Lighting and Control Systems Commissioning
Lighting and Control Systems Commissioning
Lighting and Control Systems Commissioning
Chapter 1
Project: _____________________________________________ Address: ________________________________
Owner: _____________________________________________ Email/Phone: _____________________________
Owner’s Project Manager: ______________________________ Email/Phone: _____________________________
Cx Provider: _________________________________________ Email/Phone: _____________________________
Date Initiated: ______________________ Date Revised: ______________________
System Integrated System
Chapter 2
Commissioning Commissioning
Item Equipment/System Complete—
Required— Required—
1. Lighting fixtures and lamps
2. Scheduled lighting control systems and
Chapter 3
exterior lighting controls
3. Occupancy sensor controls
4. Daylight dimming systems
5. Lighting switching
6. Lighting level verification
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Appendix B
Appendix B
The approval section that follows can be used if applicable to the planning process. Approval can be granted by the
Owner/representative, Design Team, or CxP depending on the Owner’s requirements.
I have reviewed the required items and plans and verified that they meet the project requirements:
Owner or Owner’s Representative Name: ___________________________________________________________
Appendix B