emphasizes profit maximization and

competition as the main drivers of efficiency. This means that one owns a

business, he needs to outperform his competitors if he is going to succeed.

He is incentivized to be more efficient by improving the quality of one’s

product and reducing its prices.

 Socialism plays a larger role in government. In a socialist system, the means

of production are under collective ownership. It rejects capitalism’s private

property and hands-off approaches. Instead, in socialism, property is owned

by the government and allocated to all citizens, not only those with the money

to afford it. Socialism emphasizes collective goals, expecting everyone to

work for the common good and placing a higher value on meeting everyone’s

basic needs than on individual profit.

The Information Revolution

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Ours is the time of the information revolution. Technology has reduced the

role of human labor and shifted it from a manufacturing-based economy to one that

is based on service work and the production of ideas rather than goods. This has

had a lot of residual effect on our economy. Computers and other technologies are

beginning to replace many jobs because of automation or outsourcing jobs offshore.

We also see the decline in union membership. Nowadays, most unions are for public

sector jobs, like teachers.

What do jobs in a post-industrial society look like? Agricultural jobs which

ones were a massive part of the Philippine labor force, have fallen drastically over

the last century. In other countries such as US, manufacturing jobs which were the

lifeblood of their economy foy much of the 20 th century, have declined in the last 30

years. The U. S. economy began with their many workers serving in either the

primary or secondary sectors. But today, much of their economy is centered on the

tertiary sector or the service industry.

Global Corporations

Then increase of international trade has both created and been supported by

international regulatory groups, like WTO, and transnational trade agreement, like

NAFTA. There is not a single country that is completely independent. All are

dependent to some degree on international trade for their own prosperity. Without

international trade, there would be no need for international regulatory groups.

Without the international regulatory groups, international trade at the current massive

scale would be impractical. The trade regulatory group agreements regulate the flow

of goods and services between countries. They reduce tariffs, which are taxes on

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imports, and may customs procedures easier. This makes trading across national

borders much more feasible.

These international trade agreements often benefit private industries the

most. Companies can produce their goods and services across many different

countries. For instance, you can have a backpack that was designed in the United

States but the materials came from China, and it was put together in Mexico before it

was shipped back to the United States to be solved.

International trade and global corporations, along with the internet and more

global processes, contribute to globalization because people and corporations bring

their own beliefs, their traditions, and their money with them when they interact with

other countries. These ideas and capital can then be incorporated in other countries,

and thus, change the cultures and economies of these foreign nations.

Chapter 4: The Global Interstate System

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The state has traditionally been the subject of most interest to scholars of

global politics because it is viewed as “the institution that creates warfare and sets

economic policies for a country.” Furthermore the state is a political unit that has

authority over its own affairs. In other words, its borders are recognized by other

countries. It is assumed that whoever is in charge of those borders has the right to

determine exactly what is going to happen in their country. The treaty of West Phalia

of 1648 established the notion of the nation-state and the idea of states sovereignty.

Today, the globalization of politics created an atmosphere where the ideas of the

nation-state, state sovereignty, government control, and state policies are challenged

from all sides.

With globalization, some scholars suggest a decrease in the power of the

state and that other actors are actually becoming more powerful. These actors

include multinational corporations and global civil society organizations, like the Red

Cross, that cross national boundaries.

Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century

There is a series of specific factors behind the emergence of global

governance. The first on the list must be the declining power of nation-states. If

states themselves were “highly contingent and in flux” (Cerny, 2007, p. 854), it would

open the possibility of the emergence of some form of global governance to fill the


A second factor is the vast flows of all sorts of things that run into and often

right through the borders of nation-state. This could involve the flow of digital

information of all sorts through the internet. It is difficult, if not impossible for a nation-

state to stop such flow and in any case, it is likely that such action would be

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politically unpopular and bring much negative reaction to the nation-state involved in

such an effort. For example, China’s periodic efforts to interfere with the Internet

have brought great condemnation both internally and externally.

Then, there is mass migration of people and their entry, often illegally, into

various nation-states. Is states are unable to control this flow, then there is a need

for some sort of global governance to help deal with the problem. The flow of

criminal elements, as well as their products (drugs, laundered money, those bought

and sold in sex trafficking, etc.), is a strong factor in the call for global governance

(Levy and Sznaider, 2006). In these cases and others, there is a need for some

degree o0f order, some sort of effective authority, and at least some potential for the

improvement of human life. These are but a few of the things that can be delivered

by some form of global governance.

Effects of Globalization to Governance

One of the key aspects of states sovereignty is the government. It is a growth

of people who have the ultimate authority to act on behalf of a state. Each state has

its own right to self-determination and that other country should not intervene in the

affairs of that state unless there are extraordinary reasons to do so. Other countries

must recognize sovereignty or the right to govern one’s own territorial border. Each

state is autonomous unto itself and responsible within its own system of government

to those who are governed. The decisions, the conflict, and the resolution of that

conflict are done through the institutions of government established and codified in

that particular state, whether or not through elections. Elections, especially in

democratic society, provide the leadership of the state. In addition, the policy is

developed and implemented in the interest of the people of a state by a specific

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government. A civil society within a state can also act as a counterweight or as a

supplement to government. Civil societies include the private economy, educational

institutions, churches, hospitals, fraternal organizations, and other non-profit


Traditional Challenges

External intervention can generally be described as invasion by other

countries. For example, when Saddam Hussein was the ruler of Iraq in 1990, he

decided he was going to take over the oil fields of Kuwait. He invaded Kuwait and

took it over. As a result, he was dislodged by an international coalition lead by the

United States.

These days, we can see external intervention in other forms. Russia’ external

intervention in to the affairs of Ukraine, a sovereign state in the post-Soviet era, is

another instance of intervention in the autonomy of the state. Russia Intervenes in

the affairs of people in Crimea who want to become part of Russia again even

though they are part of Ukraine. Crimea declared its independence from Ukraine and

re-affiliated with Russia. This is a case of how there might be a national identity of a

country that is assisted by a neighbouring country. Ukraine argues to have

autonomy to determine the case for Crimea. As a result, there is current conflict

between Ukraine, not recognizing Crimea sovereignty and Russia, not recognizing

Ukraine’s sovereignty over Crimea.

Challenges from National/Identity Movements

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The next challenges are part of a national identity or movement. It is important

to know that a nation has cultural identity that people attached to, while a state is a

definite entity due to its specific boundaries. However, different people with different

identities can live in different states. For example, the Kurds reside in several

different countries including Iraq, Iran, and Turkey. The Catalans live primarily in

Spain but we can also find some of them in France. Scottish nationalism is another

example that challenges the traditional notions of state sovereignty. In 2014, Great

Britain had a vote in Scotland to decide whether Scotland was going to become its

own autonomous state apart from Great Britain. They voted against it but Scotland

has a significant degree of autonomy now as compared to more than two decades

years ago.

Global Economics

The third major source of challenge comes from global economics. Global

economy demands the states that conform to the rules of free-market capitalism.

Government austerity comes from development of organizations that cooperate

across countries, such as WTO and regional agreements, such as NAFTA, the

European Union (EU), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Neoliberal economics or neoliberal capitalism started in 1980s. It focuses on free

trade and dismantling trade barriers. It made sure that governments did not impose

restrictive regulations on corporate presents, as well as on the free flow of capital

and jobs. Free trade was seen as the ideal or the normative belief, that is, the best

economy is one where there is free trade everywhere. Laws and standards that

would interfere with the flow of capital in a particular country, including environmental

regulations, were deemed to discourage economic growth. Neoliberal economics

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requires a state to cooperate in the global market through the free flow of capital, the

privatization of services, and fiscal austerity or constraint. In turn, the government’s

role is diminished as it relates to the market. Neoliberal economics is seen as a

threat, in general, because a state cannot protect its own economic interest as a

sovereign state.

Global Social Movements

Finally, we have global social movements. Most of the time, they are not seen

as a threat but they definitely challenge state sovereignty. Social movements are

movements of people that are spontaneous or that emerge through enormous

grassroots organization. These social movements are transnational movements

which means they occur across countries and across borders. Therefore, states

have less control over them.

The Relevance of State amid Globalization

The state is a distinctive political community with its own set of rules and

practices and that is more or less separate from other communities. It has four

elements: people, territory, government, and sovereignty. The first element of a state

is a permanent population. This population does not refer to a nomadic people that

move from one place to another in an definite time. This permanent presence in one

location is strengthened by the second element of a state, a defined territory. A

territory has clear boundaries. A territory is effectively controlled by the third element,

government. The government regulates relations among its own people and with

other states. This means that the state is formally constituted sovereign political

structure encompassing people, territory, and its institutions on the one hand, and

maintaining its autonomy from other states on the other hand.

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It is important to differentiate the idea of nation from state. Nation refers to a

people rather than any kind of formal territorial boundaries or institutions. It is a

collective identity rounded on a notion of shared history and cultures. If we talk about

the Philippines as a state, we may refer to the Philippine government, the Philippine

territory, and its internal and external sovereignty. If we talk about the Philippines as

a nation, we refer to our shared collective notion of democracy, or history, and our

collective identity. In other words, the state is a political concept, while a nation is a

cultural concept. States, through its formalized institutions, more or less reflect

nations. This would allow states to have a certain people with their own collective

identity. In turn, they should be allowed to form their own political state. This is the

principle of national self-determination.

Institutions That Govern International Relations

There are several international organizations that governments of countries around

the world and individuals participate in. These include the United Nations, the

international Court of Justice, NAFTA, and NATO. There are also non-governmental

organizations promoting social and economic growth. Let us look at them one by


 Peace Treaties and Military Alliances: The UN and NATO

 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

 Global Economic Associations: The WTO and NAFTA

Globalization and Globalism

You probably think about links, connections, and interrelatedness of things,

people, and countries when you encounter the word “globalization”. However, when

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compared to the term “globalism”, globalization would be better described as the

“increase or decline in the degree of globalism” (Nye, 2002, p. 1). What is the

globalism? Globalism refers to the network of connections that transcends distances

of different countries in the world. In other words, the links among countries and

people are better associated with globalism while the speed in which they become

linked with one another is globalization. We can also differentiate globalism and

globalization in terms of its “thickness” (Nye, 2002). Globalism is thin. As it becomes

thicker, globalization happens. This means that being able to connect countries in

the world through a more dynamic and faster way is globalization.


This technological paradigm, associated with computer science and modern

telecommunication that replaces industrialism is called informationalism (Castells,

2004). These are technology, the media, and the internet. This is not to say that we

do not need to produce material goods such as factories, clothes, and food; rather,

exchanging information and knowledge, which is clearly immaterial goods, becomes

central in the contemporary world (Hardt & Negri, 2000). This is due to the “three of

the most cutting-edge aspects of the social world in general and globalization in

particular” (Ritzer, 2015, p. 134), technology, media, and the internet.

Global Citizenship

Citizenship is associated with rights and obligations, for instance, the right to

vote and the obligation to pay taxes. Both rights and obligations link the individual to

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the state. It also has to do with our attitudes. We need to be willing to engage and to

spend time and effort to the community in which we feel part of. Community has

traditionally been regarded as something very local. How, then, can the idea of

citizenship be transferred to the global level?

Global citizenship does not automatically entail a single attitude and a

particular value with globalization. We must remember that globalization is not a

single phenomenon; rather, there are many globalizations. While some need to be

resisted others are welcomed and should be encouraged. They are bound to be

multiple futures for multiple globalizations. These globalizations created enemies

because according to one broad view, globalization failed to deliver its promises

(Cohen, 2006). The so-called bottom billion lacks infrastructures and has been

disenfranchised. The opponents of globalization blame either westernization or

global capitalism. Thus, the enemy resist globalization, especially when it comes to

global economy and global governance.


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