Item Report
Item Report
Item Report
Purpose: This report Shows all adjustments made by void type for specific date range
DC # Void type (Mandatory) Sub-Center (Mandatory) Whse Area (Mandatory)
The unique identifier for a This will display the Shows all whse areas avbl.
adjustment codes for the Lists all the sub-centers the
distribution center in the selected Business
pallet user has access to
Group & sub-centers
Clear Clears the fields Close Closesthe report
Retrieve Retrieves the report
X Sort Order
2 Whse Area 1 Sub Adj Rsn/Void Code Slot #
area of a warehouse for This will display the The slot number where the
Lists all the sub-centers label is currently placed
storing certain types of adjustment codes for the
user has selected
merchandise pallet
Ttl Whpk Cost Ttl Adj Cost Ttl Whpk Wt Ttl Adj Wt
It should display the total It should display the total It should display the total It should display the total
original qty cost adjusted qty cost original qty weight adjusted qty weight
Total Summary
Ttl Whpk Qty Ttl Adj Whpk Qty Ttl VNPK Qty Ttl Adj VNPK Qty
It should display the total
It should display the total Total adjusted quantity in It should display the total Adjusted original qty
original qty in WHPK WHPK original qty
Ttl Whpk Cost Ttl Adj Cost Ttl Whpk Wt Ttl Adj Wt
It should display the total It should display the total It should display the total It should display the total
original qty cost adjusted qty cost original qty weight adjusted qty weight