Adaptive Immunity (1522)
Adaptive Immunity (1522)
Adaptive Immunity (1522)
5.2 Adaptive Immunity/ Function of Immune cells .
Humoral Immunity
• • Specific for particular antigens and are specialized to provide the best
• • Diverse in their specificity
• • Enhanced with each repeated exposure (express immunologic
• • Capable of self/non-self recognition
• • Self-limiting
Adaptive Immunity
• Organs involved
• 1. Central lymphoid organs
• a. This is where immunocompetent cells are developed.
• b. Comprised of the thymus and bone marrow.
• Cells involved
• Along with cytokine release are responsible for HI and CMI adaptive
immunity .
Acquired Immunity
• Multipotential stem cells originate in the fetal liver and bone marrow.
• When they migrate to the fetal thymus, they acquire the phenotypic
characteristics of T cells under the influence of thymic hormones.
Immune cells in Acquired Immunity
Immune cells in Adaptive Immunity
Eosinophil / Dendritic cell
Basophil / Mast cell
Natural Killer cells
Plasma cells
Cellular Interaction in Adaptive Immunity
T Cells
• T cells are characterized by:
• a. Clusters of differentiation (CD)
• (1) Phenotypic protein markers appearing on the T-cell membrane at
different stages of differentiation
• in the thymus.
• (2) CD2 and CD3 are major markers retained on all peripheral T cells
and are useful in identifying and counting T cells.
• (3) CD4 defines a T-helper (Th) cell subset, which aids responsiveness of
B cells and other
• immunocompetent cells.
• (4) Th cells differentiate in the thymus into Th0, Th1, and Th2 cells
based on differences in the cytokines they secrete.
Types of Immune cells
Mature B Lymphocyte
Mature T Lymphocyte
• Image sources Text Book of Microbiology by Kaplan 5th edition.