Culture Questions
Culture Questions
Culture Questions
Laarnie Bandilla
Niña Angelica A. Destajo
Aiza Ostria
Cyrine Salazar
Daniel Talisayon Jr.
1. It is a social mechanism of culture that are short- lived culture in the line of technology, like
cellphones, tablets and ipods.
a. Convergence
b. Honeymoon stage
c. Fads
d. Parallelism
e. Social control
3. It is a type of adaptation of culture that refers to the fusion of two or more cultures into a new
one which is somewhat different from its predecessors.
a. Fads
b. Parallelism
c. Social control
d. Convergence
e. Honeymoon stage
4. First stage experienced after arrival in a new culture wherein there is some sort of excitement
and the focus is on the sense of success being in a new culture.
a. Fads
b. Parallelism
c. Convergence
d. Honeymoon stage
e. Social control
5. Refers to the set of rules and understandings that control the behaviour of individuals and group
in a culture.
a. Fads
b. Parallelism
c. Convergence
d. Honeymoon stage
e. Social control
f. Fads
g. Parallelism
h. Convergence
i. Honeymoon stage
j. Social control
Reporter's quiz
1. The level of knowing organizational culture that involves the knowledge in facilities, visible awards
and recognition. (Artifacts Level)
2. Deepest level, by which some elements of culture are unseen and not cognitively identified.
(Unspoken Rule Level)
3. Who is the 2 person that give the practical advice in changing corporate culture? (Thomas
Cummings and Christopher Worley)
6. Culture has long recognized the virtue of silence in mediatation and communal life. (FALSE)
9. Influencing factor in human exosting as well as societal development can also be attributed to
politics.(Political Culture)
10. There are no better ways to secure your future financially but have a savings. ( Culture of Savings)
- Calderon, Mariel
Almariego, Cristyraissa
Larua, Kaye
Rosales, Winadelle