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The Joy of Sets

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1 Lecture 1 Sets 3

Chapter 1

Lecture 1 Sets

First of all, forget about numbers, we will start with daily object and give and
naive definition of set.There are two things we will talk about :
1. collection of objects.

2. collection of objects with common ’property’.

First thing is simple to understand, by collection of objects : we have a list
of object like
car, hat ,cat ,star
This is a collection of four object.
Second thing is collection of objects with common property like
car, train, motorcycle, bycycle, airplane
This is a list contain 5 objects. Can you guess the common property? Yes!
They all are used to travel.
Collection of objects with at least one common property is called ’set’.
So it’s your time to see around you and guess which collection of object can
be said a ’set’. This definition of set is little bit of naive and we will make it
more precise as we go along in this book.

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