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Design and Analysis of Simple Connections

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AISC Manual Part 7
AISC Manual Chapter J

Connection of structural steel members are of critical

There are different types of bolted connections. They
can be categorized based on the type of loading.
We want to design the bolted shear connections so
that the factored design strength (φ Rn) is greater
than or equal to the factored load.
So, we need to examine the various possible failure
modes and calculate the corresponding design
Possible failure modes are:
• Shear failure of the bolts
• Failure of member being connected due to fracture
or block shear or ….
• Edge tearing or fracture of the connected plate
• Tearing or fracture of the connected plate between
two bolt holes
• Excessive bearing deformation at the bolt hole

,Table J 3.2]
The AISC Manual divides high-strength structural
bolts into two groups on the basis of their material
strength. Bolts in Group A have a specified minimum
tensile strength, Fu, of 105 ksi and a nominal tensile
strength, Fnt, of 90 ksi. Bolts in Group A include A325,
A325M, F1852, A354 Grade BC, and A449. For bolts in
Group B, Fu = 150 ksi and Fnt = 90 ksi. Bolts in Group
B include A490, A490M, F2280, and A354 Grade BD.
The F1852 and F2280 are twist-off tension-control
bolts designed to make it easier to check after
installation that the bolt is properly pretensioned.
ASTM A307 bolts, frequently referred to as unfinished
bolts, are not high-strength bolts. They are used when
a higher strength bolt is not required. The allowable
tensile strength of an A307 bolt is 20 ksi. The suffix
letters after an ASTM bolt designation are not part of
the designation itself. These letters indicate the
parameters used in the design of the connection. The
suffix N (as in A325-N) indicates that the threads are
included in the shear plane. (Figure 9.1 illustrates
connections with single and double shear planes.)

When the threads of a bolt are included in a shear
plane, the bolt load capacity is reduced, because the
thread valley reduces the net area of the bolt. The
suffix X (as in A490-X) indicates that bolt threads are
excluded from the shear plane. Both the N and X
suffixes indicate that the connection is a bearing type
connection. A conservative engineer or designer
always assumes that the threads will be included in
the shear plane
The preferred normal bolt sizes used in structural
connections have diameters of 3/4 in, 7/8 in, 1 in, and
11/8 in. Using the same bolt type and diameter
throughout a project simplifies the inventory and
quality control procedures. Bolt lengths are
determined by the thickness of the plies being joined
and whether washers or tension indicators are
required. Bolt lengths vary by 1/4 in increments up to
a 5 in length and by 1/2 in increments above 5 in.

Shear failure of bolts

Average shearing stress in the bolt is

fV = P/A = 𝜋𝑑2
( 𝑏)

• P is the load acting on an individual bolt

• A is the area of the bolt and db is its diameter
Strength of the bolt = P= fV(( )
where fv = shear yield stress = 0.6Fy
The shear strength of all bolts = shear strength of
one bolt * number of bolts
Bolts can be in single shear or double shear as
shown below
When the bolt is in double shear, two cross-
sections are effective in resisting the load.
The bolt in double shear will have the twice the
shear strength of a bolt in single shear.

To state other than bolt shear will control the joint
For LRFD, the resistance factor is 0.75, and the
design strength is

ɸRn = 0.75FnvAb

For ASD, the safety factor is 2.00, and the

allowable strength is

R n /Ω =Fnv Ab / 2.00
Bearing failure of connected/connecting part due
to bearing from bolt holes
Hole is slightly larger than the fastener and the
fastener is loosely placed in hole.
Contact between the fastener and the connected
part over approximately half the circumference of
the fastener.
As such the stress will be highest at the radial
contact point (A). However, the average stress can be
calculated as the applied force divided by the
projected area of contact.
Average bearing stress is
fp = P/(db t),
where P is the force applied to the fastener

Bearing stress effects are independent of the bolt
type because the bearing stress acts on the
connected plate not the bolt.
A possible failure mode resulting from excessive
bearing close to the edge of the connected element is
shear tear-out as shown below. This type of shear
tear-out can also occur between two holes in the
direction of the bearing load.
Rn =2(0.6)Fu Lc t = 1.2 Fu Lc t
• 0.6 Fu is the shear fracture stress of the
connected part.
• Lc is the distance from edge of hole to
edges of connected part
• t is the thickness of the connected part.

When computing the distance Lc, use the actual
hole diameter (which is 1⁄16-inch larger than
the bolt diameter), and do not add the 1⁄16
inch as required in AISC B4.3b for computing
the net area for tension and shear. In other
words, use a hole diameter of
h = d+ (1/16)
not d + 1⁄8 inch (although if d + 1⁄8 were used,
the slight error would be on the conservative

For the edge bolts, use

Lc = Le − h/2.
For other bolts, use
Le = s – h,
Le = edge-distance to center of the hole
s = center-to-center spacing of holes
h = hole diameter

To prevent excessive deformation of the hole, an
upper limit is placed on the bearing load. This upper
limit is proportional to the fracture stress times the
projected bearing area, or

Rn = C.FU . Bearing Area= C . Fu .db .t

C : is a constant,
db : is the bolt diameter and
t : is the thickness of the connected part.

If deformation is not a concern then C = 3, If

deformation is a concern then C=2.4
C = 2.4 corresponds to a deformation of 0.25 in.
Finally, the equation for the bearing strength of a
single bolt is φ Rn
φ = 0.75 and Rn = 1.2 Lc t Fu < 2.4 db t Fu
Lc is the clear distance in the load direction, from the
edge of the bolt hole to the edge
of the adjacent hole or to the edge of the material

This relationship can be simplified as follows:
The upper limit will become effective when
1.2 Lc t Fu = 2.4 db t Fu
i.e., the upper limit will become effective when Lc =
2 db
If Lc < 2 db, Rn = 1.2 Lc t Fu
If Lc > 2 db, Rn = 2.4 db t Fu
For load and resistance factor design (LRFD), the
resistance factor is
φ = 0.75, and the design strength is
φ Rn = 0.75Rn
For allowable strength design (ASD), the safety
factor is
Ω = 2.00, and the allowable strength is

R n /Ω =Rn/ 2.00

Spacing and Edge-Distance Requirements
Chapter J of the AISC Specifications focuses on

Section J3 focuses on bolts and threaded parts

1- AISC Specification J3.3 indicates that the
minimum distance (s) between the centers of bolt
holes is 2.67 db. A distance of 3db is preferred.
2- AISC Specification J3.4 indicates that the
minimum edge distance (Le) from the center of
the bolt to the edge of the connected part is given
in Table J3.4 as a function of bolt size and type of
edge - sheared edges, edges of rolled shapes, and
gas cut edges.
3- AISC Specification J3.5 indicates that the
maximum edge distance for bolt holes is 12 times
the thickness of the connected part (but not more
than 6 in.).
4- The maximum spacing for bolt holes is 24times
the thickness of the thinner part (but not more
than 12 in.).

If an angle shape is used as a tension member and
the connection is made by bolting, there must be
enough room for the bolts. Space will be a problem
only when there are two lines of bolts in a leg. The
usual fabrication practice is to punch or drill holes in
standard locations in angle legs. These hole locations
are given in a table in Part 1 of the Manual. This table
is located at the end of the dimensions and
properties table for angles. Figure below presents
this same information. Gage distance g applies when
there is one line of bolts, and g, and g2 apply when
there are two lines. Figure below shows that an angle
leg must be at least 5 inches (127mm) long to
accommodate two lines of bolts.

Specification J3.6 indicates that the design
tension or shear strength of bolts is φ Fn Ab

• Table J3.2 gives the values of φ and Fn

• Ab is the unthreaded area of bolt (nominal bolt
• In Table J3.2, there are different types of bolts
A325 and A490.
• The shear strength of the bolts depends on
whether threads are included (N) or excluded (X)
from the shear planes. If threads are included in
the shear planes then the strength is lower.
• We will always assume that threads are
included in the shear plane, therefore less
strength to be conservative

Calculate and check the design strength of the
connection shown below. Is the connection adequate
for carrying the factored load of 65 kips. Assume that
A325, threads not in plane of shear bolts are used.

Step I. Shear strength of bolts
From Table J3-2 of the manual Fn = 60 Ksi
The design shear strength of one bolt in shear
= φ Fnv Ab = 0.75 ( 60) ( π x 0.75/4)
φ Fnv Ab = 19.9 kips per bolt
Shear strength of connection
= 4 x 19.9 = 79.5 kips > 65 kips OK 16
Step II. Minimum edge distance and spacing
See Table J3.4, minimum edge distance = 1 in. for
rolled edges of plates and 1.25 in for sheared edges.
The given edge distances (1.25 in.) > both. Therefore,
minimum edge distance requirements are satisfied.
Minimum spacing = 2.67 db = 2.67 x 0.75 = 2.0 in.
Preferred spacing = 3.0 db = 3.0 x 0.75 = 2.25 in.
The given spacing (2.5 in.) > 2.25 in. Therefore,
spacing requirements are satisfied.

Step III. Bearing strength at bolt holes.

Bearing strength at bolt holes in connected part (5 x

½ in. plate)
At edges, Lc = 1.25 - hole diameter/2 = 1.25 - (3/4 +
1/16)/2 = 0.844 in.
φRn = 0.75 x (1.2 Lc .t. Fu) = 0.75 x (1.2 x 0.844 x 0.5 x
58) = 22.02 kips
But ,upper limit of φRn
= 0.75 (2.4 db .t .Fu) = 0.75 x (2.4 x 0.75 x 0.5 x 58) =
39.15 kips> 22.02 Kips
Therefore, φRn = 22.02 kips at edge holes

At other holes,
s = 2.5 in, Lc = 2.5 - (3/4 +1/16) = 1.688 in.
φRn = 0.75 x (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 x (1.2 x 1.688 x 0.5 x
58) = 44.05 kips
But, Upper limit of φRn = 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 39.15
kips.< 44.05 Kips
Therefore, φRn = 39.15 kips at other holes
Therefore, bearing strength for the tension member =
2 x 22.02 + 2 x 39.15 = 122.34 kips
Bearing strength at bolt holes in gusset plate (3/8 in.
At edges, Lc = 1.25 - hole diameter/2 = 1.25 - (3/4 +
1/16)/2 = 0.844 in
φ Rn = 0.75 x (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 x (1.2 x 0.844 x 0.375
x 58) = 16.52 k
But, Upper limit of φ Rn
= 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 0.75 x (2.4 x 0.75 x 0.375 x 58) =
29.36 kips> 16.52 Kips
Therefore, φ Rn = 16.52 kips at edge holes
At other holes, s = 2.5 in, Lc = 2.5 - (3/4 +1/16)
= 1.688 in.
φ Rn = 0.75 x (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 x (1.2 x 1.688 x 0.375
x 58) = 33.04 kips
But, Upper Limit of φ Rn = 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 29.36
kips < 33.04 Kips
Therefore, φ Rn = 29.36 kips at other holes
Therefore, bearing strength for the gusset plate = 2 x
16.52 + 2 x 29.36 = 91.76 kips
Bearing strength of the connection is the smaller of
the bearing strengths = 91.76 kips
Bearing and shear strength, spacing and edge
distance requirements are satisfied.
Determine the design strength of the connection
shown in the Figure based on shear and bearing.

Shear strength:
For single bolt:
From Table J3-2 of the Manual Fv = 24Ksi
φ Rn = φ* Fv*Ab
= 0.75 * 24 * (π (0.75)2)/4 = 7.952 kips
For two bolts:
φ Rn = 2 * 7.952 = 15.9 kips.
Bearing strength
Since the edge distance are the same for both the tension
member and the gusset plate, the bearing strength of the gusset
plate will control because it is thinner than the tension member.
Hole diameter (h) = d + 1/16 = (3/4) + (1/16) = 13/16 in.
For the hole nearest the edge of the gusset plate,
Lc = Le – h/2 = 1.5 – 13/32 = 1.094 in.
φRn = φ* (1.2 Lc. T. Fu) = 0.75 * 1.2 * 1.094 * 3/8 * 58 = 21.42 19
But, the Upper limit of φRn
= 0.75 (2.4 db. T. Fu) = 0.75 * 2.4 * 0.75 * 3/8 * 58 =
29.36 kips> 21.42 kips.
Use φ Rn = 21.42 for this bolt.
For the other hole:
Lc = s – h = 3 – 13/16 = 2.188 in
φ Rn = φ* (1.2 Lc. t .Fu) = 0.75 * 1.2 * 2.188 * 3/8 * 58
= 42.83 kips
But, the Upper limit of φRn
=0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 0.75 * 2.4 * 0.75 * 3/8 * 58 =
29.36 kips < 42.83 kips
Use φ Rn = 29.36 for this bolt.
The bearing strength for the connection is
φRn = 21.42 + 29.36 = 50.8 kips
Bearing strength > shear strength So shear
strength controls.
and the strength of the connection is φRn = 15.9 kips.

Note All spacing and edge distance requirements are

For a sheared edge, the minimum edge distance
required by the AISC is 1.25 inches, and this
requirement is satisfied in both directions. The bolt
spacing s is 3 inches, which is greater than 2.6667d =
2.667 * 0.75 = 2.0 in.
Calculate the LRFD Design strength and ASD allowable
strength of the tension member shown below .Bolts
diameter is 7/8 and steel A307.For member use A36

For 6x31/2x3/8 (Table 1-7 of the manual )
Ag = 3.42 in2 , X/= 0.782in
1- For Yielding
Pu = ɸ Fy Ag = 0.9 (36)(3.42) = 110.8 Kips

b- ASD
Pa = (Fy Ag )/ Ω =
(36)(3.42)/1.67 =

2- For Rupture
dh =db +1/16+1/16 = (7/8)+(1/8) = 1 in
An1 = Ag – (1x3/8) = 3.42 – (1x3/8) = 3.045 in2
An2 = Ag – 2dh (t) + (s2 /4g) (t)= 3.42 – 2(1)(3/8) + [( 22
/(4x2.5)](3/8) = 3.07 in2
Ae = U An
U = 1- x/ /L
L = 10 in x/ = 0.782
U = 1- 0.782/8 =0.902 or U = 0.6
Use U = 0.902
Ae = (0.902)(3.045) = 2.746 in2
Pu = ɸ Ae Fu = 0.75 (2.746)(58) = 119.45 Kips
b- ASD
Pa = ( Ae Fu )/ Ω = (2.746)(58)/2 = 79.634Kips

3-Block Shear
Rn = 0.6 Fu Avn + Ubs Fu Ant
Avn = [12- 2.5(1)](3/8)= 3.56 in2
Ant = [(2.5+1.25-(0.5)(1)](3/8) = 1.218 in2

Rn = 0.6 (58)(3.56) + (1)(58)(1.218) = 194.7 Kips

Upper Limit is
0.6 Fy Agv + Ubs Fu Ant = 0.6 (36)x
(12x3/8)+(1)(58)(1.218) = 167.84 Kips (Control)

a- LRFD (ɸ=0.75)
Ru = 0.75 (167.84 ) = 125.88 Kips
b-ASD (Ω=2.0)
Ra = Rn / Ω = 119.3/2 = 83.92 Kips

4- Shear in Bolts (Fv = 24 Ksi , Manual Table J-3)

a- LRFD (ɸ=0.75)
Pu = ɸ Ab Fv
Pu = 0.75 ((π (1)2)/4 ) (24 ) = 14.133 Kips /Bolt
For 6 Bolts Pu = 6 (14.133) = 86.8 Kips
b- ASD(Ω=2.0)
Pa = ((π (1)2)/4 ) (24)/2 = 9.43 Kips /Bolt
For 6 Bolts Pa = 6 (9.43) = 56.6 Kips

5- Bearing Stress(Fu = 58 Ksi , Manual Table J-3)
- For edge bolt
Lc = 2.0 – [(7/8)+1/16)]/2 = 1.531 in
Rn = 1.2 Lc t Fu = 1.2 (0.781)(3/8)(58) = 39.96 Kips
Upper Limit = 2.4 db t Fu = 2.4 (15/16) (3/8)(58)=
48.93 Kips
- For others
Lc = 2.0 – [(7/8)+1/16] = 1.06 in
Rn = 1.2 Lc t Fu = 1.2 (1.06)(3/8)(58) = 27.67 Kips
Upper Limit = 2.4 db t Fu = 2.4 (15/16) (3/8)(58)=
48.93 Kips
Bearing Strength of the connection is

a- LRFD (ɸ=0.75 )
Ru = 0.75 (39.96 +5 ( 27.67 ) = 133.73Kips

b- ASD (Ω=2.0)
Ra = [(39.96+5(27.67)]/2 = 89.15 Kips

Section Yielding Rapture Block Bolt Bearing Strength
Capacit Shear Shear Stress Control
y (Kips) Stress
LRFD 110.8 119.45 125.88 86.8 133.73 86.6
ASD 73.7 79.634 83.92 56.6 89.15 56.6

The design shear strength of both A325 and A490
bolts is φRn Where the resistance factor, φ, is 0.75.
The shear stress of A325 and A490 bolts depends on
whether the threads are in a plane of shear. Rather
than use a reduced cross-sectional area when the
threaded portion is subjected to shear, the ultimate
shearing stress is multiplied by a factor of 0.75 (the
approximate ratio of threaded area to unthreaded
The strengths are given in AISC Table J3.2 and are
summarized as:

AISC Table J3.2 refers to threads in a plane of shear as

"included in the shear planes" and refer to threads
not in a plane of shear as "excluded from shear
Note: When it is not known whether the threads are
in the plane of shear, assume that they are and use
the lower shear strength.
Example :
Design a double angle tension member and a gusset
plated bolted connection system to carry a factored
load (Pu) of 100 kips. Assume A572 Grade 50 (50 ksi
yield stress) material for the double angles and the
gusset plate. Assume A325 bolts.
Note that you have to design the double angle
member sizes, the gusset plate thickness, the bolt
diameter, numbers, and spacing.
Step I. Design and select a trial tension member
Ag = Pu /ɸ Fy = 100/(0.9)(50) = 2.22 In2

• Select 2L 3.5 x 2.5 x 1/4 with (Ag = 2.9 in2 >2.22in2)

Step II. Select size and number of bolts

• The bolts are in double shear for this design (Double

angles with gusset plate )
Use 3/4 in. A325 bolts in double shear

• Ab = (πd2/4) = (π * (0.75)2)/4 =0.4418 in2.

For A325 Bolts Fv =48 Kips

• The design shear strength per bolt is therefor

(Double shear)
• φRn = 0.75 * 2 * 0.4418 * 48 = 31.8 kips
• Number of bolts = 100 / 31.8 = 3.15 bolts
• Use four bolts in one line [one row ]
• The design shear strength is
• φRn = 31.8 * 4 = 127.2 kips > 100 kips

Step III. Design edge distance and bolt spacing

• See Table J3.4
• The minimum edge distance = 1 in. for 3/4 in.
diameter bolts in rolled edges.
• Select edge distance = 1.25 in.
• See specification J3.5
• Minimum spacing = 2.67 db = 2.0 in.
• Preferred spacing = 3.0 db = 2.25 in.
• Select spacing = 3.0 in., which is greater than
preferred or minimum spacing

Step IV. Check the bearing strength at bolt holes in
Assume that the four bolts were arranged in one line
in the long leg.
Bearing strength at bolt holes in angles
Angle thickness = 1/4 in.

Bearing strength at the edge holes (Le = 1.25 in.)

Lc = Le – h/2 = 1.25 – (3/4 + 1/16)/2 = 0.84375 in.
φRn = φ* (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 * 1.2 * 0.84375 * 1/4 *
65 = 12.34 kips.
But, φRn ≤ 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 0.75 * 2.4 * 0.75 * 1/4
* 65 = 21.93 kips> 12.34 kips.
Use φRn = 12.34 for this bolt.

For the other hole:

Lc = s – h = 3 – 13/16 = 2.188 in
φRn = φ* (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 * 1.2 * 2.188 * 1/4 * 65 =
32.00 kips
But, φRn ≤ 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 0.75 * 2.4 * 0.75 * 1/4
* 65 = 21.93 kips < 32.00 kips
Use φRn = 21.93 for this bolt.
Bearing strength at bolt holes in each angle = 12.34 +
3 x 21.93 = 78.13 kips
Bearing strength of double angles = 2 x 78.13 kips =
156.26 kips >100 kips
Step V. Check the fracture and block shear strength of
the tension member
A- Check the fracture
An = Ag - (db+1/8) . t
.An = 2.90 – 2(3/4 +1/8)*1/4 = 2.4625 in2 Compute U
U = 1 –x/L ≤ 0.90
L = 3*3 = 9.0
(from Table 1-7 of the Manual )
𝑋= 0.607
U = 1- 0607/9 = 0.933
This value is greater than 0.90,
so use U = 0.90
Ae = An* U
Ae = 2.4625*0.90 = 2.216 in2
φRn = 0.75* Ae * Fu
φRn = 0.75* 2.216 * 65 = 108.0 > 100 kips

B- Check the block shear
Agv = 1/4 (1.25+9) = 2.625 in2
Anv = 1/4 (1.25+9 – 3.5 * 7/8) = 1.80 in2
g1 = 2 in, so the remaining distance is
3.5-2.0 = 1.5 in
Agt = 1/4 (1.5) = 0.3750 in2
Ant = 1/4 (1.5 – 0.5 * 7/8) = 0.266 in2
Determine which block shear strength equation to
Fu* Ant = 65 * 0.266 = 17.30 kips
0.6 Fu* Anv = 0.60 * 65 * 1.80 = 70.20 kips
Since Fu* Ant < 0.6 Fu* Anv,
so φRn = φ (0.6 Fu* Anv + Fy* Agt)
φRn = 0.75 (0.6 * 65 * 1.80 + 50 * 0.375)
= 66.70 kips
check the upper limit
φ (0.6 Fu* Anv + Fu* Ant)
= 0.75 (0.6 * 65 * 1.80 + 65 * 0.266) = 65.625 kips

Since 65.625 < 66.70 kips,
the block shear strength is
φRn = 65.625 kips.
This calculation only for one angle, so the
strength of the double angle is
65.625*2=131.25 kips > 100 Kips
Step VI. Design the gusset plate
See specification J5.2 for designing gusset
These plates must be designed for the limit
states of yielding and rupture Limit state of
yielding φRn = 0.9 Ag Fy > 100 kips
Ag = 100/0.9 *50 = 2.22 in2
Therefore, Ag = B * t > 2.22 in2
Assume t = ½ in; Therefore B > 4.44 in.
Design gusset plate = 6.0 x ½ in.
Yield strength = φRn = 0.9 x 6.0 x 0.5 x 50 =
135.0 kips
Limit state for fracture
An = Ag - (db+1/8) x t An = 6.0 x 0.5 - (3/4 +
1/8) x 0.5 = 2.56 in2
But, An ≤ 0.85 Ag = 0.85 x 3.00 = 2.55 in2
φRn = 0.75 x An x Fu = 0.75 x 2.55 x 65 = 124
Design gusset plate = 6.0 x 0.5 in. 32
Step VII. Bearing strength at bolt holes in gusset
Assume Le = 1.25 in. (same as double angles)
Plate thickness = 1/2 in.
Bearing strength at the edge holes (Le = 1.25 in.)
Lc = Le – h/2 = 1.25 – (3/4 + 1/16)/2 = 0.84375 in.
φRn = φ* (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 * 1.2 * 0.84375 * 1/2 *
65 = 24.68 kips.
But, φRn ≤ 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 0.75 * 2.4 * 0.75 * 1/2
* 65 = 43.86 kips> 24.68 kips.
Use φRn = 24.68 for this bolt.
For the other hole: Lc = s – h = 3 – 13/16 = 2.188 in
φRn = φ* (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 * 1.2 * 2.188 * 1/2 * 65
= 64.00 kips
But, φRn ≤ 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 0.75 * 2.4 * 0.75 * 1/2
* 65 = 43.86 kips < 64.00 kips
Use φRn = 43.86 for this bolt.
Bearing strength = 24.68 + 3 x 43.86 = 156.26 kips >
100 kips

• Overall Strength is the smallest of all
these numbers = 108.0 kips
• Resistance > Factored Load (100 kips).
• Design is acceptable


According to the AISC Specification. The nominal slip

resistance of a bolt is given by

Rn =µ Du hf Tb ns (AISC Equation J3-4)

µ = mean slip coefficient (coefficient of static friction)
= 0.30 for Class A surfaces
Du = ratio of mean actual bolt pretension to the
specified minimum pretension. This is to be taken as
1.13 unless another factor can be justified.
hf = filler factor
Tb = minimum fastener tension from AISC Table J3.1
ns = number of slip planes (shear planes)
A Class A surface is one with clean mill scale (mill
scale is an iron oxide that forms on the steel when it
is produced). The Specification covers other surfaces,
but in this course we conservatively use Class A
surfaces, which are assigned the smallest slip

The filler factor, hf, accounts for the presence of filler
plates, which are sometimes added to connections to
bring elements into alignment. This can occur, for
example, when members of different depths are
spliced. Recent research has shown that the presence
of fillers can affect the slip resistance of a connection
The Specification gives the following values for the
filler factor:
• Where bolts have been added to distribute loads in
the filler, hf = 1.0.
• Where bolts have not been added to distribute
loads in the filler and one filler is used, hf = 1.0. •
Where bolts have not been added to distribute loads
in the filler and two or more fillers are used, hf = 0.85.
The resistance factor for LRFD and the safety factor
for ASD are different for different types of bolt holes.
For standard holes (the only type considered in this
book), these factors are
ɸ = 1.00 and Ω=1.50

Although slip-critical connections are designed to not

slip, if slip does occur because of an overload, the
bolts must be capable of resisting shear and bearing.
AISC J3.8 requires that shear and bearing be checked
in slip-critical connections.
The connection shown in Figure below uses 3⁄4-inch-
diameter Group A bolts with the threads in the shear
plane. No slip is permitted. Both the tension member
and the gusset plate are of A36 steel. Determine the
strength of the connection.

1- yielding (Tension on the gross area):
Ag = (1/2)(6) = 3 in2
Pn = Ag F y = (3) (36) = 108 Kips

a- LRFD ( ɸ = 0.9 )
Pu = (0.9 ) (108) = 97.2 Kips
b- ASD(Ω=1.67 )

Pa = Pn/ Ω = 108/1.67 = 64.7 Kips

2- Rapture ( Tension on the net Area )
An = Ag – n dh
dh = (3/4) + (1/8 ) = 7/8 in
All elements of the cross section are
connected, so shear lag is not a factor and
Ae = An
U = 1.0
Ae =A n = 3-2 (7/8) (1/2)= 1.25 in2
Pn = Ae Fu = (1.25 ) (58) = 123.3 Kips

a- LRFD (ɸ =0.75 )
Pu = (0.75 )(123.3) = 92.5 Kips

b- ASD (Ω=2.0 )

Pa = Pn / Ω = 123.3 / 2= 61.7 Kips

3-Block shear strength:
The failure block for the gusset plate has the same
dimensions as the block for the tension member
except for the thickness. The gusset plate, which is
the thinner element, will control. There are two
shear-failure planes:
Agv = 2(3/8)(3+1.5) = 3.375 in2
Since there are 1.5 hole diameters per horizontal line
of bolts,
Anv = 2(3/8) [(3+1.5)- 1.5 (7/8)] = 2.391 in2
For the tension area,
Ant = (3/8) ( 3- 7/8) = 0.797 in2
Since the block shear will occur in a gusset plate,
Ubs = 1.0.
From AISC Equation J4-5,
Rn = 0.6 Fu Avn + Ubs Fu Ant

Rn = 0.6 (58) (2.391)+(1)(58)(0.797) = 129.4 Kips

Upper Limit is
0.6 Fy Agv + Ubs Fu Ant
= 0.6 (36) (3.375)+(1)(58)(0.797) = 119.1 Kips 39

a- LRFD (ɸ =0.75 )
Pu = (0.75 )(119.1) = 89.3 Kips

b- ASD (Ω=2.0 )

Pa = Pn / Ω = 119.1/ 2= 59.6 Kips

4- Shear strength: For one bolt,
Ab = (πd2/4) = (π * (0.75)2)/4 =0.4418 in2
Fv = 54 Ksi ( Table J3-2 of the Manual )
Rn = Fv Ab = (54)(0.4418) = 23.86 Kips / Bolt
For 4 Bolts Rn = (4) ( 23.86) = 95.44 Kips

a- LRFD (ɸ =0.75 )
Pu = (0.75 )(95.44) = 71.6Kips

b- ASD (Ω=2.0 )
Pa = Pn / Ω = 95.44/ 2= 47.7 Kips

5-Slip-critical strength:
Because no slippage is permitted, this connection is
classified as slip-critical.
From AISC Table J3-1, the minimum bolt tension is Tb
= 28 kips.
From AISC Equation J3-4,
Rn =µDu hf Tb ns = 0.30(1.13)(1.0)(28)(1.0) = 9.492
For four bolts, Rn = 4(9.492) = 37.97 kips

a- LRFD (ɸ =1.0 )
Pu = (1.0 )(37.9) = 37.96 Kips

b- ASD (Ω=1.5 )
Pa = Pn / Ω = 37.96/ 1.5= 25.32 Kips

5-Bearing strength:
Since both edge distances are the same, and the
gusset plate is thinner than the tension member, the
gusset plate thickness of 3⁄8 inch will be used. For
bearing strength computation, use a hole diameter of
h= db + (1/16) = (3/4)+(1/16) = 13/16 in
-For the holes nearest the edge of the gusset plate,
Lc = 1.5 – (h/2) = 1.5 – (13/32) = 1.094 in
Rn = 1.2 Lc t Fu = 1.2 (1.094)(3/8)(58)=28.55 Kips
Upper Limit is
Rn = 2.4 db t Fu
= 2.4 (3/4)(3/8)(58) = 39.15 Kips > 28.55 Kips
Use Rn = 28 .55 Kips
- For the other holes,
Lc = s –(h/2) = 3-(13/16) = 2.188 in
Rn = 1.2 Lc t Fu = 1.2 (2.188)(3/8)(58)=57.11 Kips
Upper Limit is
Rn = 2.4 db t Fu
= 2.4 (3/4)(3/8)(58) = 39.15 Kips < 57.11 Kips
Use Rn = 39.15 Kips

Bearing Strength of the connection is

a- LRFD (ɸ=0.75 )
Ru = 0.75 [2(28.55) +2 ( 39.15 ) =

b- ASD (Ω=2.0)
Ra = [2(28.55+(39.15)]/2.0 = 67.7 Kips

Section Yielding Rapture Block Bolt Bearing Slip- Stre

Capacity Shear Shear Strength critical ngt
(Kips) Strength strengt h
h: Con
LRFD 97.2 92.5 89.3 71.6 101.55 37.96 37.9
ASD 64.7 61.7 59.6 47.7 67.7 25.32 25.3

Of all the limit states investigated, the strength

corresponding to slip is the smallest

Tables for Bolt Strength
Manual Tables 7-1 through 7-5 give values for bolt shear,
tensile, and slip-critical strengths and bearing strength at bolt
holes. Their use will be illustrated in the following Examples .
Two steel plates are connected as shown by a lap splice with six
3/4 in diameter Group A bolts with threads included in the
shear plane.

Section properties
plate width = 7 in , plate thickness = 3/8 in ,standard hole size
Material properties
ASTM A36 steel plates Fy = 36 ksi , Fu = 58 ksi
Determine the design and allowable strengths of the assembly.
Determine the governing limit state for the connection.

Calculate the gross cross-sectional area of each plate.
Ag = (7 in)(0.375 in) = 2.63 in2
An = 2.63 – 2(3/4 +1/8)3/8 = 1.97 in 2
Because the two plates are in full contact with
each other, the reduction factor, U,
is 1.0, and the effective area and the net area are
1- For yielding
Tn = Ag Fy = 2.63 x 36 = 94.68 Kips

2-For Rapture
Tn = Ae Fu = 1.97 x 58 =
114.26 Kips

3- Calculate the nominal shear capacity of the
six bolts.
Obtain the available shear strength per bolt from
AISC Manual Table 7-1 (the bolts are in single

4- Bearing Capacity
Use AISC Manual Table 7-5 to find the nominal
capacity based on the bolts bearing
on the steel plates. Use Fu = 58 ksi and Le  Le,full
(2.0 in ≥ 1 15/16 in). AISC Manual
Table 7-5 gives the capacity in units of kips per inch
of thickness, so multiply this by the plate thickness to
get the capacity per bolt. Then, multiply by the
number of bolts to get the total capacity.

5- Block Shear
Calculate the nominal resistance to block shear
rupture. As shown in the problem
illustration, shear rupture may occur along lines A-B-
C-D and E-F-G-H as tension
failure occurs along line A-E. Ubs of 1.0. (See also AISC
Specification Fig. C-J4.2.)
Rn = 0.6 Fu Anv + Ubs Fu Ant
Agv = 2(3+3+2)0.375 = 6 in2
Anv = 2[8-2.5(0.75 +1/8)]0.375 = 4.36 in2
Ant = [3-1(0.75+1/8)]0.375=0.8in2
Rn = 0.6 x58x4.36 + 1.0x58x0.8 = 198.13 Kips
The upper limit is
0.6 Fy Agv + Ubs Fu Ant
= 0.6x36x6 + 1.0 x58x0.8 = 176 Kips
So, use Rn = 176 Kips

Section Yielding Rapture Shear Bearing Block
Strength Shear

LRFD 85.21 85.70 107.40 176.16 132.00

ASD 56.69 57.13 71.40 117.45 88.00

For both LRFD and ASD, gross section

yielding is the lowest value. Therefore, gross
section yielding is the limiting value for the
available strength of the assembly.

A steel angle is fastened to a steel gusset plate
as shown, with 3/4 in diameter Group A
bolts with threads excluded from the shear plane
inserted in standard-size holes. Use steel ASTM
36 , determine the design strength (LRFD) and
allowable strength (ASD) of the assembly..

Solution –
1- Section properties
L3 × 3 × 3/8 in
A = 2.11 in2
Ix = Iy = 1.75 in4
Sx = Sy = 0.825 in3
rx = ry = 0.910 in
𝑥 = 0.884 in
2- Material properties
ASTM A36 steel for angle and plate
Fy = 36 ksi 50

Fu = 58 ksi
3- The following possible modes of failure must
be evaluated to determine the least value tensile
load at which the assembly will fail.
- gross section yielding on plate and angle
- net section fracture on plate and angle
- single shear on bolts
- bolt bearing on plate
- bolt bearing on angle
- shear rupture on plate
- block shear rupture of angle on line A-B-C-D-E
a- Calculate the nominal strength of the plate
based on the gross section yielding
Ag,plate =0.5x4= 2 in2
Tn = Ag,plate x FY = 2x36 = 72 Kips
Calculate the design strength (LRFD) and the
allowable strength (ASD) of the plate
based on the gross section yielding.

b - Calculate the nominal strength of the plate
based on the net section rupture.
Because the plate is in full contact with the angle,
An,plate = Ae,plate.[U=1.0]

An,plate = Ae,plate = Ag,plate - Area of the holes

= 2.0 -1x (3/4 + 1/8)x 0.5 = 1.56 in2
Tn = Ae,plate x Fu = 1.56 x58 = 90.48 Kips

Calculate the design strength (LRFD) and the

allowable strength (ASD) of the plate
based on the net section rupture.

C- Calculate the nominal strength of the angle based on
the gross section yielding.
Tn = Ag,angle x FY = 2.11 x 36 = 75.96 Kips
Calculate the design strength (LRFD) and the allowable
strength (ASD) of the angle
based on the gross section yielding

d - Calculate the nominal strength of the plate based on the

net section rupture.
Calculate the effective net area. Not all the elements of the
angle are in contact with the
steel plate; therefore shear lag occurs and the net area, An
, must be multiplied by the
appropriate reduction factor, U. AISC Specification Table
D3.1, case 8, gives U = 0.60.
From case 2, where L is the length of the connection
measured between the centers of
the first and last holes,
𝑥 0.884
𝑈 =1− =1− = 0.85
𝐿 6

It is permissible to use the larger of the two U-
values, so U = 0.85 controls.
Ae,angle = U.An,angle
An,angle = Ag,angle - Area of the holes
= 2.11 – 1(3/4+1/8) x 0.375
= 1.78 in2
Ae,angle = U.An,angle = 0.85x1.78 = 1.51 in2
Tn = Ae,angle x Fu = 1.51 x58 = 87.58 Kips

Calculate the design strength (LRFD) and the

allowable strength (ASD) of the angle
based on the net section rupture.

e- Calculate the design strength (LRFD) and the
allowable strength (ASD) of the bolts in
single shear. (Refer to AISC Manual Table 7-1.)

f- Calculate the design strength (LRFD) and the

allowable strength (ASD) of the bolts
bearing on the plate and on the angle. (Refer to
AISC Manual Table 7-5. The bearing
capacity is in kips per inch of thickness.)
Because the angle is thinner than the plate, it
is the governing criterion. It is therefore not
necessary to calculate the bolt bearing
capacity on the plate, which is thicker than the
angle by 1/8 in .

g- Calculate the block shear strength
The nominal block shear resistance of the angle
along the line A-B-C-D is
Rn = 0.6 Fu Anv + Ubs Fu Ant
Agv = (3+3+2)0.375 = 3 in2
Anv = [8-2.5(0.75 +1/8)]0.375 = 2.18 in2
Ant = [1.25-0.5(0.75+1/8)]0.375=0.31 in2
Rn = 0.6 x58x2.18 + 1.0x58x0.31 = 93.84 Kips

The upper limit is
0.6 Fy Agv + Ubs Fu Ant = 0.6x36x3 + 1.0 x58x0.31 =
82.78 Kips
So, use Rn = 82.78 Kips
Calculate the design strength (LRFD) and the
allowable strength (ASD) resistance to
the block shear rupture.

Section Yielding Rupture Yielding Rupture Shear Bearing Block Shear
Strength , , Plate ,Plate ,Angle ,Angle in Bolts
LRFD 64.80 67.86 68.36 65.69 67.5 88.08 62.09
ASD 43.11 45.24 45.49 43.79 45 58.74 41.39

For both LRFD and ASD, block

shear rupture gives the lowest
value and therefore governs the

The connection shown in Figure below uses 3⁄4-inch-
diameter Group A bolts with the threads in the shear
plane. No slip is permitted. Both the tension member
and the gusset plate are of A36 steel. Determine the
strength of the connection.(Using Tables for Bolt
I- Bolt shear strength:
From Manual Table
7-1, for 3/4-inch Group A bolts, type N
(threads included in shear plane),
and S (single shear),
ɸ rn = 17.9 kips/bolt
(These tables use a lowercase r to denote
the strength of an individual bolt.)

II - Slip-critical strength:
From Manual Table 7-3 (for Group A bolts and μ=
0.30), use STD (standard hole) and S (single shear).
The slip-critical strength is
ɸ rn = 9.49 kips /bolt
III - Bearing strength:
There are two tables in the Manual available for
bearing strength: Table 7-4 for strength based on bolt
spacing and Table 7-5 for strength based on bolt edge
1-Inner bolts: From Table 7-4, for STD (standard hole),
Fu = 58 ksi, the bearing strength is
ɸ rn = 78.3 kips/bolt per inch of connected part
Therefore, for the gusset plate (the thinner part), the
strength is
ɸ rn = 78.3t = 78.3(3/8) = 29.4 kips/bolt Edge bolts:
From Table 7-5, only two edge distances are given:
11⁄4 inches and 2 inches. Our edge distance is 1.5
inches. We can conservatively use 11⁄4 inches, and if
the strength is not adequate, we can manually
compute the bearing strength. The gusset plate
bearing strength is therefore
ɸ rn = 44.0t = 44.0(3/8) = 16.5 kips/bolt
The strength of the connection based on the limit
states investigated is ɸ rn = 4(9.49) = 38.0 kips.
Design Example
The C8 ×18.75 shown in Figure has been selected to
resist a service dead load of 18 kips and a service live
load of 54 kips. It is to be attached to a 3⁄8-inch
gusset plate with 7⁄8-inch-diameter, Group A bolts.
Assume that the threads are in the plane of shear and
that slip of the connection is permissible. Determine
the number and required layout of bolts such that the
length of connection L is reasonably small. A36 steel is

Solution :
From Table 1-6 AISC Manual Ag = 5.51 in2 , t =0.353 in
Pu = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(18) + 1.6(54) = 108.0 kips
We will select the number of bolts based on shear
and verify that the bearing strength is adequate once
a final bolt layout has been determined.
From Table J3-2 for group A (Fv = 48 Ksi)
Ab = (πd2/4) = (π * (7/8)2)/4 =0.6015 in2.
ɸRn =ɸ Ab Fv = 0.75 (0.6015)(48) = 21.65 Kips
Number of bolts = 108 / 21.65 = 5 bolts
Although five bolts will furnish enough capacity, try six
bolts so that a symmetrical layout with two gage lines of
three bolts each can be used, as shown below. (Two gage
lines are used to minimize the length of the connection.)
We do not know whether the design of this tension
member was based on the assumption of one line or two
lines of fasteners; the tensile capacity of the channel with
two lines of bolts must be checked before proceeding.
1-Yielding (For the gross area),
Pn = Fy Ag = 36(5.51) = 198.4 kips
The design strength is
ɸt Pn = 0.90(198.4) = 179 kips > 108 Kips OK
2- (Rupture )Tension on the effective net area:
An = Ag – Area of the holes
dh = (7/8) + (1/16+1/16) = 1 in2
An = 5.51- 2(0.487)(1) = 4.536 in2
The exact length of the connection is not yet known,
so Equation 3.1 for U cannot be used.
Assume a conservative value of U = 0.60.
Ae = U An = 0.6(4.536) = 2.722 in2
ɸ Pn = ɸ Ae Fu = 0.75 (2.722)(58 ) = 118 Kips < 179 Kips

III-Spacing and Edge-Distance Requirements
The member capacity is therefore adequate with
two gage lines of bolts.
Check the spacing and edge distance transverse to
the load.
From AISC J3.3,
Minimum Spacing = 2.667 (db ) = 2.667 (7/8) = 2.33 in
---- Use 3in spacing
From AISC Table J3.4,
Minimum edge distance = 1 1/8 in. (use 1 ¼ in)
A spacing of 3 inches and edge distances of 21⁄2
inches will be used transverse to the load.
Figure below shows the arrangement of the bolts
and the length of the members
IV-Bock Shear areas:
The failure block for the gusset plate has the same
dimensions as the block for the tension member
except for the thickness.
The gusset plate, which is the thinner element, will
control. There are two shear-failure planes:

Agv = 2(3/8)(2.5+2.5+1.25) = 4.688 in2
Since there are 2.5 hole diameters per horizontal line
of bolts,
Anv = 2(3/8) [(2.5+2.5 + 1.25)- 2.5 (1)] = 2.813 in2
For the tension area,
Ant = (3/8) ( 3- 1) = 0.75 in2
Since the block shear will occur in a gusset plate,
Ubs = 1.0.
From AISC Equation J4-5,
Rn = 0.6 Fu Avn + Ubs Fu Ant
Rn = 0.6 (58) (2.813)+(1)(58)(0.75) = 141.4 Kips
Upper Limit is
0.6 Fy Agv + Ubs Fu Ant
= 0.6 (36) (4.688)+(1)(58)(0.75) = 144.8 Kips
The nominal block shear strength is therefore 141.4 kips,
and the design strength is
ɸRn = 0.75(141.4) = 106 kips < 108 kips (N.G.)

The simplest way to increase the block shear strength
for this connection is to increase the shear areas by
increasing the bolt spacing or the edge distance;
we will increase the spacing.
If we assume that the upper limit in AISC Equation J4-5
does not control, the required design strength is
ɸ R n = 0.6 Fy Agv + Ubs Fu Ant
=0.75 [ 0.6 (36) (Anv)+(1)(58)(0.75)] = 108 Kips
Required Anv = 2.888 in
Anv = (3/8)(2) [s+s+1.25 -2.5(1) ]
Required s = 2.55 in use s = 2 ¾ in
Compute the actual block shear strength.
Agv = 2(3/8)(2.75+2.75+1.25) =5.063 in2
Since there are 2.5 hole diameters per horizontal line
of bolts,
Anv = 2(3/8) [(2.75+2.75 + 1.25)- 2.5 (1)] = 3.183 in2
Ubs = 1.0.
From AISC Equation J4-5,
ɸRn = 0.75[0.6 Fu A vn + Ubs Fu Ant ]
Rn = 0.6 (58) (3.182)+(1)(58)(0.75) = 116 Kips > 108 Kips
Upper Limit is
0.6 Fy Agv + Ubs Fu Ant
= 0.75 [0.6 (36) (5.063)+(1)(58)(0.75)] = 115Kips < 116
Therefore, the upper limit controls, but the strength65is
still adequate. 115 kips > 108 kips
Using the spacing and edge distances selected,
the minimum length is
L = 1 1⁄4 in. at the end of the channel + 2 spaces at 2
3⁄4 in. + 1 1⁄4 in. at the end of the gusset plate = 8 in.
total Use the connection detail as shown in Figure

5-Bearing strength:
Since both edge distances are the same, and the
gusset plate is thinner than the tension member, the
gusset plate thickness of 3⁄8 inch will be used. For
bearing strength computation, use a hole diameter of
h= db + (1/16) = (7/8)+(1/16) = 15/16 in
-For the holes nearest the edge of the gusset plate,
Lc = 1.25 – (h/2) = 1.25 – (15/32) = 0.7812 in
Rn = 1.2 Lc t Fu = 1.2 (0.781)(3/8)(58)=20.384 Kips
Upper Limit is
Rn = 2.4 db t Fu
= 2.4 (7/8)(3/8)(58) = 45.65 Kips > 20.384 Kips
Use Rn = 20.384Kips
- For the other holes,
Lc = s –(h/2) = 2.75-(13/16) = 1.937 in
Rn = 1.2 Lc t Fu = 1.2 (1.937)(3/8)(58)=50.56 Kips
Upper Limit is
Rn = 2.4 db t Fu
= 2.4 (3/4)(3/8)(58) = 45.65 Kips < 50.56Kips
Use Rn = 45.65 Kips

Bearing Strength of the connection is

a- LRFD (ɸ=0.75 )
Ru = 0.75 [2(20.384) +4 ( 45.65 ) =
167.626Kips > 108 Kips OK

Design a slip-critical splice for a tension member
subjected to 300 kips of factored tension loading. The
tension member is a W8 x 28 section made from A992
(50 ksi) material. The unfactored dead load is equal to
50 kips and the unfactored live load is equal to 150
kips. Use A325 bolts. The splice should be slip-critical
at service loads.
Step I.
Service and factored loads
• Service Load = D + L = 200 kips.
• Factored design load = 1.2 D + 1.6 L = 300 kips
• Tension member is W8 x 28 section made from
A992 (50 ksi) steel. The tension splice must be slip
critical (i.e., it must not slip) at service loads.
Step II.
Slip-critical splice connection
• Shear strength , φRn of one fully-tensioned slip-
critical bolt
= φ Fv A b

• If db = 3/4 in.
φRn of one bolt = 1.0 x 17 x π x 0.752/4 = 7.51 kips
Note, Fv = 17 ksi from Table A-J3.2
φRn of n bolts = 7.51 x n > 200 kips
(splice must be slip-critical at service)
Therefore, n > 26.63
• If db = 7/8 in.
φRn of one bolt = 10.2 kips
φRn of n bolts = 10.2 x n > 200 kips
(splice must be slip-critical at service)
Therefore, n > 19.6 bolts
Say we provide 24 bolts on either side of the center
line, 6 on either side of the flanges, top + bottom
Note that there are 24 bolts on either side of the
center line. In all there are 48 numbers - 7/8 in
diameter bolts used in the connection.
Step III:
Connection Details and spacing for 24 bolts on each
W8 x 28
• Minimum pretension applied to the bolts = 39.0
Kips from Table J3.1
• Minimum Edge distance from Table J3.4 = Le-min =
1.125 in

• Provide Edge Distance = Le = 1.25 in
• Minimum spacing (Spec. J3.3) = s = 2.67*db, s =
2.336 in
• Preferred spacing = s = 3*db, s = 2.625 in
• For design provide spacing = s = 3 in

Step IV:
Connection Strength at factored loads
The splice connection should be designed as a normal
shear / bearing connection beyond this point for the
factored load = 300 kips
The shear strength of the bolt = 0.75*((π*(7/8)2)/4)*
48 = 21.6 kips
The shear strength of the bolts = 21.6 * 24 = 518.4
kips >300 kips
Bearing strength at the edge holes(Le = 1.25 in.)
Lc = Le – h/2 = 1.25 – (7/8 + 1/16)/2 = 0.78 in.
φRn = φ* (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 * 1.2 * 0.78 * 1.25 * 65 =
57.13 kips.
But the Upper limit is
φRn = 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 0.75 * 2.4 *7/8 * 1.25 * 65
= 127.97 kips> 57.13 kips.
Use φRn = 57.13 for this bolt.
For the other hole:
Lc = s – h = 3 – 15/16 = 2.0625 in
φRn = φ* (1.2 Lc t Fu) = 0.75 * 1.2 * 2.0625 * 1.25 *
65 = 150.82 kips
But the upper limit is
φRn ≤ 0.75 (2.4 db t Fu) = 0.75 * 2.4 * 7/8 * 1.25 * 65
= 127.97 kips < 150.82 kips
Use φRn = 150.82 for this bolt.
Bearing strength = 4*57.13 + 20 x 127.97 = 2788 kips
> 300 kips
Step V :
Design the splice plate
Fy = 50 Ksi, Fu = 65 Ksi, Pu = 300 Kips
Tension Yielding = 0.9 Ag Fy > Pu
Min. Ag = 6.667 in2
Tension Fracture = 0.75 An Fu > Pu
Min. An = 6.154 in2
We know, flange width of W 8 x 28 = 6.54 in. This is
the limiting width of the splice plate.
The unknown quantity which is the thickness of each
splice plate is calculated as shown.
Net area = Gross area - area of the bolts
An = Ag – 4 (7/8 + 1/8) t
Where Ag for the splice plate is 6.54 * t
6.154 = 6.54*t – 4*t = 2.54*t
So, tmin = 6.154/2.54 = 2.42 in
(This is the total thickness of the plate at the top and
bottom) Assume each plate of the dimensions

Therefore, total plate thickness = 1.25 * 2 = 2.5 > 2.42
Check for An and Ag
Ag = 2.5 * 6.54 = 16.35 in2 > 6.667 in2
An = 16.35 – 4 * (7/8 +1/8) * 2.5 = 6.35 in2 > 6.154 in2
Max. An = 0.85 Ag = 0.85 * 16.35 = 13.898 in2 >
6.35in2 OK
Strength of the splice plate in Yielding = 0.9 * Ag* Fy
= 735.75 Kips > 300 kips
Fracture = 0.75 * An* Fu = 309.563 Kips > 300 kips
Check for bearing strength of the splice plates Since
the splice plate has the same thickness of the flange
and the same edge distance, so there isn't any
problem in the bearing strength of the splice plate.
IV-Check for block shear rupture

In most of the situations in which a bolt is subjected
to both shear and tension, the connection is loaded
eccentrically. However, in some simple connections
the fasteners are in a state of combined loading.
Figure below shows a structural tee segment
connected to the flange of a column for the purpose
of attaching a bracing member. This bracing member
is oriented in such a way that the line of action of the
member force passes through the center of gravity of
the connection. The vertical component of the load
will put the fasteners in shear, and the horizontal
component will cause tension (with the possible
inclusion of prying forces). Since the line of action of
the load acts through the center of gravity of the
connection, each fastener can be assumed to take an
equal share of each component.

As in other cases of combined loading, an interaction
formula approach can be used. The shear and tensile
strengths for bearing-type bolts are based on test
results (Chesson et al., 1965) that can be represented
by the elliptical interaction curve shown in Figure
below. The equation of this curve can be expressed in
a general way as

where the strengths can be expressed as forces or

stresses and in either LRFD or ASD format
𝑓 𝑓
( 𝑡 )2 + ( 𝑣 )2 = 1.0
𝐹𝑡 𝐹𝑣
ft = required tensile strength (stress)
Ft = available tensile strength (stress)
fv = required shear strength (stress)
Fv = available shear strength (stress)
An acceptable combination of shear and tension is
one that lies under this curve. This fact leads to the
requirement that

𝑓𝑡 2 𝑓𝑣 2
( ) + ( ) ≤ 1.0
𝐹𝑡 𝐹𝑣
The AISC Specification approximates the elliptical
curve with three straight line segments as shown in
Figure . The equation of the sloping line is given by
𝑓𝑡 2 𝑓𝑣 2
( ) + ( ) = 1.3
𝐹𝑡 𝐹𝑣
To avoid going above the line,

𝑓𝑡 2 𝑓𝑣 2
( ) + ( ) ≤ 1.3
𝐹𝑡 𝐹𝑣
If Equation above is solved for the required tensile
strength ft, we obtain, for a given f v ,
𝑓𝑡 = 1.3𝐹𝑡 - ( Ft )

If ft is viewed as the available tensile strength in the

presence of shear, then from Equation above, the
corresponding nominal strength is

Φ= ɸ for LRFD
Φ = 1/ Ω For ASD
𝑓𝑡 / Φ = 1.3𝐹𝑡 - ( Ft )
Φ 𝐹𝑣
/ 𝐹𝑛𝑡
F nt= 1.3𝐹𝑛𝑡 - ( frv )
F′nt = nominal tensile stress in the presence of shear
Fnt = nominal tensile stress in the absence of shear
Fnv = nominal shear stress in the absence of tension
frv = required shear stress
Note that F′nt must not exceed Fnt, and frv must not
exceed Fnv. The nominal tensile strength is then
Rn = F′nt Ab (AISC Equation J3-2)
/ 𝐹𝑛𝑡
F nt= 1.3𝐹𝑛𝑡 - ( f )<𝐹𝑛𝑡 (AISC Eq.J3-3a)
ɸ𝐹𝑛𝑣 rv
Where ɸ =0.75

Φ = 1/ Ω
F/ nt= 1.3𝐹𝑛𝑡 - ( frv )<𝐹𝑛𝑡 (AISC Eq.J3-3a)
Where Ω =2.0
In slip-critical connections subject to both shear and
tension, interaction of shear and tension need not be
investigated. However, the effect of the applied
tensile force is to relieve some of the clamping force,
thereby reducing the available friction force.
The AISC Specification reduces the slip-critical
strength for this case.
The reduction is made by multiplying the slip-critical
strength by a factor ksc as follows:

𝐾𝑠𝑐 = 1 − (AISC Eq.J3-5a)
𝐷𝑢 𝑇𝑏 𝑛𝑏

1.5 𝑇𝑎
𝐾𝑠𝑐 = 1 − (AISC Eq.J3-5b)
𝐷𝑢 𝑇𝑏 𝑛𝑏
Tu = total factored tensile load on the connection
Ta = total service tensile load on the connection
Du = ratio of mean bolt pretension to specified
minimum pretension; default value is 1.13
Tb = prescribed initial bolt tension from AISC Table
nb = number of bolts in the connection

The AISC Specification approach to the analysis of bolted connections loaded in
both shear and tension can be summarized as follows:
Bearing-type connections:
1. Check shear and bearing against the usual strengths.
2. Check tension against the reduced tensile strength using AISC Equation J3-3a
(LRFD) or J3-3b (ASD).
Slip-critical connections:
1. Check tension, shear, and bearing against the usual strengths.
2. Check the slip-critical load against the reduced slip-critical strength.

A WT10.5 × 31 is used as a bracket to transmit a 60-
kip service load to a W14 ×90 column, as shown in
Figure below . The load consists of 15 kips dead load
and 45 kips live load. Four 7⁄8-inch-diameter Group A
bolts are used. The column is of A992 steel, and the
bracket is A36. Assume all spacing and edge-distance
requirements are satisfied, including those necessary
for the use of the maximum nominal strength in
bearing (i.e., 2.4dtFu), and determine the adequacy of
the bolts for the following types of connections: (a)
bearing-type connection with the threads in shear
and (b) slip-critical connection with the threads in

Solution :
1- Compute the nominal bearing strength (flange of
tee controls , less thickness ).
From the manual properties for WT10.5x31
(tf= 0.615 in )
Rn = 2.4 db t Fu
Rn = 2.4 (7/8) (0.615) (58) = 74.91 Kips
2- Nominal shear strength
Ab = (πd2/4) = (π * (7/8)2)/4 =0.6013 in2.
Rn = Ab Fv = (0.6013)(54) = 32.47Kips
Pu = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(15) + 1.6(45) = 90 kips
The total shear/bearing load is
Vu = (3/5) 90 = 54 Kips
shear/bearing load per bolt is
Vu,bolt = 54/4 = 13.5 Kips
The design bearing strength is
ɸ Rn = 0.75(74.91) = 56.2 kips > 13.5 kips (OK)
The design shear strength is
ɸ Rn = 0.75(32.47) = 24.4 kips > 13.5 kips (OK)

4- The total tension load is
Tu = (4/5)(90)= 72 Kips
The tensile force per bolt is
Tu,bolt = 72/4 = 18 Kips
To determine the available tensile strength, use AISC
Equation J3-3a:

F/ nt= 1.3𝐹𝑛𝑡 - ( frv )<𝐹𝑛𝑡 (AISC Eq.J3-3a)
Where ɸ =0.75
Fnt = nominal tensile stress in the absence of shear =
90 ksi
Fnv = nominal shear stress in the absence of tension =
54 ksi
𝑓𝑟𝑣 = = = 22.45 Kips
𝐴𝑏 0.6013
/ 90
F nt= 1.3(90)- ( 22.45 =67.11 Ksi <90 𝐾𝑠𝑖
0.75 (54)
The nominal tensile strength is
Rn = F′nt Ab = 67.11(0.6013) = 40.35 kips
and the available tensile strength is

ɸRn = 0.75(40.35) = 30.3 kips > 18 kips (OK)
The connection is adequate as a bearing-type
b. From Part a, the shear, bearing, and tensile
strengths are satisfactory.
5- From AISC Equation J3-4, the slip-critical strength is
Rn =µDu hf Tb ns
From AISC Table J3.1, the prescribed tension for a 7⁄8-
inch-diameter Group A bolt is Tb = 39 kips
If we assume Class A surfaces, the slip coefficient is µ
= 0.30, and for four bolts,
Rn =µDu hf Tb ns× 4 = 0.30(1.13)(1.0)(39)(1) × 4 = 52.88
ɸRn = 1.0(52.88) = 52.88 kips
Since there is a tensile load on the bolts, the slip-
critical strength must be reduced by a factor of
𝐾𝑠𝑐 = 1 − (AISC Eq.J3-5a)
𝐷𝑢 𝑇𝑏 𝑛𝑏
𝐾𝑠𝑐 = 1 − = 0.5916
The reduced strength is therefore
ksc(52.88) = 0.5916(52.88) = 31.3 kips < 54 kips (N.G.)
The connection is inadequate as a slip-critical

Pa = D + L = 15 + 45 = 60 kips a.
a-The total shear/bearing load is
Va = (3/5)(60) = 36 Kips
The shear/bearing force per bolt is
Va,bolt = 36/4 = 9 Kips
The allowable bearing strength is
Rn / Ω = (74.9)/2.0 = 37.5 Kips > 9 Kips (OK)
The allowable shear strength is
Rn / Ω = (32.47)/2.0 = 16.24 Kips > 9 Kips (OK)
The total tension load is
Ta =(4/5) (60)=48 Kips
The tensile force per bolt is
Ta,bolt = 48 /4 = 12 kips
To determine the available tensile strength, use
AISC Equation J3-3b:
/ 𝐹𝑛𝑡
F nt= 1.3𝐹𝑛𝑡 - ( frv )<𝐹𝑛𝑡
where Fnt = nominal tensile stress in the absence
of shear = 90 ksi
Fnv = nominal shear stress in the absence of
tension = 54 ksi

𝑓𝑎,𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡 9
𝑓𝑟𝑣 = = = 14.97 Kips
𝐴𝑏 0.6013
/ (2)90
F nt= 1.3(90)- ( (14.97) =67.11 Ksi <90 𝐾𝑠𝑖
The nominal tensile strength is
Rn = F′nt Ab = 67.11(0.6013) = 40.35 kips
and the available tensile strength is
Rn / Ω = 40.35/2.0 = 20.175 Kips> 12 Kips (OK)
The connection is adequate as a bearing-type

b. From Part a, the shear, bearing, and tensile

strengths are satisfactory. From AISC Equation J3-
4, the slip-critical strength is
Rn =µDu hf Tb ns
From AISC Table J3.1, the prescribed tension for a
7⁄8-inch-diameter Group A bolt is
Tb = 39 kips
If we assume Class A surfaces, the slip coefficient
is m=0.30, and for four bolts,

Rn =µDu hf Tb ns× 4 = 0.30(1.13)(1.0)(39)(1) × 4 =
52.88 kips
Rn/ Ω = 52.88 / 1.5 = 35.25 kips
Since there is a tensile load on the bolts, the slip-
critical strength must be reduced by a factor of
𝐾𝑠𝑐 = 1 − (AISC
𝐷𝑢 𝑇𝑏 𝑛𝑏
𝐾𝑠𝑐 = 1 − = 0.5916
The reduced strength is therefore
ksc(52.88) = 0.5916(35.25) = 20.9 kips < 36 kips
The connection is inadequate as a slip-critical


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