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Truealarm Fire Alarm Systems: Features

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TrueSite Incident Commander provides monitoring, control, and notification capabilities for fire alarm systems. It can connect to and control remote fire alarm panels over a network, display system status and events, and support mass notification functions.

TrueSite Incident Commander provides mounting for Simplex fire alarm panels, includes Windows operating system, allows remote access and control of fire alarm panels over TCP/IP, and supports annunciation, logging, passwords, and optional interfaces to other systems like DACRs.

The graphical screens of TrueSite Incident Commander allow pan-and-zoom navigation, configuration of coverage zones, auto-jumping to locations, and display of system information.

TrueAlarm Fire Alarm Systems

UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; Fire Alarm Network Annunciators;

FM Approved* TrueSite Incident Commander; Version 3.04

TrueSite Incident Commander provides 4100ES
mounting for the Simplex® TrueSite Workstation:
 All-in-one touchscreen computer/monitor mounts in a
4100ES cabinet and is powered from the fire alarm
system power supply, including battery backup
 Seismic hardware; 4100ES mounting with battery
brackets provides seismic area protection (see page 4)
 High resolution touchscreen monitor
 Includes Windows 7 Professional 32-bit operating system
 Hinged mounting bracket allows convenient service
 Available for desktop use operating at 120 VAC with
an included power supply module
TrueSite Incident Commander function summary:
 Simplex® fire alarm network connected graphical
interface control
 Connects to the Simplex fire alarm Network as a node
allowing access to remote panel activity status, and for a TrueSite Incident Commander Mounts in Bay 2 of a 4100ES
Mass Notification System event or a fire alarm event, can Control Panel (shown with Master Controller)
take control of remote panel activity over the fire alarm
 Available TCP/IP, LAN/WAN connections; up to 20
remote clients can be connected to the server for multiple
remote users; with dedicated and listed Fire Alarm LAN
equipment, listed remote clients can have control access
 Supports standard fire service annunciation icons to
provide firefighter and first responders with critical fire
response information
 Custom alarm and system messages can intuitively guide
emergency responders; important information (HAZMAT
Desktop TrueSite Incident Commander
locations, contact information, etc.) can be quickly
presented Graphic screens details:
 Color graphical annunciation and control capacity for  Pan-and-zoom features allow precise navigation
up to 100,000 points  Configurable coverage zones allow highlighted areas of
 Floatable and dockable windows allows windows to activity in user defined zones
either be fixed (docked) or floatable  Auto-jump allows the screen view to jump to a graphic or
 Extensive historical logging; up to 500,000 events with alarm list menu
operator notations Additional Incident Commander system features:
 Password Security supports 8 to 16 alphanumeric  TrueSite Workstation Mobile Client allows compatible
passwords with configurable lockout for quantity of failed iOS and Android devices to access system information
attempts  Export to XML feature allows TrueSite Workstation data to
 Optional interface to Digital Alarm Communicator be easily exported for report generation and customization
Receiver (DACR) integrates multiple systems onto a single  Test Mode allows unobtrusive testing of selective devices
Incident Commander without nuisance interruptions
 Multiple password controlled operator levels  Node Name allows a description of the specific building
 3rd Party Interface open-architecture solution provides or area associated with a point in views and reports
enhanced information access for advanced users  Vector information to supervised remote clients; select
 Available optional connections for printers or other by point, event category, panel, or custom list
compatible systems  Email generation is available to send updates to
 Dual monitor support allows the Alarm List Window to individuals or to distribution lists with selectable content
be on one monitor and the Graphics Window on the other  Sound files (WAV) can be used to create custom
 Operating Systems: Server and Clients are compatible audible status annunciation with Agency listed desktop
with Windows 7 Professional or Enterprise (32-bit and 64- PC model 4190-7014
bit), Clients also compatible with Windows 7 Home  Fahrenheit or Celsius temperatures can be displayed
Premium (32-bit and 64-bit) * Refer to pages 5 and 6 for specific product listing details. CSFM Listing: 7300-0026:323.
Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest
status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire
Protection Products.
S4190-0020-9 3/2016
Additional system features (Continued): Description (Continued)
 DACR Account Filter allows Historical Log Reports to
be Filtered by DACR Account for Quick Access and DACR Compatible. For systems requiring information
Verification of Information associated with an Individual from remote control panels via DACTs (Digital Alarm
Account Communicator Transmitters), Incident Commanders can be
 Operator Notes allows an operator to log operator notes equipped to communicate directly with a compatible DACR.
associated with individual events for historical records (Refer to data sheet S4190-0016 for more DACR details.)
and retrieval
 Web Browser Command Link enables the ability to TrueSite Incident Commander Operation
easily call up an external web page or link (web-cam, Operation. When fire alarm network status changes occur,
etc.) with a single command button on a graphic screen the screen displays the type and location of the alarm (or
 RAID 1 Support provides a real-time “mirror” image on other activity) and the appropriate header buttons appear. In
a secondary hard drive for enhanced life-safety the historical log screen on page 3, Figure 1, Fire, Priority 2,
workstation survivability; operation will automatically Supervisory, and Trouble buttons are shown with an active
transition to the alternate drive on a drive failure without Trouble indicated.
loss of operation Sample Screens. Figure 1 (on page 3) is representative of
Agency listings: a historical view screen. Figure 2 (on page 4) is
 UL 864 & ULC-S527 as Control Unit Annunciator representative of a system graphic screen with icons
 UL 864 for Fire Proprietary Supervising Station representing the devices of interest. Screen choices can be
 UL 864 UUKL as Firefighter Smoke Control Station configured per system preference, however, when using an
 UL 1076 & ULC-C1076 for Proprietary Security optional second monitor, both screen types can be visible for
 UL 1610 as Central Station Burglar Alarm Control Unit operator convenience.
 UL 2572, Mass Notification Systems, as Central Control Ease of Operation. With touchscreen monitors, the
Station (PGWM); see page 9 for details operator touches the screen area in alarm (or uses the mouse
 ULC-S559, Equipment for Fire Signal Receiving Centres control) to access a more detailed view of the alarmed zone
and Systems or device. With the proper password access, the operator has
Simplex Fire Alarm Network capabilities: the ability to acknowledge alarm and trouble conditions,
 Multiple TrueSite Incident Commanders and TrueSite activate signal silence, and perform system reset directly
Workstations can be nodes on the same fire alarm from the Incident Commander screens.
network to provide redundant operations for improved Programmable Activity Timeout allows an unattended
survivability monitor to revert to the login screen when the configured
 Standard fire alarm network connection for wired or time period expires.
fiber optic media Individual User Preferences appear when the user logs
 Graphical network diagnostic tools in. Options include: Font Size (default or large); Toolbar
 Set-host service functions allow access to remote Size (small or large); Interface Theme (MS Office 2003 or
network node data including individual TrueAlarm System); Floating Window Options (select whether to show
analog sensors Menu bar or show Tool bar).
 Provides event printing (with compatible printer), view
Historical Log and List Details. Figure 1 on page 3
or print of status and service report information, and
shows historical log details. The display format is similar to
print graphic screens (see page 7 for printing details)
the display for active list items such as the alarm list.
 Please refer to TrueSite Workstation data sheet
Displayed information can be sorted on-screen by each
S4190-0016 for additional operation detail
category shown (number, time, date, point name, etc.). List
Description information can be reviewed on the screen, printed at a local
or remote system printer, or can be written to an electronic
The TrueSite Incident Commander offers TrueSite
file for compatibility with spreadsheet and database
Workstation operation in an all-in-one package providing a
touchscreen computer, monitor, hard drive, and required
input/output connections in single assembly. This allows Customized Response. Custom alarm and trouble
installation within a 4100ES fire alarm control panel or messages can be added and field edited to provide operator
remote annunciator with power supplied from the fire alarm response assistance. Point specific information, such as
power supply and secondary batteries. This package is also hazardous material storage and lists of people to notify, can
available for desktop applications. be automatically or selectively displayed.
Network Annunciation. TrueSite Incident Commanders Password Control
provide annunciation, status display, and control for Simplex
Fire Alarm Networks using a personal computer based Multiple Access Levels. Operator access level is
graphical interface with a high resolution, color display. determined during log-in. Select functional access to match
Response buttons with realistic icons provide control the training and responsibility of the operator. Operators
switches specific to the operation being performed. with additional TrueSite Incident Commander and fire alarm
Remote Clients. For remote viewing of TrueSite Incident network training may be qualified for access to sensitive
Commander Server information, remote clients are available areas. For operators who are primarily concerned with
and connected using TCP/IP LAN/WAN Ethernet immediate facility security, a lower level access will provide
communications. As discussed on pages 8 and 9, Remote the information necessary for proper response but will not
Clients can be annunciation only, or capable of system allow access to key parameters that determine overall
control when configured with agency listed hardware. system/network operation.
2 S4190-0020-9 3/2016
Graphics Screens Graphics Screens (Continued)
Site and Floor Plan Details. Graphics screens can Auto-Jump to Graphics or Alarm List. Select
provide easily recognizable site plan and floor plan whether activity should cause a jump to a list format or to
information. The level of detail can be customized for the the associated graphic screen.
specific facility to easily and accurately direct the Supported Graphics Formats:
operator to the immediate area of interest.
 DWG Import Formats: AutoCAD R9, 10, 11-12, 13,
Graphic Screen Controls. (refer to graphic screen on 14, 2000-2002, 2004-2006, 2007-2009, 2010-2011
page 4) Icons can be added to identify the location and
 DXF Import Formats: AutoCAD R14 and 2000
type of the device of interest and the graphics control
toolbar (located at the top of the graphic) can be used to  Export Formats: AutoCAD 2000 DWG/DXF format
pan and zoom for more precise detail. Programmable (allows editing in AutoCAD 2000 or later)
coverage zones can be added with selectable area and  Import drawing files: DWG, WGS, IMS/GCC DOC
zoom level. A fixed area site plan (key plan) with action files, WMF, BMP, GIF, and JPG
buttons and screen locator can be added as shown. Pan
and zoom are tracked by a green rectangle in the key plan. Individual Point Service Access

Custom Banner and Main Screen Background. Qualified Operator Detail Access. The Incident
The banner area shown with a Simplex logo in Figure 1 Commander operator’s interface provides service level
can be customized (bitmap area is 2250 x 68 pixels). The access to network information that is not normally
main screen background (viewable prior to login) can be “public.” Network “private” point information can be
customized with a bitmap of up to 1000 x 525 pixels. accessed using the Set-Host feature, and logging into the
database of the network and node of interest. With this
Action Messages. In addition to screen text or graphic
operation, individual point information can be accessed
information, the operator can be presented with specific
and controlled as required by qualified service personnel
action messages that provide emergency response
with proper password access.
information and directions. These action messages are
easily field edited for local requirements. The appropriate
action message would be located in an Acknowledge
dialog box as shown in the graphics screen on page 4.

Figure 1. TrueSite Incident Commander Sample Historical Log Screen

3 S4190-0020-9 3/2016
Seismic Testing Version Compatibility*
The 4100ES cabinet mounted TrueSite Incident Compatibility with TrueSite Incident Commanders
Commander design has been seismic tested and is requires the 4100ES, 4010ES or other panels per the
certified to IBC and CBC standards as well as to ASCE 7 following software versions.
categories A-F. Requires use of battery brackets detailed
on data sheet S2081-0019.
Fire Alarm Network Interface
Network Diagnostics 4190 GCC/IMS/NPU Master Version 2.07 (or later)
4100U Master Version 11.03 (or later)
Graphical Network Status Views. Automatic, 4100 Master Version 9.02 (or later)
built-in diagnostics are available to provide graphical 4020 Master Version 9.02 (or later)
views of Network topology and Network status. Missing 4010 Master Version 3.01 (or later)
communications links due to wiring breaks or shorts as Network Firmware Version 3.02.92
well as inactive network nodes are indicated clearly to (or later)
guide in returning the system to normal. Information 2120 (SLI) Interface
Master Version 5.44 (or later)
screens are available to provide detail about each specific
2120 Network Interface Version 3.02 (or
network node. Network level functions such as later)
timekeeper node and monitor node are indicated as well * TSW 100,000 point capacity applies to ES series panels or DACR points
as identification of the node being used for the diagnostic. only. Other legacy 4000 series panels are limited to a capacity of 62,500
points on the TSW (can be mixed with ES series panels reporting above
the 62,500 point range). A TSW with a 2120 SLI interface is limited to
62,500 points for the entire system (including ES series panels and DACR
points). TSW 100,000 point capacity requires TSW Version 3.04 (or
higher) and ES Panels at Version 3.03.04 (or higher).

Sample Graphic Screen

Figure 2. TrueSite Incident Commander Sample Graphic Screen with Detail Enlargement and Acknowledge Box
(Note: This sample graphic screen demonstrates heat sensors (HS) dynamically displaying their local temperature readings)

4 S4190-0020-9 3/2016
TrueSite Incident Commander Product Selection
Category Model Description
Hardware Systems TrueSite Incident Commander
(select as required) 4190-8404 Listings: For use as a Workstation Annunciator under: UL 864 & ULC-S527, Fire Alarm Control;
Notes: See Notes UL 1076, Proprietary Burglar Alarm; UL 1610 Central Station Burglar Alarm; ULC-S559, Proprietary
1. Requires selection of Fire Signal Receiving
mounting type and TrueSite Incident Commander Proprietary Supervising Station
applications software
from below. Listings: UL 864 as Fire Proprietary Supervising Station, requires direct wired AC Power and
UPS secondary power source per applicable local code; logs and reports track events; if an
2. Includes Windows 7 4190-8405 optional event printer is also desired, see page 7 for printer information; if using a DACR, select
Professional 32-bit See Notes the Bosch D6600 with CID format; UL 864, UUKL Firefighter Smoke Control Station; UL 1076,
software and bracket
Proprietary Burglar Alarm Multiplex Receiving Unit; UL 1610, Central Station Burglar Alarm
for securing AC input
Control Unit, with listed DACR; ULC-S559, Proprietary Fire Signal Receiving Equipment;
wiring for desktop.
ULC-C1076, Proprietary Burglar Alarm Central Station Control Unit
3. LAN connections
require Transient TrueSite Incident Commander Remote Client; agency listed control capability requires
4190-8411 connection to a dedicated Fire Alarm LAN (refer to data sheet S4190-0018)
Suppressor, see See Notes
below for details Listings: UL 864 & ULC-S527, Remote Client Annunciator
Category Model Description
4190-8901 Aftermarket hardware addition
Aftermarket Additions
4190-8605 Aftermarket software addition
4100ES Cabinet Mount; shipped separately and installed on-site; 19” Touchscreen
Mounting Type 4190-7013 4100ES boxes, doors, and dress panels are ordered separately, see computer/monitor with UL
(select one as required) hardware reference below for model numbers I/O Card, compact
4190-7014 Desktop keyboard and mouse
Applications Software TrueSite Incident Commander Server Software, includes: License, Security Dongle,
(select one per Documentation; requires 4190-8404 or 4190-8405
application) 4190-5053 TrueSite Remote Client Installation CD, no operating system; requires 4190-8411 or 4190-8605
4190-5060 DACR Interface for a TrueSite Workstation Server
3rd Party Interface Software Package; includes: (1) 3rd Party Interface Development Software;
(2) A dedicated Security Certificate allowing server and client access for one 3rd Party Interface
4190-5064 Application; and (3) A 3rd Party Feature Code allowing one 3rd Party Client connection to a single
TrueSite Workstation; Note: A 579-1155 Software Customer Information Form is required to be
submitted with the order
TrueSite Workstation Feature Upgrade; includes the latest TrueSite Workstation software
Server Feature Option version and an Upgrade Feature Code to enable new standard features (new optional features are
4190-5065 selected separately); without this upgrade, installing the latest software version provides updated
performance improvements over previous versions but does not include new standard software
TrueSite Workstation Mobile Client Feature; quantity of (1) enables TrueSite Workstation
information to be accessed from compatible mobile devices; access for mobile clients is enabled
by entering an authorized feature code at the server; see data sheet S4190-0024 for more
4190-5061 Feature code for Remote Client with restricted features (reduced feature set)
4190-5062 Feature code for Remote Client with password protected feature access
3rd Party Interface Client for adding additional 3rd Party Client connections to an existing
TrueSite Workstation 3rd Party Interface; includes a 3rd Party Client Feature Code for the selected
Remote Client Type quantity of concurrent 3rd Party Client Connections to a single TrueSite Workstation (maximum of
Selection (Select One five (5) per server)
Per Remote Client) 4190-5066 Note 1: When adding 3rd Party Interface Clients to more than one TrueSite Workstation Server,
each server requires its own 4190-5066 Remote Client Selection; if a new 3rd Party Interface
Application is being developed, feature code 4190-5064 will be required to provide a unique
Security Certificate.
Note 2: A 579-1155 Software Customer Information Form is required to be submitted with the order.
Quad RS-232 Serial Port PCI Card, select when more than two serial ports are required; PCI Slot
Serial Port Option
4190-6034 card with pluggable terminal block output; one 4190-6026 suppressor is require per connection
(for Server only)
(see below)
4190-6002 Transient Protected Connector, select one per connection to a standard PC RS-232 serial port
Transient Suppressed 4190-6026 Transient Protected Connector for Quad Serial Port Card; one required per connection
Connectors Transient Suppressor for LAN/WAN Connection; required for agency listing for each Incident
(select as required) 4190-6010 Commander and Remote Client LAN/WAN connection, except for server to client
connections when both are in the same room
Internal PCI Card Configured Aftermarket Description
(Workstation Server only, Modular Network Interface Module (select Media Modules separately, listed below);
select as required, two 4190-6061 4190-9829
PCI Slot card
Media Modules for 4190-6036 4190-9822 Wired Media Select one per input and one per output media type, per
Modular Network Modular Network Interface; mounts onto Modular Network
Interface (as required) 4190-6037 4190-9823 Fiber Optic Media Interface (see above)
(Continued on next page)
5 S4190-0020-9 3/2016
TrueSite Incident Commander Product Selection (Continued)
Category Model Description
Programming (select) 4190-8122 TrueSite Incident Commander Programming; select Programming Items below
4190-4006 AutoCAD DXF or DWG file, one floor plan (multiple floor plans require dedicated files)
Programming Items 4190-4008 25 Custom Action Messages
(select items per system 4190-4009 25 Travel Screen Keys (selective zooming)
requirements; select 4190-4010 25 Status Icons
quantity of items as
required) 4190-4011 25 Control Functions; On/Off, Bypass, etc.
requires selection 4190-4012 Convert one (1) Existing IMS Screens to TrueSite Incident Commander Screen
of 4190-8122 4190-4013 10 Coverage Zones; order quantity as required
4190-4014 One (1) Emergency Communications/Mass Notification Control Screen (see screen on p. 6)
Hardware Reference for Mounting TrueSite Incident Commander in Bay 2 of a 4100ES Fire Alarm Control Panel
Required Identifier 4100-7909 Designates that the 4100ES fire alarm control panel is to be shipped with bay 2 empty
Selection Type Description Platinum 2 Bay Platinum 3 Bay Red 2 Bay Red 3 Bay
Combined Box and Door Box with Glass Door & Dress Panel 2975-9459 2975-9457 2975-9460 2975-9458
Separate Box and Door (select if Box only 2975-9439 2975-9440 2975-9408 2975-9409
boxes and doors are required to
be shipped separately) Glass Door & Dress Panel 4100-2107 4100-2108 4100-2127 4100-2128

Remote Annunciator Panel Option

Model Description
Remote Annunciator Panel Mount; includes expansion bay with power distribution interface module (PDI);
Bay 2 is dedicated for Incident Commander, order box and door separately (4100-7909 is not required);
4100-9615 Select: RPS Remote Power Supply and 4100-0620 Basic interface; also allowed: 4100-1272 Phone Cards, 4100-1273 Phone
Class A Adapters, 4100-6038 RS-232 Card, 4100-1293 Panel Mount Printer, and 4100-1290 24 Point I/O; order cabinet
hardware separately per hardware for control panels above; refer to data sheet S4100-0038 for more Remote Annunciator
details; Note: Refer to page 9 for power supply applications guidelines

TrueSite Incident Commander Desktop Dimension Reference

17-13/16" (452 mm)

(425 mm)

(221 mm)

6 S4190-0020-9 3/2016
TrueSite Incident Commander Equipment Specifications
(Please note that equipment and specifications may vary due to equipment design changes)

Panel Mount Touchscreen Computer/Monitor (Note: Refer to page 9 for power supply applications guidelines)
Model Space Requirement Current Requirements with 24 VDC Power from Control Panel
4190-7013 with Modules Listed Supervisory Alarm
Mounts in bay 2 of a 2-bay with 1 Network Card 2.1 A 2.25 A
or 3-bay 4100ES cabinet with 2 Network Cards
2.37 A 2.52 A
with 1 Network Card and 1 Quad Serial Card
4190-6034 Quad Serial Card 270 mA
Individual Module Current Reference 4190-6061/4190-9829 Modular Network Card with two media
modules, either 4190-6036/4190-9822 Wired, 270 mA
or 4190-6037/4190-9823 Fiber
Desktop Touchscreen Computer/Monitor
Model Dimensions (see diagram on page 6) Input Power
13 11
17 ⁄16” W x 16 ⁄16” H x 8 ¾” D 2 A @ 102-132 VAC, 60 Hz (240 W)
(452 mm x 425 mm x 221 mm) Operating Range: 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
* Both models include a separate 120 VAC power supply module. It provides normal power for desktop operation and can be used for
separate pre-installation setup for 4100ES cabinet mount models. A 120 VAC cord is included; NEMA 5-15P plug to IEC-320 C-13
connector. For 230/240VAC use, locally obtain a cord in compliance with local safety standards.
Note: Agency listing is at 120 VAC, 60 Hz.
TrueSite Incident Commander Computer Feature Summary**
i5 2.4 GHZ (minimum) PC with cooling fan (2) Integral Amplified 2 Watt Speakers
(4) GB RAM (minimum) (1) VGA Video Output (required for optional 2nd
General monitor)
(2) PCI Slots
(2) 500 GB Hard Drives (minimum) Includes compact USB keyboard and mouse
(1) DVD/RW Drive 100 mm VESA Mounting Interface
TrueSite Incident Commander Server Computer Port Reference**
Two DB9 RS-232 ports standard, up to six RS-232 ports total with optional 4190-6034 Quad Serial Port Card (PCI
RS-232 Serial Ports
Slot Module)
USB Serial Ports Six total; five in the rear (one is used for Server Security Dongle), and one on the side
Ethernet Ports Two RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports
PCI Slots Two available; Note: Server uses one for the Network Interface Card
For agency listed proprietary supervising station operation and for other operations, if an event printer is desired, a
Event Printing* supervised and dedicated Simplex model 4190-9013 agency listed dot matrix printer is recommended; connection is
to USB, or Serial RS-232 port of the Server PC (see data sheet S4190-0011 for 4190-9013 printer details)
For report, screen, or graphics printing, a Windows 7 compatible printer may be used; connection may be USB,
Other Printing*
Serial RS-232, or LAN/WAN connection via Ethernet
Event printing (with supervised and dedicated dot matrix printer 4190-9013 as explained above)
Auto-print of auto-jump graphics; prints to Windows default printer
Printable Information Reports: Historical logs, System Activity, TrueAlarm Status, TrueAlarm Service, Analog Monitor ZAM Calibration,
and Active List; displayed reports can print to a LAN connected (unsupervised) printer
Screen captures (configurable as negative images to reverse black backgrounds)
** PLEASE NOTE: Simplex 4190 Series TrueSite Incident Commander computers are Agency listed for use with TrueSite Workstation
software. For Desktop applications where Agency listings are not required, TrueSite Workstation software should be compatible with most
computers meeting the stated minimum specifications. However, due to computer manufacturers potentially using unique and/or
proprietary drivers, hardware, or other software not tested with TrueSite Workstation software, there may be incompatibilities. If other
computers are used, proper operation with TrueSite Workstation software may require technical adjustments by a qualified computer
technician and would be the sole responsibility of the computer supplier and computer manufacturer.
Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature 32° to 120° F (0° to 49° C)
Operating Humidity up to 93% RH, non-condensing, at 90° F (32° C)
* Note: Parallel port printer connection is supported on 32-bit operating systems only.

7 S4190-0020-9 3/2016
Server/Client Operation
Supervised or Unsupervised Remote Clients.
TrueSite Incident Commander Computer. The Remote Clients can be designated as Supervised or
TrueSite Incident Commander computer provides the Unsupervised. When Supervised, the connection is
functions of the Server and the system configuration monitored by the TrueSite Incident Commander and a
tools. To access the desired features, a system/job specific loss of connection is audibly reported at both ends along
security service dongle is supplied and is required. For with a dialog screen. When unsupervised, only the client
systems not using Remote Clients, the setup of the end displays a trouble dialog indicating disconnection
TrueSite Incident Commander PC is similar. from the Server. Remote clients may be laptop computers
or other computers used for other functions and are
Remote Client. For access to TrueSite Incident periodically connected to query system status or create
Commander information at a remote location, a reports. (Refer to TrueSite Workstation data sheet
compatible computer, connected via a Local Area S4190-0016 for additional Remote Client information.)
Network (LAN) is equipped with Remote Client software.
There are two types of Remote Clients, those with a Remote Client Connections. The TrueSite
restricted feature set (not capable of control); and those workstation server supports a maximum of twenty (20)
with a password protected feature set (capable of control). Supervised or Unsupervised remote clients, each capable
of being on-line simultaneously.
Refer to data sheet S4190-0018 for additional information
about creating a proprietary fire alarm remote client LAN. (Server/Client Operation is continued next page)

System Overview Reference

Fire Control

Desktop TrueSite
Incident Commander

TrueSite Fire Alarm Network Loop

Workstation with compatible Simplex
Fire Alarm Control Panels

Fire Alarm Control Panel with

TrueSite Incident Commander

Optional Remote To second Fire

Monitor Connection Alarm Network
Loop (if required)

Facility LAN

Facility Fire Alarm

Maintenance Center Internet Off-site access
(restricted client) Connection (restricted client)

8 S4190-0020-9 3/2016
Server/Client Operation (Continued) Additional Reference
TCP/IP Networks. The minimum recommended Description Document
connection speed for TrueSite Incident Commander TrueSite Workstation Data Sheet S4190-0016
Server or Remote Client to a TCP/IP local area network is 4100ES Basic Panel Reference Data Sheet S4100-0100
3 Mbps. TrueSite Workstation Desktop Installation and
Detailed Checkout Instructions
Anti-Virus Software. When either the TrueSite
TrueSite Workstation Operation and
Incident Commander Server or Remote Client computer Application instructions
is connected to a TCP/IP network other than a dedicated TrueSite Workstation Software Upgrade
Fire Alarm network, it is highly recommended that Instructions
regularly updated anti-virus software protection be TrueSite Workstation Configurator Reference
installed on each connected computer. The TrueSite Manual
TrueSite Workstation Quick Reference
Incident Commander has been verified as compatible with Operator Instructions
Symantec EndPoint Protection 12.1 and McAfee TrueSite Workstation Parts List 579-888
Enterprise 8.8. Localization Procedure 579-946
System Listings Reference TrueSite Incident Commander Installation
Instructions for mounting in 4100ES cabinet
The following functions are agency listed with the Release Notes 579-1018
computers and monitors identified under Product TSW Mobile Client User Guide 579-1154
Selection on page 5: TrueSite Workstation 3rd Party Interface
Software Customer Information Form
 TrueSite Incident Commander PCs, whether
stand-alone or functioning as a server to local and
remote clients Mass Notification Systems Reference
 Supervised Remote Clients with protected features
The TrueSite Incident Commander operates as a UL 2572
that are connected to the server using a dedicated Fire
Alarm Network as described on page 8 listed Central Command Station (CCS) when configured
 Refer to data sheet S4190-0018 for details about Fire per the following:
Alarm Network Ethernet Switches 1. Select model 4190-8401 (Note: Cannot be used for
Additional agency listings reference: Supervising Station or Security Monitor applications)
 Restricted feature remote client software on compatible 2. Provide an audio system microphone mounted
computers (listed for standard office use) provide adjacent to the TrueSite Workstation, either
annunciation features only and can be connected using located within a 4100ES (or 4100U) Fire Alarm
a facility LAN with system listing impact Control Panel or Remote Annunciator Panel, or use a
Power Supply Application Reference Remote Microphone Assembly.
3. The 4100ES/4100U microphone options are Model
When the TrueSite Incident Commander is panel
4100-1243 for Fire Alarm Control Panels and Model
mounted, the following power supply applications
guidelines apply. 4100-1244 for Remote Annunciator Panels (refer to
1. The power supply used to power the TrueSite data sheet S4100-0034 for details).
Incident Commander must be dedicated to the 4. Remote Microphone Assembly Model 4003-9803
TrueSite Incident Commander and internal card mounts separate from the control panel (refer to data
power only. sheet S4100-0053 for details).
2. IDNet communications, Signal power, or Auxiliary 5. Note: At least two monitors must be connected to
(aux) power loads must be connected to a separate provide the necessary display information (see
expansion power supply. exception below). One monitor is required to display
the speaker zone status and the other monitor is
required to display the event screen.
6. Exception: If a 4100ES/4100U Network Display
Unit (NDU) is mounted adjacent to the TrueSite
Workstation for network audio control with
microphone access, a second monitor may not be
necessary if the audio control status is viewable.
Review the application with the local authority
having jurisdiction (AHJ).

9 S4190-0020-9 3/2016
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Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4190-0020-9 3/2016

© 2015 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice.

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