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Faculty of Education
Graduate Studies Program

04.706 Theory and Practice of Standardized Assessment

Spring 2020 Term 2

Instructor Name: Dr. Alexa Okrainec, Ph.D.

Office #: 219
Telephone: 204-727-7303 (messages)
Email: okraineca@brandonu.ca

Course Description:

04.706 (3)

Theory and Practice of Standardized Assessment

Prerequisite: Approval of Chair of the Graduate Studies Department, Faculty of


This course will emphasize the development, selection and use of standardized
assessment in education programs.
Credit cannot be held for both this course and 04:506.

3 lecture hours per week, one term.

Format: A distance delivery (asynchronous, technology-mediated) format will be used in

which active online participation by students is invited and encouraged. Instructional
arrangements to deliver the course content will be through Brandon University online
(Moodle platform).

Course Dates: June 1 – 18, 2020

Course Objectives: In this course, students will consider practical, applied approaches
to measurement and testing, including how educational practitioners can use evaluation
as part of instruction. The topics highlight what teachers truly need to know in order to
include assessment in the learning and teaching process. Course participants will
examine the assessment process, understand assessment skills and concepts,
consider how to assess general performance in various domains (intelligence, adaptive
behavior, development, language, behavior, career/vocational assessment), and
examine methods, strategies, and instruments for assessing academic achievement (for
example, reading, mathematics, written expression, and general achievement). Tools,
techniques, and procedures that are foundational to educational assessment will be
reviewed, including assessment of the instructional ecology, dynamic assessment, and
developmental assessment, among others. Current educational tests as well as
curriculum-based measurement and assessment practices will be addressed. How the
principles of inclusive practice, universal design, and response to intervention impact
thinking about assessment will be considered. Multicultural considerations will be
identified. Participants will also consider the roles of inclusive education team members
in the assessment of students. Moreover, course participants will examine how parents,
students, and teachers view the assessment process in relation to students’
instructional considerations. The application of material about assessment with students
exhibiting a range of learning needs will be an important focus.

Required Texts & References:

Venn, J. J. (2014). Assessing Students with Special Needs, 5th Ed. Toronto, ON, CAN:
Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0133400026 • ISBN-13: 9780133400021


Additional Resources (internet links): See the Moodle course website for links to
provincial assessment documents as well as other relevant assessment and evaluation

Course Assignments (APA version 7.0 required):

1. Quizzes (30% of the total grade).

Students must complete 15 online quizzes for each of the chapters in the Venn
textbook. Each online quiz is worth 2% for a total of 30 marks. All online quizzes must
be completed and passed by the last day of classes. A minimum passing grade for each
chapter is 70%.

2. Discussion Responses (20% of the total grade).

Students must complete two reflective discussion assignments during the course. In
addition to preparing your own reflective response, you must read and respond to a
posting made by your fellow classmates. The first discussion exercise will be submitted
by June 5, and the second by June 12. Each discussion exercise will be worth ten
points towards the final grade (2 x 10% = 20% of the final grade for the course).

3. Glossary – Curriculum-Based Procedures (20% of the total grade).

One of your course assignments is to create a glossary in which you describe what
each curriculum-based procedure is, along with either a url/website example of the
procedure OR a YouTube clip about the procedure.

You must have twenty entries in your glossary (taken from the list provided in the
assignment description on the Moodle course website). Each entry will be worth 1
points and must include a clear definition (worth 0.5 point) along with the supporting
example: url/website/YouTube Clip (worth 0.5 point). In a few sentences, describe the
value/usefulness of the url/website OR YouTube clip you have chosen to include in your
glossary of curriculum-based procedures.

Each entry in your glossary should not exceed half a page. Assignment length is 10
pages maximum, double-spaced (not including the title page and reference list).

The glossary assignment will be due on June 10. The assignment is worth 20% of the
final grade for the course.

4. Synthesis Assignment (30% of the total grade).

Students have three possible options for the final synthesis assignment: a scholarly
paper, a professional poster presentation, or an annotated bibliography. Please submit
your paper/poster session/annotated bibliography topic for approval by June 8, 2020.
The final assignment must be submitted electronically by the last day of classes: June
18, 2020.

Select one of the following three options for your synthesis assignment:

A. Academic Paper. Students will prepare a 10-page academic paper on a topic

that is significant for assessment of individuals with learning differences. The
paper will relevant to the assessment of individuals with special needs in an
inclusive education context. Students should base the content of the
academic paper on at least ten carefully selected sources of information (e.g.,
scholarly articles, book chapters, provincial documents, web resources).

The paper will be double-spaced and use 12-point font. The body of the paper
will be ten pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins. The paper will be prepared
as an MSWord document or pdf file. Formatting of the academic paper will be
in accordance with the rules outlined in the sixth edition of the APA
Publication Manual. Course participants will upload their academic paper to
the course web site for grading. The paper must be of a publishable quality.

B. Electronic Poster Session. Using PowerPoint, students will prepare a poster

session consisting of a title slide plus 12 slides of content. The poster session
must be visually interesting and capture key points about one particular
(student-chosen) topic. The topic must be scholarly and important to the
assessment of students with learning differences in the inclusive education

In addition to the PowerPoint slides, students will prepare a reference page in

Microsoft Word (entries must be formatted in APA style 6th edition).

Course participants should base the content of the electronic poster

presentation on at least ten carefully selected sources of information (e.g.,
scholarly articles, book chapters, provincial documents, web resources).

In preparing the poster session, students must ensure that the content of their
PowerPoint slides is connected to their reference list. One strategy is to

number each entry on the reference list and then use superscript numerals on
the slides to connect the content of the e-poster to the reference sources.
Another option is to include the APA citation on each slide (use a small font
size for the citations so that the slides do not look cluttered).

Course participants will upload their electronic poster assignment to the

course web site for grading. The electronic poster must be high quality and
suitable for presentation at a professional meeting.

C. Annotated Bibliography. At the end of the term, an annotated bibliography

on assessment and evaluation of students with learning differences or
challenges is due. This formal bibliography will include citations of sources
with summary and evaluation information for each source. The assignment
should be typed and double-spaced. Relying on multiple sources, course
participants will research an assessment and evaluation topic relevant to
advanced assessment practices and approaches for understanding the
learning needs of students who are exceptional. You may use your text to
help you narrow your ideas and begin to find resources. A minimum of 10
sources should be used with no more than four coming directly from a
website (using the computer to find scholarly articles is not considered a web
source). Only one book or encyclopedia may be used as a cited source of the
ten. You must use the APA (version 6.0) citation format throughout the paper.

The emphasis is on finding accurate, reliable sources and providing a clear

summary and evaluation for each source. Examples of topics for your
annotated bibliography include assessment considerations for students who
are Aboriginal, EAL (English as an additional language learners), assessment
of students with complex physical needs, assessment of gifted and talented
learners, etc.

(Note: For all course assignments, the current APA format (Version 6.0) must be used
for the reference list and citations. The APA Publication Manual is available at the
Brandon University Bookstore).

Course Grade Evaluation

Minimum grade requirement for graduate program: B

Grade Equivalencies:

A+ 96-100 B- 70-74
A 90-95 C+ 65-69
A- 85-89 C 60-64
B+ 80-84 C- 55-59
B 75-79 D 50-54
F Under 50%

Academic Integrity

See section 3.9 (Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct) of the Graduate Calendar. Violations of
this policy will not be tolerated. Plagiarism, cheating, falsification of records, or research
misconduct will result in disciplinary action. A student who is determined to be responsible for
academic dishonesty or misconduct may be subject to the imposition of one or more of the
a. requirement to repeat the assignment or examination, with or without grade reduction
b. assignment of a grade of zero in the assignment, test or exam
c. assignment of "F-AD" in the course in which the offence is committed
d. suspension from some or all courses in which a final grade has not been entered, and
the assignment of "F-AD" in all such courses
e. suspension from all Brandon University teams, clubs, or like organizations
for a period of 1 to 5 years
f. suspension from the Faculty for a period of 1 to 5 years
g. expulsion from the Faculty
h. suspension from the University for a period of 1 to 5 years
i. expulsion from the University
j. cancellation or revocation of degree

Instructor / Course Evaluation

The anonymous course evaluations will be completed online. All students are expected
to complete the evaluation. Dates of the evaluation will be communicated by the
Graduate Studies Office.

Statement on Accessibility and Accommodation

Brandon University values diversity and inclusion, recognizing disability as an aspect of

diversity. Our shared goal is to create learning environments that are accessible,
equitable, and inclusive for all students. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) works with
students who have permanent, chronic, or temporary disabilities. SAS supports

students by developing individualized plans of accommodation, helping students to

understand their learning needs, and assisting faculty with provision of accommodations
for students registered with SAS.

If you have, or think you may have, a disability (e.g. mental health, attentional, learning,
vision, hearing, physical, medical, or temporary), you are invited to contact Student
Accessibility Services to arrange a confidential discussion at (204) 727-9759 or
magnussonm@brandonu.ca. Additional information is available on the Student
Accessibility Services website: https://www.brandonu.ca/student-services/student-

If you are registered with SAS and have a letter requesting accommodations, you are
encouraged to contact the instructor early in the term to discuss the accommodations
outlined in your letter.

Attendance at Lectures and Practical Work

(refer to the Graduate Calendar, section 3.7.1)

1. All students are expected to be regular in their attendance at lectures and labs.
While attendance per se will not be considered in assessing the final grade, it
should be noted that in some courses participation in class activities may be
2. For limited enrolment courses, students who are registered but do not attend the
first three classes (or notify the instructor that they intend to attend) may have
their registration cancelled in favour of someone else wishing to register for the
3. Students who are unable to attend a scheduled instruction period because of
illness, disability, or domestic affliction should inform the instructor concerned as
soon as possible.
4. Instructors may excuse absences for good and sufficient reasons.

Wellness Services

Positive well-being is highly correlated to learning and student success. Wellness is a

combination of physical, social, spiritual, and mental health. Personal Counsellors at
Brandon University are dedicated to providing support to students’ wellness, primarily
their mental well-being, through prevention activities, early identification, and timely
interventions using a holistic lens.

Please contact the Personal Counsellors in the Student Services Department at 204-
727-9737 or visit Room 102 A.E. McKenzie Building to make an appointment. There are
crisis-counselling appointments available daily.

If you believe that you or someone else is in imminent danger of harm, call 911.

Sexualized Violence Education and Prevention Coordinator: 204-727-7498

24-hour crisis supports

Over 18 years of age: Mobile Crisis Unit = 204-725-4411

Under 18 years of age: Child and Adolescent Treatment Centre = 204-578-2700
Klinic Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1-888-292-7565


Please save this course outline. Students who are pursuing the course route for their
Master of Education program will require it for use in their final course: 07.750 Graduate
Summative Seminar. We also recommend that these students write a reflection upon
completion of each graduate course, in order to prepare for the 07.750 Graduate
Summative Seminar.

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