Caterpillar - Fluids Rec
Caterpillar - Fluids Rec
Caterpillar - Fluids Rec
October 1999
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or
pictorially presented.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in
this publication.
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The
warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,
work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Caterpillar is used,
you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the
product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that
was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before
you start any job. Caterpillar dealers have the most current information available. For a list of the most
current publication form numbers available, see the Service Manual Contents Microfiche, REG1139F.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Foreword ................................................................. 4
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Specifications ............................... 5
Index Section
Index ..................................................................... 43
Literature Information When auxiliary devices, accessories or consumables
(filters, oil, additives, catalysts, etc.) made by other
This manual should be stored in the operator's manufacturers are used on Caterpillar product, the
compartment in the literature holder or seat back Caterpillar warranty is not affected simply because
literature storage area. of such use. Failures resulting from the installation
or usage of other manufacturers auxiliary devices,
The information contained in this document is the accessories or consumables, however, are not
most current information available for coolant, fuels, Caterpillar factory defects and therefore are NOT
and lubricants. Special lubricants are required covered by Caterpillar's warranty.
for some machine compartments. Refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual for your Caterpillar is not in a position to evaluate the many
machine for any special lubrication requirements. auxiliary devices, accessories or consumables pro-
moted by other manufacturers and their effect on
Whenever a question arises regarding the machine, Caterpillar products. Installation or use of such items
this publication, or the Operation and Maintenance is at the discretion of the customer who assumes ALL
Manual, please consult any Caterpillar dealer for risks for the effects resulting from this usage.
the latest available information.
Further, Caterpillar does not authorize the use of its
trade name, trademark, or logo in a manner which im-
Safety plies our endorsement of these aftermarket products.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual
for your machine to determine all maintenance
NOTICE • Additives
In cold weather, frequently check the specific gravity
of the coolant solution to ensure adequate protection. • Glycol
After you drain the cooling system and after you Water is used to transfer the heat in the coolant
refill the cooling system, operate the engine. solution. For this reason, it is important to use
Operate the engine without the radiator cap until water that meets the following recommendations.
the coolant reaches normal operating temperature Water that does not meet the recommendations can
and the coolant level stabilizes. Make sure that the interfere with the transfer of heat. This water can
coolant is maintained to the proper level. also be corrosive.
Table 3 Table 4
Propylene Glycol Service Life Before Flushing and Before Refilling
Concentration Freeze Protection Anti-Boil Protection Coolant Service Life
50 Percent −29 C (−20 F) 106 C (223 F) Caterpillar ELC 6000 hours or 6 years
Caterpillar DEAC 3000 hours or 3 years
NOTICE Commercial Heavy-Duty
Do not use propylene glycol in concentrations that ex- Coolant/Antifreeze that
ceed 50 percent glycol because of propylene glycol's 3000 hours or 2 years
meets “ASTM D5345” or
reduced heat transfer capability. Use ethylene glycol “TMC RP329”
in conditions that require additional freeze or anti-boil
Commercial Heavy-Duty
Coolant/Antifreeze that meets 3000 hours or 1 year
“ASTM D4985”
ELC can be recycled. The drained coolant mixture Changing to Caterpillar ELC
can be distilled in order to remove the ethylene
glycol and the water. The ethylene glycol and the To change from heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze to the
water can be reused. Consult your Caterpillar dealer Caterpillar ELC, perform the following steps:
for more information.
Commercial ELC Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
If Caterpillar ELC is not used, then select a ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
commercial ELC that meets the Caterpillar collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
specification of EC-1 and either the “ASTM D5345” ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
specification or the “ASTM D4985” specification. Do nent containing fluids.
not use a long life coolant that does not meet the
EC-1 specification. Follow the maintenance guide Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
for the coolant from the supplier of the commercial Tools and Shop Products Guide” for tools and supplies
ELC. Follow the Caterpillar guidelines for the quality suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
of water and the specified coolant change interval. products.
When using Caterpillar ELC, do not use standard Do not leave an empty SCA filter on an ELC system.
SCA's or SCA filters. To avoid SCA contamination of
an ELC system, remove the SCA filter base and plug The filter housing may corrode and leak causing an
off or by-pass the coolant lines. engine failure.
31 to 38 L (8 to 10 US gal) 0.71 L (24 fl oz) 6. Drain the cleaner into a suitable container. Flush
the cooling system with clean water.
39 to 49 L (10 to 13 US gal) 0.95 L (32 fl oz)
50 to 64 L (13 to 17 US gal) 1.18 L (40 fl oz) Note: Deposits that remain in the system will be
loosened and removed by the ELC.
65 to 83 L (17 to 22 US gal) 1.60 L (54 fl oz)
84 to 114 L (22 to 30 US gal) 2.15 L (72 fl oz) 7. In systems with heavy deposits, it may be
necessary to disconnect the hoses. Clean
115 to 163 L (30 to 43 US gal) 3.00 L (100 fl oz)
the deposits and debris from the hoses and
164 to 242 L (43 to 64 US gal) 4.40 L (148 fl oz) the fittings. Install the hoses and tighten the
hose fittings. Pipe threads may also need to
be cleaned and sealed. Seal the threads with
5P-3413 Pipe Sealant.
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Specifications
8. Fill the cooling system with clean water and In cooling systems that use Caterpillar ELC, do
operate the engine until the engine is warmed to not add Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC)
49 to 66C (120 to 150F). as a makeup coolant. Contamination of ELC by
DEAC will defeat the advantages of ELC. If the ELC
NOTICE in the cooling system becomes contaminated by
Improper or incomplete rinsing of the cooling system more than 10 percent of the total system capacity
can result in damage to copper and other metal com- of DEAC or SCA, perform one of the following
ponents. operations:
To avoid damage to the cooling system, make sure • Drain the cooling system into a suitable container.
to completely flush the cooling system with clear wa- Dispose of the coolant according to local
ter. Continue to flush the system until all signs of the regulations. Flush the system with clean water. Fill
cleaning agent are gone. the system with the Caterpillar ELC.
Table 6
Caterpillar SCA Requirements for Heavy-Duty Coolant/Antifreezes
Caterpillar Liquid SCA Spin-on Element at
Cooling System
250 Service Hour
Capacity in L (US gal) Initial Fill(1) 250 Service Hour Maintenance(2) Maintenance
0.95 L (32 oz) or one unit
22 to 30 (6 to 8) 0.24 L (8 oz) or one unit 6V-3542 111-2370(3)
1.19 L (40 oz) or one unit of both
31 to 38 (8 to 10) 0.36 L (12 oz) or one unit 111-2372 111-2369(3)
3P-2044 and 6V-3542
1.42 L (48 oz) or one unit of both
39 to 49 (10 to 13) 0.36 L (12 oz) or one unit 111-2372 111-2369(3)
3P-2044 and 8T-1589
1.90 L (64 oz) or two units
50 to 64 (13 to 17) 0.47 L (16 oz) or one unit 8T-1589 9N-3368(3)
2.37 L (80 oz) or two units
0.60 L (20 oz) or one unit of both
65 to 83 (17 to 22) of 3P-2044 and one unit 111-2371(3)
111-2372 and 6V-3542
of 8T-1589
3.32 L (112 oz) or three units
84 to 114 (22 to 30) of 3P-2044 and one unit 0.95 L (32 oz) or one unit 3P-2044 9N-3718(3)
of 8T-1589
4.75 L (160 oz) or five units 1.18 L (40 oz) or one unit of both
115 to 163 (30 to 43) two units 111-2371(3)
3P-2044 3P-2044 and 6V-3542
7.60 L (256 oz) or eight
164 to 242 (43 to 64) 1.90 L (64 oz) or two units 3P-2044 two units 9N-3718(3)
units 3P-2044
(1) Use a Caterpillar SCA when you do not use a Caterpillar Antifreeze. You are not required to use Caterpillar SCA at the initial fill when you
use Caterpillar DEAC.
(2) Do not exceed the 6 percent maximum concentration. Check with the supplemental coolant additive test kit.
(3) Element Assembly
Perform a coolant analysis (Level 2) at 500 service • Determination of possible electrolysis within the
hours for new systems, for refilled systems, or for engines' cooling system
converted systems that use ELC or use DEAC. This
500 hour check will also check for any residual The results are reported, and appropriate
cleaner that may have contaminated the system. recommendations are made.
When you use No. 2 diesel fuel or other heavier In some engine installations, small modifications
fuels, some of the fuel's qualities may interfere can prevent problems that are caused by the cloud
with successful cold weather operation. Additional point. One of the following changes can prevent
information about the characteristics of diesel fuel problems in many conditions: a change in the
is available. This information contains a discussion location of fuel filters and/or supply lines and the
on the modification to the characteristics of diesel addition of insulation. In extreme temperatures,
fuel. There are several possible methods that can heating of the fuel may be required to prevent the
be used to compensate for the fuel qualities that filters from plugging. There are several types of fuel
may interfere with cold weather operation. These heaters that are available. The heaters use either
methods include the use of starting aids, engine engine coolant or exhaust gas as a heat source.
coolant heaters, fuel heaters, and de-icers. These systems may prevent filter waxing problems
without the use of de-icers. These systems may be
ineffective when the fuel contains a large amount
Starting Aids of dirt or of water. Use of a fuel heater can help
The use of a starting aid is a conventional method eliminate some cold weather problems. A fuel
heater should be installed so that the fuel is heated
of assistance for cold starts in low temperature
before flowing into the fuel filter.
conditions. A variety of starting aids are available
for Caterpillar engines. Follow the recommendations
Note: Only use fuel heaters that are controlled
that are provided by the manufacturer of the starting
by thermostats or use fuel heaters that are
aid. Information about the use of starting aids is
included in the Operation and Maintenance Manual self-regulated. Do not use fuel heaters in warm
for your machine.
Select a fuel heater that is mechanically simple, yet
Engine Coolant Heaters adequate for the application. The fuel heater should
also prevent overheating of the fuel. Disconnect the
These heaters heat the engine coolant. The heated fuel heater or deactivate the fuel heater in warm
coolant flows through the cylinder block. The flow weather. An unacceptable loss of fuel viscosity
of heated coolant keeps the engine warm. A warm and engine power will occur if the fuel supply
engine is easier to start in cold weather. Most temperature is allowed to become too hot.
coolant heaters use electrical power. A source of
electricity is necessary for this type of heater. Other For additional information on fuel heaters, see your
heaters that burn fuel are available as a source of Caterpillar dealer.
heat. These heaters may be used in place of the
electrical heaters.
With either type of heater, starting aids and/or fuels
with higher cetane numbers are less important De-icers lower the freeze point of the moisture in
the fuel. De-icers are not generally needed when
because the engine is warm. Problems with fuel
fuel heaters are used. If you experience trouble,
cloud point can cause the plugging of fuel filters.
Problems with fuel cloud point cannot be corrected consult your fuel supplier for recommendations of
a compatible commercial de-icer.
by engine coolant heaters. This is especially true for
machines that allow the fuel filter to be cooled by
air flow during operation. Aftermarket Fuel Additives
There are many different types of fuel additives that
Fuel Heaters
are available to use. Caterpillar does not generally
recommend the use of fuel additives.
The fuel cloud point is related to problems with
fuel filters. The heater heats the fuel above the
In special circumstances, Caterpillar recognizes
cloud point before the fuel enters the fuel filter. This
the need for fuel additives. Fuel additives need
prevents wax from blocking the filter. Fuel can flow
to be used with caution. The additive may not
through pumps and lines at temperatures below the
be compatible with the fuel. Some additives may
cloud point. The cloud point is often above the pour
precipitate. This action causes deposits in the fuel
point of a fuel. While the fuel can flow through these
system. The deposits may cause seizure. Contact
lines, the wax in the fuel can still plug the fuel filter.
your fuel supplier for those circumstances when
fuel additives are required. Your fuel supplier can
make recommendations for additives to use and for
the proper level of treatment. For best results, your
fuel supplier should treat the fuel when additives
are needed.
Maintenance Section
Fuel Specifications
Maximum life of the fuel system can be achieved by The cetane number of a fuel can be changed if
performing the following tasks: using a reliable fuel the fuel is mixed with a fuel that has a different
supplier, performing proper maintenance of the fuel cetane number. Generally, the cetane number of
system, and installing Caterpillar high efficiency fuel the mixture will be in direct relation to the ratio of
filters in the fuel system. the fuels that were mixed. Your fuel supplier can
provide the information about the cetane number
Note: Lighter fuels are frequently used in arctic of a particular fuel.
temperatures. Lighter fuels may include the following
fuels: Jet A-1, JP-8, JP-5, and kerosene. The fuel Additives can also be used to improve the cetane
lubricity is not a requirement of the specifications number of a fuel. Additives are evaluated through
for these fuels. Do not assume that a fuel meets testing in special engines. However, the fuel
the minimum Caterpillar specification. Contact the characteristics of additives are not identical to a
fuel supplier for proper recommendations on fuel natural product. While both fuels may be rated as
lubricity additives. having the same cetane number, starting may be
Maintenance Section
Fuel Specifications
Cloud Point
It is important to understand that the cloud point of
a fuel is different from the pour point. There is no
relationship between cloud point and the pour point.
The cloud point is the temperature that allows some
of the heavier components in the wax to solidify in
the fuel. This wax is not a contaminant in the fuel.
The wax is an important element of No. 2 diesel
fuel. The wax has a high fuel energy content and
the wax has a very high cetane value. Removal of
the heavier wax lowers the cloud point of the fuel.
Removal of the wax also increases the cost because
less fuel can be made from the same amount of
crude oil. Basically, a No. 1 diesel fuel is formulated
by removing the wax from a No. 2 diesel fuel.
The manufacturer of the fuel can add cold flow A fuel's pour point should be at least 6C (10F)
improvers to the fuel. Cold flow improvers modify the below the lowest ambient temperature that is
wax crystals in the fuels. The cold flow improvers required for engine start-up and for engine
do not change the fuel's cloud point. However, the operation. To operate the engine in extremely cold
cold flow improvers keep the wax crystals small weather, No. 1 fuel or No. 1-D fuel may be necessary
enough to pass through standard fuel filters. For because of these fuels' lower pour points.
mixing precautions, see the topic “Pour Point”.
Maintenance Section
Fuel Specifications
Moisture Content
Problems with fuel filters can occur at any time. The
cause of the problem can be water in the fuel or
moisture in the fuel. At low temperatures, moisture
causes special problems. There are three types of
moisture in fuel: dissolved moisture (moisture in
solution), free and dispersed moisture in the fuel,
and free and settled at the bottom of the tank.
(1) CD-2 and API CF-2 are classifications for two-cycle diesel
General Information engines. Caterpillar does not sell engines that utilize CD-2 and
API CF-2 oils.
The information that is provided is the latest
recommendations for Caterpillar engines and for Note: API CF is not the same classification as
Caterpillar machine compartments. This information API CF-4. API CF oils are only recommended for
supersedes all previous recommendations which Caterpillar machine engines with precombustion
have been published for Caterpillar machines. chamber fuel systems (PC).
Special lubricants are required for some machine
compartments and it will be necessary to continue
to use these special products.
Transmission/Drive Train Oil
Transmission/drive train oils are classified by
This information is only for Caterpillar machines.
the TO-4 and the TO-4M specifications. The
For more lubricant recommendations, see Special
specifications are developed by Caterpillar for use
Publication, SEBU6251, “Caterpillar Commercial
in Caterpillar transmissions and in Caterpillar final
Diesel Engine Fluid Recommendations”, Special
Publication, SEBU6385, “Caterpillar On-Highway
Diesel Truck Engine Fluid Recommendations”,
Special Publication, SEBU6400, “Caterpillar Gear Oil
Gaseous Fueled Spark Ignited Engines Lubricant
Recommendations”, and Special Publication, Gear lubricants are classified by the API service
SEBU7003, “Caterpillar 3600 Series Diesel Engine classification and by the SAE viscosity grade that is
Fluid Recommendations”. defined in “SAE J306”.
Diesel engine oils CC, CD, CD-2, and CE have Caterpillar Fluids
not been API authorized classifications since 1
January 1996. Table 9 summarizes the status of the Caterpillar fluids have been approved by Caterpillar
classifications. in order to increase the performance of Caterpillar
components and the life of Caterpillar components.
Caterpillar fluids that are currently used for engines
and for machines are offered by Caterpillar dealers.
Caterpillar fluids are also offered for continued
refills. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for more
information on these Caterpillar fluids.
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications
Caterpillar recommends the use of the following Caterpillar multigrade Diesel Engine Oil is
Caterpillar fluids: formulated with the correct amounts of detergents,
dispersants, and alkalinity in order to provide
• Caterpillar Multigrade Diesel Engine Oil (DEO) superior performance in Caterpillar Diesel Engines.
• Caterpillar Transmission/Drive Train Oil (TDTO) Caterpillar multigrade Diesel Engine Oil is available
in two viscosity grades (10W30 and 15W40). In
• Caterpillar Multipurpose Tractor Oil (MTO) order to choose the correct oil viscosity to use
for the ambient temperature, refer to the table for
• Caterpillar Hydraulic Oil (HYDO) Lubricant Viscosities. Multigrade oils provide the
correct viscosity for a broad range of operating
• Caterpillar Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil (HEES) temperatures.
• Caterpillar Gear Oil (GO) Multigrade oils are effective in maintaining low oil
consumption and low levels of piston deposits.
• Caterpillar Multipurpose Lithium Grease (MPG)
Caterpillar multigrade Diesel Engine Oil can be
• Caterpillar Multipurpose Molybdenum Grease used in other diesel engines and in gasoline
(MPGM) engines. See the engine manufacturer's guide for
the recommended specifications. Compare the
• Caterpillar Special Purpose Grease (SPG) specifications to the specifications of Caterpillar
multigrade Diesel Engine Oil. The current industry
• Caterpillar Premium Grease (CPG) standards for Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil are listed
on the product label and on the data sheets for the
• Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant (ELC) product.
• Caterpillar Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant Consult your Caterpillar dealer for part numbers
(DEAC) and for available sizes of containers.
EMA LRG-1 – The Engine Manufacturers Three new engine tests were developed for the
Association (EMA) has developed lubricant API CH-4 oil. The first test specifically evaluates
recommendations. These recommendations are deposits on pistons for engines with the two-piece
an alternative to the API oil classification system. steel piston. This test (piston deposit) also measures
LRG-1 is a Recommended Guideline that defines a the control of oil consumption. A second test is
level of oil performance for these types of diesel conducted with moderate oil soot. The second
engines: high speed, four stroke cycle, heavy-duty, test measures the following criteria: wear of piston
and light duty. Whenever the API CH-4 oil, the API rings, wear of cylinder liners, and resistance to
CG-4 oil, and the API CF-4 oils are recommended corrosion. A third new test measures the following
for use in Caterpillar engines, you may use LRG-1 characteristics with high levels of soot in the oil:
oils in Caterpillar engines. LRG-1 oils are intended wear of the valve train, resistance of the oil in
to provide superior performance in comparison to plugging the oil filter, and control of sludge.
API CG-4 and API CF-4.
In addition to the new tests, API CH-4 oils have
LRG-1 oils will meet the needs of high performance tougher limits for viscosity control in applications
Caterpillar diesel engines that are operating in many that generate high soot. The oils also have improved
applications. The tests and the test limits that are oxidation resistance. API CH-4 oils must pass an
used to define LRG-1 are similar to the new API additional test (piston deposit) for engines that use
CH-4 classification. Therefore, these oils will meet aluminum pistons (single piece). Oil performance is
the requirements of the low emission diesel engines. also established for engines that operate in areas
LRG-1 oils are designed to control the harmful with high sulfur diesel fuel.
effects of soot with improved wear resistance and
with improved resistance to plugging of the oil All of these improvements allow the API CH-4 oil
filter. These oils will also provide superior piston to achieve optimum oil change intervals. API CH-4
deposit control for engines with either two-piece oils are recommended for use in extended oil
steel pistons or aluminum pistons. change intervals. API CH-4 oils are recommended
for conditions that demand a premium oil. Your
All LRG-1 oils must complete a full test program Caterpillar dealer has specific guidelines for
with the base stock and with the viscosity grade of optimizing oil change intervals.
the finished commercial oil. The use of “API Base
Oil Interchange Guidelines” are not appropriate for API CG-4 – API CG-4 oils were developed primarily
LRG-1 oils. This feature reduces the variation in for diesel engines that use a 0.05 percent level of
performance that can occur when base stocks are fuel sulfur. However, API CG-4 oils can be used
changed in commercial oil formulations. with higher sulfur fuels. The TBN of the new oil
determines the maximum fuel sulfur level for API
LRG-1 oils are recommended for use in extended CG-4 and API CF-4 oils.
oil change interval programs that optimize oil life.
These oil change interval programs are based API CG-4 oils are the first oils that are required to
on oil analysis. LRG-1 oils are recommended pass industry standard tests for foam control and
for conditions that demand a premium oil. Your viscosity shear loss. API CG-4 oils must also pass
Caterpillar dealer has the specific guidelines for tests that were developed for corrosion, wear and
optimizing oil change intervals. oxidation.
API CH-4 – API CH-4 oils were developed in API CF-4 – These oils service a wide variety of
order to meet the requirements of the new high modern diesel engines. API CF-4 oils provide more
performance diesel engines. Also, the oil was stable oil control and reduced piston deposits in
designed to meet the requirements of the low comparison to API CF and the obsolete CE and CD
emissions diesel engines. API CH-4 oils are also classifications of oil. API CF-4 oils provide improved
acceptable for use in older diesel engines and in soot dispersancy in comparison to API CF and
diesel engines that use high sulfur diesel fuel. API obsolete CD oils. The API CF-4 classification was
CH-4 oils may be used in Caterpillar engines that developed with a 0.40 percent sulfur diesel fuel.
use API CG-4 and API CF-4 oils. API CH-4 oils will This represents the type of diesel fuels that are
generally exceed the performance of API CG-4 oils commonly available worldwide.
in the following criteria: deposits on pistons, control
of oil consumption, wear of piston rings, valve train Note: Do not use single grade API CF oils or use
wear, viscosity control, and corrosion. multigrade API CF oils in Caterpillar Direct Injection
Commercial Diesel Engines or in Caterpillar Direct
Injection Machine Diesel Engines.
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications
Some commercial oils that meet the API Excessive piston deposits can be produced by an
classifications may require reduced oil change oil with a high TBN. These deposits can lead to a
intervals. To determine the oil change interval, loss of control of the oil consumption and to the
closely monitor the condition of the oil and perform a polishing of the cylinder bore.
wear metal analysis. Caterpillar's S·O·S oil analysis
program is the preferred method. NOTICE
Operating Direct Injected (DI) diesel engines with fuel
NOTICE sulfur levels over 1.0 percent may require shortened
Failure to follow these oil recommendations can cause oil change intervals in order to help maintain adequate
shortened engine service life due to deposits and/or wear protection.
excessive wear.
Total Base Number (TBN)
Total Base Number (TBN) and and Fuel Sulfur Levels for
Fuel Sulfur Levels for Direct Precombustion Chamber (PC)
Injection (DI) Diesel Engines Diesel Engines
SMCS Code: 1348
SMCS Code: 1348
The Total Base Number (TBN) for an oil depends
on the fuel sulfur level. For direct injection engines The Total Base Number (TBN) for an oil depends on
that use distillate fuel, the minimum TBN of the new the fuel sulfur level. For precombustion chamber
oil must be 10 times the fuel sulfur level. The TBN engines that use distillate fuel, the minimum TBN
is defined by “ASTM D2896”. The minimum TBN of the new oil must be 20 times the fuel sulfur
of the oil is five (5) regardless of fuel sulfur level. level. The TBN is defined by “ASTM D2896”. The
Illustration 3 demonstrates the TBN. minimum TBN of the oil is five (5) regardless of fuel
sulfur level. Illustration 4 demonstrates the TBN.
Illustration 3
Illustration 4
(Y) TBN by “ASTM D2896”
(X) Percentage of fuel sulfur by weight (Y) TBN by “ASTM D2896”
(1) TBN of new oil (X) Percentage of fuel sulfur by weight
(2) Change the oil when the TBN deteriorates to 50 percent of (1) TBN of new oil
the original TBN. (2) Change the oil when the TBN deteriorates to 50 percent of
the original TBN.
Use the following guidelines for fuel sulfur levels
that exceed 1.5 percent: Use the following guidelines for fuel sulfur levels
that exceed 1.5 percent:
• Choose an oil with the highest TBN that meets
one of these classifications: EMA LRG-1, API • Choose an oil with the highest TBN that meets
CH-4, API CG-4, and API CF-4. one of these classifications: EMA LRG-1, API
CH-4, API CG-4, and API CF-4.
• Reduce the oil change interval. Base the oil
change interval on the oil analysis. Ensure that
the oil analysis includes the condition of the oil
and a wear metal analysis.
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications
• Reduce the oil change interval. Base the oil Commercial Oils
change interval on the oil analysis. Ensure that
the oil analysis includes the condition of the oil If Caterpillar oils cannot be used, the following
and a wear metal analysis. commercial classifications can be used in hydraulic
systems and in hydrostatic transmission systems:
Excessive piston deposits can be produced by an
oil with a high TBN. These deposits can lead to a • CH-4 engine oils that have a minimum zinc
loss of control of the oil consumption and to the additive of 0.09 percent (900 ppm)
polishing of the cylinder bore.
• CG-4 engine oils that have a minimum zinc
NOTICE additive of 0.09 percent (900 ppm)
Operating PC engines at fuel sulfur levels over 1.0
percent may require shortened oil change intervals to • CF-4 engine oils that have a minimum zinc
maintain adequate wear protection. additive of 0.09 percent (900 ppm)
The maximum recommended water content for Note: Do not use the Caterpillar Gear Oil or
hydraulic systems that are filled with Caterpillar commercial gear oil in the machines that are
Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil (HEES) is 0.10 percent. listed above. The gear oil can cause seals to fail.
If the water levels exceed 0.10 percent, the water The seals can also leak. The gear oil may not
should be removed or the oil should be replaced. be compatible with friction materials. The oil can
reduce the efficiency of the transmission and the
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for additional brake performance.
information on this product and on the potential use.
Note: Multigrade oils must meet the requirements of
Commercial Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil the Caterpillar TO-4M specification in order to be
used in transmissions. Multigrade oils which use
(HEES) high molecular weight polymers as viscosity index
improvers may lose the viscosity effectiveness.
If Caterpillar Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil (HEES) is
This effectiveness may be lost by the temporary
not used, commercial oils which meet the Caterpillar
shear of the polymer viscosity index improver.
BF-1 specifications should be used. Permanent shear of the polymer viscosity index
improver may also occur. This type of multigrade
i01200600 oils are not recommended for Caterpillar drive train
compartments. The Caterpillar TO-4M requirement
Transmission/Drive Train Oil includes a test for the shear stability of multigrade
SMCS Code: 3080; 4000-OC
Commercial Transmission/Drive
Applications Train Oils
• Power Shift Transmissions, Direct Drive If Caterpillar Transmission/Drive Train Oil is not
Transmissions, and Winches
used, use commercial oils that comply with the
Caterpillar TO-4 or TO-4M specifications.
• Final Drives for Track-Type Tractors, Pipelayers,
Skidders, Loaders, and Track-Type Excavators
• Differentials and Final Drives for Wheel Tractors,
Loaders, Skidders, Compactors, Motor Graders, E Gear Oil
Series II Articulated Trucks, Off-Highway Tractors,
and Trucks SMCS Code: 7000; 7551; 7581
This oil is formulated for transmissions and drive trains
only, and should not be used in engines. Shortened
engine life will result.
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications
Caterpillar Gear Oil (GO) This oil is also used in Challenger Agricultural
Tractors for the implement hydraulic system and for
Caterpillar Gear Oil offers maximum protection the steering control mechanism. Many agricultural
against the following damage: scoring of the gear tractors have hydraulic systems that are common
teeth, pitting of the gear teeth, and pitting of with the transmission and with the drive train. By
the parts in roller bearings. Caterpillar Gear Oil using Caterpillar Multipurpose Tractor Oil, you will
provides excellent stability under high temperature be able to interchange hydraulically actuated tools.
conditions. Caterpillar Gear Oil also has superior This oil provides the performance that is required of
low temperature performance. This oil also gives these multifunction compartments that use a single
protection against rust and against corrosion. Some fluid.
applications require additives for the extreme
pressures that can occur at the edges of the NOTICE
components. For these applications, Caterpillar Caterpillar Multipurpose Tractor Oil (MTO) is not the
Gear Oil provides the extra protection. same as Caterpillar Transmission/Drive Train Oil, and
does not meet Caterpillar's specifications for TO-4 oil.
When the use of gear oil is specified, use Caterpillar Caterpillar MTO should not be used in compartments
Gear Oil in order to maximize the component life. which specify TO-4 oil.
Caterpillar Gear Oil (GO) is not the same as Commercial Multipurpose Tractor
Caterpillar Transmission/Drive Train Oil, and does Oils
not meet Caterpillar's specifications for TO-4 oil.
Caterpillar GO or commercial gear oils should not be If Caterpillar Multipurpose Tractor Oil is not
used in compartments which specify TO-4 oil. available, use an oil that meets the “Ford/New
Holland M2C134-D” specification. The oil must also
satisfy the requirements of the following machine
Commercial Gear Oils systems:
If the Caterpillar Gear Oil cannot be used, select an • Multipurpose tractor transmission
oil that meets the API GL-5 specification.
• Hydraulic drives on agricultural tractors and on
industrial tractors
Some synthetic base oils have performance There are no industry standard tests that evaluate
characteristics that enhance the service life of the performance or the compatibility of aftermarket
the oil. However, Caterpillar does not recommend additives in finished oil. Aftermarket additives may
automatic extending of the oil drain intervals for any not be compatible with the finished oil's additive
type of oil. Oil drain intervals for Caterpillar diesel package, which could lower the performance of the
engines can only be adjusted after an oil analysis finished oil. The aftermarket additive could fail to
program that contains the following data: mix with the finished oil. This could produce sludge.
Caterpillar discourages the use of aftermarket
• Oil condition and wear metal analysis (Caterpillar additives in finished oils.
S·O·S Oil Analysis)
To achieve the best performance from a Caterpillar
• Trend analysis engine, conform to the following guidelines:
• See the appropriate “Lubricant Viscosities” table
in order to find the correct oil viscosity grade for
Re-refined Base Stock Oils your engine.
SMCS Code: 1300; 1348; 7000; 7581 • At the specified interval, service the engine or
service the compartment. Use new oil and install
Re-refined base oils are acceptable for use in a new oil filter.
Caterpillar engines and in Caterpillar machines
if these oils meet the performance requirements • Perform maintenance at the intervals that are
that are specified for a particular compartment. specified in the Operation and Maintenance
Each compartment has requirements for lubrication Manual, “Maintenance Interval Schedule”.
and requirements for lubrication specifications
in order to ensure proper lubrication and life of i01145526
the system. Re-refined base oils can be used
exclusively in finished oil or in a combination with Lubricating Grease
new base oils. The U.S. military specifications
and the specifications of other heavy equipment SMCS Code: 1000; 7000; 7581
manufacturers also allow the use of re-refined base
oils that meet the same criteria. Caterpillar provides greases in order to cover a
variety of applications and extreme temperature
The process that is used to make re-refined oil conditions. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for part
should adequately remove all wear metals and all numbers and for available sizes of containers.
additives that are in the used oil. Vacuum distillation
and the hydrotreating of used oil are acceptable Note: Some greases may not be used with other
processes that are used for producing a re-refined greases. When a commercial grease is used,
base oil. Filtering is inadequate for the production ensure that the grease is compatible with the
of high quality, re-refined base oils from used oil. grease that is currently used in the system. If the
commercial grease is not compatible, the system
must be purged. If any questions arise concerning
the compatibility of a grease, consult the supplier.
Aftermarket Oil Additives
SMCS Code: 1300; 1348; 7000; 7581
Arctic Platinum is designed for long life lubrication Note: The DOT-5 silicone based brake fluid inhibits
of the following components: horizontal pivot corrosion. This silicone based brake fluid can be
bearings, lower link bearings, steering cylinders, used in Arctic environments and the fluid also
kingbolt bearings, upper hitch link bearings, and functions as a preservative.
ejector carrier roller bearings. This grease is extra
tacky for retention on excavator carbody bearings.
Arctic Platinum has additional extreme pressure
protection for highly loaded pin joints.
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications
Note: For maximum service life, use an oil with the Measuring Cleanliness
highest lubricant viscosity grade that is allowed for
the ambient temperature. Refer to the tables for Cleanliness can be measured by taking fluid
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures in samples. These samples are obtained from
order to obtain the recommended oil viscosity. hydraulic components and from drive train
components. These samples can then be analyzed
• Hydraulic Oils by your Caterpillar dealer. The analysis is similar
to monitoring the engine oil with S·O·S oil analysis.
Any of the oils that have a minimum zinc additive of The amount of particulate matter is expressed in
0.09 percent (900 ppm). These oils are listed under ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
the heading of Engine Oils or Transmission/Drive units. This standard of cleanliness is expressed
Train Oils. as two numbers. An example of a standard for
cleanliness is ISO16/13. The first number (16)
• Multipurpose Tractor Oil (MTO) relates to the number of particles that are larger
than 5 microns in size. The second number (13)
Caterpillar Multipurpose Tractor Oil is available for relates to the number of particles that are larger
use in the following systems for the Challenger than 15 microns in size. There are 28 code numbers
tractor: implement steering, hydraulic systems, and in the ISO Code system. Each code has a given
steering control mechanisms. Multipurpose Tractor range of particles per milliliter. The smaller code
Oil is also recommended for use in the rear drive number designates fewer particles.
axles of the Caterpillar Backhoe Loader. This oil has
an ambient temperature range of −25C (−13F ) to
40C (104F) for these applications.
Standards for Machine Systems
Maintain the machine systems as close as possible
For ambient conditions that are below −25C
to the standards for the new machines.
(−13F), check with your supplier. The Multipurpose
Tractor Transmission Fluids that are commercially
Maintain the hydraulic systems to ISO 18/15.
available, must meet the required ambient
temperature capability for your area and must meet
Maintain a transmission system without
the Ford/New Holland specification of “M2C134-D”.
electro-hydraulic valves to ISO 21/17.
3. When you add oil to a machine, filter the oil to a Selecting the Viscosity
minimum of ISO 16/13.
The proper oil viscosity grade is determined by
4. Maintain the hydraulic systems to a cleanliness the minimum outside temperature. This is the
of ISO 18/15, or cleaner. The implement system temperature when the machine is started and while
and the steering system should be maintained to the machine is operated. In order to determine the
this standard. proper oil viscosity grade, refer to the “Min” column
in the table. This information reflects the coldest
5. Refer to the machine's Operation and ambient temperature condition for starting a cold
Maintenance Manual for the required machine and for operating a cold machine. Refer
maintenance for final drives and for differentials. to the “Max” column in the table in order to select
the oil viscosity grade for operating the machine at
6. Maintain the engine's intake air filters. This will the highest temperature that is anticipated. Use the
minimize contamination at the engine's air intake highest oil viscosity that is allowed for the ambient
system. temperature when you start the machine.
7. Maintain a transmission system without Machines that are operated continuously should
electro-hydraulic valves to ISO 21/17, or use oils that have the higher oil viscosity in the final
cleaner. Maintain a transmission system with drives and in the differentials. The oils that have the
electro-hydraulic valves to ISO 18/15, or cleaner. higher oil viscosity will maintain the highest possible
oil film thickness. Consult your dealer if additional
8. Perform scheduled S·O·S analysis for information is needed.
contamination in order to maintain the
recommended ISO cleanliness level. The
particle count analysis can be performed by
your Caterpillar dealer. Particle count can be
conducted during the scheduled S·O·S oil
analysis for the compartment. Extra oil samples
are not required for the particle count sampling.
S·O·S Analysis
Refer to Special Publication, PEHP6001, “How to
Take a Good Oil Sample” for the correct procedure
to use.
Table 12
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures
Compartment or System Oil Type and Classification Oil Viscosities
Min Max Min Max
SAE 0W20 −40 10 −40 50
SAE 0W30 −40 30 −40 86
Caterpillar Multigrade DEO
EMA LRG-1 SAE 5W30 −30 30 −22 86
Engine Crankcase API Multigrade CH-4
API Multigrade CG-4 SAE 5W40 −30 40 −22 104
API Multigrade CF-4
SAE 10W30 −20 40 −4 104
SAE 15W40 −15 50 5 122
SAE 0W20 (1) −40 10 −40 50
SAE 0W30 (1) −40 20 −40 68
SAE 5W30 (1) −30 20 −22 68
Power Shift, Manual Caterpillar TDTO SAE 10W −20 10 −4 50
Transmissions, and Winch Caterpillar TO-4
Gear Case Caterpillar TO-4M SAE 30
(2) (3)
0 35 32 95
SAE 50
(2) (3)
10 50 50 122
Special Applications
Table 13
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures
Compartment or System Oil Type and Classification Oil Viscosities
Min Max Min Max
Rear Axle of the Backhoe
Caterpillar MTO −25 40 −13 104
Loader (1)
Implement Steering,
Hydraulic Systems,
and Steering Control
Caterpillar MTO −25 40 −13 104
Challenger Tractors
SAE 75W140 −30 45 −22 113
SAE 80W140 −25 40 −13 104
Vibratory Compactor Caterpillar GO
SAE 85W140 −5 50 23 122
Drum Bearings (2) API GL-5
SAE 80W90 −20 20 −4 68
4C-6767 Synthetic Oil (2) −20 50 −4 122
SAE 0W20 −40 40 −40 104
SAE0W30 −40 40 −40 104
Starting Engine SH, SJ
SAE5W20 −30 10 −22 50
SAE10W −20 50 −4 122
Caterpillar HYDO SAE 0W20 −40 10 −40 50
Caterpillar DEO
Caterpillar TDTO SAE 0W30 −40 10 −40 50
Caterpillar MTO SAE 5W20 −30 10 −22 50
Starting Engine API CH-4
Transmission API CG-4 SAE 10W −30 20 −22 68
Caterpillar TO-4 SAE 30 −10 10 −14 50
Caterpillar TO-4M
Caterpillar Full Synthetic SAE 0W40 (3) −40 50 −40 122
Multigrade DEO
Commercial Full Synthetic
Multigrade Diesel Engine SAE 5W40 (3) −40 50 −40 122
Variable Pitch Fan Oil meeting either API CH-4,
Table 14
Compartment Recommended Oil Change Recommended Sampling Sampling Valve Oil Type
Interval Interval
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for complete Optimizing Component Life Cycle
information and assistance in establishing an S·O·S
program for your equipment. An increase in the number of oil samples provides
a better definition of the trends in data between oil
change intervals. More oil samples will allow you to
More Frequent S·O·S Sampling closely monitor wear patterns of components. This
Improves Life Cycle Management action will ensure that the full life of the components
are achieved.
Traditionally, the suggested S·O·S sampling
intervals have been at each oil change, 250 The standard interval that is used between S·O·S
hours for engines, or every 500 hours for all other oil samples is 250 hours for all Caterpillar engines.
compartments. However in severe applications, While 500 hour intervals remain acceptable for
more frequent oil sampling is recommended. If the nonengine compartments, these intervals are not
machine is operated under a high load and/or high necessarily optimum. If the machine is operated
temperature condition, sample all compartments at under a high load and/or high temperature
every 250 hours of operation. condition, sample all compartments at the 250 hour
Studies have revealed that obtaining oil samples at
every 500 hours is too long a time interval in some
applications in order to predict potential failure
modes. A sampling interval at every 250 hours
provides more data between oil change intervals.
More data increases the chance for detecting a
potential failure.
Special Publication, LEDQ7315, “CG-4 Oil The Special Publication, PEHP4036, “Product Data
Preferred Oil for Caterpillar Engines” Sheet for Caterpillar ELC”
Special Publication, PEHP6047, “Product Data Special Publication, PEHP7057, “S·O·S Coolant
Sheet for Caterpillar Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil Analysis”
Special Publication, SEBD0518, “Know Your Cooling
Special Publication, PEHP7508, “Product Data System”
Sheet for Caterpillar Gear Oil (GO)”
Special Publication, SEBD0970, “Coolant and Your
Special Publication, PEHP0005, “Product Data Engine”
Sheet for Caterpillar Hydraulic Oil (HYDO)”
Special Publication, PEEP5027, “Label - ELC
Special Publication, PEHP3050, “Product Data Radiator Label”
Sheet for Caterpillar Multipurpose Tractor Oil (MTO)”
Special Publication, PEHP8035, “Product Data
Sheet for TDTO Transmission Multi-Season (TMS)” Additional Reference Material
Special Publication, NEHP5621, “How To Select The SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
Right Grease For Any Job”. This publication lists
the typical characteristics for eleven of Caterpillar's Engine Manufacturers Association Lubricating Oils
greases. Data Book
Hydraulic Brake Fluid ............................................ 31
Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC) ............ 10 Hydraulic Oil .......................................................... 26
Commercial Heavy-Duty Coolant/Antifreezes and Applications........................................................ 26
SCA.................................................................. 10 Caterpillar Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil
Cooling System Maintenance ............................ 11 (HEES) ............................................................. 26
Diesel Fuel Recommendations.............................. 16 Caterpillar Hydraulic Oil (HYDO) ....................... 26
Dry Film Lubricant ................................................. 32 Commercial Oils................................................. 26
Table of Contents..................................................... 3
Total Base Number (TBN) and Fuel Sulfur Levels for
Direct Injection (DI) Diesel Engines ..................... 25
Total Base Number (TBN) and Fuel Sulfur Levels for
Precombustion Chamber (PC) Diesel Engines.... 25
Transmission/Drive Train Oil .................................. 27
Applications........................................................ 27
Caterpillar Transmission/Drive Train Oil
(TDTO) ............................................................. 27
Commercial Transmission/Drive Train Oils......... 27
Product and Dealer Information
Note: For product identification plate locations, see the section “Product Identification Information” in the
Operation and Maintenance Manual.
Delivery Date:
Product Information
Attachment Information:
Dealer Information
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©1999 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.