Advanced Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Advanced Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Advanced Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Problem description...............................................................................................................2
Problem discussion...............................................................................................................10
List of figures
The mass is in a cylinder shape and is connected to both damper and spring. While the force
due to the water hitting the cylinder start moves in the reciprocating horizontally along the
direction of flow. The power developed due to the motion of the cylinder is to be determined.
In most of the cases, the damper is used to restrict the vibration by generating heat inside. But
in this project instead of heat, the damper is attached to a generator which produces power
which can be saved for other purposes. In another way, it can be treated as an energy
producing device like a windmill. Instead of wind the fluid using is water or this can be
placed in the seashore to produce power.
The idea behind this design comes from the first law of thermodynamics. The energy is
transformed from one mode to another mode. The energy stored in the flowing liquid is
collected and power is produced. The energy is transformed from kinetic energy to electrical
energy. The power produced in the design is calculated as
P= ∫ c V 2 dt
T is the period of oscillatory flow; V is the velocity of cylinder mass and c is the damping
coefficient. To obtain the velocity newtons second law is used. The force balance on the
spring mass damper system is described as
d2 x dx
m 2
+c +k x=F
dt dt
m is the mass of the cylinder, c is the damping coefficient, k is the spring constant and F is
the force acting on the system. This force is developed by flowing fluid and this is described
by the Morison equation.
d Vr 1
F=C A m d + ρC D A|V r|V r
dt 2
CA is the added mass coefficient, the C D is the drag coefficient, ρ is the density of water, A is
the projected area perpendicular to the direction of flow, md is the mass of liquid displaced by
the cylindrical mass and Vr is the relative velocity between the flowing fluid and the
cylindrical mass.
Problem description
The fluid velocity is varying with time and is in the form of a sinusoidal wave. This can be
expressed as
U =U 0 +U m sin(¿ 2 pi t /T )¿
T ¿ KC∗D/U m ❑
This velocity changes the velocity for the cylinder mass but, since the mass is attached to
spring and damper which restrict and controls the motion further. The motion will be unstable
in the early stages and becomes stable. The problem is analyzed based on the displacement of
mass at different time. The effect of the damping coefficient, as well as the effect of KC
number, also studied. Specified parameters are mentioned below.
The governing equations are solved using numerical methods and are analyzed in MATLAB
software tool. The governing equation is a linear second order differential equation and is
converted into the linear form using finite difference methods. The manipulation of the
differential terms is described below.
d2 x dx d Vr 1
m 2
+c +k x=C A m d + ρC D A|V r|V
dt dt dt 2
d 2 x x i +1−2 x + x i−1
d t2 Δ x2
dx x i+1− xi−1
dt 2 Δx
d V r V r i +1−V r i−1
dt 2 Δx
2m 2C A m d 2× m× x ( i )+2 × m× Δt ×U 0 C A m d (U i +1−U ) (2 x +2 Δt ×U 0 ) 1
x i+1 ( Δt 2
Δt 2
=) Δt 2
+C U 0+ k x+
+C A m d
Δt 2
+ ρC
And for the further time step analysis, the displacement will be
These values ate each time step is used to find the velocity of the cylindrical mass at that time
P= ∑ c¿¿
N n =1
This analysis is performed for damping coefficient of 100 Nm/s. The KC number varying
from 2 to 20 in the interval of 2 is plotted. As the KC number increases the power peak is
also increases. It is also seen from the image that the change in power is not constant. And
there is a fluctuation at the initial stage due to the unstable motion of the cylinder. In the
graph shown below explain the variation of power at time t =1s. For each KC number there is
unstable condition at early stage and get disappeared. This unstable condition is taking more
time to stable for low KC numbers. As the KC value increases the time duration for unstable
situation is less. The power for each KC number increases with time the maximum power
reaches and then decreases. The power with time slope is more in small KC number values
but the slope ends in shrot time and negative slopes starts. As the KC number increases the
slope gradually increases for long time compared to small KC number values. The curves
extends further and reaches maximum. The power obtained for large KC values are more
than the power obtained for small KC values. More KC value means the force exerted on the
cylinder by fluid is due to drag force. As the drag force further increases it give a stable
motion. For small KC number values the inertia for is more and this force can be so
fluctuating that the time period of each oscilation will be small. For hig KC number cases the
time period of oscillatory motion is more compared with low KC number cases.
KC number and damping coefficient are important factors to produce power generation. To
get the maximum power higher values of the specified parameters has to be used. The
maximum error in the analysis is set for 0.0001. From the analysis, it can be easily identified
to find the values of a damping factor as well as KC number for a particular value of power.
Part 2
In this task, the transient conduction is studied. The temperature of water moving into the
ground with a velocity of 0.02m/s is analyzed. The initial condition of the soil is given as
19C. The top ground side is fixed at 30C. The velocity of water is constant in the vertical
direction. Due to the velocity of water into the deep ground, the soil temperature will
increase. In this task the time taken for soil to reach a temperature of 25 at 1.5 m from the
ground is determined. MATLAB software tool is used to solve the numerical methods
developed from the governing equation. The analysis is carried out for 2 m length and at 2 m
the heat transfer is restricted. The heat transfer is taking place by conduction within the soil.
Variation of thermal diffusivity is analyzed and studied.
Heat can be transferred in three modes. Conduction, convection, and radiation. In this
problem heat transfer is carried out due to conduction. Conduction can be defined as the heat
transfer due to direct physical contact. The water is in contact with soil and the heat is
transferred from higher temperature to lower temperature. The governing equation to solve
this problem is shown below.
∂T ∂T ∂2 T
=−u +α 2
∂t ∂x ∂x
u is the velocity of water 0.02m/s. T is the temperature in the soil, t is the time, α is the heat
diffusion coefficient (the influence of the soil has been considered).
The governing equation is derived from one-dimensional conduction heat transfer analysis in
cartesian coordinates. In this case, heat is transferred by not only conduction but also due to
the effect of mass transfer of water. The term expressed as −u shows that water is
moving downward direction and is alos represent theheat transfer by mass transfer. The term
without −u can be written as
∂T ∂2 T
∂t ∂ x2
Problem discussion
The initial condition of the soil is 19C and water is flowing from the top to bottom for a depth
of 2 m. The time taken for the temperature of 25C at 1.5 m from the surface is to be
determined and also the time is taken for different thermal diffusivity is also needed to be
determined. The analysis is carried out by splitting the total dimension into 200 parts and
temperature at each node has to be performed by numerical methods. Thermal diffusivity is
varied from 0.0002 to 0.001 with an interval of 0.0002m2/s. The heat transfer at 2 m from the
surface is restricted and can be considered as insulated during the analysis.
The governing equations are solved using numerical methods and are analyzed in MATLAB
software tool. The governing equation is a linear second order differential equation and is
converted into the linear form using finite difference methods. The manipulation of the
differential terms is described below.
∂T ∂T ∂2 T
=−u +α 2
∂t ∂x ∂x
∂T T i +1 ,n−T
∂t 2 Δt
∂T T i +1−T
∂x 2 Δx
Substituting the terms in the governing equation will become
Further manipulating the terms the time step at an nth time is determined as
It is also noted from the simulation that the temperature becomes 30C every was in 250
seconds time. The variation in temperature is seen for a 0.8 m. At each time step the stage in
0.8m space is unsteady. This variation gradually moves from the top ground to bottom till the
soil reaches equilibrium. IN the image given above the variation of temperature with this is
seen from location 1 m to location 0.8 m. As a new time step reaches this curve will shift to
right and the vaiaion can only visible for 0.8 soil structiore.
Time taken to reach a specified temperature is decreases with increasing thermal diffusivity.
When a thermal diffusivity comes in to picture it will be transient heat conduction. And the
graph shows the variation is almost linear in shape. There are some value of thermal
difficivity there the change in time for raching temperature is increases. But the range of
thermal diffusivity si not seen in this part. Any further increment in the therma diffusivity
value the time taken to reach 25C reduces.
Thermal diffusivity is a property of material shows the how fast a material can conduct heat
over its heat capacity. The more thermal diffusivity value the material will distribute the heat
very quickly. Material with high thermal conductivity and small in size will have high value
of thermal conductivity. In this task the if the soil with high thermal diffusivity will distribute
the heat more quickly and become steady in lesser time.
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