On-Line Activity: Environmentalism Anti-Environmentalism
On-Line Activity: Environmentalism Anti-Environmentalism
On-Line Activity: Environmentalism Anti-Environmentalism
Environmentalism Anti-environmentalism
For the reading use the following resources to find the meaning of
Based on the problematic presented in the letter from 2070 you write to
the people from 2020 - 8 recommendations to protect life and the planet.
Include a reason.
-The guy (the male program host) next to the girl is an anti-
environmentalist? Yes/no? R/ NO
• Focus from minute 1:57 to 2:33. Answer the question:
-Does the female program host use bad words to describe coal roll
drivers? Yes/no?: R/ NO
• Focus from minute 2:33 to 3:46. Answer the question:
-Does the male program host say that rolling coal is dangerous for the
coal roll drivers? Yes/no? Yes
• Focus from minute 4:18 to 4:34. Read carefully the information the
program hosts give.
• Focus from minute 4:34 to 5:18. On the space provided below retell
in your own words what the program hosts said:
_ __He is explaining that there is a donut day that would be like an act
of civil disobedience and that it is accompanied by a proposal to turn
off the lights but that it is a silly idea since to promote all that
they must advertise, so they must use and pay for electricity
• Focus from minute 7:10 to 7:46. Choose the correct idea from the
three statements below:
4 - You are going to produce an episode of a podcast (2 minutes) called “How to save the environment from
home” in which you are going to talk about what daily practices we can implement in our routines that can
help to reduce the big impact on the environment.