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Technical Data: 10. Ordering Information

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9. Technical data 10.

Ordering information

Power supply: 220 V/50 Hz; Centrifuge 5415 C

115 V/60 Hz 220 V/50 Hz 22 36 285-2
continuously adjustable Centrifuge 5415 C
Rotational speed {rpm):
from 1,000 to 14,000 rpm 115 V/60 Hz 22 36 280-1
(±1 %) Standard accessories:
Acceleration time: approx. 10 sec Standard rotor for 18 tubes (d = 11 mm) 22 36 651-3
Rotor lid 22 36 652-1
Deceleration time: approx. 15 sec
Special accessories:
Power requirement: 250 w Special rotor for 24 tubes (d = 8 mm) 22 36 656-4
Special rotor for 30 tubes (d = 6 mm) 22 36 647-5
Dimensions: height: 28.0 em Rotor lid 22 36 652-1
width: 21 .0 em Motor brushes, 2 per set 22 36 527-4
depth: 28.5 em Tube holder for special rotor for 24 tubes 22 36 657-2
Tube holder for special rotor for 30 tubes 22 36 648-3
Weight: 14.3 lbs (6.5 kg) Spring plate for special rotor for 24 tubes 22 36 658-1
Spring plate for special rotor for 30 tubes 22 36 649-1
Adapter for 400 tJL and 250 tJL microcentrifuge tubes,
18 per set (for use with Standard rotor) 22 36 565-7
Adapter for 500 IJL and Becton-Dickinson
MicrotainerTM tubes,
Rotational speed (rpm) and For the Centrifuge 5415 C, with The rotational speed is 18 per set (for use with Standard rotor) 22 36 575- 4
relative centrifugal force (RCF) Standard rotor, the following determined from the following
values are valid for Eppen- formula: Eppendorf Microcentrifuge Tubes with Attached Caps
The relative centrifugal force dorf 1.5 mL Safe-Lock-Tube,
(RCF) can be calculated from Safe-LockTM Tubes
Flex-Tube and Standard Micro RCF
the centrifugal radius (r) and Centrifuge Tube: rpm =
500 Safe-Lock Tubes, 1.5 mL, natural polypropylene 22 36 320-4
the rotational speed (n). 1.118 · 10· 5 · r (em) 500 Sal e-Loc k Tubes, 1.5 mL, amber polypropylene 22 36 322-1
500 Safe-Lock Tubes, 1.5 mL, blue polypropylene 22 36 324-7
RCF = 1.118 · 10· 5 • r. n 2 rpm RCF 500 Sale-Lock Tubes, 1.5 mL, green polypropylene 22 36 326-3
Example: An RCF of 8,000 is 500 Safe-Lock Tubes, 1.5 mL, red polypropylene 22 36 328-0
The acceleration of gravity 1,000 82 desired using Eppendorf 1.5 mL 500 Safe-Lock Tubes, 1.5 mL, yellow polypropylene 22 36 330-1
(g = 9.81 m · sec - 2 ) is a . 2,000 325 Safe-Lock Tube, Flex-Tube or
measure for the RCF. The 3,000 735 Standard Tube (r = 7.3 em). Flex-Tubes TM
centrifugal force is expressed 4,000 1,310 500 Flex Tubes, 1.5 mL, natural polypropylene 22 36 411-1
as a multiple of the 5,000 2,040 500 Flex Tubes, 1.5 mL, amber polypropylene 22 36 351-4
acceleration of gravity. 6,000 2,940 500 Flex Tubes, 1.5 mL, blue polypropylene 22 36 353-1
7,000 4,000 8000 500 Flex Tubes, 1.5 mL, green polypropylene 22 36 355-7
r = centrifugal radius in em rpm = 1------,--- ~ 9,930 500 Flex Tubes, 1.5 mL, red polypropylene 22 36 357-3
8,000 5,220 1.118 · 10· 5 . 7.3
n = rotational speed in rpm 500 Flex Tubes, 1.5 mL, yellow polypropylene 22 36 359-0
9,000 6,610
10,000 8,160 Standard Tubes
11 ,000 9,880 500 Standard Tubes, 1.5 mL, natural polypropylene 22 36 380-8
12,000 11,750 500 Standard Tubes, 1.5 mL, amber polypropylene 22 36 413-8
13,000 13,800 500 Standard Tubes, 1.5 mL, blue polypropylene 22 36 419-7
14,000 16,000 500 Standard Tubes, 1.5 mL, green polypropylene 22 36 418-9
500 Standard Tubes, 1.5 mL, red polypropylene 22 36 416-2
500 Standard Tubes, 1.5 mL, yellow polypropylene 22 36 417-1
500 Standard Tubes, 500 IJL, po lypro pylene 22 36 430-8
1,000 Standard Tubes, 400 tJL, polypropyl ene 22 36 390-5
1 ,000 Standard Tubes, 400 tJL, hard opa qu e polyethyl ene 22 36 530- 4
1 ,000 Standard Tubes, 400 tJ L, soft tra nslucent polyethylene,
for Eppendorf 541 3 Mic ro Centrifu ge only 22 36 535- 5
1,000 Standard Tubes, 250 IJL, polyethylene 22 36 440-5

An ticoagulant Micro Centrifu ge Tubes also available

Contact Brinkmann Instru ments.

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