Chapter 4: Filipino Citizenship Values: ST ND RD TH
Chapter 4: Filipino Citizenship Values: ST ND RD TH
Chapter 4: Filipino Citizenship Values: ST ND RD TH
CE- B24
1. List down three (3) positive and three (3) negative Filipino characteristics that you possess?
FAMILY ORIENTED- Putting your family as a center or a focus to achieve your goal is good
positive characteristics. My family is really important to me because they are the one who are
here to protect and love me. They are the one that you can rely on when you are sad or have a
problem. My goal is to finish my study so that I can help them and give all the things they want.
Also we have a strong bond to each other we went to the church together, eat together and
FAITH AND RELIGIOSITY- Having faith with God is really a good characteristics, you can
do amazing things un life and in the lives of those around you. I really have a strong faith with
God I always believe of what God says because I know that he says was right and true. I have the
courage to accept my faith in this world because I know God have a good plans for me.
PAKIKIPAGKAPWA-TAO- Respect is the one that everyone in the world needs. We should
respect each other if it is decision, opinion, beliefs, mistakes and more. As a person I really
respect other people. I don’t judge if the person is poor, black or anything. It really important to
have a equality with no judgement.
LACK OF DISCIPLINE- Discipline gives you the strength to withstand difficulties and
hardships, whether it is emotional, physical or mental. I am not really good in disciplining myself.
I have a relaxed attitude but poor time management that’s why sometimes I hurriedly passed
the requirements like online activities, outputs and projects. I don’t know to manage my time
maybe because I am procrastinating. So we should discipline ourselves.
LACK OF SELF ANALYSIS- Knowing yourself is really important it helps you to know what
really you are as a person. I have a low self esteem, sometimes I often feels poorly about myself
that I need other people’s approval. Sometimes I notice that I have a lot of negative thinking for
example is the course that I take. I feel so uneasy if the course is really for me and if I really can
finish it.
NINGAS KUGON- Being consistent on what your doing is really good. It really helps you to
become successful. Before when I am in senior high school I am doing well in the 1 st to 2nd term
of the beginning of the school year I have a high honor that time eventually on my 3 rd and 4th
term my grades dropped so I was just in honor. During that time I was so sure that I can maintain
my grades but sadly its not. So you should be maintain the things that you do in the beginning.
2. Answer the three (3) guide questions provided at the of the end of case/readings?
As a student how do you exercise the values being prompted by the University?
As a student I can exercise the values being prompted by the Mapua by being a
hardworking student so that I can influence other students to work with commitment to
their study. Also following rules and regulation of the university can be also a big help to the
employees, students, and professors of the said university.
Other than the core values of the University, what other values do you think are being
practiced by the Mapuans?
Other than the core values of the Mapua, the other values that I think are being
practiced by the Mapuans are being diligent, dedicated, open minded and friendly. First is
being diligent because I saw some Mapuans student showing care in one’s work for example
are the peer adviser and the center student advising (CSA) who helps the students to cope
up with their studies. Second is being dedicated to their work because when I entered
Mapua I always saw students in the library or in the room that are devoted to a task and
they are also serious on what they doing. Third is being open minded the Mapuan students
are really willing to consider new ideas to their fellow students and professors. Lastly being
friendly because on the first day of my class I had a friend right away, they are really easy to
approach when you need to ask something.
Suppose that Christopher is your friend. What pieces of advise can you gave for him to
appreciate the NSTP program?
If Christopher is my friend the piece of advice that I can gave for him to appreciate
the NSTP is to love the program because this program really can help him and other
community or the other people who in need. He will learn different things that will
change him to be a better person. Also he can learn about the CWTS which can help
them to possess a high level pf social awareness. It can also motivate and train him as
catalyst of change in community.