Jisakos 2017 000146 PDF
Jisakos 2017 000146 PDF
Jisakos 2017 000146 PDF
Table 1 Recent studies comparing mechanical axis outliers in navigated total knee arthroplasty versus conventional instrumentation
Study Year Number of patients Outliers conventional Outliers navigation
Zhang et al 2011 32 (bilateral) 28% 0%
Blakeney et al20 2011 107 36%–38% (intramedullary and extramedullary) 19%
Tolk et al21 2012 100 50% 26%
Cip et al22 2014 200 19% 10%
Todesca et al23 2017 225 11% 4%
Surface-mounted navigation
Navigated TKA does have specific complications associated with
the use of tracker pins. There have been several reports of peri-
prosthetic fractures from the tracker pin sites.33 34 There has also
been concerns regarding tracker movement during surgery espe-
cially in osteoporotic bone.35
The OrthoMap Express Knee Software (previously known
as ASM system) (Stryker, Mahwah, New Jersey, USA) (figure 3)
avoids the use of femoral and tibial pins by using mini jigs with
trackers that are attached to the femoral and tibial joint surfaces.
The process of mapping the knee is similar to other naviga-
tion systems but the ASM system only allows the planning of
the femoral and tibial cuts in the coronal and sagittal planes.
No checking of the bone cuts and no guidance to rotation are Figure 3 The OrthoMap Express Knee Software (Stryker, Mahwah, New
provided. After cuts are performed, the TKA proceeds a conven- Jersey, USA) surface mounted navigation system. Copyright Stryker 1998-
tional non-navigated procedure. No more information (limb 2018.
48 Figueroa F, et al. JISAKOS 2018;3:46–54. doi:10.1136/jisakos-2017-000146
Downloaded from http://jisakos.bmj.com/ on March 30, 2018 - Published by group.bmj.com
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