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Big Sand Lake Property Owners Association LTR Rev 1 Autosaved 1

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Big Sand Lake Property Owners’ Association

2020 End of Summer Update

September 4, 2020

Dear Past, Current and Future Big Sand Lake Members,

Due to the Corona Virus and social distancing guidelines the Board has decided to
provide a letter to update the status of the Lake and the Association in lieu of an in-
person meeting. To that end the writer hopes that this letter will suffice the
reader’s expectations. Prior to Memorial Day weekend when we would have
normally held our Annual Meeting the Board met via conference call and the
following had been discussed.

First, the meeting was called to order by Matt Garni. Then the elections of 2 officers,
Matt Garni and Tom O’Connell and 3 at large Board members, Joe Robinson, Dick Goff,
and Bob Kelly was discussed, and all agreed to continue on for another 2 years.

Next, Bob Kelly discussed the Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) level in the Lake. The 2019
EWM Point Intercept showed the Milfoil level to be at 3 to 3.5 %. Based on this and
since it has been staying low and the fact that it is recommended not to do a treatment
until we are above 15%, the board decided not to have a Point Intercept performed this

Next, the update on the Town of Phelps Lakes Committee was given by Dru Claar. The
Lakes Committee is given $10,000 each year to provide to the local lakes for mitigating
the effects of the milfoil. Recently we learned that Big Sand Lake will receive $800 this
year to help pay for the Clean Boats Clean Waters (CBCW) program.

This led into the discussion of the CBCW program. Bob Kelly confirmed that we have
contracted with UW Oshkosh for 200 hours. As many of you know, this is the program
where UW Oshkosh students monitor our boat landing for the transfer
of Milfoil in and out of our Lake. The Mole Lake Tribe picks up the bulk of the costs
for this. The remaining $800 was presented to the Lakes Committee.

The next item discussed was the Maple Syrup Festival. Matt Garni stated that the
BSLPOA was all set to be in the festival as a presenter to get more exposure.
Unfortunately, the Festival was cancelled due to the Pandemic. In the meantime the
entry fee was applied towards the membership in the Phelps Chamber of Commerce
and the entry into the 2021 Maple Syrup Festival.

Tom O’Connell discussed the BSL Club’s Golf Tournament held in August.

Tom then led into the Adopt A Walleye program. Last year approximately 7000, 5 to 8”
walleyes were released into the Lake near the boat landing. The walleye travel in
schools and are more likely to survive by being released in this way than spreading them
out throughout the lake. The Adopt A Walleye program is taking a pause this year and
will resume in 2021.

Ken Musial led the discussion on the quality of fishing on the Lake. Currently the biggest
issue is the amount of blue gills in the Lake. There is an excess of blue gills and the DNR
is in the 4th year of a 5 year study. Currently 7” or larger may be kept. No action to be
taken at this time.

Joe Robinson led the discussion on the lake monitoring. BSL gets monitored for 5 items.
The items recorded are phosphorus levels, chlorophyll A, dissolved oxygen,
temperature and clarity. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, sampling did not start until
June and only 3 samples were taken, June, July and August. This summer the water
clarity remained good. There was a strong thermocline at 25 feet below which the
dissolved oxygen dropped below 1.0mg/L. We will post additional findings from the
DNR on the website as we receive them.

Matt Garni updated the Board regarding the website. It was and is current. The website
address is bigsandlakepoa.org and we encourage everyone to visit the site on a regular
basis. It is informative and always has pictures from the Lake that are incredible.
Next, there was a brief discussion regarding some of our members that have
passed on over the past year. May they rest in peace.

Finally, some random issues that were presented; from Samantha Krumholz, the
checking account for the Association was at $11,832 and at the time of this letter is
$11,901. She also advised that we paid $50 for our membership in the Vilas County
Lakes and Rivers Association. From Bob Kelly, the Firehouse on Hwy 17 has been
completed and people should check with their insurance company to see if they are
eligible for a premium reduction. Also, as a reminder, the walleye slot is 20-24”.
Walleyes that fall in that range are not to be kept in order to build up the walleye

Next, we would like to mention that the Conover-Phelps Trail for biking and hiking is
nearing completion. Great Headwaters Trails is looking for donations for help with this.
They can be contacted at ghtrails@gmail.com.

Finally, and most importantly we sincerely appreciate your past support through
membership and donations. We again ask for that same support if you haven’t joined
the association already this year. Albeit being late in the summer we still need support
for future work and projects. Please send membership dues to the following:

Big Sand Lake Property Owner’s Association (BSLPOA)

Attention: Samantha Krumholz, Treasurer
1876 Thomas Drive
East Troy, WI 53120

The dues are $40 for the calendar annual membership and $20 for the associate (non-
voting) membership. Please include your name, address, phone number and email

As we wind down for the summer, the Board wishes everyone a safe and fun filled time
spent with family and friends at the Lake!

Yours Truly,
Matt Garni
President BSLPOA

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