FPA 104 Syllabus 2015 Fall
FPA 104 Syllabus 2015 Fall
FPA 104 Syllabus 2015 Fall
Quiz 1 5% Melody Project 10%
Quiz 2 5% Harmony Project 10%
Quiz 3 7% Tutorial participation and homework 20%
Quiz 4 8% Final exam 35%
Week 1 September 8
Course introduction Metre
Notes and rests Dynamics
Rhythm Introduction to the Keyboard
Week 2 September 15
Pitch (solfege) More on metre - simple time
Note names (Roman numerals and diatonic degree Tempo and metronome markings
names) More on rhythm - beat extensions
Staff and grand staff Upbeats
Leger lines Beaming
Interval - Perfect Octave
Week 3 September 22
Accidentals - sharps, flats, naturals, double sharps and Interval - Perfect 5th
double flats Quiz 1 overview
Chromatic/Diatonic semitones
Whole tones
Week 5 October 6
Melody writing Scale notation
Diatonic scales and tetrachords Quiz 2 overview
Week 7 October 20
More on melody writing
Compound metre
Week 8 October 27 At L e c t u re : H a nd I n Me lo d y P ro je c t
Key signatures
Writing major/minor scales and triads with key signatures
Quiz 3 overview
Week 10 November 10
Cadences (perfect, imperfect, plagal and deceptive) Choosing chords for harmonization
Chords (V7 and other 7th chords) and inversions Embellishing a melody with non-harmonic tones
Non-harmonic tones Quiz 4 overview
Week 12 November 24
More on modulation Repeat signs and other types of repetition
More on analyzing harmonized music Final exam preparation 1