097 Paint Application Specs & Guides
097 Paint Application Specs & Guides
097 Paint Application Specs & Guides
November 1, 1982
Revised September 1, 2000
November 1, 1982
Revised September 1, 2000
5. SSPC-PA Guide 4, "Guide to Maintenance ing out a maintenance painting program for steel and other
Repainting with Oil Base or Alkyd Painting structures. It may be used for one time repaint programs or
Systems" long range repaint programs.
Planning and implementation of maintenance painting
This guide has been prepared specifically for use as a programs are presented in a logical sequence of eight
guide for repainting with oil base, alkyd, and other solvent- specific tasks. These tasks range from defining the pro-
thinned paint systems. It is concerned with procedures gram objectives to follow-up activities required to imple-
necessary to maintain previously painted steel structures ment an on-going maintenance program. Each task is
so that they continue to provide the corrosion protection as designed in such a way that it may be utilized as stand-
originally intended. Items covered are a guide for determin- alone for those with interest in only one or a few aspects of
ing when maintenance painting is required and preparing the program.
the existing surface for painting.