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In Ludwig's angina the classical sign is:

A. Tongue is raised and falls back causing

respiratory embarrassment

B. That submandibular sublingual and submental

spaces are involved though tongue may

not be raised

C. That submandibular, sublingual and submental

spaces are involved bilaterally

D. Board-like brawny induration of mandible

with tongue falling back and causing respiratory


10. In Ludwig's angina the incision should be

placed deep uptill:

A. Mylohyoid muscle

B. Anterior belly of digastric

C. Geniohyoid

D. Mucous membrane of floor of mouth

11. Infections of lateral pharyngeal space travel

usually from:

A. Temporal pouches

B. Masticator space

C. Sublingual space

D. None of the above

12. Infections of lateral pharyngeal space are life

theratening because they carry dangers of:

A. Thrombosis of rjV B. Erosion of ICA

C. Oedema of larynx D. All of the above

13. Infections from lateral pharyngeal space can

transverse to:
A. Anterior mediastinum

B. Middle mediastinum

C. Posterior mediastinum

D. Only superior mediastinum

14. Infections from submandibular space and submental

space usually transverse to:

A. Anterior mediastinum

B. Middle mediastinum

C. Posterior mediastinum

D. Only superior mediastinum

15. Infections which travel from masticator space to

parotid space are very painful because:

A. Facial nerve is irritated

B. The capsule of parotid does not give way for

the developing infection to spread

C. Auriculotemporal nerve is irritated by infection

D. None of the above

16. While giving a inferior alveolar nerve block,

infection is transposed to:

A. Pterygopalatine fossa

B. Pterygomandibular space

C. Submandibular space

D. Masticator space

17. While giving posterior superior alveolar nerve

block, infection may be instituted into:

A. Pterygomandibular space

B. Infratemporal fossa

C. Temporal pouches

D. Pterygopalatine fossa
18. A patient, presented with ophthalmoplegia and

signs of meningitis after extraction of upper

central incisor, could be diagnosed as due to:

A. Tumour of pituitary

B. Tuberculous meningitis

C. Cavernous sinus thrombosis

D. No relation

19. The diagnostic sign/s which Eagelton characterised

for cavernous sinus thrombosis is/are:

A. Known site of infection

B. Paresis of III, IV, VI nerves

C. Proptosis of eye and (B)

D. All of the above

20. Dissecting subperiosteal abscess develops:

A. Immediately after 3rd molar extraction on

lingual side

Several weeks later and distant to site of 3rd

molar extraction

In association of post extraction infection in

buccal area of extracted 3rd molar

When extensive dissection is done while

extracting an impacted tooth

21. An acute alveolar abscess should be treated with:

A. First antibiotics for three days and then

incision and drainage

Incision and drainage with broad spectrum


Broad spectrum antibiotics and analgecis

Antibiotics and proteolytic drugs

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