Assignment 2 - Psych Assessment
Assignment 2 - Psych Assessment
Assignment 2 - Psych Assessment
September 24,2021
BS Psych 3-3 Psych Assessment
Assignment # 2
involves correlating tests with traits that are both theoretical related to the test & traits
unrelated to the construct being measured. On the other hand, Regression is the
commonly used method for gathering validation evidence meant to determine the
usefulness of a variable/ a set of them in predicting another important/ meaningful
variable. Now to test Validity, it is said that one must settle on 1 or more criterion
measures of the attribute that the test is designated for.
Next is Reliability. Reliability can be summed up in 4 words: “’Consistency’ of a
measuring tool”. It is the extent to which the results procured from a form of test has the
same results regardless when they are given. The results should be consistent with past
tests of the same types no matter the length of time in between intervals. Naturally in
actual practice, tests are never perfectly reliable as first & foremost changes can occur
over the clients as time goes on. Its just that reliability can be increased if tests are
administered & scored according to standard. Now there are 2 types of Reliability. First
is Test-Retest Reliability, where there is expectation of consistency of results calculated
from the correlation of the first administered performance with the second administered
performance. This is usually done with the same form of test in between a 24-hour
interval. Then there’s Interrater Reliability/ Alternate or Parallel forms (the term is
dependent of its source). Despite its 2 names, the gist is in the latter name. It requires 2
forms of test with the same validity. The sample/client is administered with the first form
of test & then assessed with an alternate/ parallel form of the test. The 2 tests can be
done in immediate succession as long as results of the 2 are correlated to get the
estimate. There are also 2 types of Standard Errors. First is Standard Error of
Measurements. This is meant to provide estimation of the range of scores that would be
obtained if the test is taken again. Meanwhile Standard Error of Difference enables the
calculation of the exact amount of difference needed between the score. Now there is
an interesting note between reliability & validity that go hand in hand. It was said that
validity coefficient is often found to be lower than reliability. The reason behind is that
the former sets the limit on how valid the test could be.
We now move on to the next 3: Objectivity, Norms & Practicability. Objectivity is
the degree to which there is elimination of a scorer’s personal opinion, bias or
judgement regarding ability, skill, knowledge, trait or potentiality to be measured &
evaluated. It is also the degree to which equally competent test takers get the same
results. Objective-based test measure/ evaluate the entire human development in 3
domains: Cognitive, Active and Psychomotor. Meanwhile, Norms can be summed up in
two-words: “Average Standards”. At its vaguest, it is the set of score obtained by whom
it is intended. At its wordiest, it is just the average scores obtained by the reference
sample group that provides the basic for interpreting any individual score. Finally,
there’s Practicability which just meant that a test should neither be too lengthy nor too
difficult to answer & score.
Espanol, Chunelle Maria Victoria C. September 24,2021
BS Psych 3-3 Psych Assessment
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