Indications:: There Are Many Indications of Anti Anemics Some Are As Follows
Indications:: There Are Many Indications of Anti Anemics Some Are As Follows
Indications:: There Are Many Indications of Anti Anemics Some Are As Follows
There are many indications of anti anemics some are as follows.
Treatment of anemia.
Iron deficiency anemia, blood loss related to pregnancy or GI
bleeding (NSAIDs), hookworm infestation, or excess coffee
Iron poisoning. Used for treating both acute iron intoxication and
in patients with secondary iron overload from multiple
Deferoxamine plus hemodialysis may also be useful in treatment
of aluminum toxicity in renal failure. (It is not indicated for the
treatment of primary hemochromatosis, since phlebotomy is the
method of choice for removing excess iron in this disorder.)
Side Effects:
There are many side effects of anti anemics some are as follows.
1. A rapid increase in hematocrit & hemoglobin may cause
hypertension & thrombotic complications. These can be
minimized by raising the hematocrit slowly and treating the
2. Therapeutic doses - nausea, upper abdominal pain, constipation
or diarrhea
3. Iron overdose (1-2 g) can lead to circulatory collapse and death.
Non-intentional iron overdose has been a leading cause of fatal
poisoning in children <6 years old. Keep out of reach of children.
4. Iron overdose can be treated by gastric lavage with a phosphate
solution and deferoxamine (iron chelator).