Solar Biomass Dryer
Solar Biomass Dryer
Solar Biomass Dryer
6.1 Introduction
Simulation modeling studies are needed for the efficient design and operation of dryer. The
predictions of airflow, temperature use and humidity inside the dryer helps to design most suitable
geometric configuration of the dryer. Nowdays given the increase in computing power, the application
of simulation tools can be valuable for engineering design and analysis of complex system.
The performance of solar batch drying is affected by temperature of heated air and the collector
surface area of the dryer whereas the dimension of the dryer and quantity of the dried product are less
important. By using solar batch dryer of 3m² collector surface area and temperature at 50°C can dry
250kg of product per day [115].
Yunus et al. simulated a hybrid solar dryer by CFD tools under different operational modes. The
velocity and temperature distribution inside the dryer is simulated using FLUENT software. The
simulation results were validated by comparing with the experimental measurement. The results
indicate that the solar with biomass backup heating gives the good results when compared to other
operational modes [116].
Solar dryer box with ray tracing CFD Technique was analyzed by Akinola et al. [117] in Nigeria.
During the experiment it was found that the average collector temperature reaches over 67°C and
drying chamber rack temperature shows 42°C. The simulation results showed that, the required
temperature is achieved within very short exposure to sunrays. This showed that it can be used for
regions where fewer hours of sunshine is available.
Cristiana et al.[118] have used CFD method to analyze the airflow inside a hybrid solar-electrical
dryer. The dryer was tested experimentally without the trays and with no load. The simulation result
showed that the velocity and temperature distribution is uniform in the solar collector and drying
chamber. Also, the numerical results were good agreement with experimental results.
Manoj et al. [119] simulated solar dryer utilizing green house effect for cocoa bean drying. In
this study MATLAB based modeling was carried out to predict the velocity distribution of the dryer. The
product obtained from the dryer would give good grades and meet international standards.
Suhaimi et al. [120] carried out a study to predict the drying uniformly in tray dryer system using
CFD simulation. In this study the velocity of tray number 1,7,8 and 15 are having more velocity than
other trays. The result showed that the average air velocity in the drying chamber is about 0.38m/s and
the temperature is uniform for all the trays. Finally it was concluded that, this dryer is suitable for drying
agricultural products.
Ratti et al. [121] designed a batch type-solar drying system. Its drying performance is predicted
using drying rate, drying temperature, and moisture content, which are time dependent. This system
allows for the shrinkage of particles. Air temperature is necessary to complete the drying process, and
all its existing parameters are independent.
There are no precise references to the literature concerning numerical simulation of air flow
and heat transfer in the intensity of dryer. The main objective of the present study is to investigate the
temperature profile in experimental solar biomass hybrid dryer using Solidworks 2014 SP4.0 software.
To optimise the design of drying chamber to achieve higher heat/mass transfer rate and
uniform drying by avoiding an unfavorable aero dynamic phenomenon in the chamber
Analytical solutions are only available for simple problems. They make many assumptions and fail to
solve most practical problems. Finite Volume Method (FVM) is a general approach for both simple and
complex problems. This method is among preferred methods for fluid phenomena modeling. SolidWorks
Flow Simulation solves time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with the Finite Volume Method (FVM)
on a rectangular (parallelepiped) computational mesh. Computational domain is a rectangular prism
where the calculation is performed. Computational domain’s boundary planes are orthogonal to the
Cartesian coordinate system’s axes and envelopes the fluid volume inside a model.
The mass, momentum and energy conservation equations are given in a general form by equation (1)-
Mass : divu 0 (6.1)
Energy : DE
Dt div ( u )
u xx u yy u zx v xy v yy v zy w xz w yz u zz
x y z x y z x y z
div ( k grad T ) S E ( 6 .2 )
x momentum : div( uu) div( μ grad u ) SMx (6.3)
t x
v ( 6 .4 )
y momentum : div( vu) div(μ grad v) SMy
t x
z momentum : div( wu) div( μ grad w) SMz (6.5)
t x
Convective heat and mass transfer modeling in the k – ε model is given by the following equation:
A 3-D model of solar dryer geometry was created using solid woks version 2014 SP with a Pentium IV
system, speed 2.0 GHz, 2GB ram and 520MB hard disk. Solidworks 2014 SP4.0 flow Simulation results
provides sufficient practical information to identifying the low temperature spot of the system and
consequently this will be useful for improvement of the dryer designs. Solidworks FloXpress does not
consider heat transfer effects in solids. Solidworks FloXpress computes the correct temperature
distribution in the fluid, but there is no option to view the result. Velocity, mass flow rate, volume flow
rate, or pressure (static and total) boundary conditions are specified at models' inlets and outlets. Time-
dependent Reynolds-averaged 3D Navier-Stokes equations using the k -ε turbulence model. Flow
Simulation using Solidworks involves the following procedure. 3D model of the dryer is shown in Fig 6.1.
The following simulation procedures is used in this study.
Creation of the solid work part model for the flow simulation
Setting up the flow simulation project for internal flow analysis
Setting up a 3D flow condition
Initializing the mesh
Applying boundary conditions
Meshing the model. This is a series of automatic steps in which the code subdivides the model
and computational domain into computational cells.
Running the flow simulation and check for convergence.
Visualize the temperature flow field.
The experiments were performed on a prototype solar biomass hybrid dryer at PRIST University (India).
The simulation was performed on empty chamber without the cashew kernel in both forced and natural
convection mode. Temperature profile was presented according to the mode of drying from the
unloading experimental results. The validation of the result was done by simulating the initial operating
conditions of experimental measurement.
The simulation was carried out and the temperature distribution obtained for natural convection mode
solar dryer is presented in Fig. 6.2. It can be seen that air enters into solar collector at an ambient
temperature and being heated by solar collector. The temperature at the start of drying is equal to that
of the ambient and increases towards the top of the collector. Since this temperature is higher than that
in the ambient, it increases the thermal buoyancy. It could be seen that the highest temperature is
concentrated at the top of the solar collector which is around 340 K to 348 K. The heat was transferred
from solar collector to the drying chamber by natural convection. The temperatures inside the drying
chamber are in the range of 65-45°C, except for the top portion of the drying chamber. The bottom and
middle portion of the drying chamber recorded the highest temperature around 338K since it is exposed
to the high temperature air flow. However, as the location of the tray become farther, the temperature
decreases due to the heat losses to the surroundings and to heat up the lower trays. The lowest
temperature was spotted just above the top tray and it represents the exhaust air temperature which
flow out of the dryer.
The temperature distribution inside the solar collector and the drying chamber in forced
convection solar dryer is shown in Fig 6.3. The forced air from the blower enters into the inlet of the
solar collector and it is distributed from the bottom to top of the collector and then to the drying
chamber through a rectangular opening provided in between solar collector and drying chamber. The
simulation result shows that temperature rises from 35-85°C across the solar collector. The higher
temperature is observed at bottom of the drying chamber because in these regions the high
temperature air is coming from the solar collector. In general the temperature changes more along and
across the solar collector, than along and across the drying chamber. The hot air temperature in the
drying chamber was in the range of 63-70°C.Temperature inside the drying chamber has an important
role in the drying kinetics of the cashew. The difference of temperature among the portion of drying
chamber is considered small and it can be assumed that the present design successfully achieved the
reasonable uniform air temperature. Also it was observed that the temperature profile of exit air was
well developed to affect drying; this indicates that the drying chamber length is capable of
accommodating more trays without any significant drop in the temperature.
The temperature distribution of the solar biomass hybrid dryer is shown in Fig 6.4. It can be seen that,
the required drying temperature 60-70°C was obtained in the drying chamber. It can be seen that the
distribution of temperatures inside the drying chamber is almost homogeneous, excepting at the exit of
the drying chamber, where lower temperatures of about 303 K, is obtained. The uniform temperature
profile in the drying chamber could be as a result of additional controlled air heating through biomass
backup heater. This temperature distribution is benefic, because it is expected to provide uniform drying
and thereby avoiding different final moisture content of the products. The drying temperature obtained
in this mode of operation is very much desirable for drying cashew kernel since it guarantees a high-
quality and homogeneous drying process. The relative humidity of the drying air is also an important
factor affecting the drying rate. With the increase in the drying temperature, relative humidity takes
lower values. This enhances drying rate and therefore drying occurs in a short span of time with the
increase of the drying temperature.
Fig. 6.4. Distribution of air temperature in forced solar biomass hybrid dryer
middle and bottom portion of the drying chamber, since the variation in average temperature is around
2 oC.
Fig. 6.5. Comparison of experimental and simulation results under Natural Solar mode.
The temperature difference between the experimental and simulation results under forced solar
dryer is shown in Fig 6.6. In this mode the numerically estimated mean temperatures results are slightly
lower than the experimental results. The temperature obtained in simulation results vary from 4oC to 6
Fig. 6.6. Comparison of experimental and simulation results under Forced solar mode.
Fig. 6.7. Comparison of experimental and simulation results under Forced Hybrid mode.
The simulation and experimental results of solar biomass hybrid mode is shown in Fig 6.7. It
indicates the temperature is more or less uniform in the drying chamber. In this mode the average
temperature in the drying chamber is highest when compared to natural and forced solar dryer. The
temperature variation in the simulation results is around 3 oC. Hybrid mode is the most appropriate
mode for drying application since it provides the highest temperature and falls within the required
drying temperature range.
6.4 Conclusion
The objective of the simulation of the dryer is to find the most efficient design and operation
mode for optimum temperature distribution. The numerical simulation of the temperature inside the
solar biomass hybrid was performed with Solid works. Experimental data was used for the boundary
conditions and numerical validation. The following key conclusions are made from the analysis.
The simulation results were validated with the real experimental data and there
was no significant difference between real and simulated temperature inside the
drying chamber.
The simulated 3D model of hybrid dryer using Solid works was capable of
predicting the system behavior in real situations.
Among the three mode of operation forced solar mode was in good agreement
with the experimental condition.
The temperature profiles of all the three modes of operation achieved reasonable
temperature required for drying.