Redtacton Near-Body Electric-Field Communications Technology and Its Applications
Redtacton Near-Body Electric-Field Communications Technology and Its Applications
Redtacton Near-Body Electric-Field Communications Technology and Its Applications
Ground Signal Signal electrode
Transmitter electrode electrode electrode
f = 5−10 MHz
f = 5−10 MHz
Receiver Receiver
A key aspect of the technology is the behavior of frequency band from 5 to 10 MHz and developed
the AC electric field, which can be summarized in ways of modulating the near-body electric field effi-
terms of three components produced around the body ciently and reducing ambient noise such as electrical
when an AC signal is applied to a parallel-plate elec- hum in the receiver circuits. This enabled us to devel-
trode attached to the body. These components, which op a near-body quasi-static electric-field communica-
are all related to distance r from the body, are: the tions technology capable of providing the quality
quasi-static electric field (proportional to 1/r3), the required for communications services while using a
induced electric field (proportional to 1/r2), and the minimum level of power in the transmitter. We select-
emitted electric field (proportional to 1/r). Our near- ed this frequency range to avoid the strong environ-
body electric-field communications technology uses mental noise below 1 MHz and to control electric-
the quasi-static electric field, which attenuates steeply field emissions from the human body and the trans-
with r, and we can say that it suppresses both the mitter electrodes. We have confirmed that the actual
induced and radiated field components. To suppress electric field produced by our prototype transmitter is
these emissions, we use a low frequency to drive the an order of magnitude smaller than regulation levels
transmitter electrode, higher receiver sensitivity, and for short-range wireless schemes.
the minimum required power for the transmitter.
From the beginning, we were aware of the above
mentioned technical background, so we selected the
Ground electrode
Ground electrode
Floating Floating
capacitance capacitance
Earth ground
2. Principles and strengths of the technology loosely coupled to it through this floating capaci-
tance. This capacitance tends to attenuate the AC
A model of the distribution of the electric field signal induced by the transmitter, and the value of this
around the human body is shown in Fig. 1(a). Here, floating capacitance changes continuously with body
the human body is standing above the earth ground, movements. To get efficient induction of a stable AC
and both the transmitter and receiver have signal and electric field, we need to control the effects of this
ground electrodes. An AC field can be transmitted to floating capacitance. We introduced a variable reac-
the body’s surface if the transmitter is capacitively tance circuit into the output stages of the transmitter:
coupled to the body (Fig. 1(b)), so the electrode is when there is resonance between the floating capaci-
isolated with an insulating layer. If the AC signal is in tance and the reactance circuit, the induced signal is
the 5–10 MHz band, the body can be treated essen- maximized. We also added a function enabling the
tially as a conductor, and for the most part, the AC reactance circuit to follow changes in this floating
electric field induced by the transmitter does not radi- capacitance as the body moves, resonating with it.
ate into the region of space around the body, but is Similar to the transmitter, the receiver is electrically
transmitted over the body’s surface and escapes to the floating with respect to the earth ground, as shown in
earth ground. Communication is achieved in the Fig. 4. If common mode noise is introduced, it has a
receiver by detecting this AC electrical field before it strong effect because the impedance balance between
escapes to the earth ground. the signal and ground lines is poor. To detect the weak
However, part of the AC electric field induced on AC electric field arriving at the receiver electrode, it
the body returns to the ground on the transmitter, and is important to somehow control common mode
a significant part escapes directly to the earth ground. noise. To do this, we created a differential structure in
The field distribution also changes continuously as the initial stage amplifier of the receiver and devel-
the person moves, so the receiver must detect a signal oped technology with a careful design from the
that is very faint and unstable, which is a challenge receiver electrode to the positive input of the initial
for ensuring stable communications. First, we stage low-noise amplifier and from the ground elec-
describe the key factors for the transmitter and receiv- trode to the negative input terminal to achieve an
er with reference to a simple equivalent circuit model equivalent differential structure. In this way we were
(Fig. 3). able to reliably remove common-mode noise at the
For the transmitter, it is important to somehow initial-stage amplifier and improve the signal-to-
efficiently induce a stable AC electric-field signal on noise ratio, creating a highly sensitive architecture
the body’s surface. Both the body and the transmitter able to amplify the weak signal.
are floating with respect to the earth ground and are Using the basic technologies described above, we
Mobile transmitter
(high-efficiency electric field induction)
matching circuit
Ground line Signal Embedded receiver Communications
line electrodes Signal line
Ground line
Embedded receivers
(ambient noise reduction technology)
Transmitter Receiver
(business card size)
were able to efficiently modulate the near-body elec- 3. Applications and future developments
tric field and implement a receiver that can reduce
ambient noise to develop a near-body quasi-electric- This communications technology, which transmits
field communications technology that achieves the signals using an electric field induced on the body’s
quality required to offer communications services surface, could be used to transmit an ID and initiate
and operates at a minimal transmission power level. various actions when you simply use a part of your
A prototype portable card transmitter and a receiver body such as a hand, foot, or the torso to briefly touch
that can be built into environments such as doors or a receiver plate embedded in an object, such as the
floors are shown in Fig. 5. The system uses a carrier floor, a door, or a piece of office equipment. The busi-
frequency of 5 MHz and binary phase shift keying ness-card-sized transmitter emitting the ID informa-
(BPSK) modulation and achieves transmission speeds tion could be attached to any part of the body. With a
of 200 kbit/s. In some typical applications including simple touch, the technology can trigger various
entry control and ticket gate systems, with the trans- responses (act on), so we coined the word tacton to
mitter carried in a jacket breast pocket or trouser express the combination of these two ideas. Since the
pocket transmitting an ID, we achieved communica- color red symbolizes the warmth of touch, we gave
tion with a packet error of rate of less than 10–3. The our technology the name RedTacton [3], [4].
transmitter can operate for approximately one year To highlight the fact that communication is only
using a single CR3032 button-type lithium-ion battery. with the touched object, we compared it with other
100 m
1m RF-ID
10 cm Human
Contactless area
IC card Near-body electric-
1 cm field communication
1 mm
1 kbit/s 10 kbit/s 100 kbit/s 1 Mbit/s 10 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s 1 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s
Transmission speed
RF-ID: radio frequency identification
UWB: ultrawideband
Communication able
able to
connect intuitively
Office security
Medical information
Universal interface
popular short-range wireless and contactless-card over 10 m through space, communication is limited to
technologies in terms of transmission speed and devices within arm’s reach (the human area). In addi-
propagation distance through space (Fig. 6). RedTac- tion to the above characteristics, in RedTacton, the
ton limits the propagation through space to a range start and end of communication are linked to the
similar to contactless cards and targets transmission user’s actions, which gives an intuitive sense of con-
speeds from 100 kbit/s to 10 Mbit/s. In contrast to nection to the network. This makes the technology a
technologies like wireless local area networks, Blue- universal data transmission interface, with potential
tooth, and ZigBee, which can propagate signals for for expanding the boundaries of information and