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SSC CGL Tier-1 Model Paper: English Comprehension

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COM 82
Q6.Directions: In the following ques tions, a s entence
has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the
SSC CGL TIER-1 MODEL PAPER four alternatives suggested, select the one which best
expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.
ENGLISH COMPREHENSION The boy said, “Bravo I You have done well."
Q1.Directions: In these questions the s entences have (a)The boy said that he had done well.
been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given (b)The boy exclaimed that he had done well.
alternatives choose the one which best expresses the (c)The boy applauded him saying that he had done well.
given sentence in Passive/Active Voice. (d)The boy said bravo he had done well.
Someone saw him picking up a gun.
(a)He was seen pick up a gun by someone. Q7. Directions : In each questions read each sentence to
(b)He was seen picking up a gun by someone. find out the whether there is any error in it. The error
(c)He was seen when he was picking up a gun. if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of
(d)He was seen by someone pick a gun. that part is the answer. Ignore the errors of
punctuations if any.
Q2.Directions: In these questions the s entences have Although the police officer sympathised with poor (1)/
been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given he refus ed to (2) /take an action against the rich man (3)
alternatives choose the one which best expresses the /No error (4)
given sentence in Passive/Active Voice. (a) Although the police officer sympathised with poor
The company paid her a meager salary. (b) he refused to
(a)She was paid a meager salary by the company. (c) take an action against the rich man
(b)A meager salary has been paid to her by the company. (d)No error
(c)She was being paid a meager salary by the company.
(d)A meager salary was to be paid to her by the Q8. Directions : In each questions read each sentence to
company. find out the whether there is any error in it. The error
if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of
Q3.Directions : In these questions choose the word that part is the answer. Ignore the errors of
opposite in meaning to the word given in bold. punctuations if any.
HANDY I will send my servant (1)/ but I cannot insure (2)/ that
(a) cumbersome he will reach there in time (3) / No error (4)
(b)handful (a) I will send my servant
(c) unwieldy (b) but I cannot insure
(d) heavy (c) that he will reach there in time
(d)No error
Q4.Directions : In these questions choose the word
opposite in meaning to the word given in bold. Q9.The rich parents decided to s end their two sons to
FIENDISH Eton the stronghold of the ______of the rich
(a)Diabolical (a)parents
(b)devilish (b) ancestry
(c)Angelic (c)pedigree
(d)Friendly (d) progeny

Q5.Directions: In the following ques tions, a s entence Q10.A good teacher should ________ res ponses from the
has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech . Out of the students
four alternatives suggested, select the one which best (a)elicit
expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech. (b) provoke
"May you live long and prosper", said the old lady to her (c) command
son. (d) infer
(a)The old lady bl essed her son with long life and wished
him prosperity. Q11.Directions: In the following ques tions, four
(b)The old lady prayed for her son’s long life and alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase printed in
prosperity. bold in the sentence. Choos e the alternative which best
(c)The old lady prayed for her son and s aid that he might expresses the meaning of the Idiom/ Phrase.
live long and prosper. Very ambitious people do not like to rest on their laurels.
(d)The old lady bl essed her son and prayed for his long (a)To be unhappy
life and prosperity. (b)To be motivated
(c)To be impatient
(d)To be complacent
1. One of the mos t terrible battles of the American Civil
Q12.Directions: In the following ques tions, four War was fought in July 1863, at Gettysburg.
alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase printed in P.The chi ef speech on that occasion was given by Edward
bold in the sentence. Choos e the alternative which best Everett, a celebrated orator.
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/ Phrase. Q.Lincon was asked to make a few remarks.
The Government claims that Indi an industry is R.In November of that year a portion of the battlefield
progressing by leaps and bounds. was. dedicated as a final resting place for men of both
(a)intermittently armies who died there.
(b)leisurely S.Everett’s speech lasted 2 hours. Lincoln’s for 2 minutes
(c) at a rapid pace it was over almost before the crowd realized that it had
(d)at a desired pace begun.
6. But the Gettysburg speech is now one of the world’s
Q13. Directions: Out of the four al ternatives, choose the immortal pieces of literature.
one which can be substituted for the given
(b) RPQS
(c) PQRS
One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain.
(d) QPSR
Q17.Directions: In the following questions, a sentence/
(d)Psychic part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given
alternatives which may improve the bold part.
Q14. Directions: Out of the four al ternatives, choose the Choose the correct al ternative. In case no improvement
is needed, your answer is No Improvement.
one which can be substituted for the given
Less people came to watch cricket matches this year, so
the gate receipts were lesser than last year.
Something which cannot be believed.
(b) Fewer
(b) Ineffable
(c) Lot of
(c) Incredible
(d) No improvement
(d) Ineluctable
Q18.Directions: In the following questions, a sentence/
Q15. Directions : In these ques tions, the first and last
part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given
sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest
of the passage is split into four parts and named P,Q,R,S . alternatives which may improve the bold part.
These four parts are not given in proper order. Read the Choose the correct al ternative. In case no improvement
sentences and find out which of the four combinations is is needed, your answer is No Improvement.
Didn’t Mr. Sharma come to the office yet ?
1. When Galileo went home, he began to experiment (a)Hadn’t
with the pendulum. (b)Hasn’t
P.When he showed it to his teachers, they were (c) Isn’t
delighted. (d)No Improvement
Q.It was not long before physicians were all using the
Instrument to count the heartbeats of their patients. Q19.Directions: In the following questions out of the
R.Soon he had invented an instrument which marked the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses,
rate of pulse beats. the meaning of the given word.
S.Then the clock makers began to us e the pendulum to MENACE
keep time. (a) request
6. Today it has many other uses. (b) prayer
(a) PQRS (c) threat
(b)QRPS (d) curse
(c) SPQR
(d) RPQS Q20.Directions: In the following questions out of the
four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses,
Q16. Directions : In these ques tions, the first and last the meaning of the given word.
sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest EXOTIC
of the passage is split into four parts and named P,Q,R,S . (a)alien
These four parts are not given in proper order. Read the (b)strange
sentences and find out which of the four combinations is (c)rare
correct. (d)grand


(a) a believer in devotion to duty
Q21. DIRECTIONS : YOU HAVE ONE BRIEF PASSAGE (b)a believer in taking things for granted.
WITH LIVE QUESTIONS. READ THE PASSAGE (c)a believer in doing what he Is told right or wrong.
CAREFULLY AND CHOO SE THE BEST ANSWER TO EACH (d)a believer in the honesty of machines.
In the technological systems of tomorrow-fast fluid and Q25.The type of society which the author has mentioned
self-regulating-machines will deal with the flow of makes a plea for
physical materi als men with the flow of information and (a)a mind assimilative of modern scientific Ideas.
insight. Machines will increasingly perform tasks. (b)a critical mind having insight into future.
Machines and men both instead of being concentrated in (c)a mind well-versed in cultural heritage
gigantic factories and factory ci ties will be scattered (d)a mind with firm principles of life.
across the globe linked together by amazi ngly sensitive
near-i nstantaneous communications. Human work will
move out of the factory and mass office into the NUMERICAL APTITUDE
community and the home. Machi nes will be Q26.40 litres of a mixture of milk and water contains
synchronized as some already are to the billionth of a
10% of water, the water to be added, to make the water
second men will be desynchronized. The factory whistle
content 20% in the new mixture is:
will vanish. Even the clock “the key machine of the
(a) 6 litre
modern industri al age” as Lewis Mumford called it a
(b) 6.5 litre
generation ago will lose some of its power over humans
(c) 5.5 ltr
as distinct from purely technological affai rs.
(d) 5ltr
Simultaneously the organisation needed to control
technology shift from bureaucracy to Adhocracy from
Q27.A certain sum, invested at 4% per annum
permanence to transience and from a concern with the
pres ent to a focus on the future. In such a world the compound interest compounded half yearly amounts is
Rs. 7803 at the end of one year. The sum is:
most valued attributes of the industrial age become
handicaps. The technology of tomorrow requi res not (a) Rs. 9000
millions of lightly lettered men ready to work in unison (b) Rs. 8400
(c) Rs. 7500
at endlessly repetitive jobs i t requires not men who take
orders in unblinking fashion aware that the price of (d) Rs 8000
bread is mechanical submission to authori ty but men
who can make critical judgments who can weave their Q28.A person can row 15/2 km an hour in s till water
way through nov el environments who are quick to spot and he finds that it takes him twice as long to row up as
new relationships in the rapidly changing reality. It to row down the river. The speed of the stream is :
requires men who in C.P. Snow s compel ling terms (a) 2 km/hr
“have the future in their bones" (b) 3 km/hr
(c) 5/2 km/hr
The technological system of tomorrow will be marked by (d) 7/2 km/hr
(b) perfection. Q29.The measures of two angles of a triangle is in the
(c) automation. ratio 4 :
(d) unpredictability. 5. If the sum of thes e two measures is equal to the
measure of the third angle. Find the smallest angle.
Q22.The future man according to this passage must be (a) 90°
(a)most adaptative and intelligent. (b) 50°
(b)most capable of dealing with the changing reality. (c) 10°
(c)more concerned with the present than the future. (d) 40°
(d)trained and obedient.
Q30. The smallest number, which when increased by 5 is
Q23. Near-instantaneous communications may be divisible by each of 24, 32, 36 and 64, is
regarded as a symbol of (a) 869
(a)anachronization. (b) 859
(b) mischronization. (c) 571
(c) desynchronization. (d) 427
(d) synchronization.
Q31.A mixture contains wine and water in the ratio 3:2
Q24.If a person believes that the price of bread is and another mixture contains them in the ratio 4:
mechanical submission to authority he is


5. How many litres of the latter mus t be mixed with 3
litres of the former so that the resultant mixture may Q38.Number of solutions of the two equations 4x – y = 2
contain equal quantities of wine and water ? and 2x – 8y + 4 = 0 is :
(a)5/3 litre (a)0
(b) 27 litres (b)1
(c)9/2 litres (c)2
(d)15/4 litres
Q32.A, B and C enter into a partnership wi th capitals in
the ratio 5 : 6 : Q39.The sum of money, that will give Rs. 1 as interest
8. At the end of the business term, they received the per day at the rate of 5 % per annum simple interest is
profit in the ratio 5 : 3 : (a) Rs. 3650
12. Find the ratio of time for which they contributed (b) Rs. 36500
their capitals? (c) Rs. 730
(a)(а) 2 : 1 : З (d) Rs. 7300
(b) 1:2: 3
(c) 2 : 3 : 1 Q40.The ratio of 252.5 : 53is same as
(d) 3 : 2: 1 (a) 5 : 3
(b) 5 : 6
Q33.A tank has a leak which would empty the (c) 1 : 25
completely filled tank in 10 hours. If the tank is full of (d) 25 : 1
water and a tap is opened which admits 4 litres of water
per minute in the tank, the leak takes 15 hours to empty Q41.A and B together can do a piece of work i n 8 days, B
the tank. How many liters of water does the tank hold ? and C together in 10 days, while C and A together in 6
(a) 2400 L days, if they all work together the work will be
(b) 4500 L completed in :
(c) 1200 L (a) 15/4 days
(d) 7200 L (b) 24/7 days
(c) 240/47 days
Q34.If 0 ≤ θ ≤ 90° and 4 cos 2θ – √ cosθ + 3 = 0, then (d) 40/9 days
the value of θ is :
(a) 30° Q42.The difference between the selling price of an
(b) 90° article at a profit of 15% and at a profit of 10% is Rs.
(c) 45° 10. The cost price of the article is
(d) 60° (a) Rs. 100
(b) Rs. 120
Q35.If the sum of the squares of three consecutive (c) Rs. 150
(d) Rs. 200
natural numbers is 110, then the smallest of these
natural numbers is:
(a) 8 Q43.If the ratio of volumes of two cones is 2 : 3 and the
(b) 6 ratio of the radii of their bases is 1 : 2, then the ratio of
(c) 7 their heights will be
(d) 5 (a) 8 : 3
(b) 3 : 8
(c) 4: 3
Q36. *{( ) } + is equal to : (d) 3 : 4

(a)1/16 Q44.A number x when divided by 289 leaves 18 as the

(b) 16 remainder. The s ame number when divided by 17 l eaves
(c) –(1/16) y as a remainder. The value of y is
(d) -16 (a)5
Q37.A man goes from a place A to B at a speed of 12 (c)3
km/hr and returns from B to A at a speed of 18 km/hr. (d)1
The average speed for the whole journey is
(a) 72/5 km/hr Q45.After allowing a discount of 12% on the marked
(b) 15 km/hr price of an article, it is sold for Rs. 880, Fi nd its marked
(c) 31/2 km/hr рriсе
(d) 16 km/hr
(a) 1,100 (a)4, 9, 144
(b) 2,000 (b)16, 100, 256
(c) 1,000 (c)25, 49, 121
(d) 2,100 (d)9, 81, 169

Q46.The circumference of the base of a circular cylinder Q53.Direction: In each of the following questions, s elect
is 6π cm. the height of the cylinder is equal to the the related letter from the given alternatives.
diameter of the bas e. How many litres of water can it BCFE : HILK : : NORQ : ?
hold? (a)TXWU
(a)54 π cc (b) T X U W
(b)36 π cc (c) T U X W
(c)0.054π cc (d) T V W X
Q54.Based on the statements, given below, find out who
Q47.In A rectangular block of metal has a dimension 21 is the uncle of ‘P’?
cm, 77 cm and 24 cm, The block has been melted into a K is the brother of J. M is the sister of K. P is the brother
sphere. The radius of the sphere .is (take pie 22/7) of N.N is the daughter of J.
(a) 21 cm (a)K
(b) 7 cm (b) J
(c) 14 cm (c) N
(d) 28 cm (d) M

Q48.The value of (1+cotθ -cosecθ )(1+tanθ + secθ) is Q55.Direction: In The following Question you have to
equal to : identify the correct respons e from the given premises
(a) 1 stated according to following symbols:
(b) 2 If ‘+’ means ‘÷’, '÷’ means ‘-’, ‘-’ means ‘×’, ‘ב means ‘+’,
(c) 0 then
(d) – 1 12 + 6 ÷ 3- 2 × 8 = ?
(a) - 2
Q49.If tan (2θ + 45°) = cot 3θ, where (2θ + 45°) and 3θ (b)4
are acute angles, then the value of θ is : (c) 2
(a) 5° (d)8
(b) 9°
(c) 12° Q56.Find the odd man out from the given responses ?
(d) 15° (a) Sky — Stars
(a)Moon — Planets
Q50.If price of a book is first decreased by 25% and then (b)Stadium — Players
increased by 20%, the net change in the price of the book (c)University — Students
will be :
(a) 10% decrease Q57.Find the odd man out from the given responses ?
(b) 5% decrease (a) Silver
(c) no change (b) Gold
(d) 5% increase (c) Steel
(d) Copper

GENERAL INTELLIGENCE & REASONING Q58.Find the odd man out from the given responses ?
Q51.Direction: In each of the following questions, s elect (a) Chop
the related word from the given alternatives. (b)Slit
Architect : Building : : Sculptor : ? (c) Chirp
(a)Museum (d)Slice
(b) Stone
(c) Chisel Q59.Roopa starts from a point and walks 15 metre
(d) Statue towards west, turns left and walks 12 metre, turns right
again and walks. What is the direction she is now
Q52.Direction: From among the given alternatives facing?
select the one in which the set of numbers is most like (a) South
the set of numbers given in the question. (b) West
16, 36, 64 (c) East
(d) North (a)QRPKLMJG
Q60.A person moves 400 metres to East. He turns to his (c)QRBKCNJG
left and moves 400 metres. Then again he turns to his (d)QNPGLIJC
left and walks 400 metres. Finally he turns to his right
and moves 100 metres. Now how far away in metres. He Q67.Direction: In the following questions a word is
is from the starting point ? followed by four other words one of which cannot be
(a) 1300 formed by using the letter of the given word. Find this
(b) 900 word.
(d) 500 (a)FIST
Q61.Directions: In each of the following questions a (c) HYPOCRISY
series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct (d)PISTON
alternative from the given ones that will complete the
series Q68.Direction:In the following questions a word is
followed by four other words one of which cannot be
48, 24, 96, 48, 192, ? formed by using the letter of the given word. Find this
(a)98 word.
(c)96 (a)ECONOMIST
(d)76 (b) POSITION
Q62.Directions: In each of the following questions a (d) COMPOSE
series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct
alternative from the given ones that will complete the Q69.From the given alternatives select the word which
series can be formed using the letters given in the word.
1,121, 441, 961, 1681, ? (a)KNOWN
(a)2701 (b) GODOWN
(b) 3101 (c)WONDER
(c) 2501 (d) GOLDEN
(d) 2601
Q70.If MUSICAL is written as KWQKACJ, how can
Q63.Direction: Find the wrong number in the following SPRINKLE be written ?
series : (a)QRPKLMJG
62,46, 34, 24, 16, 10 (b)UKTKPMNG
(a)62 (c)QRBKCNJG
(b) 46 (d)QNPGLIJC
(c) 34
(d) 24 Q71.Direction (28) : Given below are two matrices of
twenty-five cells, each containi ng two classes of
Q64.If HONESTY is written as 5132468 and POVERTY as alphabets. The columns and rows of matrix I are
7192068, how is HORSE written in a certain code ? numbered 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II from 5 to 9. A letter
(a)50124 from these matrices can be represented fi rst by its row
(b) 51042 number and next by the column number. If ‘R’ can be
(c) 51024 repres ented by ‘01’, ‘44’ etc. similarly ‘U’ can be
(d) 52014 repres ented by ‘59’, ‘78’ etc. In each of the following
questions, identify one set of number pairs out of (1),
Q65.If DANGER is coded as 11-8-21 -14-12-25, then how (2), (3) and (4) which represents the given word.
will be coded the word MACHINE?

Q66.If MUSICAL is written as KWQKACJ, how can

SPRINKLE be written ?

(a)11, 79, 20, 67
(b)30, 86, 13, 77
(c)20, 96, 32, 55
(d)23, 86, 11, 77 (a)[1]
Q72.Directions: which of the answer fi gures is exactly (c)[3]
the mirror image of the given figure? (d)[4]

Q75.Directions: In which answer figure is the given

figure embedded?

(d)[4] (a)[1]
Q73.Directions: A piece of paper is folded and cut as (c)[3]
shown below. How will it appear when opened? Select (d)[4]
your response from the answer figures.

Q76.Enzymes are used to
1.Improve the performance of detergents
2.Make beer
3.Process food
Which of the above are true?
(d)1,2, 3, 4
(b)[2] Q77.Who was the advocate at the famous INA trials?
(c)[3] (a) Bhulabhai Desai
(d)[4] (b)Asaf Ali
(c)Subhash Chandra Bose
Q74.Directions: Which answer figure will complete the (d)C. Rajagopalachari
question figure?
Q78.In which of the following movement did Mahatma
Gandhi first make the use of hunger strike as a weapon?
(a)Non-cooperation movement, 1920-22
(b)Rowlatt satyagraha, 1919 (c)at the beginning of the North-East monsoon
(c)Ahmedabad strike, 1918 (d)at the end of North-East moonson
(d)Bardoli satyagraha
Q87.Who among the following Mughal rulers has been
Q79.The government resigns if a no-confidence motion called the Prince of Builders?
is passed (a)Akbar
(a)lok Sabha (b) Jahangir
(b)Rajya Sabha (c) ShahJahan
(c)Either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha (d) Babur
(d)Joint session of Parliament Q88.Which amidst fee following rural banks has been
named after a river?
Q80.What is not true about aluminum industry? (a)Prathama Bank
(a)It is a weight losing industry (b)Varada Grameen Bank
(b)It is a large consumer of electricity. (c)Thar Anchalik Grameen Bank
(c)Aluminum is extracted through electrolysis. (d)Aravali Kshetriya Grameen Bank
(d)Most of alumi num manufacturing units are installed
near sources of power. Q89.Energy is continuously created in the sun due to:
(a) nuclear fusion
Q81.What made possible the transition from the (b) nuclear fission
Paleolithic to the Neolithic age? (c) radioactivity
(a)making a fire (d) artificial radioactivity
(b)growing grain
(c)making wheels Q90.Which of the following is most elastic?
(d)learning a script (a) Rubber
(b) Wet clay
Q82.Which of the following statements regarding (c) Steel
Asoka’s Dhamma is not correct? (d) Plastic
(a)Rock edict XIII is of paramount importance in the
understanding of Asoka policy of Dhamma. Q91. The major harmful gas emitted by automobile
(b)The fifth Rock edict introduces the ins titution of vehicle which causes air pollution is
Dhamma maha mattas. (a) Carbon Monoxide
(c)Asoka’s Dhamma could not survive him. (b) Methane
(d)The policy of Dhamma was an attempt at foundi ng a (c) Carbon dioxide
new religion. (d) Ozone gas

Q83.Fruits of this plant are found underground: Q92. What material is used to make electric heater coil ?
(a) Potato (a) Copper
(b) Carrot (b) Iron
(c) Groundnut (c) Silver
(d) Onion (d) Nichrome

Q84.An ant can see the objects all around it due to the Q93.In which of the following areas a spreadsheet
presence of software is more useful?
(a)Simple Eyes (a)Psychology
(b)Eyes over the head (b) Publishing
(c)Well-developed eyes (c)Statistics
(d)Compound eyes (d)Message sending

Q85.The coastal tract of Andhra Prades h and Tamil Q94.A spinning neutron star is known as
Nadu is called (a) White dwarf
(a)Konkan (b) Black hole
(b) Coromandel (c) Pulsar
(c) East Coast (d) Quasar
(d) Malabar Coast
Q95.Jaundice is a symptom of disease of
Q86.Kharif crops are sown (a)Kidney
(a)a the beginning of the South-West monsoon (b) Liver
(b)at the end of the South-West monsoon (c) Pancreas
(d) Thyroid

Q96.Which of the following are warm blooded animals ?

(b) Whale Sharks
(c) Alytes
(d) Draco

Q97. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of

(a) controlled fission reaction
(b) uncontrolled fission reaction
(c) controlled fusion reaction
(d) uncontrolled fusion reaction

Q98.Which of the following is a renewable source of

energy ?
(a) Coal
(b) Geothermal power
(c) Natural gas
(d) Uranium

Q99.The UNIX operating system is suitable for :

(a)Multi user
(b)Real Time Processing
(c)Distributed Processing
(d)Single user

Q100.The distance between node and adjacent

antinodes is 30 cm. The wavelength is
(a) 30 cm.
(b) 90 cm
(c) 120 cm.
(d) 60 cm.

1b 2a 3d 4d 5c 6c
7a 8b 9d 10a 11d 12c
13a 14c 15d 16b 17b 18b
19c 20b 21c 22b 23d 24c
25b 26d 27d 28c 29d 30c
31b 32a 33d 34a 35d 36a
37a 38b 39d 40d 41c 42d
43a 44d 45c 46a 47a 48b
49b 50a 51d 52b 53c 54a
55b 56b 57c 58c 59b 60d
61c 62d 63a 64b 65b 66a
67d 68c 69d 70a 71b 72d
73a 74a 75c 76d 77a 78c
79a 80c 81b 82d 83c 84d
85b 86a 87c 88b 89a 90c
91c 92d 93c 94c 95b 96a
97d 98b 99a 100d


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