Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and the Southwestern US that honors the dead. It is celebrated from October 28th to November 2nd, with each day dedicated to a different manner of death. Traditions include building altars with ofrendas (offerings) like sugar skulls, photos, and the deceased's favorite foods. Families also clean and decorate gravesites. The ofrendas represent an earthly path to heaven through different symbolic layers. Halloween originated from the Christian holiday All Saints' Day and traditions now include wearing costumes and trick-or-treating.
Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and the Southwestern US that honors the dead. It is celebrated from October 28th to November 2nd, with each day dedicated to a different manner of death. Traditions include building altars with ofrendas (offerings) like sugar skulls, photos, and the deceased's favorite foods. Families also clean and decorate gravesites. The ofrendas represent an earthly path to heaven through different symbolic layers. Halloween originated from the Christian holiday All Saints' Day and traditions now include wearing costumes and trick-or-treating.
Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and the Southwestern US that honors the dead. It is celebrated from October 28th to November 2nd, with each day dedicated to a different manner of death. Traditions include building altars with ofrendas (offerings) like sugar skulls, photos, and the deceased's favorite foods. Families also clean and decorate gravesites. The ofrendas represent an earthly path to heaven through different symbolic layers. Halloween originated from the Christian holiday All Saints' Day and traditions now include wearing costumes and trick-or-treating.
Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and the Southwestern US that honors the dead. It is celebrated from October 28th to November 2nd, with each day dedicated to a different manner of death. Traditions include building altars with ofrendas (offerings) like sugar skulls, photos, and the deceased's favorite foods. Families also clean and decorate gravesites. The ofrendas represent an earthly path to heaven through different symbolic layers. Halloween originated from the Christian holiday All Saints' Day and traditions now include wearing costumes and trick-or-treating.
Usually celebrated in Mexico & Southwestern United States Each day is dedicated towards different manners of deaths
Oct 28: Sudden / violent deaths
Oct 29: Drowned victims Oct 30: People who died alone / without family Oct 31: Miscarriages / People who died before being baptized Nov 1 - Día de los Inocentes : Children Nov 2 - Día de los Muertos : Adults Primary Traditions:
- Sugar Skulls (Calaveritas)
- Often seen on altars and graves of loved ones - Also seen around celebrations and parties
- Family Cemetery Trip
- Cleaning the grave of loved ones - Leaving offerings for their spirits - Decorating tombs with marigolds (trad. flower of dead) Ofrendas (Offering): - Offerings are set up on altar - Bottom Layer - Yellow flowers arranged in shape of a path, guiding lost ones - Often a cross with flower / seeds in the middle to show the earth is connected to heaven - Earth Layer - Fruits, bread, dead’s favourite foods and drinks - Salt Layer - Salt, incense, Photos of loved one - Represents Purgatory – Spirits rest here before reincarnation - Heaven Layer - All white, Saint Maria / Cross, Archway (gates of Heaven) HALLOWEEN Date: October 31st Origin of Name: - November 1st was celebrated from the 8th century as All-Saints Day, also known as All-hallowmas - The day before All-hallowmas, October 31st, came to be known as All-Hallows Eve, which then became known as Halloween HALLOWEEN Primary Traditions: - Dressing up in “spooky” costumes - Trick-or-Treating (The superstitious nature of Halloween was mostly reduced around the 20th century) HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN