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MAPEH 6 Q2-Wk4

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Grade : VI

GRADES I TO 12 ( School) Bayombong South E/S (Grade level and Section) Section :Mapagpakumbaba
DAILY Masigasig
LESSON ( Teacher) Mrs. Ana Liza D. Sebastian (Learning Area) MAPEH
LOG (Teaching Date and Time) September 4-8, 2017 (Quarter) Second Quarter
(4th Week)

I. Standards of Teaching Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

and Learning Date: September 4, 2017 Date :September 5, 2017 Date: September 6, 2017 Date: September 7, 2017 Date: September 8, 2017
(Music ) (Arts) (Physical Education) (Health) Music
A.(Content Standards) Demonstrates the concept Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates Understands the importance Weekly test
of melody by using of shapes, space, colors, and understanding of of keeping the school and
intervals in the major scalethe principles of emphasis, participation in and community environments
and in the minor scale. harmony and contrast in assessment of physical healthy
digital painting and poster activities and physical
design using new fitness
B. (Performance Standards) Applies learned concepts of Applies concepts on the use 1. participates and Demonstrates practices for
melody and other elements of software in creating assesses building and maintaining
to composition and digital paintings and graphic performance in healthy school and
performance. design. physical activities. community environments
2. assesses physical
C. ( Learning Demonstrates the ability to Creates a digital painting describes the Philippines Identifies different wastes Be able to answer the
Competencies) sing, read, and write simple similar with the Masters’ physical activity pyramid H6CMH-Iie-4 given questions with
musical notations in the: (e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo, PE6PF-Iia-16 accuracy.
1.1 Key of C Major etc.) in terms of style,
1.2 Key of G Major theme, etc. explains the indicators for
1.3 Key of F Major A6PR-IIc fitness

II. ( Content) Melody Digital Painting Invasion Games for Healthy School and
Physical Fitness: Community Environments
An Enhanced
III. ( Learning Resources)
A. (References) The 21st Century MAPEH
in Action
1. (Teacher’s Guide p.49
2. (Learner’s Materials
3. (Textbook Pages) MAPEH in Action pp.112- The 21st Century MAPEH
133 in Action
pp. 202-216
4. ( Additional Materials
from LR Portal)
B. (Other Learning Pictures,Laptop,any Powerpoint , Lcd projector, Powerpoint, pictures, Test Questionnaires, test
Resources) personal/ school computers, Sungka, pebbles or small activity cards, notebooks, e-class
powerpoint, LCD Projector, shells. record, pens.

For the school/pupils

without gadgets. Paint, paint
brush, oslo paper,coupon
bond and water color.
IV. (Procedures)
A. ( Review previous Do you still remember What is digital painting? What games have you 1. What can you do to make Recall their past lessons.
Lesson) when you were a baby, ( is a type of digital art but it played with your friends and keep the school and Preparation of test
your mother used to sing a is not “computer-generated” and classmates? environment healthy? materials
lullaby in order for you to art, in that it does not involve What are again the rules in 2. Identify and discuss the
the computer automatically
sleep? generating an image from playing Agawang Base wastes that affect the
mathematical models created Stealing Base? family, school, and
by the artist. In digital community.
painting, the artist uses
painting techniques to create
the image directly on the
B. (Establishing purpose What is the reason why How do you prepare and go Picture analysis: Why should you get a
for the lesson/ you have a favorite song? digital painting? Teacher presents a picture high score in any given
Motivation) (see pp.114-) and allows the pupils to test?
describe it.

Today, we will be having

group activities.
Teacher divides the group,
and pupils follow
C. ( Presenting examples or Present the copy of the Preparing for digital Video presentation: Word Hunt Setting of standards in
presentation/ instances of song. painting Of what use is a How to play Sungka Directions: Identify and taking the test
the new lesson) “With a Little help from computer software in https://www.youtube.com/ encircle 10 words in the box
my friends” making paintings today? watch?v=V_AaVnx-StQ that are related to wastes.
https://www.youtube.com/ (see pp.115-126) (arranged vertically and
watch?v=krZlsZ9I2o4 How do you assemble horizontally)
everything to create a Write your answer on a
finished digital painting? cartolina/manila
One minute is provided for
the activity.
Present the group’s answer
when the time is up.

Words to find:
wood, cartons, needles,
battery, sewage, metals,
CD, plastic, rubber and
D. ( Discussing new Ask different questions Do It Yourself (DIY) Discussion on how to play Word Configuration Distributes test materials
concepts and practicing new about the song My Paint Sungka 1. Divide the class into 4 to the pupils.
skills) 1. Open Gimp(Open •The skills developed in groups.
Source) for tablet PC. playing Sungka 2. Each group will be given
2 .Using your digital pen, •The Rules In playing work sheets (Annex 2)
draw out your outlines. Sungka 3. The task of the group is
3. Then, use the paint to identify the words being
bucket tool to dump color described in the following
into large areas. numbers (1-5). Word
4. Create virtual configuration with quiz bee
brushstrokes. approach will be applied to
5. Work in layers. this activity.
6. Use the Artists ’Brushes. 4. Each group will use a
7. Print the completed Show Me Board in
painting. presenting their answers.
Note: Questions
For those who do not have 1. Waste that can easily
any computers/gadgets. be broken down into
You make use of smaller parts by
paint/watercolor and paint natural processes
brush to draw your digital 2. Waste products with
art painting. poisonous chemicals
that were flushed out
by factories and
industrial plants
3. Also known as
4. One of the most
common radioactive
E. ( Discussing new Listen to the song. Activity Proper: Activity Proper; The teacher will identify Answering of test items
concepts & practicing new “With a little help from my Pupils play the Sungka and discuss the wastes that
skills #2) friends” Pupils perform the given while the teacher observes affect the family, school,
activity with the guidance of and manage the class and community
F. Developing Mastery the teacher
(Leads to Formative (Hands On)
Assessment 3)
G. ( Finding to Practical Sing with the Music. Is digital art painting more Why should we preserve 1. What are the waste
Application of concepts and convenient for you? Why? our traditional games like products that can be found
skills in daily living/ Sungka? at home and in the
Valuing) community?
2. How will you dispose
these wastes properly
H. ( Making Generalization What is the message of the What are the steps in Sungka is a game played
& Abstraction about the music? making digital art painting? by two player by using a
lessons) solid carved wood with
two rows of seven circular
hole and two large holes at
both ends called house
Forty-nine small stones,
marbles, pebbles, seeds, or
even shells can be used in
holes that are alternately
put except in the house.
The two players hold each
side of rows as their
I. ( Evaluating Learning) Reflection of the music. Direction: List down the rules in Game: Pinoy Henyo Checking and recording
Put a check (/) before each playing Sungka. 1. Divide the class into four of test results
statement that describes (4) teams.
your attitudes and feelings 2. Each team will choose 2
during and after doing the representatives, one will be
artwork. the “tagahula”, while the
___I can apply concepts on other one will serve as the
the use of the software. guide. He/she is only
(commands,menu,etc.) allowed to say “oo, hindi,
___2. I can utilize art skills pwede”.
using new 3. Each team will be given a
technologies(hardware and minute to guess the word
software) assigned to them.
___3.I can create a digital 4. The teacher will record
painting similar with the the time of each team.
Masters’(e.g., Van Gogh, 5. The team with the
Amorsolo, Tadao, etc.) shortest time in guessing the
___4.I can accept the word wins the game.
remarks and suggestions of Answers: (paper, bone,
others urine, cotton, glass)
___5.I can see me
improving in how I think
and work in this activity.
J. ( Additional activities for Finalize your work at home. List down the different
application or remediation) Read more about digital art kinds of wastes that affect
painting and memorize the our health and the
commands, etc community.
V. ( Remarks)

VI. ( Reflection)

A.( No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B.( No. of learners who
requires additional acts for
remediation who scored
below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial
instruction really work? No
of learners who caught up
with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who
continue to require
E. (Which of the strategies
work well? Why did this
F. (What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/ supervisor can
help me solve?)
G. ( What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/ discover which I wish
to share with other teacher?)

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