Spectrum of Tuberculosis The End of The Binary Era: Revisiting The
Spectrum of Tuberculosis The End of The Binary Era: Revisiting The
Spectrum of Tuberculosis The End of The Binary Era: Revisiting The
Spectrum of Tuberculosis
Philana Ling Lin and JoAnne L. Flynn
This information is current as J Immunol 2018; 201:2541-2548; ;
of October 22, 2018. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1800993
uberculosis (TB) remains a major cause of morbidity
and mortality worldwide and is now the most com- but do not eliminate the initial infection. Infected but
mon cause of death from an infectious disease, sur- asymptomatic individuals are classified as having latent
passing HIV/AIDS (1). Even with improved measures to M. tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Persons with LTBI are
diagnose and treat TB, the disease continues to ravage de- characterized as having evidence of infection by an immu-
veloping countries, causing 1.5 million deaths in 2016 (2). nologic test [positive tuberculin skin test (TST) or IFN-g
Standard therapy for TB has not changed in almost 50 years release assay (IGRA)], with no signs or symptoms of TB
and involves 6 mo of treatment (four drugs for 2 mo, fol- and are presumed to be noncontagious. A small percentage
lowed by two drugs for an additional 4 mo). This long course (5–15%) of these people progress to active, symptomatic, and
of treatment can result in poor compliance and the potential transmissible TB within 2 y of infection, likely representing a
for developing drug resistance. Drug-resistant TB is compli- lack of initial control of infection; this is termed primary TB.
cated to manage and requires longer treatment with less ef- Symptoms of disease evolve slowly, possibly due to the slow
fective drugs and greater risk of adverse effects. Although there growth of the M. tuberculosis. Not surprisingly, active TB can
are newer drugs being used for drug-resistant TB, an ef- present in a variety of ways, most commonly as pulmonary
fective vaccine that prevents infection or disease is essen- TB, but the bacillus can infect any organ in the body.
tial for ending the scourge of TB. However, identifying Pulmonary TB can present with mild, moderate, or severe
the protective mechanisms necessary for an effective TB respiratory and systemic symptoms, with involvement of
*Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of the University of Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. JoAnne L. Flynn, Department of
Pittsburgh Medical Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
PA 15224; and †Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Room 5058 Biomedical Science Tower 3, 3501 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15261.
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 E-mail address: joanne@pitt.edu
ORCIDs: 0000-0001-5169-3714 (P.L.L.); 0000-0001-7874-8981 (J.L.F.). Abbreviations used in this article: BCG, bacille Calmette–Guérin; CT, computed to-
mography; FDG, 2-deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-D glucose; IGRA, IFN-g release assay; LTBI,
Received for publication July 17, 2018. Accepted for publication July 28, 2018.
latent M. tuberculosis infection; PET, positron emission tomography; TB, tuberculosis;
This work was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (to J.L.F. and P.L.L.), TST, tuberculin skin test.
Aeras (to J.L.F.), and National Institutes of Health Grants AI111871 and AI134195 (to
P.L.L.) and HL110811, AI114674, AI123093, and AI094745 (to J.L.F.). Copyright Ó 2018 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. 0022-1767/18/$37.50
FIGURE 2. The outcome of M. tuberculosis infection includes a host of outcomes and clinical manifestations. Those with severe outcomes are often highly
symptomatic (e.g., weight loss, chills, night sweats, fevers, cough) with a positive skin test or IGRA, chest x-ray (CXR) with substantial TB disease, and growth of
M. tuberculosis on sputum culture. In contrast, some individuals may have been infected in the past (with or without a positive IGRA/skin test) and have cleared
the infection resulting in the absence of symptoms, negative sputum culture, and normal chest x-ray. Although the greatest proportion of infected individuals are
BCG revaccination of previously BCG vaccinated subjects more disseminated disease (23). The quality of chest x-rays
resulted in reversion of an initially positive IGRA with an has greatly improved from the time they were first used more
efficacy of 45%, suggesting these vaccines had a robust re- than five decades ago and this has led to improved diagnosis
duction, or possibly elimination, of an initial M. tuberculosis of TB. More sophisticated imaging technologies such as
infection. As with resisters, the biologic mechanisms leading computed tomography (CT) have been used in research and
to this outcome are of interest for development of preventive specific clinical settings, resulting in even more sensitive
strategies and provide new outcome measures for vaccine detection of disease. Positron emission tomography (PET),
trials. Additional studies to identify the true infection status using 2-deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-D glucose (FDG, a PET probe
and more detailed analysis of immunologic responses of these measuring metabolic activity), combined with CT has
reverters are critical to more fully understand the spectrum of enabled researchers and clinicians to find metabolically active
LTBI. It is possible that there is a link between resisters and granulomas in otherwise asymptomatic or LTBI patients. In
reverters, with common immunologic mechanisms responsi- fact, a spectrum of image patterns has been observed in subjects
ble for preventing or eliminating infection, respectively. with clinically defined LTBI (24) and in patients with
Subclinical disease. Subclinical TB, often described as having symptomatic active disease (reviewed in Ref. 25). Esmail
detectable M. tuberculosis in sputum but with a normal chest et al. (26) reported on 35 HIV-infected, antiretroviral naive
x-ray and no symptoms of TB, has been documented patients without signs or symptoms of active TB and identified
in immune competent individuals. However, it is likely 10 patients with PET/CT characteristics of active or subclinical
underreported, because sputum examinations are not disease (e.g., infiltrates or metabolically active nodules) and
typically performed on patients without symptoms or with who also exhibited a higher risk of progression to active TB.
negative chest radiographs (8, 19). In the aforementioned In this same study, there were 195 HIV+ patients who were
Byrd study (8), one of the exposed subjects was found to be screened for TB but who were excluded from the study for
sputum positive with a normal chest radiograph and no overt various reasons. Of these 195 patients, 10 were found to be
symptoms. Only after intensive questioning did this sputum positive, of whom five were asymptomatic with normal
individual admit to having 6 wk of cough and weight loss, chest x-rays. Clearly, there is discordance between the
which resolved (8). Surprisingly, recent studies identified traditional classification of LTBI and active TB.
some patients who would have been defined as having LTBI Transcriptional studies of human blood have shown over-
but had a positive sputum sample, performed serendipitously lapping signatures between clinically defined active TB and
for research purposes (19). Similarly, features of active TB LBTI (19, 27) as well as between LTBI and uninfected sub-
have been historically observed at autopsy of patients who jects (28). These studies support the existence of a full spec-
died of other non-TB causes, suggesting that these patients trum of M. tuberculosis infection beyond the dogmatic,
were otherwise asymptomatic of TB (20). With the clinically defined, binary outcome. Recent blood transcrip-
resurgence of TB during the HIV epidemic, clinicians have tional studies identified a signature that could predict active
recognized that immunodeficiency is often associated with TB as early as 18 mo prior to clinical diagnosis (29). Although
atypical clinical and radiographic manifestations of TB. these studies do not provide biological mechanisms, the pre-
HIV-infected patients, especially those with low CD4 dictive signatures reflect ongoing disease evolution that cannot
counts, do not generally have cavity formation and can have otherwise be detected by clinical signs or symptoms. To ac-
atypical or even normal chest radiographs despite having count for this broader classification of M. tuberculosis infec-
confirmed disease (reviewed in Refs. 21 and 22). Patients tion, some have coined the term “incipient TB.” Although
on TNF inhibitors, a major risk factor for reactivation of this term has been disputed since the early 1900s (30), it is
LTBI, also can have atypical manifestations of TB with now defined by the World Health Organization as “prolonged
asymptomatic phase of early disease during which pathology epithelial cells to express DEFB4 and other antimicrobial
evolves, prior to clinical presentation as active disease” (31). effectors that can kill M. tuberculosis directly (36). These very
Tests that can identify this phase of infection will facilitate early events are consistent with our findings in which serial
more strategic treatment of large populations, preferably by PET/CT imaging was performed during M. tuberculosis in-
identifying and treating those at greatest risk of active TB fection in macaques to determine whether the pattern of lung
before they become overtly contagious, thereby reducing granulomas could predict outcome. Animals that would later
transmission. To more fully understand the spectrum of develop active TB had more granulomas as early as 3 wk
M. tuberculosis infection and the underlying mechanisms that postinfection (before the adaptive immune response is estab-
drive outcomes (especially with regard to incipient infection), lished) with significantly more new granulomas developing
more in-depth studies of basic TB pathogenesis and biology because of dissemination from existing granulomas between
of the host and pathogen are required. 3–6 wk compared with animals that would later present with
LTBI (38). These data suggest that innate and early adaptive
Animal models for understanding the spectrum responses are critical to outcome.
of M. tuberculosis infection Bacterial burden within individual granulomas peaks at
The human data that support the idea of a spectrum of ∼4 wk postinfection when there is minimal bacterial killing
M. tuberculosis infection outcomes are compelling. However, detected (39). Substantial bacterial killing occurs within
for practical reasons, much of this data comes from blood, granulomas by 10–11 wk postinfection, coinciding with the
whereas TB is a disease primarily of the lungs. Animal models development of an adaptive immune response. RNA tran-
same lung lobe (38, 45) (Fig. 3). Even in humans, reso-
lution of some granulomas and progression of others dur-
ing active TB can be observed by PET/CT imaging over as
little as 2 mo (46).
We have shown that individual bacilli that enter the lung
give rise to individual granulomas, but these granulomas can
have different trajectories (39). The heterogeneity among
individual granulomas within the same host can be observed
in terms of bacterial burden and killing, immune responses,
risk of dissemination, and granuloma type (39, 44, 47, 48).
Using a library of “bar-coded” M. tuberculosis, in which in-
dividual bacteria can be distinguished by a DNA tag, in
conjunction with serial PET/CT imaging, we demonstrated
that only a subset of granulomas within a single host dis-
seminate to form new granulomas and advance disease (48).
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ogen, it is the local host–pathogen response in each granu-
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