DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q3 - W4
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q3 - W4
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q3 - W4
Teaching Dates and
March 6-10, 2023 Quarter THIRD
Teaching Day and Time
Grade Level Section
B. Establishing a purpose Give examples of unhealthy Identify the following What is silk screen printing? What is our national Why should you get
for the lesson living among children now a activities in the picture. dance?
a high score in any
day? Why do we need to be
1. Eating junk foods active? given test?
2. Drinking soft drinks
3. Not exercising
C. Presenting examples/ Show pictures of silk screen Identify the following Setting of standards
instances of the new printing. dances. in taking the test
lesson. Discuss ask about the materials
D. Discussing new What are the activities that What are the health related How can technology change silk Name some Distributes test
concepts and practicing we should do regularly? components? screen printing? Philippine folkdance materials to the
new skills.# What are the Give its importance. Let them see a picture of that you are familiar pupils.
activities that we should do silkscreen printing machine. with.
minimally? Why? Describe the machine.
E. Discussing new What are the things that we Explain the ff materials in silk How do you describe Answering of test
concepts and practicing Why do you think do that prevents these screen printing Maglalatik folk dance? Itik- items
new skills #2. these pyramid do health related skills? 1. Mesh screen Itik?
recommend activities that 2. Liquid emulsifier
requires a lot of body 3. Fabric paint
movement? What is the different health 4. Squeegee
related fitness? Design printed on transparency
Enumerate them.
F. Developing Mastery Identify the following What are the three How is silk screen printing done? Is it difficult to dance
(Lead to Formative activities that we should do diseases brought by poor 1. Prepare a design and print on Maglalatik?
Assessment 3) Minimally, Often, environmental sanitation? transparency Who among you knows the
Regularly, Habitually. 2. Prepare the mesh screen. steps?
1. Watching television (Watching of the video of
Coat it with light sensitive
(M) maglalatik and Itik-Itik.)
3. Position the printed film over
2. Swimming (O)
the screen and expose it to a
3. Doing house chores
very bright light source
4. Rinse off the excess emulsion.
4. Running errands( R )
Once you have all the screens
Playing computer games exposed and cleaned, you are
(M) ready to print
5. Place screen over t-shirt.
Apply ink, any color of you
choice, using a squeegee.
A. No. of learners earned 80%in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Principal I