Preventive and Protective Measures, Ppe: Assessment and Risk Control Process
Preventive and Protective Measures, Ppe: Assessment and Risk Control Process
Preventive and Protective Measures, Ppe: Assessment and Risk Control Process
For each of the hazards identified in the hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk
control process, the Safety Engineers and safety personnel or the disaster mitigation and
reduction managers, and those who are responsible for assuring the safety of everyone
in each area shall ensure that:
• resources are made available to undertake risk control analyses, develop action
plans and implement adequate controls for the hazard;
• where identified as required by the risk control analysis, a safe work practice
is developed for each critical hazard, in consultation with the OHS Committee;
• the OHS Committee and the OHS Office are provided with copies of all risk
control analyses, action plans, safe work practices, inspection forms and pre-
operation checklists as they are developed;
• employees who must undertake the hazardous operation are adequately trained
and familiarized with any safe work practices relevant to the hazard(s) present;
• risk control analysis forms, safe work practices, inspection forms, and pre-
operation checklists and kept readily available to employees, and completed
documents are kept on file.
To ensure that what has been identified must be implemented and followed to
the letter, the process of developing preventative and protective measures must
not be regarded as a one-time exercise, but a continuous process.
Other regulations and OHS standards also require the use of personal protective
equipment in certain situations.
Whenever a situation arises where the use of personal protective equipment
may be required, the OOHS should be consulted for professional advice and
relevant standards to assist those involved in the development, review or
revision of a hazard control strategy, safe work practice, inspection form or pre-
operation checklist. The OOHS Committee shall be advised of these situations
and shall be provided the opportunity to provide input on the selection and use
of personal protective equipment, which is regarded as adequately protective for
the task to be undertaken and the hazard(s) presented.