Validity and Reliability: Rauf Ahmed (Bs 3 Year Morning) Research Methadology Assignment Submitted To Sir Shahan
Validity and Reliability: Rauf Ahmed (Bs 3 Year Morning) Research Methadology Assignment Submitted To Sir Shahan
Validity and Reliability: Rauf Ahmed (Bs 3 Year Morning) Research Methadology Assignment Submitted To Sir Shahan
Test-Retest Reliability
When researchers measure a structure that they believe will remain constant
over time, the score they achieve should also be consistent with time. This is
what test-retest reliability means. For example, intelligence is generally
considered chronological. The most intelligent person today is the most
intelligent person next week. These good spirits should give this guy almost
the same score next week. Clearly, the measure that produces the most
inconsistent scores over time may not be a good measure of the structure that
is considered stable.
Assessing the test - using the measurement on a group of people at a time for
retest reliability, then reusing it on individuals in the same group, and then
using the test - looking back at the correlation between the two sets of scores.
This is usually done by graphing the data in the scalp plot and calculating the
correlation coefficient. Twice a week separately on the Rosenberg self-esteem
scale, Figure 4.2 shows the correlation between the scores of several university
students. The correlation coefficient for this data is +.95. Generally, a test-
correlation of +.80 or higher is considered to indicate good reliability.
Figure 4.2 Test-Retest Correlation Between Two Sets of Scores of Several College Students on the
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Given Two Times a Week Apart
Again, the high test - when the relationship correlation measuring structure is
time-appropriate makes sense when it comes to intelligence, self-esteem and
the Big Five personality measurements. But other structures are not
considered stable over time. The nature of the mood, for example, it changes.
So re-testing the correlation over a one-month period is not a cause for
concern - a measure of the mood that produces less testing.
Internal Consistency
Figure 4.3 Split-Half Correlation Between Several College Students’ Scores on the Even-Numbered Items
and Their Scores on the Odd-Numbered Items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
The most common measure of internal consistency used by researchers in
psychology is Kronbach's statistic, also known as the Greek alpha.
Conceptually, is the average of all possible split-half correlations for a set of
objects. For example, there are 252 ways to divide a set of 10 objects into five
sets. Kronbach's α 252 is a tool for split-half correlations. Notice how it
actually counts, but this is the right way to understand the meaning of this
number. Then, a value of +.80 or higher is usually taken to indicate good
internal consistency.
Interrater Reliability
Validity means that the scores obtained from the measurement indicate the
variable to which they are intended. But how do researchers make this
decision? We have already considered one factor that they take into account -
reliability. When the measure has good test-re-examination reliability and
internal consistency, researchers should be more confident that the scores
indicate what they are going to do. However, it should be more, because one
measurement is very reliable but it is not valid. As an absurd example, imagine
that the index finger length reflects the self-esteem of the people and therefore
attempts to measure self-esteem by holding the ruler up to the index finger of
the people. Although this measurement has very good test-return reliability, it
is not valid. The fact that one person's index finger is one centimeter longer
than another indicates that one does not have self-esteem.
The discussion of authenticity generally divides it into several types. But a
good way to describe these types is that they are evidence other than reliability
- they should be considered depending on the authenticity of the
measurement. Here we consider three basic types: face authenticity, content
authentication, and standard validity.
Face Validity
Face validity is very weak evidence, the measurement method guesses what it
is. One reason is that it depends on people’s intuition about human behavior,
which is often wrong. Many fixed actions work well in psychology despite the
lack of facial authenticity. The Minnesota Multifaceted Personality Inventory-
2 (MMPI-2) measures many personality traits and disorders, allowing people
to determine that more than 567 different statements apply to them - where
multiple statements have a clear relationship to that structure. They are not
measurable. For example, "I enjoy goo action or secret stories" and "Seeing
blood does not scare me or make me sick" both suppress aggression. In this
case, the participants 'answers to these questions of interest were not literal,
but whether the range of participants' responses matched the questions of the
people suppressing their aggression.
Content Validity
Criterion Validity
A criterion can be any variable, it has to do with the structure of the idea and
usually has a lot of them. For example, test anxiety should be negatively
correlated with test performance and course grades and should be positively
correlated with general anxiety during exams. Or imagine that a researcher is
developing a new measure to take physical risk. People’s scores on this
measure should be related to the number of speed tickets they receive and the
number of broken bones involved in “serious” activities such as snowboarding
and rock climbing. When measuring a standard at the same time in
construction, the validity of the standard is called simultaneous validity;
However, when a standard is measured at some point in the future (measured
after construction), it is called a predictive validity (because the score of the
measurement predicts the future result).
Other measures of the same structure may also have standards. For example,
the test hopes that the new actions of the test or concern are positively
correlated with the current established actions of the same structure. This is
called convergent validity.
Discriminant Validity
When they created the need for a cognition scale, Cassiopo and Petty also
provided evidence for the validity of discrimination by showing that public
scores are not correlated with some other variables. For example, they found
only a weak correlation between the need for people's knowledge and the
measure of their cognitive style - how analytically they think in terms of the
"big picture" by dividing ideas into smaller parts or aggregates. They found
that there was no correlation between people’s need for knowledge and their
testing anxiety measures and their tendency to respond socially appropriately.
All of these low correlations provide evidence that this measure represents a
conceptually distinct structure.